Sima Youyue took back Huahua and Xiaomeng, and their plates remained on the table.

"A good meal, so they were stirred up." Di Wu said with emotion.

"Don't you be full when those people came?" Sima Youyue said.

He finished all the things he made, and the last fruit didn't eat much.

"Are you safe?" Mousse asked. "I heard that the Pang's secret method is particularly powerful. After all, it is your contract beast. If you let them find it, it will be troublesome."

"Relax, this will be fine." Sima Youyue said affirmatively.

If it is only contract space, perhaps this Qixi Festival will be passed on to her, but Huahua is going to the soul tower, there is simply another space, even if they use the secret method to track, they can not chase here.

Seeing her so confident, Di Wu and Mousse were relieved.

Then she cleaned up all the breath of those people in the yard with spiritual skills.

"It's finally fine now." She clapped her hands and smiled.

Mousse looked at her and suddenly came to her, kneeling down suddenly, startled her and Di Wu.

"Muse, what are you doing?"

Mousse gave her two heads and said, "Please save my father! With your presence, I will be able to find my father back!"

Sima Youyue looked at him, but he did not expect that he would make this request, and she did not care about him. She took out a chair and sat down, saying, "I have my own business to do. You know this."

"I know, so I'm not asking you to help me right away. Can you help me find my father after you've done your job?" Mousse said.

"Your father has been missing for so many years without any clues. How easy is it to find someone to talk to?" Sima Youyue said, "Besides, we just met, why should I help you? To put it bluntly, what benefits can I get from helping you?"

"As long as you're willing to help me, you can let me do anything." Mousse said.

"What can I do for you?" Sima Youyue said, "I will leave here when I rescue my father. I may never come here again in this life. What can I do for you?"

Mousse's face turned red. She was right that she had no effect on her at all. In this real world, who would help him for free? Even Yoko was good to him for a purpose, not to mention a person who hasn't known each other for less than a day.

However, he intuitively told him that after this time, he didn't know when he could find his father.

"If you can find my father, I am willing to follow you. Although I am not strong now, but I am still young, and one day, I will be useful to you."

Sima Youyue looked at him, wondering whether she would agree. Although she had known each other for a while, she still liked and sympathized more with him. They are all alone, but there are many friends and masters who pay him along the way, and he has no one.

Speaking of which, he was much poorer than her.

However, if she agreed, she didn't know what would be involved.

Seeing that she was still hesitant, Mousse took out a black jade Jane and said, "Dad went for a treasure hunt. If you find him, you can find this treasure. The treasure is yours by then."

Sima Youyue saw that Yu Jian was slightly stunned. It turned out that he had found this thing long ago, but he never told others.

This kid was pretty similar before.

"You are not afraid. You take this out. Do I do nothing after I grab it?"

"You won't," Mousse said affirmatively, "I believe in you."

Sima Youyue looked at him, took Yujian from his hand, and said, "Don't you know that sometimes you can't blindly trust others? Especially since we haven't known each other for a day."

Mousse said nothing, saying that he totally believed her was impossible, but he was betting, if he won, he would get back his father.

Moreover, although they knew each other shortly, they told him directly that she would help him.

Seeing him look like this again, Sima Youyue sighed and said, "I think about it, you get up first."

Mousse hesitated for a moment and stood up.

"Have you seen anything inside?" She played with Yu Jian, which is really a treasure map?

She was skeptical.

Mousse shook his head and said, "There is a ban inside, I can't open it now."

"Oh?" She deliberately pierced into it, and she encountered a layer of obstacles.

This ban was difficult for Mousse, but it was easy for her.

With a little effort, she came into that level of restraint.

There is no treasure map mentioned by Mousse in Yujian. There is only a figure of promotion, which should be the consciousness left by his father.

Feeling that someone came in, the consciousness opened his eyes and saw that it was not his son, but a woman she didn't know, and his expression changed greatly, and he asked, "What about my child ?!"

"You can rest assured that Mousse is fine," Sima Youyue said, "It was he who let me in. He is now outside, and you can feel it."

Mousse's father, Mu Lianjie, sensed that his child was okay, then looked at her and asked, "Why did you give this to you?"

"He thought it was a treasure map, and wanted me to come back to you, so he gave it to me. But so far, there is no treasure map here!" Said Sima Youyue.

"There is indeed a treasure, but I haven't left a treasure map," Mulianjie said. "If you can find me, maybe you will find a treasure."

"You are not looking for treasure." Sima Youyue said with certainty, "If you don't tell me the truth, I won't agree with him."

"There is a treasure in the place I go, but I'm not looking for treasure. I'm trying to save people."

"Save people?"

"Yes, a friend I know, although he has a short acquaintance, I promised that if something happened to him, I would save him."

"Who is he?"

"I can't tell you who he is, but I think you should also be able to guess. Because, you have a breath similar to him."

Sima Youyue froze and said, "Are you going to save my father?"

"It turns out that Sima Liuxuan is your father." Mu Lianjie smiled.

"Yes. Where is he now?"

"I don't know where he is. I only know that he disappeared at Mushan. I'll know before I go to find it." Murrenjie said, "Child, I want to entrust you with one thing."


"If I was dead when you found me, I want to ask you to take Mousse out of here."

Sima Youyue was silent for a while, and said, "Okay."

Mu Lianjie got her promise and fell asleep again. It seemed that all he wanted to say to her was that. He must keep his spirit and wait for his children to come in and give him orders.

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