Sima Youyue felt in her heart and said to the god, "If you have really died, I will take care of Mousse."

Mu Lianjie's mouth rose slightly, it seemed that she had heard her.

Mousse looked at Sima Youyue and saw a slight change of expression on her face, knowing that this should be fine.

After a while, Sima Youyue retracted the consciousness and returned Yujian to him, saying, "There is no treasure map in it."

"No ?!" Mousse was shocked. "Why not? My father said that this is very important. If he is gone, use this to find him."

"Inside is a godly legacy left by your father." Sima Youyue said, "He is sealed with a restraint, he wants to wait until you have the strength to enter."

Mousse is a bit lost. If this is not a treasure map, what capital does he have to talk to her about conditions?

"Don't lose yourself. I promise you to take you to your father, but I can't guarantee that he will be found. Because he doesn't even know what he will encounter when he goes there." Sima You Said.

Mousse heard what she said. She said that the future was unknown, and his father might be gone.

"Since there is no treasure map, why should Dad tell others that he is a treasure hunt?" Mousse did not understand.

"I think one is to hide your eyes and the other is to find an umbrella for you." Sima Youyue said.

Since his father is a taboo that cannot be mentioned here, then Murenjee must not speak blatantly to save him. But if he wants to go out, he must find a reasonable reason.

In addition, if something happened to him, as long as the treasure hadn't appeared, Mousse wouldn't have happened. At least, a so-called friend like Yangzi would raise him purposefully.

But she can't tell Mousse these days, if she can still find Mu Lianjie, if not, tell him the truth.

After being so troubled by several people, Sima Youyue put away the things, and took out the tables and chairs, and arranged the house, and it finally looked like a living.

There are only two bedrooms in total. After Sima Youyue brought Di Wuyi to the mousse's room, she closed the door and thought about Muranda and her father. But she didn't get any news. She couldn't think of anything. She sighed and decided to practice it tonight.

In order to ensure safety, she arbitrarily arranged an enchantment in the yard, and then the three of them slept to sleep and practiced. The yard finally quieted after an afternoon in the yard.

Compared to the quiet courtyard, the outside of the ghost town turned upside down. In the morning, Master Zhang's family was killed. In the afternoon, Meng Tianshan's life card was broken again. Seventh Lord Pang's family died, and Master Pang's disappeared.

This series of incidents exploded several families. If at first they were still skeptical of the refugee Zhang Shuo was chasing, now they have no direction at all.

Because there are so many guards, it is not a little guy to deal with. Especially Pang Qi, who was half-footed to the honor level, was sent to protect the young master because of his strength. Now that others are dead and the master is missing, they have assigned the suspects to a level above the honorary level.

But there are a lot of people in the whole ghost town. It's not easy to find out who it is.

But no matter how difficult, they have to check, the young lady who dare to kill them has so many guards, how can they easily let go! In particular, this is a matter of face, so it is impossible to check it.

The Pang family has to be investigated, because their young master is still missing!

If it weren't for his life cards, they would have gone violently like the Zhang family.

Zhangjia Mansion, Chamber of Commerce.

The parents Zhang and Zhang Qi are kneeling underneath the person who went out today to investigate the news.

Zhang Shuo's status in the Zhang family is not particularly high. Although they sent someone to investigate, it was not enough to bother the entire elder regiment and patriarch. The patriarch sent Zhang Qilai to take charge of this matter, which has been regarded as more important. If it is someone else, it is estimated that a supervisor will be directly responsible.

"What's found?" Zhang Qi asked.

"Back to the elder, we saw that we checked Master Zhang Shuo's itinerary today. Everyone said that he was chasing the mousse boy and went to a remote place." The guard leader said.

"Why not grab that mousse?" Zhang Qi asked.

"That mousse should not be. And he is special, and we are not good at catching him," the guard answered.


"His father is Mu Lianjie."

Hearing Mu Lianjie's name, Zhang Qi's eyes narrowed and he said, "It's him."

"Yes. Because of the former will of the city owner, we can easily catch the mousse." The guard said, "but it is impossible for that mousse to kill Master Zhang Shuo."

"Should Mu Lianjie's son be more powerful?" Zhang Qi asked.

"Back to the elders, this mousse is not Murenjie's real son, but he brought it back when he went out fifteen years ago." The guard said, "So it was only a fifteen-year-old child. In a few years, how could it be possible to kill so many guards and Master Zhang Shuo. Master Zhang Shuo co-authored with a few young masters from other families and it was common for him to die half-dead. "

Zhang Qi thought about it and also eliminated Mousse. Since he is an unqualified person, he doesn't need to think too much.

"Since those people finally saw Zhang Shuo left after chasing Mousse, that Mousse might find out something. Go to him and check to see if you can get any clues." Zhang Qi said.

"Yes, elder."

On the second day, Sima Youyue was disturbed by the movements from the enchantment. When she woke up from Ruding, Mousse had already gone outside for a circle. Her enchantment is to prevent outsiders from coming in and disturb, but she is not forbidden to go out.

Mousse didn't expect to encounter obstacles when he entered the yard. He walked forward with a sullen head, feeling the yard going in, but didn't want to be blocked outside. He rushed forward again, and was bounced to the ground by a force.

He was still wondering why he couldn't get in the yard, a ripple flashed, and Sima Youyue's voice came out.

"come in."

Mousse got up, patted the dust on his clothes, and slowly tried to get in. There really was nothing to stop him this time.

"Where have you been?" Sima Youyue opened the door and asked.

"I went out and looked around to see what was going on outside," Mousse said. "What was that just now?"

"Enchantment. Don't you know?"

Mousse shook his head and said, "My dad rarely taught me this before. By the time I can practice, he has disappeared."

Seeing his curious eyes, Sima Youyue asked involuntarily, "Do you want to learn?"

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