Mousse shined.

"Can I?"

"It's not difficult to say this, it's not easy to say, if you have a chance in the future, you can give it to you." Sima Youyue said, "I think my father should be able to find him and let him hand you over. "

Mousse also knows that Sima Youyue has no time to teach herself now. If she has time in the future, she can learn well.

"How are you going outside today to see what's going on? Can you go out of town?" Sima Youyue asked.

"No," said Mousse. "It is said that there is something in the forbidden area, so the entire city has been sealed. Neither the human race nor the ghost race can go out of the city. And the people of the Zhangjiameng and Pang families search everywhere and catch who You have to cross-examine, so there are fewer people on the street. "

"You went out, they didn't catch you?" Di Wu asked.

"They caught me and looked at it, but as soon as they saw me, they let me go." Mousse said.

"You were bullied before. They naturally didn't believe you could kill Zhang Shuo." Sima Youyue said, "It is estimated that they have now locked their target above the honorable level."

"The one who can kill the half step lord, in their opinion, naturally requires half step lord or more." Sima Youyue said, "This is good, it can save us a lot of trouble."

"Did you say they would still find here?" Di Wu asked.

"Zhang Shuo chased away Mousse before being killed." Sima Youyue said, "whether or not he did it, they will send someone to ask him."

"That's what it is." Di Wu nodded. "The biggest thing these big families like to do is get angry. Maybe they'll hang the boy for a fight."

"Okay, don't scare him," Sima Youyue said, "but Mousse, do you know what those people are saying to you, how do you say?"

"Just say they chased me into a small alley, then met you there and were saved by you. He was alive and well when we left." Mousse said.


Anyway, no one sees the later things. As for how the guy went to the forbidden area, how did they know?

"But Miss, we have to think of a reasonable identity, otherwise we have been nesting here, how to go out!" Di Wu said.

"If those people ask, it means that we are just a small family in the north of the city. I happened to pass by here, and saw that they were bullying Mousse, and I saved it." Sima Youyue said.

"That's OK? Those people are not fools, where would they believe us. As long as someone is sent to investigate, we will be miserable." Di Wu said.

"They're busy looking for the killer now. Where can I find us?" Sima Youyue said, "And the managers in these two areas, the south and the north, are indifferent. It will not be easy to find them."

"how come?"

"If it was someone else to check, it might still be smoother, but if the Zhang family were to enter the North District, they would be stopped." Sima Youyue said with a smile.

"Also, isn't this house the manager on the south side? People there will definitely pay attention to their people. But miss, if they check up smoothly?" Di Wu said.

"That's bad luck for us. Then we'll find a way out," Sima Youyue said, "Yes, did you have breakfast?"

"Eat a bit," Mousse responded.

What he didn't say was that since she ate the buns she ate yesterday, she ate those buns and she had no idea. I usually eat three big buns. I only ate one today.

"Don't eat it? I'll get you something to eat." Sima Youyue said again and took out the cooking home, boiled him a pot of assorted porridge, cooked a few cakes, and fried two side dishes.

Although he has also eaten porridge and biscuits in general, what she does is delicious.

Di Wu feels that it is also good to be with the mousse boy, at least he can eat many meals made by young ladies. This is a treatment that Di Liu and even the master did not have.

But why is the lady so nice to this little guy? Especially after looking at Yu Jian, his eyes are different.

What's in Jade Jane? His heart was curious, but the lady didn't say, and it didn't help him to ask.

Sima Youyue looked at Mousse's head, with some regrets, some distress, and some pity.

Unexpectedly, his father actually disappeared to save his father. If Mu Lianjie is still alive, he will help him find his father. If a person is no longer in this world, then she will be ashamed of him in her life.

Especially considering that he was so young because he lived alone and was bullied for so many years, she felt that she had to make good compensations to compensate him.

Mousse felt her gaze and looked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Sima Youyue smiled. "How is it, is it delicious?"


"When you are a boy and you are growing up, cultivation will also consume your energy and eat more."


"Muse?" Yangzi came in from the outside and saw the three men eating in the courtyard. The picture was a little warm and made him feel a sense of crisis.

"Uncle Yangzi! You are here!" Mousse raised a smile on his face and waved at him, saying, "Si Yue has made some meals, which are delicious. Would you like to try them?"

Yangzi looked at the pots and pans beside him, and at a glance he recognized that it was a magical weapon, and he was more prepared for Sima Youyue.

"It smells good. But I don't eat these things anymore. You eat it yourself."

As he said, he walked over and found that Sima Youyue's cooking for Mousse was made of spiritual vegetables. Even for a bowl of rice, he could feel the spiritual power contained in it.

Such things are much more useful than the few subpar crystals he sent!

"Your name is Siyue?" Yangzi looked at Sima Youyue.

"Yes." Sima Youyue answered lightly.

"Uncle Yang Zi, why are you here? Is something going on outside?" Mousse asked.

"It can be said that it is a mess of porridge now," Yangzi said. "Zhangjiameng and Pangjia are catching suspicious characters everywhere. How can you still ..."

He didn't finish his words, but that meant to say how to keep these people at home.

"Uncle Yang Zi, Siyue, they are not suspicious characters. They are the members of the Chengbei Division." Yangzi said, "Siyue said she has never been to the south before, so this time she came here to play. Now it ’s so messy outside, they must go out. I couldn't find accommodation. They only saved me yesterday. Rarely, they didn't think I had nothing here. How can I let them go? "

"But the north and south of the city are not in harmony. If they were known by the Zhang family, they would be more trouble." Yangzi said, "Oh, look, the Zhang family is here!"

The crowd looked up, just to see a group of people coming in from outside.

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