Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1318: There really is a family of her husband

Sima Youyue looked at those people, wearing Zhangjia logo clothes, and should be Zhangjia's guards.

Yoko stepped forward, arched his hand towards the guard leader, and smiled: "Guard Peng, what kind of wind is blowing you to this refugee camp today?"

"It was Yangzi, why are you here?" Zhang Peng looked at Yangzi, wondering if this guy had killed Master Zhang Shuo.

Zhang Shuo bullied Mousse. This guy has always had a good relationship with Mousse. He has taken good care of him and it is not impossible to kill Master Zhang Shuo because of him.

As soon as Yoko saw his expression, he knew what he was thinking, and quickly explained, "Don't guard Peng, don't think about it, I didn't kill your young master."

"Really not you?" Zhang Peng didn't believe it. Now in their eyes, any possible person is a suspect.

"It's really not me. You can check. When Master Zhang Shuo died, I was busy with everyone in the shop!" Yangzi said.

"Huh, I'll check it." Zhang Peng snorted. "I hope it's not you, let's have a little friendship. If it is you, our friendship is not enough. I will definitely catch you. Go back. "

"Do n’t worry, it ’s not me, I have witnesses." Yangzi laughed. "Yes, Guard Peng, is there anything you did here? Do you suspect that Mousse killed Master Zhang Shuo?"

"With the strength of Mousse, can he kill it?" Zhang Peng said, "I was asked by Elder Qi to ask Mousse some questions."

"Is Elder Qi asking this?" Yang Zi said for a moment, surprised.

"No, Elder Kai is the most severe of all the elders, and the murderer must not escape." Zhang Peng said, "OK, you can stand aside and don't disturb me."

"Okay." Yangzi stepped aside and let Zhang Peng's eyes open. His eyes fell on the few people who were having breakfast.

When he saw Sima Youyue and Di Wu, they felt that the two were very face-to-face, and certainly they were not here.

He came to Di Wu and asked, "Who are you?"

"Master ..." Di Wu would blurt out that arrogant words, and Sima Youyue glanced back. "Ahem, I'm Di Wu, my lady's follower."

Zhang Peng looked at Sima Youyue and said, "Miss? Which lady? How can I squint my eyes?"

Sima Youyue put down her chopsticks and smiled, "I'm Siyue, the daughter of Sibei's family."

"North of the city?" Zhang Peng frowned. People in the north of the city did see less of them. However, he seems to have heard of the Si family before, and it seems to be a big family in the north of the city. It is said that he has a good relationship with the managers there.

If she is really from the Si family, then she has to be careful.

"Yes." Sima Youyue said, "If Guard Peng doesn't believe it, he can send someone to check it. I don't think anyone dares to impersonate the Si family?"

Zhang Peng heard her say this and believed her identity seven or eight. Indeed, no one dares to impersonate the Si family, let alone say such things after impersonation.

"Since it's Miss Si, why did you come to the north of the city and still be with the muse?" Zhang Peng asked.

Sima Youyue blinked, this guy has no doubt, and his attitude is much better. Is there really a Si family in the north of the city?

The Yangzi on the side also choked. Mousse didn't know the Si family. He knew it. No wonder she could come up with such a good home to make food.

Sima Youyue glanced at their reaction and knew that they were right. It seems that not only is there a Si family in the north of the city, it seems that this family is not inferior.

"Isn't this going out for fun?" She laughed. "It happened that when I came here yesterday, I saw a group of people bullying Mousse, so I went up and rescued him."

"Did you kill my young master?"

"Willn't your young master be the fat man with fat and big ears and wearing a red bag?" Sima Youyue said.

"Master Zhang Shuo is indeed fatter," Zhang Peng said. "So you really killed my master!"

"No, no, no, I didn't kill that fat man! I don't like fat people the most. When I see a fat man, I don't want to touch it, how could I kill him!" Sima Youyue said, "I am Kill a few guards and rescue the little guy. "

"You didn't really kill my young master?"

"If you don't have it, don't believe it!" Sima Youyue sank and became a little angry.

"Miss Si don't get angry, we are also routinely questioning." Zhang Peng said.

"Well, have you finished the question? Hurry up after you ask, Miss Ben looks at you with pain!" Sima Youyue was angry.

Sure enough, it came from everybody. This petite temperament is the same as those of the family. But since going out, this disposition is useless. Especially in other people's territory.

Zhang Peng suppressed the anger in her heart and said, "Miss Si, you are Miss Sijia. This refugee camp is not suitable for you. My Zhang family is the manager of the south of the city. When you come here, we naturally want to be the landlord. Friendship, you might as well move to Zhangjia.

"Don't go." Sima Youyue refused, "I live comfortably here and don't want to move."

"Miss Si, the house in this place is old and broken. Where can I live with you. Why not go with us to the Zhang family?" Zhang Peng said.

"As long as people look good and live comfortably, even in such a place, I live happily." Sima Youyue said, "I once heard my father say that your Zhang family is not very friendly, I am afraid I went to be bullied. So it is good to live here after all. "

"Miss Secretary ..."

"Don't you just want me to go to the Zhang family, so as to cross-examine me if you killed your young master? Today, I will give you peace of mind." Then, she put her hand to her heart and said, "I swear to the **** of darkness , My people and I have never killed Zhang Shuo, or even touched him. If I lie, it will make me fall into **** forever. "

Then a black light fell into her chest, and after a while, she didn't feel any discomfort.

Zhang Peng did not expect that this Miss Sijia had a little brain, knowing that she did not really invite her to live there, and she clarified her innocence in this way.

In their opinion, since it was Miss Sijia who came out to play, there would certainly not be only one attendant, and there must be a master in the dark protecting it.

She did not kill, nor did her guards kill. He wanted her to go to Zhang's house, he just wanted to lead the people behind, but he couldn't catch her openly.

Now that the oath has proven his innocence, he can rule out her suspicion.

"Miss Si, you misunderstood, I have no meaning." Zhang Peng said.

"It doesn't matter if you have such a meaning," said Sima Youyue, "I don't think it's okay to swear like those people. If this proves my innocence, it will save me a lot of trouble, and I won't be unhappy. I saved Mousse that day and left. As for what happened to your young master, he doesn't know, so you have nothing to ask. Please come back! "

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