Sima Youyue's face suddenly turned black when Huang Zhong laughed so much.

Really pervasive guy!

In particular, three women were also brought, looking at their eyes with the same needle, can't wait to poke a few holes in themselves.

Sima Youyue walked over, put things on the table beside him, and said, "Father, let's sit here."

Sima Liuxuan smiled, nodded apologetically, and got up to Sima Youyue.

"Dad, this looks pretty good, so I got you a little more." Sima Youyue said.

"it is good."

"Dad, this spirit fruit looks like it should be a good quality fruit. It's good to eat a little after dinner."

"it is good."

"Dad, let's have dinner and stay on the deck for a while."

"it is good."

Sima Youyue and Sima Liuxuan talked while eating, not paying attention to those who were looking at themselves.

However, the people on the side did not have a quiet consciousness and had to intervene.

"Going to the deck? I'm going to the deck too soon, let's go together."


Sima Youyue gave him a blank eye and ignored him.

Langzhong walked over voluntarily and rushed to Sima Youyue, saying, "I know where I can see the scenery outside!"

Sima Youyue thought, and turned her head and asked, "Really?"

"Of course, I lied to you," laughed Langzhong.

"Okay, then you go together." Sima Youyue agreed.

On the side, Yang Xi, who had eaten a few of the spiritual fruits there, heard the movements here and gave Li Yao a look.

Li Yao understood it, and after eating two spirits, he got up and came to Sima Youyue to sit down at their table.

"Hello, are you called Youyue? I'm so sorry. We shouldn't laugh at you on the deck before." Li Yao looked at her apologetically, "Will you forgive us?"

Sima Youyue looked at her. Although she tried to make herself look sincere, she caught the disdain of her eyes.

However, when she first came to the inner circle, she had fewer people in contact with her, and now she doesn't want to rip her face and make enemies directly because of this.

"It's not a big deal," she said lightly, not enthusiastically.

"Do you forgive us for that?" Li Yao said with a smile. "My name is Li Yao. I'm here to see the Li Family in Fuzhou. What about you? I heard the Lord of the City called you Youyue."

"Sima Youyue." Sima Youyue replied briefly, and did not elaborate on her background.

Li Yao sneered in his heart. Sixty-four states really felt embarrassed in front of himself.

However, even if you don't say it, I know your background, huh, what else is there in front of us?

"It was the Miss of the Sima family." Li Yao said, "This is Miss Yang Xi of the Yang Family in the 16th State, and Miss Fang Qi who is with my state Fang Family."

Sima Youyue looked at them, they all smiled at herself, and she coped with it casually.

Yang Xi came over and sat at the table with them, smiling: "Girl Sima, everyone can take a space boat together, and it is a fate to know each other."

"Yeah, ape dung!" Sima Youyue said pointedly.

"I don't know where Miss Sima is going?" Yang Xi asked.

"Sixty-four states."

"Sixty-four states? So coincident, so are we! It seems we are going to be in one place." Yang Xi said.

"Oh? Aren't you sixteen states?"

"There was a convention in the sixty-four states. We received the invitation, so we went there before we went back." Yang Xi said.


Sima Youyue's reaction was very dull, and she didn't have the curiosity she expected, so she didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Li Yao relieved her.

"Miss Sima, you are from the sixty-four states. You should know this convention. I heard that it is a competition for women's alchemists!" Li Yao said.

"Women's Alchemy Competition?" There is also an alchemy competition for women?

She was a little surprised, this had never been heard before.

"Why, don't you know?" The surprise on Li Yao's face was real this time, and a family member in 64 states didn't even know the game.

Sima Youyue shook her head and said, "I haven't been back for many years. This time, I haven't returned yet! Why hold a women's alchemy contest?"

"Actually not." Yang Xi said.



"But didn't you just say, did the women's alchemy match?" Sima Youyue was confused by them.

"This is only part of the conference." Li Yao said, "This conference is actually a women's party, except that during the party, there will be competitions such as alchemy and alchemy."


"It was said that in the past it was for everyone to discuss at the party, but it has spread to the present. It has become a competition between women. It has completely deviated from its original intention." Li Yao explained.

"So it is." Sima Youyue knew.

"I don't know Miss Sima, what will you do?" Fang Qi asked.

"Everything is a little bit." Sima Youyue said.

"It seems that Miss Sima is involved in a wide range of things." Li Yao praised, but said the opposite in his heart.

Will everything be a little bit?

All three laughed in their hearts, thinking that she was just talking big, and she said that she wanted to build a space ship by herself.

"So it seems that Sima is going to participate in this competition?"

"It depends." Sima Youyue didn't say anything. If it is interesting, you can go and see.

"You Yue, whether you go to the competition or not, I will follow you." Lang Zhong said, "In short, wherever you go, I will go."

Sima Youyue saw Yang Xi's face suddenly changed, as if the disguise was about to break, she refused to her lips and then spared.

"Okay, whatever you want. As long as you don't disturb my life."

In their conversation, Sima Liuxuan finished eating Sima Youyue and got him something. Langzhong immediately invited them to visit the outside scenery.

"Our Lord of the City, we are also more curious about how we look outside. Can you take us with you?" Yang Xi looked at him with big eyes. The affectionate appearance made Sima Youyue describe it as Qiao Xiaoqian Xi, beauty is looking forward.

Such a woman really has the qualifications to be a curse!

However, Huang Zhong was not received by the radio waves from her and refused directly: "That place is too small to accommodate so many people. You Yue, Uncle Sima, let's go."

Sima Youyue and Sima Liuxuan both twitched.

Uncle Sima? Isn't Sima Liuxuan older than him? According to Sima Youyue's guess, how could he be a half-old monster!

Uncle Sima, how did he shout out? !!

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