Langzhong took them away and left Yang Xi with resentment.

If the eyes can kill people, Sima Youyue is estimated to have died thousands of times.

"Miss Yang, don't you say that kind of competition is too boring, don't go, just go back? Why suddenly go again?" Fang Qi asked puzzledly.

"That kind of competition was boring, and I didn't plan to participate. There was only one reason to disembark with them." Yang Xi lengheng.


"Fang Qi, you can think about it. Spiritual power is not allowed on the space ship, so naturally we can't do it here. Since Sima Youyue is going to go down in 64 states, we naturally have to go down." Li Yao said.

"So it is." Fang Qi came to understand.

Li Yao glanced lightly at Yang Xi's clenched fist, and a touch of irony was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

The news they heard before was that the Lord of the City was following Sima Youyue, and they said where she went and where he went.

Ever since Yang Xi came up, his eyes have not left Langzhong. Hearing this news, he naturally has to keep up.

Of course, she wouldn't say that, otherwise it would be her.

Yang Xi's face was calm, and the nails of his hands were deeply in his palms.

Where is she, where are you, and if, then, there is no more her in this world?

Sima Youyue naturally felt the killing gaze behind her, but she was not worried that no one would dare to use spiritual power on the space ship.

She and her father followed Huangzhong to the deck, but Huangzhong did not stop, but took them to the fourth floor to the first room.

"This is it?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Yes, you can see it when you go in." Huang Zhong said, "This is the room card I got only after looking for a relationship. It cost me a lot of money!"

Sima Youyue didn't feel much about his invitation, so naturally he wouldn't praise him, but urged: "Since so, then you open the door."

Langzhong was not annoyed. He took out a special room card and swiped it. The door opened in response.

"go in."

Sima Youyue took Sima Liuxuan's hand. If there was anything in it, she could respond quickly.

However, the moment she entered the room, the whole person was still.

At this moment, she seemed to be standing in the void, with many planets passing by in front of her eyes, and some even shining.

And she is standing at the top of the world and overlooking the vast starry sky!

She was fascinated by the sight, but did not find that her body emits a soft light, which makes her seem to blend into this vast starry sky.

Lang Zhong and Sima Liuxuan looked at her, neither of them made a sound, she could even feel something here!

After a while, the soft light on Sima Youyue spread out, turning into a bit of light, flying around her, and radiating with the starlight in the distance.


Neither Sima Liuxuan nor Huang Zhong had seen such an understanding, and could not help but sigh in his heart.

"Sure enough, there is someone with a great fortune." Huang Zhong's eyes looked deeper as she watched Sima Youyue.

Those rays turned around Sima Youyue for a while, and then all entered her body.

When all the light was gone, she opened her eyes and woke up.

Langzhong and Sima Liuxuan found that the breath on Sima Youyue became softer and more agile.

"I didn't expect that you can feel it here. Congratulations." For the first time, Huang Zhong felt that in addition to making herself look comfortable, she also had the talent to make people face up.

Sima Youyue had just realized, and she was in a good mood. She looked gratefully with gratitude and smiled sincerely.

"Thank you. I wouldn't have felt it if you hadn't brought us here," she thanked.

"This is also your own talent." Huang Zhong did not contribute, "There are many people who have entered this house, but you are the first one to feel it here."

Sima Youyue smiled, "It seems my luck is really good."

This is not a matter of luck.阆 Center Road, but no one continues to say this, go on, it seems to compliment.

Sima Youyue looked at the starry sky outside and asked a little curiously: "How can I see the scenery here? There is no sense of dizziness."

"Because of this." He pointed to a stone platform in the room.

"This one?"

Looking at Sima Youyue and Sima Liuxuan, the stone platform was not good-looking, and even looked rough, with many grooves on it.

Is this the thing that allows them to see the scenery outside?

"This is from an ancient mining area, it can change the magnetic field around us, and make those rays slow down here. So I don't feel dizzy when I look at it." He Zhong explained, "But therefore, what we see is not Everything looks like outside. "

Sima Youyue and Sima Liuxuan both nodded. They were fast outside and slow inside.

"What a treasure. If I build a space ship in the future, I really want to dig this back."

Langzhong drew a corner of her mouth, and she was still thinking about building a space ship? !!

Although he didn't laugh at her, he still didn't believe her, but since he is a person he likes, then that's over. But she didn't expect to remember this.

She also wants to dig this out. Does she know the value of this thing?

Before he asked the question, he heard Sima Youyue murmured: "However, this thing must be of high value. I don't know if the other party is willing to cut love. If not, do you want to grab it then?"

"Kee ---" Zhong Zhong was taken aback by her words and said, "Do you know who this ship is?"


"Forty-nine states." Huang Zhong only said the number of states, and everyone knows what this means.

"It was forty-nine states! I heard Grandpa said it was very powerful." Sima Youyue touched her chin. "Since that is the case, let's talk about it at that time."

Langzhong drew a corner of her mouth. Are you really going to grab it then?

If she did come, what would she do?

"Dad, are there other people in those places?" Sima Youyue said, looking at the planet outside.

"Yes, those places, we have become extraterritorial." Sima Liuxuan said, "But no one has been to those places."

"No one is going?"

"Those places are far away from us," Langzhong said.

Far away, there is no special way to approach.

"Are the people we met in Wonderland the same as those in those places?" Sima Youyue asked.

Sima Liuxuan once heard her say, so she knew what she was talking about.

"I think so. But I don't know where it is," he said.

Sima Youyue looked at the lights outside, guessing that those places should be similar to them, not the place that controls the heaven.

Emperor Qingdao ...

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