Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1446: Why didn't you show up earlier

Although Sima Zhiyuan wanted to ask about the details of Sima Liuxuan, because of Zhongzhongzai, they could only talk about some other things.

"Homeowner, who did this to us?" Huang Yingying asked.

Sima Zhiyuan shook his head. "Because of the recent years, there are many people who know about us. Many people don't want us to improve."

Therefore, many people want to start with them.

"Is the people outside cautious because of the Sima family's accident, or has anyone else had such a thing?" Sima Liuxuan asked.

The name of Sima Liuxuan has changed, saying that it is not the Sima family.

"Because of us." Sima Zhiyuan said, "The 10,000-year-old Xuanyueguo, this temptation is too great. They naturally want to ensure the safety of the participants."

"Indeed. However, that Xuanyueguo is not something you can win by the game?"

"It was said to heal Shaofu's talents, but I think they all ignored this automatically."

"He is really a very affectionate person." Huang Zhong sighed, his eyes were dark, and he didn't know what he thought of.

Time passed in their conversation, and a few hours later, Sima Youyue opened the door of the house.

"How's that?" Huang Yingying came to her and asked worriedly.

"It's under control. I'm awake now, but very weak." Sima Youyue said.

"Really? Already woke up? I'll go in and see."

Sima Youyue was not blocked, Huang Yingying pushed in the door excitedly.

She heard that after Huang Yingying went in, someone called her mother.

It turned out that she had her aunt in it. No wonder she was so anxious before.

"Let's go in and see."

Others followed in, leaving Sima Youyue who was resting in the middle and leaning on a pillar.

"Really successful?"

"If you don't believe it, you can look at it, Tong Ye is not bullying." Sima Youyue said confidently.

Langzhong didn't seem to believe. He bypassed her and went into the room. Sure enough, he saw that the unconscious person had opened his eyes.

Although relatively weak, it did wake up.

A bit out of control, he quickly walked to the bed, grabbed a woman's hand to check, and then stopped.

Really ... under control ...

"Wangzhong, what are you doing ?!" Huang Yingying drank.

However, Langzhong ignored her and sat still beside the bed.


Langzhong suddenly stood up, came to another woman, checked her, and still got the same result.

"Really can ... really ..." murmured Wu Zhong.

Sima Youyue came in and saw him out of control.

driven to distraction? why?

"Yizhong!" Huang Ying was angry, and the voice of scolding suddenly rose.

"Grandma, he is examining their bodies." Sima Youyue said.

Is he also a doctor?

Langzhong heard Sima Youyue's voice, turned her head to look at her, and moved her lips, but said nothing.

"How?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Why?" Wu Zhong didn't answer.

Why? Why?

Sima Youyue is puzzled.

Langzhong watched her gaze hurt, why didn't you show up earlier? If someone could suppress her toxins, would she be able to wait for her antidote?

He stood up and moved his mind, a piece of Dan Fang appeared in his hands. He came to Sima Youyue, put Dan Fang in her hand, and then bypassed him.

Sima Youyue looked down at Dan Fang in her hand and smiled.

This is agreed to make a deal!

"Yuyue, what is this?"

Sima Youyue raised Yang Danfang, "The antidote for the 100-day sleep. I'll go and refine the antidote first."

After speaking, without waiting for the others to speak, she turned around and went to the unoccupied room next to her, arranged the enchantment, and started to practice alchemy.

"Mother, is she the younger brother's daughter?" The woman who was first checked by his wife asked quietly.

"Yes," Huang Yingying replied, "Kite, how are you feeling?"

"Just a bit weak." Sima Liuyu's voice was weak.

When I woke up just now, I saw a little girl. She smiled at herself and said that you are too weak now. Don't talk, just go and heal other people.

That seven-point-like face was like her, except for their child, she could not think of anyone else.

What a prodigious child ...

"Right, mother, what about younger brother?"

Huang Yingying looked back, and the people gave way, and she saw a person with silver hair and a smile on her mouth.

"Sister Nine, I'm back."

With a sound of nine sisters, Sima Liuyu's tears fell instantly.

Sima Zhiyuan looked at them and said to others, "Since everyone is awake, don't stop here, let's go out first."

The rest of the clan left, leaving them to Huang Yingying.

People have woke up, then they have to check, who is the poisonous hand!

Sima Youyue refining the alchemy in the room. For the first time, the refining of this elixir was a little rusty, and it succeeded after two exercises.

Looking at the elixir in her hand, she remembered the painful eyes in her chest.

He reacted so much, it should be that very important people have been poisoned by it. But he failed to develop an antidote in time.

Why did she say that, why did she suppress it?


She sighed in her heart, put away the elixir in her hand and on the table, removed the enchantment, and opened the door.

Langzhong stood in the yard and kept looking at her door, which made her stunned.

Well, she didn't feel his breath every time, and didn't find him normal outside the door.

"Alright?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

He refined it for a few days by himself, shouldn't he have been standing here for so many days?

"Um." Sima Youyue took out more and threw it into his hand.

Langzhong catches the jade bottle, pours one out, and sees the milky white elixir in the palm of her hand, her heart turns a thousand times.

"It seems you are telling the truth." He threw back the elixir.

Sima Youyue smiled and turned into the big room.

She was able to refine the antidote in such a short period of time, indicating that she had a certain understanding of these. In this case, even without his prescription, she could develop the antidote in a period of time.

So she didn't lie to him.

If he doesn't tell her, she can work out an antidote. But he didn't know how she suppressed it.

Sima Youyue came to the room, and saw Huang Yingying and several women with curly hair standing beside the bed, and her face was agitated when she saw her enter.

"Yuyue, is the antidote refined?" Huang Yingying asked.

"Um." Sima Youyue nodded. "The first time you eat it, you need it later, and then you can make it again."

She took out the elixir and distributed it to the woman and let them feed.

"This is great!"

"If there is an antidote, you will be fine!"

Langzhong stood in the yard and looked at a group of people in the room who couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Such joy, he did not have the opportunity to feel it.

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