"Is this really an antidote?"

In the midst of cheers, a voice of questioning came and instantly extinguished everyone's enthusiasm.

Several people froze and looked at the speaker.

"Miao Xihua, what do you mean!" Huang Yingying shouted when he saw his baby granddaughter questioned.

"It was originally!" Miao Xihua said, "The poison master said that it was not poisoning, did you say it was poisoning? And also said that it was a very powerful poison that had been lost, so is this antidote reliable? One is not in the family Will a grown-up be so good to the family? "

She said this, and the people who were just agitated were also somewhat skeptical.

"This, Yingying, Xihua also said something. The child is our life, but we can't make a difference." Someone said.


"Grandma, don't get angry." Sima Youyue held Huang Yingying and said, "They don't believe it, we have nothing to say, this is not what we beg them for. They don't believe it, so just use it, don't force it."

She knows that Miao Xihua is Sima Tu's wife, and her grandmother is a generation.

"Yuyue." Huang Yingying froze, watching those people displeased.

His granddaughter kindly saved people, but they were so questioned, it really made people angry!

"It's nothing," said Sima Youyue. "They don't eat or not, it has no effect on us."

Speaking, she looked at the women and said, "Since you don't believe me, then don't give them food. But this time, I will only help you for the sake of my great-grandfather. If you choose not to believe me and ask me later, then I will not speak so well. "

"Well, please don't help later!" Huang Yingying said.

"Grandma, let the aunt take the antidote first." Sima Youyue said.

"it is good."

Huang Yingying took the antidote to Sima Liuyu, and then asked with concern: "How?"

Sima Liuyu smiled and said, "I feel much more comfortable."

Although she said so, the skeptics still had no energy to see her and did not believe her words.

Some had a good relationship with Huang Yingying. When she saw it, she gave it to Sima Liuyu, and also gave her elixir to her child. But those people never moved.

"Since you don't believe it, give me the elixir." Sima Youyue stretched out her hands.

Miao Xihua clutched the elixir in her hand and did not plan to return it to her.

She's just not sure, but she doesn't necessarily think it's completely useless. What she wanted was to show it to the poisoner for a while, and then eat it for her daughter.

Several others thought the same way, so none returned.

Sima Youyue understood their thoughts, but did not intend to cheap them.

"Mill, little seven."

As the words ended, others only felt that the two shadows in front of them flashed. When you look at it, Sima Youyue already has a man, a girl and two teenagers beside her.

The young man, like Sima Youyue, is obviously a smaller version.

"Yueyue, elixir."

Xiaoqi and Mier handed over the elixir to Sima Youyue, and those talents saw that the elixir was gone.

Sima Youyue put away the elixir and praised: "Good job."

"Sima Youyue, what do you mean!" Miao Xihua called.

"Since you don't use this elixir, I naturally want to take it back." Sima Youyue said, "This costs a lot of medicinal materials and is very expensive."

"Since you've given this to us, where does it make sense?"

"This elixir is mine, why can't I take it back?" Sima Youyue said, "The medicinal materials are mine and the refining is also me. Your Sima family don't pay a penny. So, I am willing to give you Yes, if you want to give it to you, take it back. "


Miao Xihua they are angry, if that is the real antidote?

"Mother, I seem to be more comfortable." Sima Liuyu said suddenly, her voice was much louder.

"This elixir has begun to exert its effects now, so it will be more comfortable." Sima Youyue explained, "but this antidote is not enough to eat once, and it will be taken twice later."

"Thank you, Youyue." Sima Liuyu thanked.

"Aunt is polite."

"Mother, I also think I'm quite comfortable," said another woman taking medicine.

"me too!"

"I also feel physically weak."

"me too."

The girls who took the elixir said in a chatter, that each one was more energetic than before.

A delight in those women's hearts, it seems that this antidote is really useful!

"It really works!" They cried. "Haha, thankfully we trusted her!"

The people headed by Miao Xihua were regretful. Knowing this is true, they should believe her!

Now, the antidote has been taken back.

They all blame Miao Xihua. They hadn't thought about it at all. How could they hesitate if she hadn't encouraged her there!

Her veins had old grudges with Sima Xiuqi's veins, so they would encourage them to follow along without trusting Sima Youyue.

Blame her! How could their daughter and granddaughter still be like that.

There was a complaint in her heart, and the look in her eyes was not so good.

Miao Xihua was so angry that they glared at them and said, "I didn't force you, what do you blame me for ?! Besides, I don't know if this antidote is useful!"

"Is it true? I'll know it later," Huang Yingying said, "Kite, you'll get better soon."

"Hmm!" Sima Liuyu nodded, her eyes flashed, she lay for so many days, and finally got better.


"Grandma, I'm going to refining the antidote for the second stage of refining." Sima Youyue finished, saluted to Huang Yingying, and turned to leave.

She went out, looking for Bazhong, but found that he no longer knew where to go.

She poked, this guy left?

Well, then tell him his own way when he meets again.

She returned to the room, put on an enchantment, entered the Soul Tower, adjusted her breath to restore her consciousness, and spent a few days refining the elixir. She saw that it was too early, and she took out the refiner's handbook in the soul tower and began to look.

By this time, outside the Tower of Souls, those people were already in trouble.

"You stupid!" Sima Tu slapped Miao Xihua on the ground and sat.

"How do I know that her antidote is really useful!" Miao Xihua was wronged, "She is the granddaughter of Sima Xiuqi!"

"You're confused! Even if she is Sima Xiuqi's granddaughter, there is Sima Liuyu in there!" Sima Tu yelled, "She will ignore everyone else, can she still harm Sima Liuyu?

Miao Xihua froze, yes, Huang Yingying might make Sima Youyue harm her daughter, would she still hurt her own daughter?

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