Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1456: Killed the Jiang family

Sima Youyue looked at the corpse on the ground and said, "I encountered an ambush."

E Qiuyu saw one or two familiar faces in the corpse on the ground, but she did not expect that she was all killed!

"Are you all right?" Yin Yan asked.

"It's up to them." Even his life was gone!

"You brought us here on a temporary basis. Why did you encounter an ambush?" Yin Susu frowned, causing them some uncomfortable danger to her.

"It is estimated that I have been following me since I came to the inner circle. I killed his brother and kept clamoring for revenge on me!" Sima Youyue said.

"You killed Xu Le?" E Qiuyu exclaimed, "are you not against Enemy?"

"The ever-changing door is still very reasonable. Speaking of which, this is something Wei Wei Xiaowei told me." Sima Youyue said.

Both of them represent the ever-changing attitude.

"Do you still know Dawei Xiaowei?"

"Know!" Sima Youyue said.

"Since it was reminded by Dawei and Xiaowei, it means that the ever-changing gate will not hold Xu Leshi." Yin Susu said.

"You have a good relationship with Variety Gate?" E Qiuyu asked.

"Okay, I have saved some people." Sima Youyue said.

She fired a few flames and burned the corpses on the ground into ashes, but they found that the flames had dissipated, and in addition to the ash on the ground, there were several space rings.

Sima Youyue went up and put away those space rings, without any embarrassment.

"The inner circumference is really good. The collections are so rich." She looked at those space rings and said with a smile.


When they flew in, they saw her from a distance, and they were worried. It seems that she was not scared at all!

"Is Miss Sima going back to the city? We're going back, so let's go together." Yin Susu said.

"No, I'll send her back," Langzhong said. "I happen to have something to tell her."

Sima Youyue Yin Susu smiled and said, "Then I'll go back to Langzhong ... Yin Yan, go back here. You must be here to participate in this competition. Youyue now wishes you a successful victory."

"You don't participate?"

Sima Youyue shook her head. "I don't want to be ashamed of people of this level. I am still suitable to watch in the auditorium."

Although E Qiuyu and Yin Susu thought that if she went to join a physician or poison division, she should shine brightly, but since others didn't have the intention, they couldn't say anything.

"Yin Yun, you have to take people back." Yin Susu urged.

"Susu, you can rest assured. With him, what can happen!" E Qiuyu took Yin Susu's hand and urged: "Let's go back and prepare for the game."

"Okay. Anything, contact us." Yin Susu looked at Sima Youyue uneasily.

Well, what's wrong with this is referring to what Yin Yin has.

Sima Youyue glanced at Yin Yan and nodded, "Relax."

Yin Susu and E Qiuyu left uneasily. Sima Youyue looked at Yin Yan and said, "Let's go, what's the matter, go back and wash and talk."

Yin Yan saw the disdain in her eyes and smelled her body, she did have a very sour taste.

Back at the inn where Sima was staying, she had just thrown him in for washing, and Sima Liuxuan broke in.

"Where have you been?" Huang Yingying saw Sima Youyue returning intact, only to be nervous.

"I didn't go anywhere, just when I was in the city, I met two friends, and then they were looking for a tadpole, so they took them there." Sima Youyue explained that he did not say that he encountered a killing in the middle. .

"They said that there was movement before the city, and that they saw your spirit beast. What happened?" Sima Xiuqi asked.

"Uh ... it's nothing, just met Xu Qiang when I was outside, and then brought a few people over and said to kill me. Do you know, my strength can be moved by ordinary people? So everyone is me Kill it. "Sima Youyue said with a smile," I don't think it's okay, so I don't need to say anything to worry you. "

"It's okay! They said that all your beasts were called out, how often would you let them all come out?" Huang Yingying glared at her.

They have followed her for so long, knowing her style of work, how could she call out all the spirit beasts if it was not very urgent or dangerous?

The situation must have been extremely dangerous!

"Grandma, haven't all this passed! You don't have to worry about these. You just need to know that I won in the end." Sima Youyue went to hold Huang Yingying's hand, coquettishly.

"This matter has been completely solved?" Mousse was still very worried, all blamed for his weak strength, otherwise don't worry about it.

"Just rest assured, Xu Qiang is dead and there will be nothing." Sima Youyue said with certainty.

"What's the next time, be sure to tell us, you know?" Huang Yingying told.

"I know." Sima Youyue responded nicely, and there will be no next time anyway.

At this time, Sima Zhiyuan and Sima Heshun walked in, saw Sima Youyue, and said, "You are right back, we have something to tell you."

Sima Youyue saw the two of them anxious, nodded, and led them into the room.

"You Yue, you killed someone outside the city?" Sima Zhiyuan asked.

"Well. What's wrong?"

"One of them is from the Jiang family." Sima Zhiyuan said.

"Jiang family? Isn't it Jiang Xue's family?"


"That's a coincidence." Sima Youyue shrugged. She would kill the Jiang family if she killed anyone. It seems that she and the Jiang family are a bit different. "Why, the Jiang family came?"

"We get the news, and the Jiang family will also get the news." Sima Zhiyuan said, "The person you killed has not a low status in the Jiang family. The Jiang family has been attacking our Sima family for many years. Now there is such a good opportunity. They are I won't let it go! "

"Then they will come to meet you?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Should. But we won't pay." Sima Zhiyuan said, "What kind of thing does the Jiang family dare to start with my great-granddaughter!"

"We are here now, just to ask you the cause and effect of the matter." Sima Heshun asked, "knowing what happened, we can deal with the Jiang family."

Sima Youyue saved himself and killed Xu Le, and Xu Qiang took revenge. Sima Zhiyuan and Sima Heshun looked helpless when she looked at her.

Saving people can lead to so many things. Should I say that she is troublesome, or that she is too aggressive? !!

Sima Youyue touched her nose. She didn't want to do this!

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