Both Sima Zhiyuan and Sima Heshun believe that some things are doomed.

"Since his Jiang family asked for it, there is no reason to ask us for help." Sima Zhiyuan said, "However, according to the Jiang family's current thinking, I'm afraid I will use this as an excuse to do something to us."

"Are we weaker than them?" Sima Youyue asked.

"The two are almost the same, but their ancestors are a little bit stronger than ours. If the time comes for the final struggle, the ancestors will not stand idly by."

"It's nothing, as long as our ancestors are promoted, they will not be our opponents!" Sima Zhiyuan said, "Yuyue, are you all right?"

"Rest assured, I went out and got Xuanyue Fruit this time." Sima Youyue finished and took out a 10,000-year-old Xuanyue Fruit. The year is about the same as the prize in this competition. "Great-grandfather, I think it's better to keep it secret for the time being."

"We know this." Sima Zhiyuan held Xuan Yueguo excitedly. "We will find a reliable person to make elixir. As long as it is successful, everything will be easy!"

As long as the ancestors of the Sima family are promoted, the Jiang family or whatever, take the dog!

"Since this Xuanyue fruit is already in hand, let me take it back." Sima Heshun said, "You have been here all the time, if you leave suddenly, I am afraid it will cause speculation."

"Okay." Sima Zhiyuan thought so. "Then you take care."

"I'll set off right now. Here on the Jiang family, you'll have to resist for a while."

"Rest assured, I'm the owner of the Sima family. What waves can the Jiang family turn with me?" Sima Zhiyuan said confidently.


Sima Heshun looked at him silently, and my heart was because I was there because of you.

However, the Jiang family does not dare to do anything to them now, and even if it gets worse, the Sima family will not be afraid.

I was afraid that Jiang Xue would lead people to a provocation.

He glanced at Sima Youyue. Perhaps, even with her, Jiang Xue didn't dare to say anything.

Sima Liuxi is the genius of that vein. Jiang Xue baby is very good, otherwise he won't run over as soon as he gets the news.

It seems that he has to make arrangements before leaving.

Sima Youyue can be seen. Although Sima Zhiyuan is the owner, most of the things in the family are still under the control of Sima Heshun. No wonder he can say what he wants to be his heir.

After the matter was over, Sima Youyue sent them out and opened the door to see Yin Yan who was entangled in Miao Xihua.

"Master of the city, I know you have the antidote for hundred days sleep, please give us, no matter what you want, we promise you!" Miao Xihua stopped in front of Yin Yue, with a sincere expression, a sincere expression, and looks Really a good mother worried about her daughter.

Alas, if it wasn't for the first time, she would be impressed by her expression.

However, Yin Yin is not a person who is easily moved.

At this point, he had returned to the way he used to be, and did not see that he ran into the mountains and had a hangover. He glanced at Miao Xihua and said lightly: "Since you know that I am the owner of Orange City, you should know that you don't have what I need at all. Go away!"

Anyway, he bypassed her and walked towards Sima Youyue.

"Master of the city, I beg you! I can't live without my daughter!" Miao Xihua grabbed her hand and knelt down. "Our Lord, I beg you, I only have this one daughter. She is so talented that she can't die!"

As soon as Yin Ying waved her hand, she shook her hand away and said coldly, "She will never die. Whatever I do? Get out!"

Miao Xihua did not expect that he would throw himself away directly, and for a moment he didn't notice, the whole person was thrown away, and then lay on the ground heavily.

"Cough—" She was choked by the dust she splashed and kept coughing.

"Around me, it won't be so easy." Yin Min glanced at her, and strode away, and came to Sima Youyue's house.

Sima Youyue looked up and down him and said with a smile, "It still looks pleasing to the eye. Come in."

Miao Xihua looked up and saw Yin Ye entering Sima Youyue's room, so angry that the blood she had pinched in her throat spit out uncontrollably.

"Bitch! It must be she telling the Lord of the City not to give her a cure!" She scolded resentfully.

"Madam!" A girl came over and helped her up.

"Bitch! Bitch!" Miao Xihua scolded and stood up, looking at Sima Youyue's closed door resentfully.

"Ma'am, this sister-in-law is too unknowing, even if you don't give Dan Fang, how can you fall to the ground!" The girl said dissatisfied.

"Shut up!" Miao Xihua yelled at the aunt, "If you hit me once, you can ask him to give me Dan Fang, that's worth it!"

"Now he won't give it to us, what should I do!" Aya was also anxious, seeing that others were slowly getting better, but Sima Liuxi was still lying in bed without any reaction. As a close lady, she was anxious Already.

"Go back first." Miao Xihua rubbed his buttocks and said, "We must find a way to let him hand over the detoxified Dan Fang!"

"Ma'am, you mean ..."

"Shut up!" Miao Xihua glanced at the girl, turned around and led away.

In the room, Sima Youyue noticed that the people outside were gone and said, "It seems that you will still have trouble!"

"That's not the trouble you're asking me to do." Yin Yan glanced at her.

"It's nothing to do with me, and it's not that I forced you to take out Dan Fang." Sima Youyue took out a spirit fruit about the size of grapes and put it on the table. "This is good for a hangover."

Yin Ye was also polite, took one and ate it, saying, "If you detoxify her daughter, she will come after me."

"It's not that I didn't detoxify her, she didn't want me to detoxify herself," Sima Youyue said, "Jiang Xue wants to kill me later, why should I save the granddaughter of the enemy? I'm not so kind!"

"Aren't you afraid that the Sima family will give you pressure?"

"What's scary, I'm not from the Sima family, they are crooked there, I just ignore it." Sima Youyue said, "This is the benefit of not going home."

"Then you plan not to go back?"

"I still have to go back. Dad still has attachment to this family. However, before going back, we have to settle things." Sima Youyue said.

"How did you suppress the dormancy?"

Sima Youyue told him the method of suppression, and also told him some silver needle methods.

After speaking, Yin Min pondered for a while, and said, "Your method is really wonderful. In this way, your medicine is really brilliant."

Sima Youyue gave him a white look, "Less wearing a high hat for me, let's say, besides wanting to know how I came here today, what is the purpose?"

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