Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1458: Someone in your family is dying?

Yin Min touched his chin and said, "Am I acting so clearly?"

"Too obvious." Sima Youyue said, "Say, what do you want?"

"In fact, I don't want to do anything. I just want to ask you a favor." Yin Yan said.

"Someone in your family is going to die?" Sima Youyue asked subconsciously.

"..." This response ...

"No one in my family is going to die."

"Oh, what do you want me to do?" Sima Youyue asked.

"I want you to see Mrs. He." Yin Yan said.

"Mrs. He? Is this sleeping beauty in Qucheng?" Sima Youyue looked at him in surprise, "Why are you so concerned about that Mrs. He?"

"Susu needs the Xuanyue fruit. Although she has the ability to win the top spot, but wants to heal Mrs. Qu, that is unlikely." Yin Yan said.

"You want to help her get Xuanyue Fruit?"


"You are really a good uncle." Sima Youyue looked at him before he was uninhibited and thought he didn't care about anything! "Your medical skills should be great too, why don't you go yourself?"

"I've seen it, but I haven't figured out the reason." Yin Yan said frankly and was not embarrassed.

"You can't even see it?" Sima Youyue was even more surprised, and at the same time, she was a little curious about Madam He's illness.

"She doesn't look awkward at all, she seems to be really asleep. But if it's sleeping, who can sleep for a few years?"

"That's weird."

Sima Youyue wanted to say whether she would also have gone to sleep for a hundred days, because this poisonous person would not see it, and would only think that she was sleeping.

But think about it, if it was a hundred days sleep, he should see it. Therefore, this reason is also denied.

"How's it? Are you interested in seeing it?" Yin Min asked, looking at her interest.

Sima Youyue glanced at him, "It is obviously you who invited me, and it has nothing to do with my interest. However, my expenses are very expensive. Are you sure you want to invite me?"

"The problems that can be solved with money are not problems," Yin said confidently.

"Really?" Sima Youyue looked at Yin Yan and said with a smile: "Are you from the Yin family in Forty-nine?"

Seeing her smile, Yin Min raised a bad hunch in her heart, put her hands on her chest, and watched her vigilantly: "What do you want?"

Sima Youyue's face is full of black lines, what kind of expression is this asshole!

"If you want me, I can follow you." Yin Yan suddenly let go of his hands, as if I obediently obeyed, "But then you are my woman!"

"The beauty you want. You are willing to lie down, but I don't want to go up yet!" Sima Youyue gave him a wink, "I want another condition ..."

Yin Yan drew his lips, what made him willing to lie down? Even if it was, he was on it! Huh!

However, he heard her request and watched her eyes gradually change.

"You're asking too much."

Sima Youyue smiled, "How can you? You said, Susu girl needs this Xuanyue fruit, so this is important to you. But without you, I can find other conditions. So, I am right It is necessary for you, and you, for me, can choose. "

"You are so sure, can you heal Mrs. He?"

"Of course ... no!" Sima Youyue said, "However, if we succeed, our transaction will be counted. If I can't help it, then our transaction will never exist."

Yin Zheng was hesitant. It seemed that she was a little bit open on this condition.

"Actually, this is not a pure transaction for us," said Sima Youyue. "If there is a trade, there will be friendship."

"You want to be my woman?" Yin Yan asked.

Sima Youyue grabbed a spirit fruit on the table and threw it at him.

Apart from saying this, he wouldn't say anything else?

Yin Yan grabbed the spirit fruit and ate it before he said, "Okay, then what do you say, what kind of friendship do we have?"

"In the future, if you need it, I will naturally help." Sima Youyue said, "Don't look at my strength now, but one day, I will become stronger."

"I don't doubt it," Yin said, "I'm waiting for you."

He already knows about Sima Youyue's peripheral and middle perimeters. She can grow to the current height in just a few decades, and her future is unlimited.

Now she has said that as long as the two sides do not have much conflict of interest, they will not be enemies in the future.

It is better for her to help her while she is still weak, rather than to add icing on her when she grows up.

"That's it. I'll take you to the He family when you have time."

"Wait a minute, and wait for the result of the game. Maybe someone can solve this problem!" Sima Youyue said, "If we step in again, the owner will lose faith.

"Well, you can wait a few more days anyway."

A few days later, the women's conference officially started, and there were many chat and play programs in the past, but now they have directly turned into various competitions.

Sima Youyue is not really interested in these things, but it's not bad to know about the situation of the inner circle women.

This competition is not very formal, so there is no difference between the preliminary rounds. All the participants participated in the competition only once, and then the final results are submitted to the judges' group. Some will not lose face.

And these jury groups are all prestigious older women. Like Huang Yingying said, one of the judges this time was her young, and now she is a deputy suzerain.

One competition a day, unlike in previous years, the doctors' competition that has received the least attention in the past, this time on the first day.

The content of the game was to find a bunch of patients, and each of them was in a coma. Participants need to cure their patients, and the first place to be completed is the first place.

Sima Youyue, Yin Ye, and the people from the Sima family sat on the stands and saw the patients lying on the ground below. They drew their mouths and said, "Isn't the owner of this family trying to find a solution from these patients? His wife's way? "

"Obviously," Yin said. "I have some friendship with He Zhenzhang. I have seen him and his wife. Like rumors from the outside, he is indeed a beloved wife! Now it will be, Presumably there is nowhere else to go. "

Sima Youyue looked at the stand in the center opposite, and saw a man with a Chinese character face intently watching the person playing the game below, even forgetting to breathe.

Seeing that someone had successfully awakened his patient, he stood up in excitement and ordered someone around him to go down immediately and invited the woman to leave the stadium.

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