Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1459: Not ordinary relationship

When Yin Zhen saw He Zhenzhang leave the table, she patted Sima Youyue on the shoulder and motioned to follow her away.

Sima Youyue didn't know what he was going to do, and after speaking to Sima Zhiyuan, they followed him and left the stand.

"Where are we going?" She asked after leaving the field.

"Just follow me."

Yin Yan didn't say much, took out a sign, and shook it in front of a guard.

The guard was trying to ask them what was happening, and immediately became very respectful when he saw the sign that he brought out, saying, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Take me to see your owner." Yin Yan said.

Sima Youyue was a little surprised. At this time, he said that he would see the owner of the He family, would they not agree?

But I didn't expect that the guard didn't even question, and said, "Come with me."

Then, they took them into a passage, walked through the same road, and the noise outside was isolated.

Sima Youyue pulled Lai Yin's sleeves and waited for him to turn around, and asked, "You and that He Zhen ... Isn't He Jiazheng a little friend?"

If it is an ordinary person, how can there be such a token?

Yin Yan smiled at her, "Don't care about these details."

"Hum, have you given me a set?" Sima Youyue asked.

"No, this kind of thing, where will I get it when I play it? What I said is true." Yin Yan said.

"Do not believe."

"Really, I have no way to deal with her illness. It is true that Susu came to Xuanyue Fruit. It is also true that I ask you for help."

"Oh, I see. You actually know that other people can't heal Mrs. He, so I thought about coming to me, and the dead horse was treated as a living horse. Maybe I can get it wrong, after all, I am a hundred Day sleep can be suppressed, isn't it? "Sima Youyue stared at him.

Yin Yan hehe two times, did not speak, it is the default.

"Then why do you conceal your relationship with the He Family Master? I won't raise the price because of this!" She was a little upset. The feeling of being concealed was uncomfortable.

"What I said is also true, but the owner of this family is relatively upright. Although I have only contacted it a few times, I promised that he would help him find a way. That ’s why this token is there. It ’s also for my thought After the solution, you can find him directly. "Yin Yan explained," Some people, even if they have only met once or twice, can be good friends, and some people, even if they have lived a lifetime, don't feel it. "

Sima Youyue also agrees with this view. If you think about it, you will not worry about this anymore.

The guard was surprised when he heard the next two people talking.

He naturally saw that Sima Youyue was a little girl, and thought she was a servant girl with Yin Yun, but he did not expect that he was the one who healed his wife!

These guards followed the homeowner and knew this one or two, and even he had to admire those who are inferior to the wind. That is definitely a certain strength!

Thinking of this, he also respected Sima Youyue.

He took them to a yard, and as soon as he entered, he saw several women brought in by the guards.

"These are those who participated!" Sima Youyue was not surprised to see the women.

"The owner said, let them try it," said the guard.

"It's difficult for these people," Yin said, shaking his head. "Lao He is really desperate now!"

When He Zhenzhang came in, she was a little surprised to see Yin Yuan also.

"I saw you in the stands just now. How come now?"

"I saw you bringing someone, guessed that you wanted them to come and try, so let's take a look." Yin Yan also put away the usual look of Dang Erlang, a little more serious in his eyes.

"Well, let me try them first." He Zhenzhang said to a dozen women in the yard and said, "You are the first to complete this competition. I think your medical skills are not low. This time Everyone must know the game, no matter your ranking, as long as you can wake up my wife, who will the million-year-old moon fruit. "

Hearing Wannian Xuanyueguo, those people were a little excited, and it seemed that they were all running on this thing.

"Master He, you can rest assured that we will do everything we can to wake up your wife." A woman in a white dress stepped out and saluted He Zhenzhang, "Can you see us now? Only see her Then we will know the condition of his wife. "

"That's right. Guys, please follow me." He Zhenzhang took them into the room behind him.

Sima Youyue watched the white-dressed woman walk in with her head raised and said, "It seems she is very confident in herself!"

"Being able to heal the first patient in this competition shows that there are still two brushes. However, now that I have spoken so much, I will be beaten in a while." Yin Yan sighed.

"How can you be so sure that she can't do it? Maybe someone else has some way to do it, and it's not necessary to heal Mrs. He!" Sima Youyue said.

"Look, you'll know in a while if I'm right." Yin Yan also did not argue with her.

Sima Youyue didn't know about these people and didn't know Mrs. He's illness, so she didn't talk, waiting for the final result.

"They'll have to wait for a while. Let's go and wait in the pavilion over there first." After finishing the Yin Yin, he went to the gazebo first, and soon the guards brought them tea.

This tea is good, but unfortunately not enough, so the taste is not very good. Sima Youyue took a sip and put it down.

"This tea is a rare spirit tea. You can drink two more cups to try." Yin Yan himself drank a cup and still liked it.

"I know, unfortunately, the taste of this tea has not been exerted to the extreme." Sima Youyue said truthfully.

"So, do you have more research on tea?"

"A little."

"Then you give me a drink anytime."

"Don't, I just give my sweetheart a bubble. He said he's not there. I can't just bubble others up."

"... I'm not someone else." Yin Yan protested softly.

Sima Youyue glanced at him and said lightly, "Almost."

Does he mean that he is similar to others?

I don't know why. When I heard this and heard her say that he was sweetheart, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. This feeling was strange. It never seemed to happen before.

Because of this strange feeling, he felt a little lost, and he didn't say anything while waiting.

After about an hour, the door opened and the women all shook their heads and came out.

"Master He, please let me try again and check a few more times. I believe I will be able to find out the reason for his wife's coma." Even though the white skirt woman was begging for help, she still looked high.

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