"Sima Zhiyuan, can you make it?" A white-bearded old man yelled, looking at Sima Zhiyuan, his face frosty.

Sima Zhiyuan buttoned his ears and said, "Don't yell so loudly, the building will collapse."

"Sima Zhiyuan, don't talk to me. Sima Youyue killed my grandson. Today you have to give it to me." Jiang Yunlong yelled.

"Your grandson ran to kill my great-granddaughter. He was inferior and was killed by my baby. Do you still feel embarrassed to ask me for someone? Are you worthless ?!" Sima Zhiyuan said, "I remember, your grandson Hundreds of years older than my great-granddaughter? Alas, you're so embarrassed to ask me for someone. You want the whole inner circle to know that your Jiang family can't even catch up with a descendant of our Sima family, right? The young ones are old, oh, it's a shame! I'll assassinate you! "

"Don't give me so much nonsense, I'll ask you, can you pay it?"

"Pay your sister! Who is the best-granddaughter of labor and capital, who can move?" Sima Zhiyuan patted the table, a pair of labor and capital just do not pay, how can you look like.

"Sima Zhiyuan, do you want to start a war between the two?" Jiang Yunlong sneered.

"Hit and fight, who is afraid of who!" Sima Zhiyuan said indifferently. "Don't you want to own our Sima family long ago? Then let the horses come! Whoever laughs may not be the last!"

"Huh, a big tone! Don't regret it!"

"Regret? When did Sima Zhiyuan regret doing things?" Sima Zhiyuan buttoned his nose and dropped the booger into the teacup in front of Jiang Yunlong.

"Hum, then you just wait to bear the anger of my Jiang family!" Saying, he got up, and left the Jiang family with anger.

When Sima Youyue heard them coming out, she was about to meet the Jiang family. Her arm was caught suddenly, and she pulled her into the alley next to her.

"Grandma?" Sima Youyue was a little surprised by those who seized her.

"You don't need to talk nonsense with those crazy dogs." Huang Yingying said, "You come forward, they will definitely hold you back. Your great-grandfather asked me to wait for you here."

This delay, when they went out again, the Jiang family had already left.

Sima Youyue entered the inn and saw Sima Zhiyuan sitting in a chair drinking tea. She had no worries or anger on her face, and was very leisurely.

Seeing them coming in, he beckoned to Sima Youyue and said with a smile: "Yueyue, you are back!"

"Great-grandfather, why are you back so early?" Sima Youyue walked over.

"You came back after a while, there is nothing to look at," Sima Zhiyuan said, "what did you do, you came back so late."

"I went to see Aunt He." Sima Youyue said.

"You went to see that sleeping beauty? How is she? Can you cure it?" Sima Zhiyuan asked.

At this time Sima Liuxuan also came out from behind, looked at her, and wanted to know the answer.

"Her situation is a bit strange, I haven't encountered it before," said Sima Youyue. "I haven't determined her cause, so I don't dare to make a conclusion now."

"You don't even know?" Huang Yingying whispered in surprise.

Before, they still suspected Sima Youyue's medical skills, but after learning about her later, they had a new understanding of her superb medical skills.

If she didn't even know it, she probably didn't know the reason.

However, there is a reason for everything, and so is the disease. Therefore, it is not that there is no reason, but that it is not found.

"I'm a little frowning, but there is no final confirmation." Sima Youyue said.

"Why?" Sima Liuxuan asked.

"The final inspection is only possible if she knows the sea. I told Uncle He and let him wait for those people to try before making a decision." Sima Youyue said.

When she said that, everyone would understand. Everyone knows how important the knowledge of the sea is to a spiritual master. Naturally, you must think carefully.

"Then wait and see, maybe someone can!" Sima Zhiyuan said.

"I don't think so." Sima Youyue said, "If someone can cure it, I don't have to take the risk."

"Hey--those people, forget it, I'll definitely ask you to go out in the end." Yin Yan said.

"You're so sure!" Sima Youyue gave him a white look.

"Doctors are the most promising, but you can see those people today. The latter will not be better than them." Yin Zheng said affirmatively. That way, he almost didn't say that he couldn't do anything, how could other people do it!

"I think so," said Sima Zhiyuan. "In that case, Mrs. He is very ill."

"Well, maybe, that's not a disease." Sima Youyue said something unknown.

"Not sick? What's that?"

"I'm not sure what it is now, and it's hard to say." Sima Youyue said, "I'll tell you when you're sure."

Everyone looked at Sima Youyue, all curious about Su Liunian's illness.

If it was a general illness, she would have said it long ago. Since she said so now, it must be too strange.

"Great-grandfather, that Jiang family ..."

"You don't need to think about the Jiang family, we have our own plans." Sima Zhiyuan said, "You can rest assured that you are my great-granddaughter, and no one dares to treat you like that."

"Yes, Youyue, it's not your turn to come forward," said Sima Xiuqi, "when we all fall down, you can talk about these!"

"Yes. Although you are not on the genealogical tree now, but how do you say you are also from the Sima family, we will not let the Jiang family move you!"


What did Sima Youyue want to say? Seeing Sima Zhiyuan's attitude, I felt warm.

Although most people think that she is very talented and the hope of the family's future, at least for the moment they are protecting her. The great-grandfather and grandfather really want to protect her.

Later in the game, Sima Youyue also went to watch. Each time the game ends, the top ten will be invited in advance.

During the alchemy competition, she paid special attention to it. Yin Susu, E Qiuyu and Yang Xi all participated, and they also won the top three.

Yin Yan was very confident in Yin Susu, and determined that she was the first one. The final result was as he expected, the first place was indeed her.

Sima Youyue watched them being invited away, and said, this is probably He Zhenzhang's last hope.

However, this last hope was also dashed, because He Zhenzhang came to invite her personally.

"Yuyue, please help!" He Zhenzhang bowed to her 90 degrees as soon as she saw Sima Youyue.

"Uncle He invites you." Sima Youyue stepped forward and raised him, and asked, "Uncle He, have you thought about it?"

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