"I've thought about it. If she doesn't try it, she will always be like this. If she does, maybe there is still a chance for life." He Zhenzhang said, "Also, I already know that your medicine is really brilliant, now there is only hope You helped me. "

He did not conceal the fact that he sent someone to investigate Sima Youyue.

Sima Youyue was not surprised at all. No one can believe a person who knows nothing.

"Now that Uncle He has decided, let's go." Sima Youyue said.

He Zhenzhang was also worried that Sima Youyue took Joe. After all, she did not believe her last time, and she sent someone to check her details. If it is an ordinary person, I'm afraid it will not be so willing.

So when he heard Sima Youyue say this, he was a little excited and a bit ashamed.

"Then please."

He took Sima Youyue to Hefu, and the people in Sima's family were not assured, and went with him. Yin Min also passed consciously.

He Zhenzhang let others stay in the yard and took Sima Youyue into the house alone.

"I tried them all, but no one saw anything." He said, "Can you tell me, did you check the results?"

"My thoughts were a bit unbelievable before being confirmed. I'll tell you when I'm sure." Sima Youyue didn't dare to make an assertion at this moment.

"Do I need to do anything?" He Zhenzhang asked.

"Do nothing. Just go outside and wait." Sima Youyue said.

He was not assured that she had penetrated into the sea of ​​knowledge of Su Liunian, and she was not assured of doing such a dangerous thing when outsiders were present.

He Zhenzhang hesitated for a while and nodded, "OK."

"Thank you Uncle He."

Thanks for your trust.

He Zhenzhang went out, Sima Youyue called Xiaoqi.

"I need your help." Sima Youyue said.

"What does Yueyue want me to do?" Xiao Qi seemed pleased that she would beg herself.

"The mist you condensed has a healing effect on people's consciousness. I need you to protect her consciousness as much as possible when I enter her consciousness." Sima Youyue said.

"It's easy to handle." Xiao Qi responded.

Sima Youyue arranged three enchantments in succession. One was to prevent someone from sneaking in at this time, which would not only hurt Su Liunian, but also her. The second is to prevent Xiaoqi's breath from leaking out.

When everything is ready, even Xiao Qi and the faint mist lingering on Su Liunian's head, wait for Sima Youyue to explore the god's consciousness into her consciousness.

Sima Youyue stood by the bed and took a deep breath.

This is not the first time that she has penetrated into the sea of ​​others' knowledge, but it is the one she has never thought of.

She knew that she had a better sense than others, so she would not be hurt when she penetrated into others. And she wouldn't care if others were hurt or not, because those people were half-dead.

However, this time is not the same. She can't just care about herself, she should care more about Su Liunian.

If she moves too much and hurts her knowledge of the sea, then she probably won't wake up.

She condensed and formed the consciousness from Su Liunian's brows into her brain, and soon came to her consciousness.

As she guessed, Su Liunian's knowledge of the sea has now become a dead sea, without any fluctuations, as if silent.

Xiao Qi can also see the situation here through her consciousness.

"Yueyue, her knowledge of the sea is strange." Xiao Qi said.

"Um." Sima Youyue turned around here, she didn't feel a little of her breath, as if there were no signs of life at all.

However, Su Liunian was indeed alive. Therefore, there should be fluctuations here.

However, there is nothing here.

"Yueyue, what's wrong with her?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Your breath spreads through her knowledge of the sea. Do you feel anything different?"

"I feel it." After Xiao Qi said, Su Liunian's knowledge fluttered Xiao Qi's breath.

After a while, Xiao Qi's breath receded aside, then slowly condensed into her appearance.

"Yueyue, I found she knew a dark place in the depths of the sea." Xiao Qi said.

Sima Youyue didn't feel anything during the inspection before.

"Is there anything special there?" She asked.

"I felt a faint wave in that black thing." Xiao Qi said.

"Take me to see."

"it is good."

The little man Sima Youyue and the little Qi Qi gathered together came to the place where Xiao Qi found. It was in the depths of Su Liunian's knowledge of the sea. They slowly leaned forward and found that there was something blocking them outside the group of black things.

"That's it, Yueyue, you see, there's a faint wave inside, as if something was trapped inside." Xiao Qi said, pointing at the black mass.

"Ghost clan," said Sima Youyue.


Why did she suddenly mention the ghost clan at this time?

"This black thing has the smell of ghosts on it," Sima Youyue explained.

"Ghost clan's breath? How could she know this in the sea?" Xiao Qi said in surprise.

Sima Youyue didn't answer her because she didn't know the answer. She stared at the black object for a while, then said to Xiao Qi, "Let's go out."

Has been withdrawing from Su Liunian's consciousness, Sima Youyue of Xiaoqi outside just opened his eyes.

"Yueyue, do you know the cause of her lethargy?" Xiao Qi asked.

"Um. It seems that this time things are a bit tricky!" Sima Youyue sighed, took Xiao Qi back into the soul tower, then unlocked the enchantment, opened the door and went out.

People outside have waited anxiously for a day and night, especially He Zhenzhang, he did not expect that Sima Youyue would check for so long. After such a long time, if she has been in the sea for a long time, how is that now? Have you been hurt again?

The more he waited outside, the more anxious he wanted to go in, but he saw that Sima Youyue's enchantment outside was under control again.

The connection circles are all arranged, indicating that the situation inside is not good. If it hurts two people because of his impulse, he will not regret it.

Others in the yard were also anxiously waiting, but they were more worried about how Sima Youyue was doing. When they knew that Sima Youyue was going to enter Su Liunian's sea of ​​knowledge, they were startled.

In this case, one accidentally, she will be injured!

However, they couldn't stop her, only hope that she would be fine.

When she opened the door, all the people outside came over, and everyone in the Sima family felt relieved when she saw that she was fine.

He Zhenzhang was happy when she saw her safe. Does this mean that fleeting is okay?

"You Yue, did you find out the cause?"

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