Everyone looked at her, waiting for her answer.

Those physicians and alchemists who lived in the He family, etc., did not know where they heard the news. They also ran over and stayed in the yard.

They don't believe that they can't solve things, a little girl can find out the reason.

They stood by the yard and looked at her, waiting for her to say the result.

Sima Youyue did not expect to see so many people as soon as she came out, and frowned.

"Why so many people?" She was unhappy.

The housekeeper behind He Zhenzhang did not wait for him to speak, and said, "Master, I will take them down."

He Zhenzhang waved his hand, and the housekeeper immediately "please" those people out.

After the courtyard became quiet, Sima Youyue said to He Zhenzhang, "Come in the room. It's better not to let people approach."

No need for He Zhenzhang to say, the housekeeper immediately made the yard isolated.

The Sima family also followed, and He Zhenzhang didn't say anything.

"You Yue, did you find out?" He asked again.

"Find out." Sima Youyue said.

"Really?" This is the most exciting time for He Zhenzhang in recent years. He grabbed Sima Youyue's hand. "What's wrong with the fleeting time? Since you've found out what happened to her, why didn't she wake up?"

"I have found out why, but I haven't rescued her," Sima Youyue said.

"Why?" He Zhenzhang was puzzled. "Is it because I'm too tired?"

"No." Sima Youyue shook her head. "Before that, I would like to ask, under what circumstances was Aunt He unconscious?"

"Under what circumstances?" He Zhenzhang recalled for a moment, and said, "She went out with her niece at the time, and encountered a sneak attack. By the time I rushed, those nieces were all dead. Only she was because of the Lingyu body. I was lucky enough to wait until I went. I used a lot of elixir in the end and finally healed her injury, but she became what she is now. "

"So you haven't seen the person who hurt her in the first place?" Sima Youyue asked.

"I haven't seen it. But I haven't given up tracing these years, and I've got some eyebrows." He Zhenzhang said, "Why, this has something to do with falling asleep and not waking up?"

"Yes," said Sima Youyue, "I suspect that the original attack was related to the ghost clan?"

"Ghost tribe? How could it be a ghost tribe?" Huang Yingying frowned.

Because of the relationship between Sima Liuxuan, the Sima family and the ghost family have the greatest relationship. And they also do not want to involve too many ghosts.

He Zhenzhang was also shocked. From the information he found, it had nothing to do with the ghost clan at all.

"The reason why Mrs. He is unconscious is not because her wounds are still bad, but because her soul has been immersed in the depths of the sea," said Sima Youyue. With the breath of the ghost clan. "

"How could this be!" He Zhen Zhangyu stopped, "Is there a way?"

"There is a way, it is too risky," said Sima Youyue. "And, I have to do some preparation."

At the very least, mental strength must be at its best.

At this time, she was very tired and was not suitable for Su Liunian.

"Are you troublesome?" Huang Yingying asked.

"Not easy." Sima Youyue said, "Mother He's soul is already weak, and now she is imprisoned. It is not so easy to rescue her from the imprisonment. Thanks to my body ... because it is special Give it a try. If it's someone else, I'm afraid that she will be hurt as soon as she approaches, let alone rescue her soul. "

Everyone understands that what she said is special, which refers to the blood of ghosts in her body.

"How did Mrs. Zhuang get involved with the ghost clan?" Sima Xiuqi asked.

"No, the information we found has nothing to do with the ghost clan, it just involved some forces in the inner circle." He Zhenzhang said.

"Which power?"

He Zhenzhang hesitated and said, "The Yang Family in the 16 states."

Sima Youyue's heart jumped, Yang family, wouldn't it be Yang Xi's family?

"Are you sure it's the Yang family?" She asked.

"The current clue, yes." He Zhenzhang said affirmatively.

"Is there a collusion between the Yang family and the ghost clan?" Sima Zhiyuan said everyone's thoughts.

And this is also very likely.

"But why did the Yang family deal with Aunt He?" Sima Youyue was puzzled.

"I don't know about this either, I'm afraid I won't know until she wakes up." He Zhenzhang finished, and looked at the people in bed with guilt.

For so many years, he didn't even know that she was trapped in the soul by the ghost clan.

He is sorry for her!

Sima Youyue saw He Zhenzhang's eyes, her heart moved.

"Uncle He, you don't need to feel guilty. If it wasn't for your insistence, Aunt He wouldn't be able to sustain it now." She relieved, "I think Aunt He has never blamed you. Don't blame yourself, He Aunt must have woke up and didn't want to see you like this. "

He Zhenzhang did not expect that he was comforted by a junior, but her sincere eyes did not make him feel embarrassed.

Such intimate juniors, it is no wonder that Sima Zhiyuan is so tight.

"When can you wake her up?"

"I want to restore my mental strength, and I need to prepare some elixir, I will take it when she wakes up. So, it will take some time to prepare." Sima Youyue said.

"What do I need? I have them in my storeroom. Just go and get them."

"it is good."

Sima Youyue is also not polite, anyway, it is the wife who healed him. It must be a bit of blood.

The director took her to find the needed medicinal materials. As soon as she arrived at the warehouse, she knew that the He family was indeed Zhong Ding's house.

She saw a lot of treasures in the warehouse, and she said, "Is the Yang family going to Su Liunian because he is too rich?"

Then she smiled again, these collections are counted in her eyes, not necessarily in the eyes of others. The Yang family will definitely not deal with Su Liunian because of this.

She took the housekeeper and took some herbs, each of which was held by the housekeeper, and she did not touch a little.

She chose the herbs and came to the room that He Zhenzhang had prepared for her. All those herbs were refined into elixir.

Then she drank some soul fluid and meditated to optimize her mental strength.

She came to Su Liunian's room, and when He Zhenzhang saw her, he stood up excitedly and said, "Can we start?"

Sima Youyue nodded. Like last time, he drove all the people out of the house, put on an enchantment, and called Xiaoqi.

"Little Seven, like last time, you have to protect her knowledge of the sea." Sima Youyue said, "At that time there may be relatively large fluctuations, you must be extremely careful."

"Yueyue, rest assured." Xiao Qi nodded solemnly.

Since it was Yueyue trying to save, she would definitely cooperate.

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