Wu Lingyu saw her little mouth slightly stubborn, and her heart was crisp.

"Now that you're tired, go in and rest. Anyway, the scenery outside isn't that nice."

After all, he took her and turned to the room without giving these people a look.

Li Yao and Fang Qi retracted their eyes with a little loss, and turned to see Yin Yan still looking over there, his eyes were a little dark.

"Master of the city, who is that person?" Fang Qi was the least prone to look at things and asked what he wanted to know.

"Son of Shengjun Pavilion." Yin Yan replied, bypassing them, and returned to his room.

Yang Xi clasped her hands, and her nails were getting into the meat.

One such living being stood here, Yin Ying didn't look at himself from beginning to end, all his energy was put on that woman.

He obviously has a partner, does he still give up?

"I didn't expect that person to be the son of Shengjun Pavilion." Fang Qi was holding his chest in both hands and was about to faint with excitement.

"Huh, what are you so excited about? Do you not see the woman ’s announcement?" Yang Xi sneered, "The man is very fond of Sima Youyue!"

"That woman is really abominable. No matter where you go, you will always have a man! Now he is taking over the Lord and Saint." Fang Qi said resentfully.

"That's right, so she's even more **** now!" Li Yao quietly said.

If they wanted to kill her before to please Yang Xi, now they also have reasons to kill her.

It's on the boat, they can't do it. After disembarking, after disembarking ...

Since they are all going to Sanjuzhou Island, it must be for the Taikoo mining area. I heard that there is a very evil one there, and then there will be a chance to do something with her!

In the room, Wu Lingyu leaned on the bed, Sima Youyue lying down, resting his head on his leg, playing with his hair.

"Did you know those people just now?" There was a little ridicule in the magnetic voice.

"Forget it. They want to kill me." Sima Youyue said, feeling that the air pressure around her had become lower, she patted his body and said, "There isn't any substantial action, just thinking."

"Don't miss it!" Wu Lingyu Ming said very lightly, but with endless killing intention.

"I said, are you still the Holy Son of Shengjun Pavilion? Kill if you want to kill someone?" Sima Youyue stared at him.

"I'm the demon king of the demon world, of course, I want to kill and kill." Wu Lingyu didn't take it for granted, he would kill an individual, he could not count any more before.

"This is not the Devil World," said Sima Youyue. "No action has been done yet. If they really want to do anything, I won't be a little sheep. However, I think this possibility is very high!"


Sima Youyue yanked his hair, "You haven't seen Fang Qi and Li Yao looking at your eyes straight? If only Yang Xi had really wanted to kill me before, it was because I hadn't treated Yin Yin It doesn't feel like I have actually taken action. Now that you are, or my boyfriend, I think they may be unable to hold back. "

"I went to solve them."

As soon as his words fell, Sima Youyue's hair was pulled again.

"The war between women can only be solved by men who are weak and incompetent," she hummed. "If you kill them, don't you say that I am weak and incapable of keeping my own men?"

"Well then, let you guard me." Wu Lingyu moved her leg, and when she caught her long arm, she picked her up, hugged her in her arms, leaned down, and pinched her lips.

On the way to Sanshizhou Island, Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu have not been out of the room. Sima Youyue took out the book of the refiner and let Wu Lingyu give pointers.

She told him about her previous process of refining the materials, and he immediately pointed out her shortcomings.

Sima Youyue heard what he said, and suddenly he was as if he had a qualitative improvement.

She tried according to what he said, and it turned out that the purity had improved a lot.

"How do you know? How did you put the seeds in your head?" She held his face in both hands, and looked around, as if to pry his head open to see.

Wu Lingyu grabbed her hand. "Born, you're not envious."


Two pale red marks were printed on her fair face, and she calmly retracted her hand, "I'm sorry, my hand slipped."

Wu Lingyu grabbed her hand that she wanted to take back, and smiled: "Is it slippery?" He put it on his face and froze, "Well, it really slippery."

Sima Youyue blushed for a moment, this guy is really hooligan when he is not serious!

Outside the room, Yin Yan stood lonely in the corridor.

After so long, they haven't come out after entering. What happened to two people, he thought he had guessed.

In the distance, Yang Xi's eyes were vicious. It's just one of them because of Yin Yan, and two of them because of Wu Lingyu.

"It seems that she really needs to be resolved quickly." Fang Qi said resentfully.

"I also think so, you don't have to wait until the Taigu Mine." For the first time, Li Yao felt that her existence was too annoying.

"Until the Taikoo Mining Area, can you be sure to kill her without them knowing?" Yang Xi sneered. "Since you like that man, don't leave a bad impression on him. Just be casual there May be fatal, and then something will happen to her that will not push us. "

"Well then, let her live two more days!"

Thirty-two and sixty-four states are a bit far away, and they spent a month on the spacecraft before arriving.

Until the boat was about to stop, Sima Youyue and Wu Lingyu came out of the room, and Yin Yuan noticed that her clothes had changed.

Because the spiritual master generally avoids dust, the clothes will not be dirty for a long time. It may be more diligent to change at ordinary times. The belt is usually out, and when it is not convenient, it will not be changed.

She actually changed clothes in the man's room.

Li Yao also noticed, so her eyes became deeper and the hatred deeper.

Wu Lingyu had a very comfortable feeling on her body. Seeing him, her heart finally felt a sense of finding a destination. She knew that this might be the reason for Sheng Gong's practice, but she just fell in love with him uncontrollably, after seeing him.

The three of Sima Youyue gave the house number to the beautiful crew on the deck and stepped down from the space ship. Yang Xi immediately chased them up.

"We don't like having outsiders together." Wu Lingyu said lightly, and then pulled Sima Youyue away without going back.

Yang Xi, they were stunned, and they were rejected before they even spoke?

It must be the instigator of this little bitch! I will not let her go this time!

The three thoughts came up in the minds at the same time, and I have to say that it really was the same smell to come together!

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