Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1482: Strange thirty-two states

Sima Youyue left from the spacecraft and rushed to Taigu Mine.

Sima Youyue sat on the flying beast. This was a flying beast rented from the spiritual master's union, and it looked similar to Yuanniao.

This thing was done by Yin Hao's people. Soon after they got off the space ship, Yin Hao took them to the flying beast.

"Say, why don't we use the teleportation array, but the flying beast?"

"Thirty-two states are the least places in all states. Because the space here is not stable, it is not suitable for building a teleportation team," Yin said.

"How long will it take?"

"More than half a month. Not sure, it depends."

Sima Youyue was still a little curious in her heart. What is the situation? After encountering several tornado storms, she finally understood that it was impossible to rush in that climate.

"The weather here is really weird. There will actually be a tornado storm." They hid in the cave, listening to the sound of the wailing wind howling.

"Thirty-two states have always been weird, so there is a lot of wasteland, and it is precisely because of this that the Taikoo mining area has never been found." Yin Yan said.

"Maybe someone found it before, but it didn't come out." Sima Youyue speculated, "I don't know if this extreme weather has anything to do with the existence of Taigu Mine."

"There is no way to verify this. The possibility of using a mining area to affect the climate of a state is too small." Wu Lingyu said.

"Butterfly effect," said Sima Youyue.

"Butterfly effect?" Yin Ye was a little curious about hearing this for the first time.

Sima Youyue explained to him what the butterfly effect was, and Yin Yue stunned after hearing it.

"If you follow this theory, maybe it is really possible."

"Whether it is possible or not, it has no effect on us, because we can't change anything." Sima Youyue said, looking at the sand and stones rolling up by the wind, "How long will this weather last?"

"It's half a month, and three or five days."

"Then we have to wait." She looked around at the empty cave, nothing strange. "Since some are waiting, let's do something here."

"What do you want to do again?"

"Of course it's nothing to do and toil us and the flying beast."


Yin Ye watched Sima Youyue take out a bunch of pots and pans, and vegetables and meat on the table.

"Are you planning to cook?" He watched in surprise as she skillfully organized those things.

"Yeah!" Sima Youyue smiled at him, "Is it all right?"

"The spiritual master also cooks himself."

The spiritual master does not like to eat, and he does not cook. Yin Min has reservations about her approach.

Well, maybe, it's not good, he will eat it.

Sima Youyue naturally saw his thoughts, smiled, and said nothing.

Wu Lingyu came to her and helped her hand in her ingredients and seasonings.

Yin Yan looked at the two of them, and they were so tacit, every time Sima Youyue wanted something, as soon as she looked up, the things had been passed to her.

And she smiled at him slightly, and then continued to lower her head to cook.

He lowered his head, and this tacit understanding between them certainly did not run out overnight.

Every time she looked at his smile, it was so sweet, it was a kind of happiness emanating from her heart.

It was something she didn't have in the slight smile of others.

I don't know how long the time passed, and there was a scent of fragrance in the cave, and even the flying beast ran over.


Specialized flying beasts like them are domesticated by people, can't speak, and transfer all their powers to speed.

The little guy was circling around and was very excited.

Sima Youyue looked at it, and threw a piece of grilled meat to it.

The little man choked on the meat, ate it in one bite, and then stared at her with wide eyes.

"You guy, eat so fast." Although Sima Youyue was reprimanding it on her mouth, the movements on her hands did not stop, and she gave him another plate of barbecue.

"It smells so good." Yin Yan didn't know when he came over, and took a plate of barbecue to eat by himself.

"Deserve this." Sima Youyue took out an altar wine and threw it over, Yin Yan catched it, unsealed the seal, and a scent of wine came out.

"It tastes really good. By the way, I heard that you have opened a lot of restaurants outside, and there are many types of fruit wine sold in it." Yin Yan took a sip, and it tasted really good. "I didn't expect you to make such a delicious thing."

"Of course." Sima Youyue said, "However, not many people can eat what I make!"

"Then I'm really lucky." Yin Yan's mouth was bitter and he didn't know how to describe such luck.

Wu Lingyu saw that he looked a little low, the corners of his mouth were raised, and what he ate was even more fragrant.

I have to follow you, look for abuse, hum!

Sima Youyue prepared a large table of food, because there was a little guy here, she prepared a lot of barbecue, the others were some stir-fried dishes. By the time she sat down, the little guy was already full and had a rest.

"Everyone go in!"

Rushing sounds and messy footsteps came from the outside. Then, a group of people ran in from outside, scolding bad luck while running, and encountered the ghost weather.

"Oh, so good!"

A voice filled with surprise came from the mouth of the cave, and then a figure rushed over quickly.


The figure bumped into a blue enchantment, was then bounced back, and fell heavily to the ground.

"It hurts!" The man covered his buttocks and ache.

Sima Youyue also felt that this scene was a little familiar. He heard the familiar voice and saw a familiar person.

"It's you!"

"How did you get here?"

She and the caller came out at the same time.

Si Yuetuji jumped from the ground at once, came to the front of Sima Youyue, and was afraid to hit the blue enchantment again.

"Ling Yu." Sima Youyue glanced at Wu Lingyu, and when Wu Lingyu waved, the enchantment disappeared.

"I know that such a fragrant thing can only be made by you!" Si Yue sat on the table, stuffed a piece of barbecue into her mouth, and then happily pulled her back.

"Siyue, why are you here?" Sima Youyue took out Siyue's favorite wine and put it in front of her.

"Let's find somewhere to rest by yourself." Si Yue waved at the people behind him before answering Sima Youyue's question. "After you left, I thought the ghost town was too fun, so I wanted to come and go. Dad they couldn't beat me, so I had to send a bunch of people to me. I didn't want it, but only then can I come out , Then I had to agree. Hehe, I didn't expect to come out shortly after, I met you, we are really destined! "

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