Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1504: Difficult to enter the mining area

"An Lei, how are your hands?" Shuier cried in surprise.

An Lei shook her hand, and the feeling of flesh did not change.

Her hands are really good!

Sima Youyue told her before that it would be better in less than half a month, and she was still a little skeptical, and now she was completely convinced by her.

"An Lei, I'm talking to you! Don't you dare ignore me!" Shuier saw her ignore her, walked over and yelled.

An Lei glanced at her, remembering what Sima Youyue said to herself, saying: "Why should I ignore you? I'm not your subordinate now, what qualifications do you have to scold me?"

"You ..." When Shui Er was hit by An Lei so much, she reached out and hit her.

"Girl Shuier, An Lei is now my man. Do you want to fight me when you hit her?" Sima Youyue stood up, looking at Shuier shiveringly.

How could this person have such eyes?


"I know, you are not happy with us, because I made An Lei my niece, and you feel that you have swept your face. If it was not Xuan Qiuhe, you might have driven us away." Sima Youyue interrupted Her words, "Actually, it's easy for us to leave. Just say it. You don't need to make any corners like this."

These days, people from Donglai's family always target Sima Youyue. If it wasn't for An Lei's hands to hit their faces, they would have left.

Xuan Qiuhe's face was slightly heavier, and his hands were folded. People in Xuanqiu's family knew that he was upset.

Seeing this, Donglai smiled and said, "The girl Yueyou said this seriously. We didn't mean that."


"Of course." Donglai Li said, "You are a friend of He, how can we want to drive you away? An Lei's thing is that she can't afford your own money, and she is not from my Donglai family. Naturally it has nothing to do with us. Don't get me wrong. "

"is it?"


"You Yue, here you are, it's too dangerous for you to leave alone," said Xuan Qiuhe, "still with us."

"I don't care about the danger or anything. I was afraid to say that we rely on their strength to find the mining area." Sima Youyue said, "We and you are not very familiar. In order to avoid this, we still It's better to leave. "

"Are you really leaving?" Xuan Qiuhe asked.


Xuan Qiuhe looked at Wu Lingyu in the same direction, and said for a while, "Well, if there is any danger, contact me."

He took out the contact stone and gave it to her.

Sima Youyue took it.

"After six months, I will wait for you at the exit." Xuan Qiuhe said again.

Sima Youyue wanted to say no, but thought of asking about his magic medicine, he nodded.

It should be enough for half a year.

"Give me your temporary card." Xuan Qiuhe said.

Sima Youyue took out a jade, dropped the blood on it, and input a little spiritual force, so that the blood and the jade were fused, and a temporary life card was ready.

"If it doesn't come out for a long time, you can go back. I will go to you for your physical affairs," said Sima Youyue.

"it is good."

Xuan Qiuhe didn't say that I would definitely wait for you, and said that there would be pressure on each other.


Wu Lingyu took Sima Youyue's hand, and left without a nostalgia. He had long wanted to leave, and he was not in a good mood when facing a man who was carrying his woman as a whole.

An Lei and Hua Hua quickly caught up, and the four soon disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Seeing Sima Youyue leaving, Donglai Li felt relieved and feel better.

"Let's continue to look for it," she said to Xuan Qiuhe with a smile.

"I think we'll be here too," Xuan Qiuhe said. "Since we've arrived here, there won't be so many dangers later."

Dong Laili did not expect Xuan Qiuhe suddenly said to leave, and he froze for a moment.

"Although the two of us make good friends, this is not a trivial matter. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble later, it is better to separate here." Xuan Qiuhe did not give her a chance to speak and continued, "If you meet You can also contact me if you are in danger. Goodbye. "


"Elder, let's go."

Then he really took the Xuanqiu family away.

As a woman's pride, Dong Lai Li didn't say what she wanted to keep, she just watched him go away.

She actually wanted to say that she had sensed the location of the mining area, but only because Sima Youyue was there, she said that it was not sensed.

She also wanted to say that if the two disagree, she would let him.

Feeling the chill on her body, no one from Donglai's family dared to speak up. After a while, she recovered and said, "Let's go."

Since he didn't accept her, she didn't have to force it. What's next, let's talk about it later, let's resolve the matter in the mining area first. If there is something to gain this time, it is best to get some archaic spirit beasts, then the status of the Donglai family in several major herds will rise straight.

Children's private affairs, put it behind.

After Sima Youyue left them, she and Wu Lingyu walked slowly in front of them, not anxious to find the veins.

Huahua was behind, holding a tree branch and holding it. After eating for so long, it was hard for her teeth.

An Lei looked at the three people in a leisurely and comfortable manner. Where is there a way to look for treasure?

"Ma'am, aren't you in a hurry?" She couldn't help asking.

"Why are you anxious?" Sima Youyue smiled, "Xiao Jin went to sleep."


Xiao Jin went to sleep? What do you mean?

Sima Youyue didn't say much, An Lei will know about her later.

A few days later, An Lei finally understood what she meant when Xiao Jin slept. Looking at the sleepy eyes of Xiao Jingang waking up, he was spoiled by it.

"Yueyue." Xiaojin found that she was in Sima Youyue's hand when she woke up, and slapped her palm.

"Xiao Jin, here is what you like." Sima Youyue said.

"What do I like?" Xiao Jin stunned first, then stood up excitedly, "I smell it, it's so tempting!"

"Take us." Sima Youyue smiled and touched his head.

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Jin quickly climbed to Sima Youyue's neck, circled around, and pointed his tail with his tail.

Following Xiao Jin's guidance, they crossed the mountains and finally came to a low mountain in a few days.

"This is it, this is it!" Xiao Jin said that he was about to jump down and was caught by Sima Youyue.

"Don't worry, let's observe the situation first." Sima Youyue first released some red bees and let them fly into the mountains. It didn't take long for those red bees to die for no reason.

She looked pale. "It's really not easy here."

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