Later, she tried again, and Red Bee died when she entered.

This is not accidental.

"Let's look at the surroundings first." She released some red bees and asked them to investigate the surroundings.

I don't know if those people went in, or they didn't find it here, and no one around them.

"Ling Yu, are we going in?" She was still a bit hairy about the situation inside.

"Let's go." Wu Lingyu took her hand and walked into the mountain.

Sima Youyue thought about it, and still called out Mill, this kind of place, he came in handy.

An Lei was shocked to see Sima Youyue, the smaller one, appear, and she knew it was her contract animal.

What kind of contract beast is this? There is no breath of spirit beasts.

"Huh, you always think of me last!" Mier clasped her hands around her chest and said proudly.

"You are a big man, of course, you have to come out at the most critical time." Sima Youyue laughed. "You are not underground now, and you ca n’t feel the momentum when you come out, aren't you? Also, this is the Taigu mining area, and I don't know if it It has the same potential as ordinary veins. "

"Excuse me," Mill snorted.

"We're going in, can you go? If not, let's go! Oh, what if I have something short and long ..."

"Go, I'll go!" Miele gritted her teeth, if she was gone, could she still live?

Really, can't you coax him any more? !!

"Huahua, what kind of spirit beast is he? How does it look like a lady?" An Lei and Huahua walked behind and asked.

"Is it Mier? He is not a spirit beast." Huahua said, "He is a mass of power. Because it has no shape, it becomes like a moon."

An Lei was shocked. This can also give birth to spiritual wisdom, but also a contract?

"Is he great then?"

When An Lei asked, she regretted it a little, and the lady would not call out at this time.

However, she is still a little uncertain because Sima Youyue's identity background is too weak to make people believe how powerful spirit beasts come from a small place.

"Huh, it's just a little bit better than us." Huahua was unhappy, but it wouldn't work to admit Mier's strength!

A pervert!

It's just a little bit better than Huahua, it shouldn't be very good. An Lei thought. However, she does not seem to know how strong Huahua is.

Mill came out, and Xiao Qi was noisy to come out. Sima Youyue had to call Xiao Qi too.

The others in the Soul Tower reluctantly shook their fists, but their strength was not as good as theirs, and they might be hindered if they went out.

Let's go in retreat!

Xiaomeng has this strength, but she wants to stay in the soul tower to accompany the screaming hair.

Sima Youyue entered the mountain, and there could be some vegetation outside the mountain. It was almost bare here.

After walking a long way, Sima Youyue reached the body of the red bee on the ground, and she took them all back to the soul tower and buried the little spirit son.

"We didn't feel anything weird here. How could the red bee die here?" She looked at Wu Lingyu in doubt.

Wu Lingyu looked at the surrounding land and said, "Be careful, there should be some force coming out of the ground here."

"Then this is the mining area? Should we just go down here?"

Wu Lingyu closed her eyes and felt for a moment, and said, "No, there is a cave in front and it should go under the passage."

He led Sima Youyue forward, Sima Youyue looked back at Huahua and Mier, and said, "You two must protect An Lei."

"Okay!" Hua spends some time familiar with An Lei, let her protect An Lei, she is not unhappy.

Mill glanced at Sima Youyue and didn't speak. He is still unhappy!

However, he did not say no, if something really happened, he would still do it.

They walked a few hundred meters further, and suddenly a force burst out of the ground, spreading around the center of the point a little in front of them.

The strength and speed are just one breath, and it spreads over a hundred meters.

When Wu Lingyu came out of that power, she hugged Sima Youyue, held Xiao Qi, and a teleportation came to the air, successfully avoiding the attack of that power.

Sima Youyue looked up, and Mill held one in one hand, looking at the power below, thoughtfully.

An Lei was still sweating coldly at this time, she could feel the horror of the power below, if she was below, she could not escape. Fortunately, Mier fled them into the air with Wu Lingyu moving.

Looking at Huahua's mouth still chewing the branches, she was really envious of her calmness.

When Huahua saw her fear in her heart, she smiled and said, "You can rest assured that with Mire, we will be fine."

"Huh!" Mier snorted coldly, his hands loosened, and Huahua fell off like this.

Towards the ground, a flower appeared on the ground, catching her smoothly.

An Lei was shocked and just wanted to call out, only to find that the power had disappeared.

Wu Lingyu brought Sima Youyue back to the ground, Xiao Jin seemed very excited, and the snake letter kept vomiting.

"That's the taste, Moon Moon, that's the taste!" Xiao Jin said excitedly.

"Don't worry, you will go in in a moment." Sima Youyue said.

"That power disappeared at the other end of the mountain, it seems that there is something blocking it outside." Wu Lingyu said.

"Bees should be killed by this power. Seeing Xiao Jin so excited, I think this power comes from the mining area below the child."

"It's really a long time ago. Let's go and see."

Wu Lingyu took her to continue to move forward. During this period, there were several such cases, each time Wu Lingyu and Mier took everyone to save themselves.

Half a day later, they finally reached the cave that Wu Lingyu said.

The cave went all the way down. After Sima Youyue felt that they were coming down, there were several movements overhead. Fortunately, the power will only spread out sideways, not upwards or downwards.

The cave was very dark, and Sima Youyue fired a flame, letting it illuminate in front.

They didn't know how far or how far they had gone. When Sima Youyue guessed whether it was wrong, the **** slowed down, and finally began to walk sideways.

"Mill, can you feel that there is potential here?" Sima Youyue asked.

"No." Mill shook his head. "But I feel that there is a powerful force here, and that power makes me uncomfortable."

What could make Mill feel uncomfortable?

"Yueyue, look, what's that?" Xiao Qi's cry interrupted her conjecture. She looked down Xiao Qi's eyes and suddenly took a breath.

Wu Lingyu turned around and saw a stone about one meter in the shape of a four-legged animal that resembled a tooth with dancing teeth.

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