Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1506: Xiaojin is a baby detector

The stone is like two claws facing up, two feet large, one falling to the ground and one toe, and the heels have been raised. Looks like a guy who is about to take off but is imprisoned.

"This stone statue is a bit scary." Huahua said, "Yueyue, is this a stone statue?"

"I don't know." Sima Youyue walked over, looking at the stone statue, that sloppy face, and the murderous look in his eyes, which made people shiver.


The little golden snake suddenly came down from Sima Youyue, her body suddenly became large, and the breath of ancient beasts was exposed.

It looked greedily at the stone statue, and swallowed the stone statue in its stomach while holding it.

"Xiao Jin, danger!" Sima Youyue cried, but there was no time to stop it.

Xiaojin swallowed the statue into her stomach and turned to see Sima Youyue's disapproved eyes. She put her head in front of her and pinched her body.

"Xiao Jin, why aren't you obedient?" Sima Youyue pulled her face.

"Yueyue, people can't control it." Xiaojin said aggrieved.

"I'm not saying you can't eat it, it's just too dangerous!" Sima Youyue sighed.

What if Xiao Jin eats it and ca n’t digest it? Or what if there is any bad influence?

"No." Xiao Jin held her affectionately. "I can digest it."

"What if there is a spirit beast in it? If you are still alive, what do you do?"

"I had digested it before then." Xiao Jin said.

"If there is anything uncomfortable, tell me, you know?" Sima Youyue reluctantly told.

"Okay, okay." Xiaojin wrapped up the contents of his stomach with spiritual power, and did not immediately digest it. It shook and changed, and returned to its small and exquisite appearance, wrapped around Sima Youyue's neck.

"Let's go on." Sima Youyue said to others.

They continued to walk forward, and Huahua pulled Anlei who was still in a daze.

An Lei returned from the shock just now. She did not expect that the little guy on Sima Youyue's neck turned out to be an ancient beast!

Ancient beasts! Ancient beasts not even a herd!

This newly-recognized lady can take out the precious elixir casually. The spirit beast does not say much, but it is still so powerful. She intuitively told her that more than that, Sima Youyue's background is more than that.

Sima Youyue's name is very loud in Zhongwei, but not everyone knows it. Of course, those mysterious black organizations must know her, and they must hate their teeth.

They continued to move forward, not too far, and they saw a similar stone statue again.

Xiao Jin was eager to try again on her neck. Sima Youyue grabbed it and said, "If you do such a dangerous thing again, I will throw you back."

Xiao Jin's cocked tail fell again. Anyway, if he wants it, Yueyue will still give it, and he won't go up and grab it.

Seeing Xiao Jin being obedient, Sima Youyue walked with Wu Lingyu.

She reached out and touched the stone statue, it was very ice, and a murderous rushed straight into her body from her fingertips.

"Ling Yu, is this stone statue or a sealed ancient beast?" Sima Youyue asked.

"I don't think anyone should come here to carve a stone statue," Wu Lingyu said.

"So, that one and this one are too ancient spirit beasts?" Sima Youyue glanced out. "I don't know if it is dead or alive when it is opened."

"It's more likely to live," Wu Lingyu said, "look at the stone skin on the ground."

Sima Youyue looked at the stone skin around the stone statue, the thick layer. If it was wrapped, the stone statue would probably not see the shape, it would only be a very ordinary ore.

"If it is a dead object, the stone skin should not fall off." Her eyes glowed. "So many stone skins have fallen off, indicating that this guy is about to come out."

"I once heard that the Archaic Spirit Beast was sealed. At a certain time, if it has not been opened, it will come out by itself. So it seems that it is true." Wu Lingyu said.

Xiao Jin is an ancient **** and beast. It has not been sealed for a long time and was opened by Sima Youyue.

The one in front of you should have come out by yourself.

"I don't know what it looks like," she murmured around the stone statue. "Close it up first, and then open it later when you have time."

She received the statue in the soul tower, and the people inside immediately researched around the ore.

They continued on, not long after, and saw a stone statue again.

Once is opportunity, second is transport, what does three count?

"Are there more spirit beasts here?" Sima Youyue drew his lips.

"It's a bit. However, there aren't too many good things." Wu Lingyu smiled at her like that.

"Also." Sima Youyue didn't research this time, and directly accepted the stone statue. "Let's move on."

"Hiss—" Xiao Jin came down from her neck and flew over a stone, her eyes glaring roundly.

"I want to take this too?" Sima Youyue asked.

"Uh-huh, there's something good in it!" Xiao Jin said to her.

Sima Youyue walked over and saw ordinary ore. She reached out and touched the lines above, and asked, "What's inside? Is it also a spirit beast?"

"I don't know, there is a strong flavor inside." Xiao Jin said.

Sima Youyue didn't think about why they couldn't feel the atmosphere inside, but Xiao Jin could. She believed Xiao Jin's words and moved the stone into the soul tower.

"There is that one, and there is something in it," Xiao Jin said.

Sima Youyue moved that piece in too.

"Yueyue, you retreat," said Xiao Jinshe.

"What are you going to do?" Sima Youyue asked uneasily.

"There are good things here. Take them with you. Go back."

Sima Youyue transferred Xiao Jin's meaning to others, and they retreated to the side of the passage.

Xiaojin grew larger, and the tail was getting longer and longer. When he flung it hard, the tail hit the wall, and a spider web-like crack appeared on the entire wall.

It swept with its tail again, and those stone skins fell down, exposing strangely shaped stones inside. Those stones just stand out, don't see the shape, and don't know what's inside.

"These are ore?" Xiao Qi asked Xiao Jin.

"Yes, yes! But I don't know what's inside." Xiao Jin's voice was very pleasant, no matter what it was, it was attractive to it!

Sima Youyue looked at the guys embedded in the stone wall, some were one or two meters high, and some were only as big as a slap.

"Xiao Qi, I will leave these to you. You are so strong that you will be able to pull them all out." Sima Youyue patted Xiao Qi on the shoulder.

"Okay, look at me!" Xiao Qi walked over and hit a circle around the stone. After the stone wall became loose, she grabbed the stone and pulled it down.

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