Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 1507: What made Xiaojin afraid

An Lei looked at Xiao Qi and punched him, and after a while he removed all the things on the wall.

Sima Youyue embraced one of the watermelon-sized ore, touched the stone skin, and looked under the flame for a while, and said, "It should be a herbal medicine."

"Herbal medicine?" Xiao Qi was very interested in herbal medicine, ran over and said, "Yueyue, hurry up, take a look."

After all, she licked her lips and stared straight at the ore in Sima Youyue's hand.

Sima Youyue looked at her monkey anxious look and said, "Don't worry, just in case not!"

"You said yes, then it must be." Xiao Qi said affirmatively, the words were full of trust in her.

Sima Youyue smiled, squatted down, took out the tools to open the stone, and buried her head to start the stone.

After following Sima Youyue, An Lei felt that her heart had been shocked, elixir, medicine, Mir, Xiao Jin, Xiao Qi, and now she knew she was a spiritual seeker!

A dual-professional spiritualist is not uncommon at Donglai's house, but she does not have the good environment and resources of those in the family.

Sima Youyue opened the stone very quickly. Soon, the ore had only the size of a turnip.

An Lei wanted to see clearly, and unconsciously gathered up.

Sima Youyue carefully peeled off the last layer of stone skin, and the streamer leaked from the stone gap, and a scent came out, smelling refreshing.

It really is a panacea!

Sima Youyue looked at the medicinal material with no name in her hand, and the soil on the roots still seemed to carry moisture.

"Do you know this?" She handed the medicinal herbs to Wu Lingyu.

Wu Lingyu took it, shook her head, and said, "I don't know."

This should be an extinct medicinal material.

"Yueyue, Yueyue." Xiao Qi stared directly at the medicinal herbs, but did not go up and eat it like Xiao Jin did.

In this respect, Xiao Jin is like a child who just knows how to eat, and has no control over what he eats. Xiao Qi is like a teenager who wants to eat, but not so reckless.

Sima Youyue took the medicinal materials. The medicinal materials had two legs that were slightly missed, one on one side, she cut off one, and handed it to Xiaoqi, and then planted the remaining half with the roots in the soul tower.

Xiaoqi would eat the elixir a few times, and then smashed his mouth twice.

An Lei did not expect that Sima Youyue would eat the elixir for Xiao Qi. The elixir in the ancient period was sold outside for sale, which is definitely a valuable and priceless treasure!

Xiao Jin ate a stone statue, and she did not blame it. Now she gives Xiao Qi another elixir. She is really good to her contract animal, and is really different from those who only use the contract animal as a tool.

Perhaps, she is different from Donglai Li. Maybe she deserves to follow.

After confirming that Xiao Lingzi has planted half of the elixir, she said to everyone: "Let's go on. Little gold, you need to find more useful ore!"

Xiao Jin rushed to the front, shook her tail toward Sima Youyue, and then quickly moved forward.

Sima Youyue led someone to chase after a while, and then saw Xiao Qi waiting for them on a big rock.

"So is this?" Sima Youyue asked.

"His—" Xiao Jin nodded, and climbed down from the stone.

Sima Youyue went up to put away the boulders. Such a big one, I don't know what's inside.

"There are many such stones here." An Lei saw that there were many stones elsewhere, and said.

"It all looks like ore, I don't know if there is anything in it. Take it back first and then talk." Sima Youyue said, moving all these stones in.

"Miss, it's strange here," An Lei said.

"What's strange?"

"This cave seems to have been excavated by humans. But if it was really excavated by humans, why didn't you take these things away?" An Lei asked.

Throwing things on the ground here, taking one out is a treasure. Who made it out and who threw it here?

Sima Youyue hadn't thought about this problem before, but now it's really strange.

"No matter who it is, and for whatever reason, this is a thing of the past," she said.

"I've heard some rumors before," Wu Lingyu said, "I heard someone once found the Taikoo mining area, but then I don't know why, all disappeared, and this matter is gone. But at that time, a group of Taiguling came out Beasts. So many people speculate that those who came in should have been killed by those archaic spirit beasts. "

Sima Youyue knew that what he said was hundreds of thousands of years ago. If it was that time, all the bones would dissipate.

"Is this the case?" Said Sima Youyue. "So we still have the light of the ancients."

An Lei was speechless, and Sima Youyue's luck was too good, could she be encountered in such a place?

With so many people coming, someone must have found the entrance to the mine. Others don't say, based on her understanding of Donglaili, she must have felt it before, but she didn't like Sima Youyue before she said it.

Now that they have left, Donglai Li must have taken Donglai's family into the mining area.

There are two for one. The Donglai family can enter, and the other major hermits must have also entered. But they didn't see any signs of people coming in here, indicating that they were unique.

Soon after coming in, I can meet so many good things, and the martyrdom excavated by her ancestors. She can't use good luck to describe it?

They continued to move forward, and the stones they saw along the way were collected by her. She didn't see if it was an ore, even if it was an ordinary stone, she could not take it wrong. Anyway, the soul tower is very big, and I'm not afraid of not being able to hold it.


Xiao Jin stopped suddenly and left, but flew to Sima Youyue's neck, and entangled her, almost making her out of breath.

"What's wrong?" Sima Youyue stroked Xiao Jin's head, soothing.

"Afraid." Xiao Jin's head tightened her neck tighter.

Sima Youyue felt Xiao Jin's trembling, patted her head, and said, "Not afraid, we are there."

She didn't know what Xiao Jin felt before, but no matter what happened, she and the beasts would be around it.

Xiao Jin heard her words, her body relaxed a little, but still couldn't stop shaking.

An Lei saw Sima Youyue in the back to coax her spirit beast, remembering the scene when she saw Donglai Li beating the spirit beast because the spirit beast did not do well, the more she thought, the more she followed Sima Youyue.

I just do n’t know, when she meets the killer of Donglai family, will she treat her like her contract beast?

Maybe not. After all, she followed her. How could she offend such a large family for herself?

"Let's go and see what scared our little Jin into this." Sima Youyue's voice broke her cranky thoughts, and she sorted out her mood and went forward with her.

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