Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 21 The Fruits of Plants

"Let's go! Come back with a full load today!" Datou was beaming, and he boarded the suspension vehicle first, and took Xiaozi away first.

Mochizuki followed Sister Leng on the hoverboard.

"Has there been a riot in Sin City?" Mochizuki was still thinking about the previous questions in his mind.

Sister Leng was taken aback for a moment, then her face darkened, and then she replied in a low voice: "I have experienced..."

Mochizuki didn't ask about the result any more. The base of Sin City was still there, and it was still under the control of others. Obviously those who initiated the resistance failed.

The fate is obvious.

"Little girl, don't think wildly, you are still young, as long as you live, you live every day!" Sister Leng's words were a bit meaningful.

"I know." Mochizuki smiled.

If you are not strong enough to dare to resist this kind of system, you will undoubtedly hit a stone with an egg

"Although what the above did was unfair, it also gave us genetic mutants a place to live." Sister Leng said flatly.

Turning my head to look at the smile on Mochizuki's mouth, and the vitality in her eyes, it really makes people want to protect her.

Mochizuki was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again.

In the past few days, she has been absorbing knowledge of this world on the star network.

If the interstellar people have a genetic mutation, if they don't come to the sinful star field, it will be difficult for them to walk in the interstellar space.

They will be squeezed out in life, and in severe cases, they may be killed on the spot.

Mutants = ticking time bomb.

They will lose their minds and violently hurt others at any time, and even kill the people around them. Seriously, they are no different from zombies in the last days.

Mochizuki opened her mouth, wanting to ask Sister Leng to what extent her genes had mutated, but the words remained stuck in her throat.

Even if he knew how far her genes had mutated, what could he do?

As for the extent to which the original owner's genes mutated, Mochizuki was never worried.

As a wood-type supernatural being, there is no such thing as genetic mutation.

Mochizuki has never felt any discomfort in her body.

As for the original owner's situation, that's not what she should think about now.

"Let's go, come to my house for dinner today, and I'll make delicious food for you!" To break the atmosphere, Mochizuki opened the team chat channel of the terminal and said briskly.

"Okay, okay!" Datou was the first to respond.

"Then what about us?" Xiao Zi asked very blankly.

"Where is the coolness and where are you going!" Sister Leng replied bluntly, and kicked the two out of the team channel unceremoniously.

The behavior of the two of them today is disgusting enough for her, if the meal is still dangling in front of her, she might kill her to silence her.

Today's mine, if not for the presence of these two outsiders, the four of them would have taken it privately.

As for murder and silence, it is not a last resort. Sister Leng and Ah Qi are not ruthless people, so they can't do it.

After being yelled at by Sister Leng, Xiao Zi didn't dare to make a sound.

Ah Qi and Da Tou also remained silent.

One is because they are not the hosts this time, and the other is that Mochizuki doesn't like the sisters at all, so he didn't invite the two of them at all.

After making an appointment for tomorrow's mission, the four-member team gathered in Mochizuki's private room.

"The girl's room is really different, even such a small room is so clean and beautiful." The first time Datou entered Mochizuki's small single room, he couldn't help but marvel.

"Just clean it up!" Mochizuki smiled.

Although she does not have obsessive-compulsive disorder and must keep the house in order, she is also a clean person.

After all, a clean room looks good, too.

"You guys sit here, and I'll cook." Mochizuki arranged her backpack casually, took off her combat boots, put on slippers, and went into the kitchen.

"I can't tell that this little girl is so particular." Datou was speechless.

He seriously suspected that Mochizuki was a child from a certain family.

"Everyone has their own unknown side and experience, there is no need to dig deeper." Sister Leng said flatly.

Several of their teammates, who have no unknown past? Mochizuki doesn't want to mention it, why bother to mention it again and again?

"Cough!" The big head stopped talking in embarrassment.

Ah Qi's eyes flickered, she smiled slightly, and re-evaluated the furnishings in the room.

In fact, there is nothing special about Mochizuki’s single room.

In the small living room, there are two small sofas, some stools, and a round table.

These things don't belong to the original house, they should have been bought by this little girl later.

There are not many things, but this small single room is very warm and has a taste of home.

It reminded Ah Qi of a certain sentence: Although a sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs.

in the kitchen.

Mochizuki took out half of the pork that she had cleaned with her abilities, cut it into about five catties, washed it, and sliced ​​it.

This is a piece of cured meat. Mochizuki thinks that the weather in the first district is very suitable for making preserved meat, so he pickled it with salt.

Then he took out the second-level alien animal rabbit he got last time, cleaned it, chopped it up, soaked it in water, and removed the blood.

Soak the picked pine mushrooms in the water...

From the space button, remove the thorns from the cactus you got, wash it, and cut it into strips.

It's a pity that there is no chili, and if you put some chili, it will taste better.

Mochizuki swallowed her saliva, she hoped that the next time the store could unlock the pepper seeds, so that there would be peppers to eat in the future.

Mochizuki has given up on the plants in this world.

The plants that can bear fruit in this world are all very ferocious mutant plants. Even if they are sold in the market, they can be sold at sky-high prices, and the expensive ones are dead.

The bought fruits cannot be eaten directly, and must be separated from the toxins before they can be eaten.

So people in this world have to go through a lot of processes in order to eat a bite, and people can't afford it...

But the cactus in Mochizuki's hand does not need to be detoxified, after everything is ready.

Turn on the fire and drain the oil.

This oil is not vegetable oil, but the fat fried from wild boar.

There is no need to think about the vegetable oil in this world, and Mochizuki doesn't think about it.


Stir-fry the meat in a pan, and the aroma wafts far away.

Add water and cook.

Looking at the "soy sauce" Mochizuki on the kitchen table was a little disappointed.

I used it at Ah Qi's before, making Mochizuki think that there is real soy sauce in this world.

Who knew that after she bought a bottle and studied it, she found that it was not soy sauce at all.

It is made of a special mineral.

It tasted like soy sauce.

God damn soy sauce, Mochizuki felt cheated.

But having a substitute is better than nothing.

While the meat was cooking, Mochizuki searched the Internet again to see if there was any pepper.

Mochizuki is obsessed with chili. She is not addicted to spicy food, but food seasoning is an essential thing.

Soon, Mochizuki was disappointed again.

She has known for a long time that plants in this world cannot bear fruit, but she is always determined to find out...

"What are you looking for?" Sister Leng couldn't help asking when she came behind Mochizuki and saw her swiping the screen.

"Look for the fruit of a plant..." Mochizuki thought for a while and said honestly.

"Plant fruit?" Sister Leng was puzzled.

"Sister Leng, is it true that plants in this world cannot grow fruits normally?" Mochizuki asked.

"Plants can't grow fruits normally. This is an interstellar-recognized law. All we see are fruits from mutated plants..." Sister Leng thought for a while.

Mochizuki: Is that so?

"That's when a certain plant mutates to a certain extent before it bears fruit, but that kind of fruit you don't want to see..." Sister Leng seemed to have thought of something terrible, her face heavy.

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