Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 22 Frightening plant fruit

"Is the fruit produced by the plant terrifying?"

"According to the existing records in Interstellar, at least level 6 berserk plants can bear fruit."

"Level six?" Mochizuki thought for a while about the scene where a level six wood-type supernatural being controls plants to fight, and his heart felt a little chilled.

And the rampant plants in this world are much more crazy than the plants controlled by wood-type supernatural beings.

"At least two sixth-level mecha masters must be dispatched to settle the matter." Sister Leng said again.

"So amazing!" Mochizuki was speechless.

"So you have to run as far as you can see a fruit-bearing plant in the wild." Sister Leng looked at the things Mochizuki was frying, "Do you want to find plant fruits to cook?"

"No, I just think it tastes better if you add a little plant fruit as seasoning!" Mochizuki said half-truthfully.

"Then it is impossible to find the fruits of plants on the star network. The bosses who can fight mutated plants above level 6 are not short of money. In addition to the tasks issued by the research institute, even if those high-level mutated plants are killed, they will not be able to kill them." Someone picked it."

"Why, it's a waste not to pick the fruits of the sixth-level plants!" Mochizuki wished to pick them instead.

"What's the use?" Sister Leng wanted to know.

"Pick it back to make seeds!" Mochizuki picked up the spatula and turned over the meat in the pot.

"Little girl, I think it's necessary for you to make up for the culture of this world, the historical development class in the interstellar millennium..." Sister Leng laughed outright.

Mochizuki: ... Most of the fruits of plants can be used as seeds. This is common sense, okay?

"If you seriously understand the history of civilization in this world within a thousand years, you won't have such a naive idea." Sister Leng sighed with a smile.

Mochizuki: ... She is trying to understand and integrate into this world.

However, this world is full of bugs! There are things that subvert her cognition everywhere, which can really drive people crazy.

"What's that blue one? Girl, you probably won't gather the weeds on the side of the road to cook!"

It was only then that Sister Leng noticed that there was not only meat in the pot, but also a plant with an unknown name... rhizome?

"This is a cactus, I bought it on Xingwang!" Mochizuki said with a smile.

She will not admit that this cactus was picked by her in the wild, and Ah Qi and the others are people who she wants to cooperate with for a long time. I found it online...

"I've never heard of it, but can this thing be eaten?" Sister Leng looked at Mochizuki suspiciously.

"Eatable, I know the recipes of Datianchao quite well." Mochizuki smiled proudly.

"Great Heaven?"

"Eh... It is said that this country came from Blue Star. I read a cookbook from Blue Star before, oops! I just want to eat it!" Mochizuki couldn't speak clearly when he saw that his whole body was covered, so he simply ambiguous.

While cooking the meat, Mochizuki remembered the pine mushrooms and rabbits she picked last time.

"It's so fragrant, so fragrant!" The smell of cooking spread to the living room, the big head was aroused by the glutton, and he couldn't wait to get to the door of the kitchen.

"You can eat it right away!" Mochizuki stir-fried again, added some "soy sauce" and stirred evenly, then put it on the plate.

"This can be eaten?" Datou couldn't help but want to reach out to grab it, but when Sister Leng gave her a look, she immediately retracted her hand.

Then the whole person was kicked out of the kitchen.

Mochizuki laughed, inexplicably feeling that these two people have a sense of CP.

Then, she spent more than ten minutes boiling a pot of boiling water.

Pick up the rabbit meat soaked in cold water and burn it with boiling water.

Rabbit meat needs to soak the blood blisters inside to be perfect, but now there is not enough time, and Mochizuki can only do this.

I believe that those who have never tasted the delicacies of the Datian Dynasty will not be able to taste the quality of her dishes. Mochizuki is now relatively confident.

"I'm so envious of the era when everything was available. I don't know when the world will return to such an environment." Mochizuki nodded, looking at the rabbit meat on the plate.

No shallots, no garlic, no ginger, no thirteen spices... how can it be made into a delicious food?

Unfortunately, now she only has pine mushrooms and soy sauce, so she has no choice but to make do with it.

Mochizuki complained in her heart, I really don't know how in those time-travel novels, where the protagonist travels to a world without even plants, how does he cook a table of delicious food?

Shouldn't the seasoning be researched first before cooking?

Food without seasoning has no soul at all, no matter how you cook it, it will not produce the original taste of that famous dish...

"There will be such a day, I firmly believe!" Sister Leng was full of hope.

Sister Leng looked at Wang Yue's skillful handling of ingredients, her eyes flashed with thought.

"Little Manyue, where did you learn this cooking skill? You are so good at cooking, shouldn't you be here in Sin City?"

"Who knows, I just fell ill when I came to Sin City, and I forgot a lot of things. Maybe it was at that time that I activated my spiritual power!" Mochizuki lied without changing his face.

Even a veteran like Sister Leng didn't see any flaws in her words.

"Then you are really a blessing in disguise, mental power is not so easy to advance." Sister Leng thought that Mochizuki's illness was caused by advanced mental power.

After all, in this interstellar world, when the spiritual power is advanced, if it is not handled well, the whole person may go crazy.

"I guess your mental strength should be level 2s." Sister Leng looked at Mochizuki with yearning.

Her spiritual strength is only B-level, which is a level that is more than enough than the lower.

"I don't know, I haven't tested it." Mochizuki replied.

"I'll take you to test it when I have time!" Mochizuki was very interested in Mochizuki's spiritual power level.

"We'll talk about it later." Mochizuki didn't care much.

Put the blanched rabbit meat into the pot and stir-fry.

"I really want to make braised rabbit meat, but there is no's too wasteful!" Mochizuki complained while frying.

Sister Leng: ... "If it's really a pity, why not keep this rabbit and make it after collecting the materials?"

"That's impossible! Do you think we can't beat a second-level hare with our strength? It doesn't exist!" Mochizuki said with a smile.

"By the way, your rat meat, so get an intelligent robot on the star network and let the robot deal with those furs!" Sister Leng felt disgusted when she thought of those disgusting source rats.

"Cough!" Mochizuki glanced at Sister Leng's disgusted expression, and secretly decided in her heart that she must get those missing plant seasonings and cook a complete meal for them.

At that time, they will no longer dislike any meat they see.

The source mouse is not the mouse that lived in the ditch a thousand years ago, it is a strange beast, it only looks like an ancient mouse.

For Mochizuki who has experienced the apocalypse and has eaten everything except human flesh, it is really a delicacy in the world.

well! Although people in the future say that life is hard, it is far from eating tree bark and digging grass roots.

Otherwise, when they saw meat, how could they have the time to dislike it?

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