Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 237 Energy Price 03 Yuan

Say what happened?

The price has been reduced.

The price of space energy of Xingyuan Group announced today that it has dropped again.

The decline is not small.

From the previous 0.5 yuan per kWh, it has been reduced to 0.3 yuan per kWh.

That is, one kilowatt-hour of electricity only needs a mere three cents.

You must know that this is the electricity price of the terminal, not the price of the power generation end. At present, whether it is coal power generation, hydropower generation, wind power generation, photovoltaic power generation or nuclear power generation in China, the minimum online price is about 10 cents, and the highest is more than 30 cents. , Coupled with the cost of grid facilities, personnel wages, etc., the current price of electricity for domestic residents is still around 50 cents, and commercial electricity is more than 80 cents, or even higher.

Three hairs per degree is simply impossible.

If all kinds of light energy loss are also included, the price reduction of Xingyuan Group is simply terrible, which means that the cost of power generation has also been reduced to a terrible level, which must be lower than 1 cents/degree, otherwise it is impossible Such a slashing cut has reduced the price of electricity to this point.

The electricity price of 3 cents per kilowatt hour, what does this really mean? What kind of huge impact will it bring?

First of all, there is no doubt that the cost of various space developments will drop significantly.

Take the space transportation industry as an example. Before, when the electricity price was 1 yuan/kWh, it cost about 500 yuan/ton to send a ton of lunar ore back to the ground of Azure Star, which means that it would cost about five yuan. Baidu electricity.

Now that the price of energy has been reduced to three cents, the cost of transporting each ton of space cargo to the surface of the blue star will be reduced to 150 yuan/ton.

Costs have dropped by as much as 70%.

In this way, whether it is moon mining, space transportation, space services, space meteorite fishing or other industries, their operating costs will be further reduced and profit margins will increase.

Zhang Xiangfeng excitedly said to his wife Zeng Menglei: "It's done, our company will definitely do it next year! Space energy accounts for about 40% of our company's operating costs, and we need to drive space transport planes around. Where to send people here for delivery, the daily electricity bill is more than 150,000. Now the electricity bill is 30 cents, which has been reduced by a full 40%. Then the daily electricity cost will be reduced to about 90,000. The saved 60,000 is an increase. The profit is no less than 20 million a year."

"Brother Xing is really kind, he is too kind. If you give up such a big profit at once, the company's business will definitely be better next year, and it will make more money. Let me do the math. Under normal circumstances, the profit It’s probably more than 10 million, and now it’s 20 million more, even if our fee standard may be slightly lowered, but next year, it’s definitely no problem to earn 30 million or so.”

"In this way, the hundreds of millions of loans owed to the bank can be paid off in at most three years. Later, you can consider expanding the company's scale, or entering the profitable stage, and the price of space energy has been reduced. Enterprises that enter space development in the future Or individuals will definitely increase. The business scale of our company will only become larger and larger, making money will become easier and easier. Maybe earning 100 million a year will not be a big problem. Money man, this can definitely be done.”

Zhang Xiangfeng looked full of longing and high spirits.

This time, Zeng Menglei didn't criticize him for painting cakes, but nodded in agreement and showed a smile.

Xingyuan Group has indeed done a great thing this time, reducing the cost of all development companies in space, increasing everyone's profit margins, and giving up real money-like benefits. The positive significance of this aspect is beyond anyone's control. Discredit and deny.

"But Xingyuan Group will never lose money."

Zeng Menglei thought for a while and said: "The price of space energy has dropped and become very cheap, so you won't think about saving money when using it. In the past, space planes didn't dare to fly too fast, and flying faster would consume more energy. Now we don’t need to consider the speed issue, but to shorten the time for customer service and improve the quality of service. Some places that can save electricity, there is no need to save more, the electricity consumption will definitely increase a lot, and the energy expenditure may also increase. Xingyuan Group will not make less money."

"You're right, Brother Xing will never lose money."

Zhang Xiangfeng nodded and said: "The energy contained in the sun is infinite. At present, the amount collected by Xingyuan Group is less than one quadrillionth. If it increases to five billion kilowatts or ten billion kilowatts, the energy price is estimated to be less than 100 billion kilowatts." It will go down, maybe down to 20 cents a degree, 10.5 cents or even 10 cents, but even if it is 10 cents, multiplied by 10 billion kilowatts, there will be more than 20 billion in the account every day. It is too fast to make money. Maintenance The cost is very low, and it is estimated that most of it is net profit, which should be the money earned by Brother Xing, not a penny is missing.

It's a pity that in the field of space energy, it is impossible for other companies to get involved. The technological threshold set by Brother Xing is impossible to break through in ten or twenty years, but after ten or twenty years, Brother Xing has already entered the solar system. Invincible, if we also want to obtain energy in space, we can only consider letting our descendants go to other stars to develop. No matter how powerful Xing Ge is, it is impossible to monopolize the stars in the entire galaxy. "

"Yes, it is easier to make money from space energy. We only earn a little hard-earned money and hard-earned money. After the ten-year tax holiday is over, it is estimated that there will be no profit at all. It depends on the future development of science and technology. If we can go to other stars , the chances will increase a lot.”

Zeng Menglei nodded in agreement.


the other side.

On the blue star.

The space energy of Xingyuan Group, shortly after announcing another price cut.

The public opinion in Huaguo was also very sensational, and the response was far more enthusiastic than that of Xingyuan Group's first price cut.

Although the first price cut was even bigger, a full 50 cents, this time it was only 20 cents lower. Why did the repercussions arouse even greater this time?

Because the electricity price of 5 cents/kWh is completely different from the electricity price of 3 cents/kWh.

It is as if there has been a transition from quantitative change to qualitative change.

The words of experts in certain fields are very representative.

An expert in the steelmaking industry said: "Our steelmaking industry is a high-energy-consuming industry. We use high-calorific value coking coal or anthracite coal that costs nearly 3,000 a ton. Although the price is relatively expensive, a ton of coking coal or anthracite coal , about two tons of steel can be smelted, and the average cost of coal per ton is 1,500. However, if the steelmaking is completely powered by electricity, the cost is not much lower than that of electrolytic aluminum. It takes about 5,000 kWh of electricity to obtain one ton of steel. At 50 cents, in the space factory, the cost of using electricity to make steel was 2,500 tons per ton, which was 1,000 yuan more than on the ground. Excluding the cost of space and earth transportation, it is still cost-effective to use steel on the ground. Now the energy has dropped to 30 cents. The cost of a ton of steel has dropped to 1,500 yuan, which is the same as on the ground, and there is no transportation cost. Making steel in a space factory has suddenly become more cost-effective.

In the future, whether it is steelmaking, electrolytic aluminum, or other high-energy-consuming industries, it will become more cost-effective to smelt and process them in space factories. The number of space factories will increase to hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands. Mankind’s industrial capabilities will definitely be transferred to space in large numbers. There will be fewer and fewer industrial facilities on the ground, and they will not be as competitive as space factories. It is inevitable that they will be eliminated. They have entered space one after another, reducing the pollution to the blue star, which is a great thing for environmental protection. "

Another expert in the smelting industry said: "It is absolutely true. In fact, in the smelting of steel or other heavy industries in the weightless space, many chemical reactions are not only easier to carry out, but also more complete. Some It is possible to reduce steps, reduce energy consumption, and obtain products with higher purity and better physical properties, and it is easier to obtain high value-added materials, such as nanomaterials, etc. The quality and value of products will be significantly improved, which can be regarded as a A high-tech transformation."

An agricultural expert said: "I don't know about other fields. I only know that after the energy price of Xingyuan Group drops to 3 cents per degree, it means that the agricultural field is about to undergo revolutionary changes. Indoor vertical Agricultural factories are about to be developed everywhere. In the future, the fruits and vegetables produced in agricultural factories will surely become the main source of food. Traditional agriculture will gradually die out, and even become a thing of the past.

Because the current indoor vertical farming technology can already produce 1 kg of green leafy vegetables with eight degrees of electricity; Counting 1 kilogram of food, when the energy price was 50 cents before, the energy cost to produce a kilogram of food was about 5 yuan, plus the cost of labor, equipment, seeds, fertilizers, etc., the overall cost was about 10 yuan per kilogram, and the price Some are on the high side, and their competitiveness in the market is insufficient. After all, the average price of rice, vegetables, flour, etc. in supermarkets is usually five or eight yuan per kilogram, and some vegetables may exceed ten yuan per kilogram. , but not dominant, not to mention that supermarkets also need to make money, and the costs of logistics and storage are not low. Unless the wholesale price of melons, fruits and vegetables is about 5 to 8 yuan per kilogram, it will be accepted by the market and can into the supermarket.

The wholesale price is five to eight yuan, which was impossible in the past. The operating cost of indoor vertical farms has been reduced to the extreme, and the wholesale fruits and vegetables will not be lower than 10 yuan per kilogram. This is what can be achieved at present. It is still based on the premise that it is basically unprofitable and can only maintain capital. The main customers are the middle class in big cities, because the fruits and vegetables grown in indoor vertical farms do not need to be sprayed with pesticides. It is very green and healthy. Although the price is high, it will still be accepted by them. But the middle class is not the mainstream after all. Ordinary people who pursue good quality and low price are the mainstream. No matter how big the high-end market is, it will only account for about 20%, and 80% are ordinary people. market.

Now the energy price of Xingyuan Group has been reduced. The price of three cents per degree means that it only costs three yuan for electricity to grow 1 kilogram of fruits and vegetables, plus other costs, and expand the scale of planting. Planting 100 or 200 layers, using a large number of automated robots for labor and reducing the use of manpower, it is entirely possible to reduce the overall production cost to 5 yuan per kilogram, which is very competitive. You can enter those ordinary vegetable markets and supermarkets, and the price can be accepted by the majority of ordinary people. If the energy price can be lowered in the future, then traditional agriculture will not have any competitiveness at all, and it is inevitable to be eliminated , In the future, agriculture will be completely transformed into industry. Most of the fruits and vegetables will be grown in the factory like an assembly line, and there will be harvests 365 days a year. You will no longer have to worry about food issues, and it is not easy to have seasonal fluctuations in prices. There can only be one word to describe it.

In addition, a large area of ​​agricultural land can be freed up, large-scale transformation of the countryside can be carried out, the city can continue to expand, and land resources can be more fully utilized. In the field of grain, we will increase our country's right to speak, even export grain on a large scale, and defeat the foreign grain merchants who often make trouble... It can be said that the impact will be in all aspects, and the benefits will be very many. "

The decline in energy prices will act as a catalyst, which will indeed lead to rapid development of indoor vertical farming, and there are also many domestic companies that have seen this trend, and the related technologies are very mature, but they have not been applied on a large scale. and promotion only.

Now it's a big deal.

Immediately there are as many as hundreds of companies announcing that they will enter the field of indoor vertical farming. Some plan to go to space to do it, and some hope that Xingyuan Group can guide cheap electricity to the ground and directly provide food for their plants. used by the factory.

The government immediately took action. The energy supply tower construction project, which had been progressing slowly, suddenly announced that it would speed up. At the same time, no less than 1,000 energy supply towers would be built in 20 major cities in the country, each with five The height of one hundred meters is comparable to the height of a landmark building, but the construction cost of each of these thousands of energy supply towers is no less than three billion yuan. The first batch of investment exceeds three trillion yuan, which is expected to bring Millions of jobs.

And under each energy supply tower, an indoor vertical agricultural factory will be built, with an internal area of ​​about 20 acres. The factory building is divided into five floors. In each factory building, 200 layers of fruits and vegetables can be planted in layers. Then It is equivalent to 20,000 mu of arable land.

A thousand energy supply towers are equivalent to bringing 20 million mu of arable land.

And because melons, fruits and vegetables can be grown all year round, and the most suitable temperature for plant growth is always maintained, the role it plays is comparable to 100 million mu of arable land.

What's more, this is only the first phase of construction.

The number of energy supply towers in the future will increase to hundreds of thousands. If there are 100,000 large energy supply towers, all of which are equipped with indoor vertical factories, it may bring agricultural output equivalent to 10 billion mu of arable land.

It can be described as terrifying.


In addition to these areas.

The energy price reduction of Xingyuan Group has been most affected, in fact, it is the energy field in China. (end of this chapter)

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