Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 50: The First Legion was completely annihilated (1/2)

Chapter 50: The First Legion was completely annihilated

The particle flow ejected by the black hole explosion engulfed the entire fleet.

Kag felt the violent shaking under his feet, and he pushed off the ground to reduce the vibration of his body and quickly regained his composure.

The screen of the spacecraft was blurry, and the information network connected to his head could not get any information.

The enemy's terror far exceeded its imagination.

It was still in shock.

That was a black hole!

The enemy actually created a black hole. Although it was not big and unstable, a black hole was a black hole, the most terrifying celestial body in the universe, no one else.

Do they really have a chance of winning against such an opponent?

In fact, by now, it has also been shaken in its heart.

Does the Civilization Federation really exist?

Can the Kate civilization survive?

All kinds of distracting thoughts.

As soon as these thoughts came to mind, it pressed them deep in its heart.

What if there is no chance of winning?

Even if it only unveils a layer of the opponent's veil, it is better than letting the entire Kate civilization behind it be destroyed without knowing it.

About half an hour later, it received the first message, and its heavy weight once again hit its psychological defenses.

The third and tenth fleets were completely out of contact, and the other fleets also lost more than one-third of their losses. The entire fleet lost 391 warships, nearly half, in the energy generated by the last 3% of the matter of this black hole weapon.

Before the entire legion recovered, the disease came one after another.

At some point, the enemy had released the ghost life form to invade the warship. The other party planned to destroy them in this way and then leave the spacecraft intact.

But this made Kag relieved.

"Deploy weak force fields inside all spacecrafts!"

Ella's research on ghost life forms over the years has not been fruitless. At least it has been made clear that the means by which ghost life forms create diseases is to affect the movement of elementary particles through weak force, and then cause macroscopic diseases.

The best way to deal with this ghost life form is to use weak force.

The weak force field is specially prepared for this. It records the information of the elementary particles of life itself and only excludes abnormal elementary particles.

Soon Kag's order was implemented. Except for the four warships that were destroyed by the previous impact on the weak field equipment, all other warships turned on the weak field.

Within 5 minutes, all symptoms were relieved.

"All the recovered fleets send fighters to the [wall] and must figure out its structure!"

The enemy will not give them time to react, so they must act quickly.

What exactly is the [wall]?

When the black hole exploded, the [wall] was closer to the explosion point, but the [wall] showed no signs of damage.

As many as 7,000 fighters flew out, these were relatively intact fighters, and the rest were more or less damaged by the explosion just now.

The speed of the fighter is faster than that of the spacecraft, reaching 12197km/s. It can be said that it has been made to the extreme. The fighter only saves the engine energy used for one acceleration and one deceleration, and recovery depends entirely on luck.

A large number of fighters approached the [wall] like a swarm of bees.

They almost flew close to the [wall], and countless ammunition swept past, and the attack on the surface of the wall was gradually integrated into it.


The adjutant next to Kag suddenly shouted.

The focused Kag was startled and asked, "What's different?"

The adjutant thought carefully, and then his expression became more determined.

"Under the energy impact before, the wall was rigid, but after the ordinary bullet touched the wall, it became flexible."

"I have two guesses. One is that energy cannot enter the wall, only matter can."

"The other is that high-energy weapons cannot enter the wall, only low-energy weapons can."

"We need to test it and use fighter jets or even spacecraft to hit the wall!"

It looked excited. If its guess was true, then it might be possible to enter the [wall] directly.

Kag asked the operator to call up the information observed before.

"Use the host to quickly analyze the possibility!"

The host ran and quickly gave the answer.

[The probability of conclusion 1 is 32.28%, the probability of conclusion 2 is 26.92%, and the probability of the remaining conclusions is 40.8%]

It's very high!

Kag looked at the data carefully.

"Maybe it's both."

"This black hole weapon is obviously aimed at dwarf planets."

"The enemy civilization uses what may be the most powerful black hole weapon when facing a dwarf planet impact, proving that they are also afraid of dwarf planet impacts."

"We don't need spaceships and fighters to crash into it, we just need a small stone!"

Kag asked a fighter to push an asteroid, which was only a little over 2 meters in diameter, towards the [wall].

Its speed was not very fast, only 19km/s.

Before the asteroid hit, the entire [wall] changed again.

Countless bubbles appeared on its surface. These bubbles were transparent, but they distorted the light so that it became visible.

The bubbles almost instantly enveloped thousands of fighters flying on the surface of the [wall].

"Lost contact, Legion Commander!"

Kag stared at one place.

The asteroid.

When the bubble just appeared, the asteroid crashed into the bubble.

This is different from the fighter swallowed by the bubble.

The adjutant's guess is true!

"Everyone start the fleet!"

"Go to the wall!"

It made the decision almost at the moment when the asteroid was completely swallowed by the wall.


Kag didn't know that he was the legion commander selected by Yan Xia himself because of his courage in handling things.

In war, any hesitation will lead to the loss of opportunities, thus affecting the victory or defeat of the entire battle.

Decisiveness is a very excellent character.

The Heroic Spirit Legion unconditionally trusts this legion commander. After receiving the order, the captains of each warship immediately issued an order, the engine joystick was pushed to the bottom, the valve was fully opened, and the fleet rushed straight to the [wall].

But there was still a certain distance between the two sides.

After exposing its intentions, the Heroic Spirit Legion quickly received an abnormal signal from the [wall].

The entire wall was fluctuating, and a U-shaped warship flew out of the [wall].

Its appearance is similar to the engineer spaceship in "Prometheus", but in the center of the U there is a rotating geometric structure emitting dark green light that keeps changing and flashing.

After the battleship flew out of the [wall], it accelerated directly to 1/32 of the speed of light, and quickly closed the distance with the battleships of the Legion of Heroes.

At this time, the geometric structure in the center of the enemy battleship suddenly lit up, and then returned to calm.

When Kag saw the center of the enemy battleship light up, a shock hit the ship.

"Captain, gravitational waves are found!"

"The enemy should be attacking by gravitons to trigger gravitational waves..."

Before the report was finished, Kag saw on the screen that hundreds of gravitational waves began to intersect, and extremely strong energy burst out at the intersection.

The battleships around the intersection were instantly swallowed up, and most of the hulls disappeared out of thin air.

The flagship was also affected by the huge energy waves generated by the collision of gravitational waves. The deployed magnetic shield was completely unable to affect the gravity of the four basic forces, and was penetrated like a chicken.


Kag roared.

All battleships began to charge.

This was caused by material limitations. Their high-energy weapons must go through the charging stage.

Fortunately, the universe is big enough to give them enough time to recharge.

When the charging is completed, hundreds of dark matter energy beams shoot towards that side.

However, there is a layer of shield like a [wall] on the surface of the enemy's warship that blocks their attack.

"Long-range combat is not possible."

"We have to get close to it."

"Fighter launch, fighter launch!"

Kag shouted, and several more warships were destroyed while shouting.

You know, there are tens of thousands of soldiers on each warship!

They have now lost millions of soldiers.

This is the cruelty of cosmic war.

As for why the warships are not controlled by machines, but so many people are carried, it is also to prepare for this time.

The fighters launched at this time carry a large number of soldiers and are ready for boarding battles.

This is an extremely inefficient means, but when long-range attacks lose their effect, or when the energy is exhausted, soldiers become the most efficient combat units.

The fighters that were damaged and had not been repaired in time flew towards the enemy warships.

Before they were halfway through, tens of thousands of lasers shot from the enemy warships, so dense that they quickly consumed the energy of the electromagnetic shields of the fighters and destroyed thousands of fighters.

The starry sky is silent!

But all the soldiers and officers of the Heroic Spirit Legion felt suffocated, as if countless explosions were blasting in their ears, which were destruction, suppression, wailing, and despair.

The enemy only dispatched one warship, and they were already in such a difficult situation.

Is the gap really so huge?

There are still more than 2,000 fighters moving forward, and no fighter chooses to turn at this time.

They rushed straight towards the warship, with more wreckage of destroyed fighters behind them.


The front fighter has touched the [wall].

Pass through!

All the soldiers who saw this scene showed excitement on their faces, but they froze again the next moment.

The fighter was instantly locked by a large number of lasers and then destroyed.

But if there is one, there will be two!

More fighters rushed into the [wall].

Kag felt a slight tremor under his feet, and he touched his tentacles to the floor, and the tremor became more obvious.

A series of "buzz~buzz~buzz~" sounds like mosquitoes flapping their wings, but shorter and shorter.

The source of the vibration was the enemy warship in the distance!

At this time, the fighter approaching the warship suddenly stopped in the air without any signs, as if it was pressed on the time prohibition.

Kag said urgently: "This is not gravity, nor electromagnetic force, maybe strong force or weak force."

"All fighters deploy weak force fields!"

These fighters all carry weak force fields, because Ella made a prediction before that the other civilization may be good at using weak force attacks.

Sure enough.

After deploying the weak force field, the fighter regained its maneuverability.

However, in just a short while, more than half of the fighters were destroyed. Now the number of fighters left is less than 300, and there is no possibility of survival under the dense laser cannons.

On the battlefield, even if you use up your last remaining strength, you may not be able to achieve results.

As the fighter planes approached, the entire fleet was also getting closer and closer to the battleship.

There were only 218 battleships left.

They also dived towards the enemy battleship like the fighter planes.

The battleship at the front suddenly disintegrated in front, not the disintegration of parts, but the tens of billions of battleships instantly became countless particles.

"It's a strong nuclear force weapon. The opponent uses strong force to collapse the nucleus!"

As a Level 2 civilization, it perfectly controls the four basic forces and uses them as weapons.

Although magnetic force is the most powerful force among the four basic forces, compared with the strong force, weak force and gravity that are hard to defend, electromagnetic force is too easy to resist.

Under strong force, weak force and gravity, the electromagnetic shield of their spacecraft has extremely limited defense effect against it, which is just like a decoration.

"Don't be lucky!"

"We must get close to the opponent's battleship, otherwise we can only be slaughtered."

"Only by getting close can there be a glimmer of hope."

"Start the death plan!"

Any tactics seem ridiculous before the absolute strength crushes. This is an unfair war between ants and elephants.

But, too many ants can bite elephants to death.

A message came from the few battleships at the front.

"Goodbye, comrades!"

"For our civilization, for our homeland!"

Several huge lights appeared, like the light of stars.

This is the death plan.

At all costs.

The light of the light group flickered in everyone's eyes, and Kag ordered all the warships to move forward with the energy wave generated by the explosion.

The light groups collapsed before the explosion was complete.

The enemy attacked and used unexpected weapons again.

"The enemy's restrained energy will also consume energy, continue..."

Kag's heart was extremely cold, and it spoke ruthlessly. At this time, there was no possibility of retreat.

The warship exploded again.

If a few ships are not enough, then dozens of ships.

If dozens of ships are not enough, then hundreds of ships!

The terrifying energy continued to rush towards the enemy warships, layer by layer.

Tens of thousands of soldiers died in each light group. At the moment before the explosion, countless thoughts entered the information network, which was enough to burst the head if read.

Kag completely blocked the information network.

Just looking at him with your eyes, you can know that the death has exceeded tens of millions.

However, the enemy's fur was not even hurt.


The flagship is approaching the enemy warship.

It has broken through the enemy's [wall].

At this time, Kag walked out of the control room and walked towards the hangar in the flagship.

There was a small spaceship of only more than 50 meters long parked here. This spaceship was a partner that had been following it to explore the universe for 21 years.

There was a huge distortion device on the top of this spaceship.

Kag originally didn't want to take this spaceship, but it could provide another possibility for this war.

Just as he got on the spaceship, he suddenly saw other officers walking out on the screen, one by one, they had already put on their equipment and were ready to enter the fighter.

It turned out that...

It was not just him who had this idea.

The spaceship and the fighter started.

A message came from the control room.

"High-intensity energy fluctuations of the enemy warship were detected. The enemy is likely to be preparing to forcefully disintegrate our warship..."

"The flagship self-destruction program is activated."

Within this distance, the opponent dare not release gravity weapons, only magnetic force, strong force and weak force.

The magnetic force is protected by a magnetic shield, and the opponent's magnetic force is not too strong. The weak force also has a weak force field, which can barely stop the opponent's attack.

Then there is only strong force!

Although it is just a guess, the huge gap does not allow them to make other lucky judgments, so they detonated the flagship without hesitation, in order to allow other warships and fighters to get closer.


The sound that can only be heard in the flagship, in this sound, it has become a larger ball of light.

Kag focused all his attention on the front.

Now the distance is close enough!

1.83 million kilometers...

1.51 million kilometers...

990,000 kilometers...

Continuously approaching at a speed of 10,000 kilometers per second.

The flagship explosion distance is too close, forcing the enemy warship to change its defense means, shrinking the wall to the extreme, blocking a large amount of energy.

But the fragments of the flagship carried huge kinetic energy through the [wall] and directly pierced the shell of the enemy warship.

All fighters found this opportunity and flew towards that place.

A large number of lasers came again to shoot down the fighters.

Kag saw a fighter plane driven by his adjutant being destroyed, and he was a little upset, but he drove the small spaceship forward more firmly.

After all, the energy reserve of the spaceship is more sufficient than that of the fighter plane. After being hit by several consecutive lasers, the spaceship still did not slow down.

However, the enemy seemed to have discovered this "hard bone".

More lasers fell on the spaceship like a rain curtain.

The energy of the spaceship dropped sharply.


A laser shattered the electromagnetic shield and pierced through the hull, leaving a huge scar on the hull.

An alarm appeared on the driver's seat, but Kag ignored it.

Because it was close enough, only 40,000 kilometers away!

The deformed device in front of the spaceship was ejected at this time. It was a small detector that entered the torn crack of the enemy spaceship at a speed of more than 20,000 km/s.

Seeing this scene, Kag's mouth showed an ugly smile and rare ease.

The next moment, his spaceship was also pierced and shattered by the laser.


More than three months later, Yan Xia got the information sent back from the battlefield.

11.75 million soldiers died, and all warships were destroyed.


There is only one word to describe it.

He received not only the information of the battle, but also a picture.

There was a vague purple shadow in the picture, and its body was not big.

In the dim light, you can see the opponent's vertical eye-like thing like a slit, and the white cable on the top of the head is particularly obvious. The cable seems to be connected to something.

This is the appearance of the enemy civilization.

Yan Xia's expression was neither happy nor sad.

The First Legion was originally planned to be destroyed, and their destruction brought a glimmer of hope to the Civilization Federation.

The reason for choosing Kag is that it has no scruples. At the last moment, it can make the same decision as Yan Xia thought.

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