Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 51 The three fundamental forces blockade, the victim

News of the destruction of the Heroic Spirit Legion quickly spread throughout Proxima Centauri.

All creatures in the three civilizations were shocked.

In their eyes, with so many warships in the legion, even if they cannot win, they can still maintain the war situation for several years or even decades.

How long has it been since now?

Excluding the time spent traveling, how much time is spent actually fighting?

Is the enemy really that powerful?

Panic spread across the Civilized Federation.

The only one who knows the truth is the "Civilized Federation", Yan Xia's fictitious organization.

Over the years, apart from the Hundred-Eyed Tribe and the Human Tribe, the Kate Tribe has not seen any traces of the civilization of any other member of the Civilized Federation.

The far right, which was originally hiding in the dark, came out one after another to promote the theory that "there is no civilized federation."

Public opinion was boiling, and at this time, the entire Kate civilization reappeared in the scene where it saw the civilization tower for the first time.


Some Kates escaped from Proxima Centauri in a spaceship.

But they couldn't escape.

Because in the vacuum outside the entire Proxima Centauri, a huge blockade appeared.

Within this blockade, the three basic forces other than gravity cannot operate at all. Once the spacecraft reaches that area, it will directly disintegrate into elementary particles. Not to mention the spacecraft, even photons cannot pass in or out.

Entire civilization was blocked.

Even the original sky shield became a decoration in front of the enemy civilization.


Greater panic is spreading.

Some lives have already begun to pray and take refuge.

Yan Xia didn't pay too much attention to these. Panic would cause chaos within civilization, but in a war of this scale, these civilians would not be able to influence the situation no matter how chaotic they were.

He deliberately let the news out for his original plan.

Show weakness!

Panic will make the enemy feel that one's own civilization is at the end of its strength.

Unfortunately, the other civilization did not follow the script he set, but directly blocked the entire galaxy.

"With such a powerful force, why not directly target the interior of the galaxy?"

Yan Xia has been staying in Ella's research institute and has not left. He has not even entered hibernation in these years. After all, it is not him who invades others, but others who invade him. Maybe after this hibernation, it will be eternal sleep.

Ella's original copy is not here, it leaves a "folder_01_copy" similar to a clone.

This attachment, Ella, answered for him: "Using these basic forces to affect matter requires a lot of energy."

"If you want to seal off the basic power of the entire Proxima Galaxy, you can't do it with the size of a first-level Level 2 civilization."

“Only in a vacuum, where matter is scarce, can we save energy.”

The attachment Ella shares the same database as the original.

But for some reason, Yan Xia felt that the attachment Ella was far less vivid than the original Ella.

Yan Xia nodded slightly.

"That's right, but it's powerful enough."

"You probably can't contact the original now."

Ella's original copy is not in Proxima Centauri, but in another place.

South Gate 2A Middle School.

Yan Xia asked Ella to explore the strings, which required too much energy. Originally, Ella planned to use the energy generated by the Dyson Cloud to explore after the Dyson Cloud was completed.

But that time is no longer available.

Ella had to borrow the energy from South Gate 2A.

Yan Xia and Ella had avoided touching those energy sources before.

No one can be sure whether the third civilization installed any sensors or other detection devices in the device of South Gate 2A.

Maybe the news that a civilization has broken into South Gate 2A has been on the way to the civilization through some means, or has reached the hands of the civilization.

This sense of urgency did not affect Yan Xia.

He has lived long enough to see, learn, and master more than anyone in human history.

He is already a stable old man, and his calmness should have been imprinted in his blood.

Ella replied: "Yes, magnetism cannot penetrate the blockade."

"Our information was cut off."

Yan Xia nodded.

He wasn't worried about Ella.

During the process of creating the Dyson Cloud, Ella corrected the center of mass of the Nanmen Binary Star System. Now it is perfect. The enemy has a low chance of finding the hole in Nanmen II A.

"When do you think they will attack us?"

Ella Annex performed a wave of calculations.

"The highest probability is within 20 years!"

Yan Xia shook her head, a little disappointed with the Ella attachment. It was indeed not as good as the original. She wondered whether the original Ella had blocked the attachment function.

"I guess in 100 years."

"Their blockade of Proxima Centauri means they're hesitant, they're very cautious."

"The gap between us and them is actually not as big as imagined, so they will not be in a hurry. Instead, they will slowly plunge us into material scarcity, making civilization hungry, emaciated, and fragile."

"They did not block Nanmen 2. I guess they will take charge of Nanmen 2 later and study our biological structure, social structure, and technology tree through the people left on Nanmen 2's Dyson Cloud."

"And I have left a theoretical attachment for them there. The weak force field in the attachment is only the first part. There is more information, including what they exposed to us this time."

"The wall is indeed strong and solid, but if you analyze it carefully, you will know that it is still inseparable from the four fundamental forces, and in order to be practical, they have made compromises to allow stable substances to shuttle freely."

"This is fatal, which means that as long as I create a high-energy substance that can maintain stability for a short time, I can break their tortoise shells."

"Of course, this is not enough to destroy them, but this alone will make the other party consider whether it is worth it."

"Is it to wait, or to attack at a cost?"

"They will guess whether I will have other technologies after mastering this technology."

"This is a game between intelligent life."

A little bit of thought influence.

Of course, Yan Xia is not sure whether this will work.

So he never puts all his eggs in one basket.

The Hundred Eyes Star is already preparing to attack the Pseudo Civilization, and Yan Xia decides to delay the Pseudo Civilization even if he sacrifices the Chasing Light Civilization.

From his point of view, the Pseudo Civilization must directly invade the Proxima Civilization and destroy him in the best interests.

But the Youzi Civilization considers the entire civilization, not a single individual, and will not be preconceived like a bystander. The Hundred Eyes will become part of the civilization, and it will take the Hundred Eyes into consideration. This is Yan Xia using everything about the Hundred Eyes to divert their attention.

Is it cruel?

Perhaps since the Hundred Eyes were enslaved by him, they have long been destined to become victims.

Next, it depends on whether the Youzi Civilization is kind.

Of course, Ella will help the Hundred Eyes Star complete technological advancement so that it will not be like an ant trying to shake a tree when facing the Youzi Civilization.

"There is nothing I can do next."

"It's time to hibernate."

Yan Xia stood up.

The previous tense period has passed, and now it is a game of delicate balance.

Yan Xia still cherishes his life, so he built his hibernation capsule in the center of the earth. Even if the Youzi Civilization really goes crazy and destroys the Proxima Star System, he can escape, unless the other party does not even let go of the planets.

Taking a step back, in fact, the entire Civilization Federation is not important to him. If it is destroyed, then just start over again.

He will spend another 100 years in this hibernation.

Not only because he guessed that the Yuzi civilization would take action after 100 years, but also because Ella promised him that if he gave it 100 years, he would be able to see the "string" by using energy accumulation.

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