Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 52: A century of change, the closing string of freedom

Yan Xia's guess was partly correct.

The other part that was not correct was that the other civilization wanted more than he thought.

After he had been asleep for 10 years.

The extreme right on Proxima b became more active and gained a lot of public support in just half a year. They preached that the Civilization Federation did not exist, that the Kate civilization was being enslaved, and that the real savior was the "Purple Thorn".

This is not the name of an organization, but the civilization they are facing at the moment.

Purple Thorn is just a translation, which means purple life with thorns that cannot move. Their civilization exists on a planet full of such plants. It is their home, and they use it as a symbol of civilization.

The activities of the extreme right this time are somewhat familiar.

It is exactly the same as what Yan Xia did before.

It's just that Yan Xia used the "Civilization Tower" as a deception at that time, and the Purple Thorn has the real strength to crush the Kate civilization.

They don't seem to intend to directly destroy the Kate civilization, but to enslave it.

It is also possible that it is just to relax the Kate civilization, and then explore the technical information left by Yan Xia to confirm whether the corresponding technology really exists in the Proxima star system.

Any life that is not a fool can smell these two smells from this.

Even a fool will guess that the extreme right has turned to the civilization that is invading them after hearing the exact name "Purple Thorn".

In fact, no matter which one it is, it is good news for Yan Xia.

It's just a little dramatic!

More than a thousand years ago, the extreme left was pro-civilization federation, and the extreme right protected the independence of civilization.

Now the extreme left maintains the civilization federation, and the extreme right turns to the incoming alien civilization.

At this time, the top leaders of the Kate civilization repeated the struggle of more than a thousand years ago.

However, this time, facing the civilization that calls itself Purple Thorn is more helpless and powerless than more than a thousand years ago, because they are not facing any conspiracy, but naked absolute force.

But more Kate people still can't forget the previous "epidemic".

There are too many dead souls.

The Kate people who experienced that "epidemic" have not yet died. For them, it is not much different from what happened yesterday.

Contradiction is the main theme of the first and second decades of the Kate Clan.

However, this civilization does not have Yan Xia's patience. They are very anxious.

After 20 years, they began to gradually block the technology of the entire Kate civilization, attack a large number of energy devices, assassinate a large number of senior scientists, and even began to interfere with the operation of the internal economy of the civilization, starting to downgrade the civilization of the Kate civilization.

One of the first targets to be hit was Ella's research institute and Yanhuang College.

These two facilities were directly wiped out at the physical level by the rays from outer space.

And at this time, the Purple Thorn Civilization has begun to clean up the matter around Proxima and the particles floating in the vacuum. They further shrink the blockade circle, making the space for civilization activities more limited.

30 years later.

The blockade of the Purple Thorn Civilization has crossed the star Proxima.

Proxima b, Proxima c, and Proxima d, the three planets are dark, and the surfaces of the three planets have frozen into ice, like the end of the extreme cold.

This year, the population of the Kate civilization plummeted.

At the same time, a group of supplicants appeared.

They prayed to the Purple Thorn Civilization every day to calm down their anger, and their civilization was willing to be attached and willing to submit.


There was no response.

The Kate civilization was not originally such a soft bone, but Yan Xia continued to domesticate them over the years, and they became more inclined and more likely to succumb to power.

This is a drawback.

Also in this fourth decade, the humans in the civilization special zone received special care, and many high-level humans disappeared.

40 years later, the fifth decade came.

This is an important turning point.

Because the spacecraft of the Hundred Eyes Star has crossed the distance of space to Proxima.

The war started outside the Proxima star system.

However, this war was much smaller in intensity and magnitude than the war between the Legion of Heroes and the Purple Thorns.

It even made people feel that this was a moth flying into the fire and dying.

As Yan Xia expected, this did attract the attention of the enemy.

The enemy turned their attention to the Hundred Eyes Star.

However, the strength of the Hundred Eyes Star could not really make the Purple Thorn Civilization pay attention to it, and they were still concerned about the Proxima star system.

In this decade, the Kate tribe saw the life of the Purple Thorn Civilization for the first time.

These lives are really purple, much smaller than they imagined, just a half-meter furry ball, with a body shape similar to Gengar, but they are more purple-red, not blue-purple.

They have a slit-like "eye", about twenty centimeters long.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is not an eye, but a sensory organ. They use these sensory organs to perceive external objects. These sensory organs will produce images like eyes, but not color imaging, but thermal imaging.

They also have hands, but they are not symmetrical, but one side is large and the other side is small, with two pairs, and hundreds of small and flexible tentacles on the top of their hands.

At the same time, they have no feet, but snail-like gastropods, crawling by creeping, but the advancement of technology means that they do not need such a slow way of moving. A white cable extends from their heads to connect their bodies and a basketball-sized ball above.

The sphere uses anti-gravity technology to float, and uses white cables to suspend the purple thorn civilization life below in the air.

The sphere is a highly integrated device that seems to integrate information processing capabilities, attack and protection.

Under the action of the sphere, an abnormal isolation layer is formed around these lives. They are not adapted to the environment of Proxima Centauri. The sphere can create an original living environment around their bodies. They seem to breathe methane.

The Kates noticed that they seemed to be looking for something.

The entire planet was tossed beyond recognition by them.

When the 50th year came, the population of the Kates became even sparser, because the food supply was controlled by the purple thorn civilization, and the purple thorn civilization was deliberately limiting the population increase and decrease of the Kate civilization.

The population of the Kates has decreased by 500 million.

The entire Kate civilization has fallen to the bottom, and no Kate can control equipment and weapons higher than the level 1 civilization.


This has created two extremes.

One extreme is extreme humility and respect for the purple thorn civilization.

The other extreme is to constantly attack the Purple Thorn civilization on the surface of the planet, but it is in vain.

The beginning of the 60th year was extremely unusual.

The Purple Thorn civilization began to capture the children of the Kate tribe, and these children never came back after being taken away.

The adults of the Kate tribe also found that their bodies were gradually mutating, becoming more and more like wild beasts, and their crystals were destroyed.

In the 75th year.

Those children returned.

They became warriors, or hunters.

And those mutated Kate tribe became prey.

Their language was completely incommunicable, and some Kate tribes could only watch their children kill themselves, which was extremely cruel and brutal.

The Purple Thorn civilization was conducting an experiment.

It seemed that they were getting more and more relieved, and more creatures of the Purple Thorn civilization also came to the planet to hunt with these Kate tribes who were trained by them as hunters.

In the 83rd year, an explosion swept across Proxima b.

The magnitude of this explosion exceeded 500 trillion dense equivalents, and the entire Proxima b was blown off its original orbit.

The Purple Thorn Civilization on Proxima b suffered more than 20,000 casualties, and the Kates suffered more than 1.5 billion casualties.

When the Purple Thorn Civilization went to find the source of the explosion, they found that it was a piece of high-energy matter with only 2.431X10^-48 Kelvin.

The "stable unstable object" mentioned by Yan Xia.

Although it can only be stable for 5 days, it is also a big crisis for the Purple Thorn Civilization.

This chaos caused the Purple Thorn Civilization to leave the Proxima Star System until 12 years later.

And this is also the last 12 years.

In Alpha Centauri A.

A long thread-like thing is suspended next to countless rotating huge ring-shaped devices.

If you really get close, you will know that this thread is only relative to the surrounding space and its length. Its diameter is actually more than 10 meters. This is a particle collider with a length of 100 kilometers.

However, it collides bosons.

The energy of this particle collider comes from the light group in the center of the ring.

There is an observation device in the center of the particle collider, which is equipped with a gravitational microscope developed by Ella.

It observes smaller scale objects by observing the distortion of space-time caused by gravity.

If there are strings after the boson collision, the strings will definitely break away from the bosons in the collision, and the gravitational microscope can observe the gravitational trajectory brought by its mass to observe or even capture the strings.

However, Ella found that this was not feasible. The gravitational detector could not observe the strings in the stable space.

At the same time, it could not generate the force to impact and scatter a boson or fermion.

So later it used the micro black hole produced by the collision test, used the power of the black hole to crush the elementary particles, and observed the strings with only length but no height in the state of the ten-dimensional space blurred by the strong gravity caused by the short-lived micro black hole.

But this is still difficult. It cannot break through the horizon of the black hole, even if the black hole is so small and cute.

To deal with a black hole, you can only use another black hole.

So Ella used another anti-rotating black hole and the material exchange generated by their mutual collision to observe the string moving from black hole No. 1 to black hole No. 2.

And after 28 such experiments, it finally observed the existence of the string.

However, in such an experiment, what it observed was not the open string that constitutes matter, but the free closed string that constitutes gravitons.

Perhaps this is related to its ability to penetrate the cosmic membrane.

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