Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 53: Internal and external forces move together, Proxima b is shattered

On a macro level, gravitational lenses can be used to indirectly discover cosmic strings that also belong to string theory.

On a micro level, gravitons are used as a medium to discover strings at the micro level.

This may be a coincidence, after all, the two are not the same thing, but it may also be a necessity.

Discovering strings does not mean that strings can be used.

But it does not mean that this is worthless. The establishment of string theory allows Ella to use the four fundamental forces at a smaller level.

As long as strings are discovered, other technologies can be synchronized and then civilization can quickly enter level 2.

How fast?

Ella's plan is 5 years...

This plan is too short, but it does not require too fine application, as long as it is extremely rough.

Here is its inexhaustible energy, using this energy, it can create an extremely rough "string weapon".

"Yan Xia, Ella has fulfilled her promise!"

Ella used a camera floating in deep space to observe the outside, in the direction of Proxima Centauri.

It is a little worried about Yan Xia's safety now, but it can't be anxious.

The war has just begun.

It's time to decide the outcome of the battle.

The 100th year has passed.

At this time, in the center of the earth of Proxima c.

Yan Xia woke up.

He climbed out of the hibernation capsule and stood in a space of only 10 square meters. There was not much gravity here, making it very difficult for him to move every time.

He walked to a small computer and turned on the screen.

There was no desktop on it, only a system. After entering it, there was a simple interface.

A button and a video player.

If the initial plan was not deviated, the battleship of the Hundred Eyes should have arrived at Proxima at this moment.

And he had to make some moves inside.

He pressed the button with the mouse, and the video player started.

There was a series of data on it.

Yan Xia didn't feel anything, but the data had fed back to him, and what he wanted was started.

It was a planet.

The home of the Kate tribe - Proxima b.

Just as Yan Xia thought before hibernation, for him, everything in the Civilization Federation was not important.

So from the beginning, he and Ella had planned to lose some of the Kates.

He pressed the button, and the gravitational oscillation device hidden in the core of Proxima b was activated, and Proxima b deviated from its orbit and was thrown into outer space by the gravity of Proxima at a specific angle.

Why not Proxima d, where there is no one?

Proxima d has too small a mass, and its core is easy to detect, but it is not easy to hide the device.

And Proxima c is where he is, so the best choice is Proxima b.

And the Purple Thorn Civilization would not have thought that Yan Xia's weapon from the beginning was a whole planet, and it was a planet with billions of lives on it.

"At this time 100 years later, the Hundred Eyes will arrive at Proxima, and the enemy will be in a situation where both inside and outside are enemies."

"Proxima b and the Hundred Eyes do not need to defeat each other, but only need to attract attention and delay time."

This is what Yan Xia said to Ella at the time.

Too cold-blooded.

But sometimes you have to be so cold-blooded.

Although he was dormant most of the time, the time he experienced in the world of "Divine Revelation" was not fake.

His physical life span is only more than 100 years, but if we talk about his mental age, it should be more than 1,000 years, including what he experienced in "Divine Revelation".

He is no longer the person who lived in peacetime when he was on Earth or when the Earth was just destroyed, and his mind was full of computer knowledge and games.

Regarding war, power and other things, he thinks that he is not too bad compared with any famous strategist or politician in human history.

He even controls more lives and a wider territory than the original human civilization.

Sometimes, there is gain only when there is sacrifice.

If you can't be cold-blooded, you can only be killed by the enemy.

He looked at the fluctuations of the data on the screen calmly and calculated the situation of Proxima b at this time.

Next, it depends on the enemy's actions.

When the huge matter of Proxima b makes it very energy-consuming to maintain the blockade, they will close the blockade.

They will definitely not let Proxima b wander, because they are not sure what else is inside Proxima.

They will choose to destroy this time bomb.

Perhaps, fireworks like the Earth will bloom again, and they will bloom under the personal guidance of Yan Xia.

At the same time.

A fleet is sailing in deep space.

They come from the Hundred Eyes Star, and as Yan Xia expected, they have arrived.

41 years ago.

The Hundred Eyes Star was forced to enlist. All the Hundred Eyes who met the age must enter the army to complete a five-year training and then quickly go to the battlefield.

In the first 50 years, in addition to sending warships to harass the Purple Thorn Civilization, the Hundred Eyes Star has been stockpiling warships.

At this time, the number of warships has reached 1,287.

It's just that the quality of these warships is far less than that of the Legion of Heroes.

But it's enough!

They have to cross the light-year distance to Proxima Centauri to participate in the battle.

This was part of Yan Xia and Ella's original plan.

It's now 41 years later, Proxima Centauri is close at hand, and it's only a matter of time before the outbreak of war.

In their field of vision, the existence of planets in the Proxima star system cannot be seen.

Kuka, as the military commander of the Hundred Eyes, saw his people behind him at this time.

Fear was revealed in every eye.

Every Hundred Eyes knew what enemy they were facing, and they also knew clearly that the enemy was invincible.

This was an enemy that could block a galaxy and easily defeat a civilization that was much more powerful than them.

But they had no choice!

Ella's order was an imperial decree for them. If they did not obey, they would still die.

The robots in the Hundred Eyes would slaughter them.

In comparison, they might as well come to this empty universe to face unknown enemies.

At least there were weapons to resist and attack!


This was its emotion at this moment.

It felt a deep sorrow as a Hundred Eyes at this moment. Although it had never complained about why it was a Hundred Eyes, and it had never thought of becoming a human or a Kate, this sorrow was real, and it could not be isolated from feeling it.

It transmitted light information.

"Prepare for battle!"

"The enemy is our enemy. Our family members have died under their ghost creations."

"In order to protect our people from such destruction and death, we must leave a wound on the enemy even if we die."

A declaration without any momentum.

They have detected the location of the enemy's warship.



They approached the warship.

The first laser was fired at the U-shaped warship, but it was blocked.

Kuka also received information that only by approaching the enemy's warship and then entering the warship can the enemy be defeated this time.


If there is no way to retreat, then charge.

The spacecraft and fighter planes pounced on the warship of the Purple Thorn Civilization like locusts.

This is repeating the process of the Heroic Legion, and it will also repeat the result of the Heroic Legion.

However, at this moment.

The warship detected that a powerful energy source was shut down, and the things that had disappeared reappeared.

Because the blockade has been shrunk to a very small size, the fleet is actually already inside the Proxima star system at this time, not far from the orbit of Proxima c.

All the Hundred Eyes could even observe the reappearing planets in Proxima with their naked eyes.

In their field of vision, a planet in the distance was getting bigger and bigger.

"Is that Proxima b?"

Kuka didn't know what happened, why did the planet move?

And why did the blockade of the Purple Thorn Civilization end?

In the distance, the Purple Thorn Civilization warship turned around, and the huge energy device in its center, which was bound like a geometric body, burst out with extremely strong white light.

This white light crossed the space and hit Proxima b.

The next moment.

All the Hundred Eyes saw Proxima b shatter.

This is a real star destroyer.

One shot... destroy a planet!

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