In the 21st century, there is a concept of virtual reality called "metaverse".

The metaverse itself is actually a concept, a collection of multiple virtual reality technologies, which builds a virtual world.

The separation of meta and universe actually means the same thing, that is, diversification.

The "simulated universe" plan is completely different from the so-called metaverse, and its essence is the word simulation.

Create a universe model in the virtual world that is similar to the real universe in basic physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc.

Why do this?

Because of the "controllability" of the virtual world.

After the simulated universe is built, Ella can control and change any value in the simulated universe at will, which is of great value.

Imagine that the advanced technology and concepts that may cost 1 trillion energy coins to try in the real world only need to change the data in the simulated universe, and may not even consume 100 energy coins at most.

Although there are some differences between the experiments in the simulated universe and the real world, the results of the experiments can make more precise adjustments to the real world technology, which will reduce the 1 trillion by at least 50%. For this reason alone, the value created by the simulated universe is enough to be described as "terrible".

What's more terrifying is that the time in the simulated universe is virtualized by computing power. In other words, as long as the computing power is high enough, the time in the simulated universe can be accelerated, so that a problem that may take 10,000 years to discover can be observed in 1 day.

Not to mention the resource problem, any rare resource in the simulated universe can be used at will, and there is no need to worry about accidents. Even if the laboratory explodes, click a time rewind and you can instantly go back to 1 minute or 1 hour ago to do the experiment again.

Any subtle changes in the simulated universe will also be fully recorded by the computer, which is more sensitive than the most advanced sensors of the Civilization Federation and eliminates a lot of calculation processes.

Ella predicts that when the simulated universe is developed, the current technological progress speed of the Civilization Federation will be increased by at least 20 times, and there is no upper limit.

Why is there no upper limit?

Because the emergence of the simulated universe means that an ordinary citizen of the Federation can also complete a research that is close to reality in the simulated universe and get a replica of reality.

By then, the powerful resource of imagination will be fully utilized and become the fertilizer of the Civilization Federation.

The reason why Ella started to create the simulated universe now is because the computing power required for the simulated universe is too huge. Even if Ella's computing power is already extremely powerful now, it still seems a bit pitiful for the simulated universe.

Today, Ella can only create a simulated universe of 1 million cubic meters using all computing power.

Every 2 computing power will simulate a basic particle in the simulated universe, and 0.85X10^44 particles will be simulated with 1.7X10^44 computing power.

It seems a lot, but in fact it is less than 1,000 times more than the number of atoms contained in all life on Earth.

In order to maintain a truly operational virtual universe for a long time, Ella estimated that she could only create a simulated universe of 50,000 cubic meters, which was only the size of a small research institute, and it was the kind of research institute built in a corner with basically no funds.

The energy consumed by this 50,000 cubic meters of simulated universe alone would be 17% of the energy produced by the Tiancang V Dyson Cloud.

After a calculation, even Ella felt that this consumption was too high.

But the return was indeed high.

So it has begun to unite all experts in related fields in the capital galaxy to develop simulated universes.

The time for research and development was very fast because it had a strong scientific and technological strength, and it took less than 25 years to produce simulated universe 1.0.

This is a simulated universe of 42,845 cubic meters. Because there is a gap between the plan and practice, it is smaller than previously expected.

However, even so, when it was born, it caused a shock to the academic community of the entire Civilization Federation.

Some scholars who were originally wandering outside returned to the capital star field to obtain permission to use simulated universe 1.0.

Almost in the same year, a team studied tachyon communication in the simulated universe, reducing the energy consumed by tachyon communication by 3%, increasing the accuracy by 2.1%, and proving it feasible in reality.

This research won the Shoujing Award (Guo Shoujing), a top academic award in the Civilization Federation.

After all, it is a top technology like tachyon communication, and 2.1% and 3% may seem small, but with the original huge base of tachyon communication, even 0.1% of the energy saved is huge.

When this research was just announced, the license to use the simulated universe had been scheduled for 140 years later. Some scientists lay in the hibernation capsule on the same day after confirming the right to use it, waiting to come out again after 140 years.

It is no exaggeration to say that the simulated universe is so exaggerated.

In the process of promoting the simulated universe, Ella did not forget to do other things.

For example, continue to build Dyson clouds in new galaxies, and implement Yan Xia's brown dwarf sales plan. At the same time, Ella also publicly auctioned the technologies of [Interstellar Biology], [Jianmu Project], [Seed Blue Algae] and other things.

Anything can only develop rapidly under external stimulation.

These things that are not related to war and have more commercial attributes and commercial value are put into the market, and their development speed is more than 10 times faster than in Ella's hands.

These technologies have brought returns within 50 years of being put into use, adding 13 giant companies to the Civilization Federation.

Now there are 8 companies with assets exceeding 1 billion energy coins in the Civilization Federation, and 23 companies with assets exceeding 100 million energy coins, and huge wealth is accumulating.

Unlike the civilizations on a planet, the Civilization Federation will not suppress the wealth of these companies, but will continue to encourage the development of their wealth.

Because the resources of the universe are infinite, even endless greed is insignificant in the vastness of the universe.

Ella is very much hoping that the companies with several trillion energy coins in the Civilization Federation will influence the economy of the Civilization Federation. Although it may create some internal problems, this will not cause any problems under the oppression of external civilizations such as the Olive Branch Civilization.

This way of development is more similar to capitalism, but not too similar, because the real control of the Civilization Federation will never be capital, but Yan Xia or Ella.

Ella simply removed the dregs of capitalism during the Earth period and utilized its remaining advantages to develop the Civilization Federation into a "fake capital structure" in the future, so as to achieve the effect of stimulating the economy.

After dealing with the internal affairs of the Civilization Federation, Ella began to receive creatures on SC-8. SC-8 had gradually entered the development stage at this time. At Yan Xia's request, not too much development was done. SC-8f was only developed into a Class 1 energy star, and the resources on the planet were used. Try not to move the star.

When the first batch of creatures arrived like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden, the citizens of the other nine civilizations of the Civilization Federation were terrified.

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