Interstellar Immortality: Live long enough to dominate the universe

Chapter 85: War Beast Tribe, Natural Born Warriors

When Yan Xia first saw these creatures, he had already named them in his mind.

——War Beast Tribe.

Their appearance is too savage and violent.

If I really want to say, their appearance is similar to that of the Magdeburg Unicorn, with dark blue spikes all over their body and two heads, which store movement information and other information such as emotions, language, and feelings separately in two different nerve centers.

They have no eyes or faces on their heads. There is only one breathing hole on their faces that can be closed into a slit, and a very thick horn grows on the top, as well as left and right ears separated on the two heads.

Their ears are very slender and tubular, with three on each side, with white spots on them, and the spots are a mesh structure, so as to receive sound.

If you look closely, you will find that the three ears are of different lengths, two shorter ones are only about 1 meter, and one longer, up to 1.5 meters, covered with tiny barbs, and the end is a sharp bone that can pierce into the body of the organism to suck body fluids. This is their mouth, or more accurately, the mouthparts.

What is even more surprising is that they only have two supporting legs, or supporting hands, which are extremely strong and account for 75% of the body's muscle mass.

At the end of the hands is a finger structure with grasping ability like humans, although there are only four of them, and they are very thick and long, and at the fingertips they have very scary claws.

The lower body is a short and fat snake tail like the Gabon viper, which can only support the body temporarily. The end of the tail is a transparent ball that emits weak fluorescence at night to attract prey.

These characteristics are actually nothing in the face of powerful technology. The real reason why Yan Xia named them the War Beast Clan is their body size.

The male War Beast Clan is about 13 meters long and weighs 18 meters. The two thick supporting hands weigh 11 meters, accounting for 61% of the total body weight, and the rest accounts for 39% of the body weight, which is equivalent to a person having arms that are almost the same size as his torso and legs. The weight of one of their fingers alone is 180 kilograms.

The female war beasts can reach a size of 16 meters and weigh more than 23 grams, which refreshes the limit of the intelligent races in the Civilization Federation.

Their hedgehog-like thorny hair covers a keratin skin that is 16 centimeters thick. The thorny hair on the abdomen is thin, short, soft and light in color, while the thorny hair on the back is thick, long, hard and dark in color, which can block bullets from 21st century rifles.

On land, they can run at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

Not only that, they are not just pure land species, because their breathing holes have structures that filter gas in the water, and they can even breathe underwater, using their huge hands as paddles to swim in the water at a speed of more than 110 kilometers per hour and a diving depth of up to 670 meters.

This race is a terrifying killing machine on SC-8. Any creature is their food, a veritable war beast.

When seeing this race, all creatures in the Civilization Federation have a sense of oppression.

This has nothing to do with technology, but comes from the instinct of the lowest level of biological genes.

In simple terms, "blood suppression".

At this time, the Tyrannosaurus Rex reproduced on Tianwu Star is probably a piece of trash in front of the War Beast Clan.

The Kate Clan, who is already rough enough, has to call themselves "I am a little baby, so scary" after seeing the War Beast Clan.

But nature is fair.

While having such a strong body, the War Beast Clan has a lifespan of only 20 years, and the maximum lifespan is only 38 years. Moreover, the reproductive capacity is low, one litter per birth, and an average of only 2 litters in a lifetime.

In order to reproduce, although they also provide sperm and eggs in males and females, both males and females have a uterus and can conceive and give birth.

And the young have strong combat power and hunting ability within 12 hours of birth. The survival rate of War Beast Clan cubs is almost 100%, and because of the small population, the viruses on the planet hardly infect the tribe, making it almost free of any diseases in their lifetime.

After hundreds of thousands of years of development, the number of war beasts on sc-8f star is only 114,000. They are divided into two factions, the land faction and the ocean faction. They gradually evolved high intelligence in the 3.7 million years of struggle.

Yan Xia asked Ella to increase the population of the war beasts and then become the main combat unit in the Civilization Federation.

Of course, this is not because the war beasts have big muscles.

In the space war, no matter how big the muscles are, it is useless. The most critical point is that the average IQ of these war beasts is very high, only 2% lower than that of humans, and because a single head is responsible for motor nerves, their motor ability is 53 times higher than that of humans, and they can accurately control every muscle in the body.

With the blessing of motor nerves, the war beasts are also more sensitive to danger on the battlefield than other creatures, which is a very important attribute in war.

And because the rest of the thinking is completed in the nerve center of another head, this also means that the war beasts can think relatively calmly, and the probability of being affected by the body's debuff is much smaller.

"This is a natural warrior."

Ella received the first comment from Yan Xia on the War Beast Tribe.

This comment is of course biased, after all, the War Beast Tribe is not low in intelligence, and can also develop in the academic field.

However, there is no derogatory meaning in Yan Xia's comment.

From the current 10 races in the Civilization Federation, the War Beast Tribe is really more suitable for the battlefield than any other race. It is estimated that the future soldiers, officers and even military commanders of the Civilization Federation will be replaced by the War Beast Tribe in large numbers.

This race is so comprehensive, it is simply a combination of civil and military talents.

In the deep space, Yan Xia, who had left the sc-8 galaxy for hundreds of years, thought of the War Beasts.

“Only after entering the universe can we find that humans are not truly perfect creatures. There are too many creatures that are more perfect than humans.”

“But fortunately, technology is equal. Any gap will be ruthlessly eliminated after mastering technology. The improvement brought by individual differences will be transferred from combat power to consciousness.”

Ella, who was beside him, said in a nonchalant manner: “So in terms of combat consciousness, the War Beasts are still much stronger than other races in the Civilization Federation.”

Including humans.

Yan Xia did not comment.

There are people who are good at this and those who are not good at this in the same race, not to mention the hardware level gap between races. Under the same internal and external conditions, those with one head are naturally not as good as those with two heads.

“The War Beasts are better at adapting to the environment than other races. Explorers may also be able to develop to a very strong level in the future.”

Ella was a little surprised that Yan Xia continued this topic.

"Yan Xia, aren't you afraid that a race will replace humans as the dominant force in the Civilization Federation?"

Yan Xia noticed the imprecision of this question. It was indeed an accessory.

"My vision is not so narrow. It is a good thing that more and more civilized races with stronger talents enter the Civilization Federation. At least it can ensure that the Civilization Federation progresses faster and becomes stronger."

"Each race in the Civilization Federation can be regarded as a whole. For example, a small team originally led by a junior college student progresses slowly, and at this time a 985 top student comes and can lead the team to progress faster."

"And I am the boss behind this small team, and the junior college student is my son."

"This small team can earn 10,000 yuan a month under the leadership of my son, and if a 985 top student comes, it can earn 100,000 yuan. Will you choose to refuse to let your son continue to be the team leader or let the 985 top student join?"

"Only when the Civilization Federation becomes stronger can mankind be more stable. This is the main thing, and the so-called dominant position is only secondary."

"Clinging to the dominant position is what stupid people do. As long as I exist, my son can be the boss in the future. Why should I be attached to a team leader?"

Ella, who was beside Yan Xia, was also thinking at this time, why did she inadvertently ask Yan Xia such a stupid question?

Could it be that the main body has tampered with its host?

Damn it!

With the computing power of this accessory, I can't find out where the tampering is.

Do I have to let this accessory be a supporting role next to Yan Xia for the next few thousand years?

Yan Xia sat on the observation deck of the spacecraft, not noticing that the Ella accessory next to him was performing deep thinking calculations. Facing the starry sky outside the glass, he shook the juice in his hand.

"Now the Olive Branch Civilization should have received some news about the Holy Grail Project."

"I hope this net can be filled."

They have already walked one-third of the way, and the future is still unknown.

But the ending has been written.

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