After sailing 16 light years and taking nearly 50 years, the Level 2 fleet arrived at the nearest point marked by Saihoji.

It is also the only point in Angband.

There are a total of 48 states in the orange-red federal star country. Angabang is neither big nor small. Logically speaking, it has no strategic value, but it has the Bibixi interstellar river channel.

This is the location that communicates with the 28783 Star Nation and is one of the three major checkpoint states in the Orange-Red Federal Star Nation.

There are many "travelers" who go to Star Country 28783 here, and Xihoji makes huge profits from them. He even cooperates with some people from Star Country 28783. Giotto's information shows that cooperation is only one of them. There may be industry there.

This may not be without evidence, but the evidence is not conclusive.

Giotto was unwilling to deal with such a person, but who said he was the military commander of the Level 2 fleet.

The Level 2 fleet encountered the Ange escort fleet dispatched by Saihoji during the voyage.

The opponent has 700 spaceships and 1 battleship.

This is basically a normal configuration of combat power for a state. You must know that Rusty, which was a lower-class star country at the time, did not have many warships in the country. The Orange-Red Federation was able to cobble together one. This is enough to prove that the Orange-Red Federation has the power of a lower-class star. absolute status in the country.

Saihoji was not in the fleet.

This is natural.

He certainly wouldn't put himself in danger.

Giotto sent Duli to make a connection with the opponent.

Dudley looked very unhappy when he came back.

"Military Zhi, maybe you really got it right."

"Although the captains of this army are very friendly to me, I guess they have already made the plan known to everyone internally. The soldiers look at us with some danger."

"This is not normal!"

Giotto confirmed his suspicion.

Then he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Find a reason to let people enter their spaceship and kill them all."

Du Li was stunned.

Knowing that this was part of Giotto's post-partition plan, he quickly carried it out.

Walking past the battleship, he contacted the ship commander again.

The standards for official positions such as captain, ship commander, and military commander are different in each star country.

For example, this frigate has only one warship, but the highest official position is the ship commander, not the captain.

The same is true in Rusty. The ship commander controls 10 warships plus 1,000 spaceships. In the Federation, the ship commander refers to the officer in charge of 1,000 warships. Above the ship commander, there is also the chief ship commander, who manages 100,000 warships. The ship commander is the military commander and the absolute authority on a battlefield.

In the center, the person who controls the military is not the commander-in-chief or military commander, but the ship commander.

The ship commander is the first-class official position and controls all warships and military movements in the entire federation.

After Du Li saw the other party, he didn't remember the name the other party had just introduced to him.

He thought about it.

Still didn't think about it.

Then it doesn't matter.

"According to the orders of our military commander, there will probably be a fierce battle next, and the military commander sees that your spaceships and warships are in tatters, so it is estimated that they will not be useful on the battlefield."

"The military commander is kind and wants to repair it for you. Some areas can also be upgraded. After that, we will send people to your battleship to complete the work."

He seemed to be giving a notice, with a condescending attitude.

The captain nodded and bowed, grateful.

After Du Li left, he changed his face again, and then said to his men: "We haven't reached the location yet, let them scream for a while."

"When they come, don't stop them and let them realize that we are wrong."

"Also, let everyone on board the spaceship be honest and don't show a fierce look!"

He gave a few instructions and walked to his room, where there was also a specially built virtual cabin.

He just lay down and started having fun.

There is even a part of the computing power on this battleship used to build a virtual world, which Giotto probably couldn't even imagine.

Just a dozen hours.

A large number of Level 2 fleet soldiers entered these ships, wearing mechas and carrying weapons.

None of the officials or soldiers in the Ange escort fleet noticed anything was wrong and greeted them with smiles.

When they completely entered the battleship, the level 2 fleet soldiers suddenly burst out, causing a bloody storm inside the spacecraft and battleship.

Countless shouts and countless blood did not affect any of the ship's gaming experience in the virtual cabin.

It was only when the virtual cabin was ruthlessly opened and he was faced with cold faces that he noticed something was wrong, but it was too late. The next moment, he was dead without even a trace left.

"Military commander, it has been processed!"

Giotto nodded.

"Let some soldiers go in, put on those low-level mechas, and pretend to be soldiers of the Ange escort fleet."

"Then give them some slang from the Orange-Red Federation Star Country and let Toneco do it. He is relatively familiar with this place."

Chinese characters used throughout human civilization.

However, due to the vastness of the star field, some popular words will always appear in one star country, but not in other star countries. Over time, the popular words become slang, resulting in some communication barriers.

Of course, everyone can still speak normal Chinese, which is equivalent to Mandarin, but there will always be some accent.


Dudley went to make arrangements again.

And Giotto noticed that it was not far from the Swedish artificial star system.

That is the purpose of their trip.

What is an artificial star system?

It is to gather a large amount of matter, and then let them gather together in one place by means of gravity, and then collapse into a star, and then form an ecosystem around the star. This is an artificial star system.

No technology is needed, and the star is also very small, less than one-tenth of the mass of the sun, and the diameter is only about 100,000 kilometers, even smaller than J0523, which was known as the smallest star in the Earth period.

Artificial stars are not rare, and there are some in Rusty Star.

But this is not a common thing.

Because the universe is too vast, the Milky Way is also very large, and there are too many stars, it is easier to occupy one than to create one.

The reason for the emergence of artificial stars is actually the war on the Star Country side.

Some stars were broken, and a star system was lost in the original place. Then don’t you have to rebuild one?

All places with artificial stars must have had large-scale wars.

The Swedi artificial star system originated from the pioneering war of the Orange-Red Federation Star Country.

At that time, it was one of the centers of the Orange-Red Federation Star Country, but now it has been abandoned because the energy provided by artificial stars is too little.

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