Level 2 Fleet.

Back to nearly 6 years ago.

When the Ange escort fleet left.

Giotto called Duli.

"Optical hidden fleet, gravitational effect wiped out in front, follow behind the Ange escort fleet."

Duli instantly understood Giotto's idea after hearing this.

He hissed.

Then he asked in confusion: "Why didn't you tell Toneko about the mission? So that he could make more preparations."

Giotto's answer was very cold.

"Pay more attention to the development of things."

"Why do I want to destroy Star Country 28783? It's not that I want to destroy it, but it's Toneko's deliberate guidance."

"I didn't think so at the time, but when we arrived at the Bibisi interstellar river channel, he deliberately asked us not to check the acceleration ring. As a native, he must know that the people of the Orange-Red Federation are the main source of consumers for Star Country 28783, so the Bibisi interstellar river channel must be kept open. No matter how chaotic Star Country 28783 is, people will be sent to maintain it."

"I still have some doubts here, but when I found out that the acceleration ring at the end of the Bibisi interstellar river channel was closed recently, it's interesting. He didn't change his words at the time."

"A normal person would probably be very scared at this time. After all, he would be extremely panicked if he provided wrong information."

"He did show some in front of me, but it was not enough. His calmness was greater than panic."

"And then I guessed that when Angbang and even the Orange-Red Federation turned to Glolo, I was more certain!"

Why is it certain?

For its own interests, the Orange-Red Federation must choose to play both sides and be a fence-sitter.

Although Gloro is powerful, it is next to Rusty Star Country. The shortest distance between Gloro and the Orange-Red Federation is more than 260 light years, which can be said to be out of reach. The Orange-Red Federation has no reason to offend anyone.

However, the Orange-Red Federation turned to Gloro.


Giottofen has been thinking.

In the end, there is only one possibility, that is Toneko.

Only by taking Toneko as the thread and connecting everything in series can we get the final answer.

Toneko asked Giottofen to destroy the 28783 Star Country, a cancer that is difficult to control, but it is a star country after all. When the Level 2 fleet arrived here, the Yanli Independent Star Country had no contact, and the 28783 Star Country was destroyed. Gloro can completely say that it was Rusty who destroyed the Yanli Independent Star Country.

The destruction of the Yanli Independent Star Country was not even noticed by Rusty, let alone the Orange-Red Federation.

In addition to what happened in Star Country 28783, the Orange-Red Federation has reason to believe that Rusty Star Country wants to use this war to destroy them at the same time, and monopolize a star field like Gloro Star Country, so as to become a superior star country.

The motivation is sufficient, and the facts are also there.

The Orange-Red Federation will definitely fall, and it can even be said that only a few governors will fall, and then the other governors will have to fall. They dare not bet on Rusty's kindness.

In their opinion, after solving Gloro, even if Rusty did not have this idea originally, he may have it later, after all, it is a convenient thing.

The Orange-Red Federation is now the largest star country in Liyan Star Region except Rusty, and there are many benefits to getting rid of it.

From the beginning, Giottofen fell into this trap.

Du Li is not a fool, he is just not good at independent thinking, and when the clues are gathered, he can still instantly detect the problem.

After all, the IQ of individuals in this era is relatively high.

Even on the Star Country side.

"In other words, Toneko is a spy!"

In an instant, he understood all of Giottofen's plans before and after.

It can't be said to be indescribable, but it is definitely a deep plan.

They follow the Anger escort fleet and can hide almost perfectly, waiting for Toneko to enter your Swedi artificial star system and follow in.

As for why the Swedi artificial star system must let the Anger escort fleet in, first, the enemy will definitely not let such a fleet go, and second, it is to achieve perfect concealment, so as to deceive them to arrive at the Swedi artificial star system afterwards.

After all, the Anger escort fleet is their soldiers, whether they are finishing off or letting these soldiers return to the fleet, they have to go.


Back to the present.

The sudden appearance of the huge fleet caught the Glolo garrison fleet of the Swedi artificial star system completely off guard.

Not to mention defense, even the attack was unprepared.

And the Level 2 fleet has prepared everything.

At such a close distance, laser is no longer the best way to attack.

A better attack is regional positive matter wave oscillation.

If you draw a material quadrant, generally speaking, positive matter is in the first quadrant, and perhaps the trough will be attached to the vertical axis chord, but generally speaking it is in the first quadrant.

(To be continued)

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