Hold on?

This stability was exactly what Giotto wanted most.

Because another fleet has quietly headed to other states.

According to the information from the female officer, not all states in the Orange-Red Federation favor Grolo.

It is true that because of their plan, most of the orange-red federal governors turned to Gloro, but some governors rejected Gloro for some deeper considerations.

Some do not want to be dependent on others, and are planning to take their own states to leave the Liyan Star Territory and establish some independent star states in farther star territories.

Others moved closer to Rusty. Rusty had tried to win over them before, and they naturally fell in favor of Rusty.

It is also partly due to the complexity within the Orange-Red Federation that some governors began to vacillate.

The situation was completely different from what Giotto had guessed at the beginning.

Nearly half of the 48 states did not choose Gloro.

This made Giotto's follow-up plan much easier.

Now Giotto was heading to an uncontrolled swing state.

Those states that plan to leave will definitely not be willing to contact them, and may even sell them.

Bang, which is close to Rusty, is a bit far away.

Swingbang is the best choice.

The fleet entered the country and was quickly discovered.

This was Giotto's intention. Of course, even if he was not exposed, the huge fleet would not be able to hide it for long.

This is the main reason why Giotto came here.

The same must be true for other states.

So if they go directly to the enemy, they are likely to be discovered by the enemy immediately.

This is a state called Koruma. It is said that the wavering is extremely serious and stubborn.

Mainly because Governor Fuchai is a solid member of the national party.

The national party is not partial to anyone, they want to maintain the orange-red federation.

Of course, this idea is actually the most naive.

It's ridiculous that two behemoths are standing in front of each other and they still want to be alone.

Such states are the most stubborn.

Giotto was well prepared this time.

After contacting Fu Xi, Giotto was the first to speak and take the initiative.

"Your country has tricked us before, and even joined forces with Groluo to attack us."

"Do you think you want this too? Don't forget, Grolo is still more than two hundred light years away, and we, Rusty, can directly destroy you."

He gave a slap on the wrist.

Fuxi was so frightened that he quickly denied it: "Of course not, it was all those countries' own ideas, and it has nothing to do with us, Koruma Bang."

"Director Giotto, please take a closer look!"

Giotto raised an eyebrow.

"You know me?"

Fu Xi nodded and complimented him.

"Of course, when the director was still His Majesty of the Kingdom, I was serving as the diplomatic ambassador in Qishelton. This is the rule of our star country. The ambassador is rotated by the state chief."

"At that time, I saw the director from a distance and was shocked. If the director hadn't stabilized the home front, I, as a diplomat, would probably have been killed by the flag horse virus."

As a diplomat, I must not know anything about Giotto.

This is easier to handle.

"You said it's none of your business, so you didn't fall in love with Grolo?"

Fu Xi nodded frantically, explaining his lofty ambitions, which were very different from the information given by the female officer.

"Since you want to keep the Orange-Red Federation, I can make you a promise. As long as our Rusty is immortal, your Orange-Red Federation will exist forever."

"You may have heard about Star Country 28783."

"But that's just because the Groro fleet is too hidden, and we have no choice but to do so."

"Over at Yanli, Groro directly converted all the star fields into electron clouds in order to deal with us. It's a pity."

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