Main battlefield.

The three states of the Orange-Red Federation, Xiyo, Chengyang, and Mahong, have sent 4,000 spaceships and 11 warships to the battlefield to confront the Level 2 fleet.

These three states were also the rulers of this star field before. They fought for three or four thousand years, and then saw that the stalemate was not resolved, and other star countries around them were getting stronger and stronger, so they united some small forces around to form the Orange-Red Federation Star Country.

Orange and Red are Chengyang and Mahong. Xiyo was actually a big guy picked out from the weaker star countries at that time. It was pulled in by Chengyang and Mahong for balance.

The so-called three-legged tripod can last for a long time, and it is still possible that the two star countries will not submit to each other.

Xiyo was also submissive. At the beginning, it was beaten by the two star countries because it was a little bigger. If it were not for its own two brushes and the endless internal talents, it would have been beaten and destroyed long ago.

Xiyo has been established for more than 36,000 years and has changed more than 20 kings. It has long wanted stability, so it hit it off at that time.

As for other states, they are not even Star States, but a group of speculators who make some war money.

Even after the establishment of the Orange-Red Federation, the three states were contemptuous of other states. These states only helped them manage the star field and collect energy, which was equivalent to the new era tenants.

And this time, no one expected that an ambitious person would emerge from a group of tenants.

He actually helped the Level 2 fleet occupy a large area of ​​the star field.

The three states were very angry, so they issued a bounty.

But the three states were reluctant to spend money, so the amount of the bounty was a bit low.

The total amount of the Orange-Red Federation is only between 20 and 30 trillion, most of which are fixed assets. It is amazing to have 1 trillion in working capital that can be used normally.

Now there is still a war, and 1.2 billion is really gathered by tightening pants.

After all, it is just one person, not the entire force.

To put it bluntly, this bounty is just to prove their attitude, not to really kill Fu Xi.

But we have to consider that if the bounty is set too high, someone will take the risk and kill Fu Xi to claim the bounty, which will cause more trouble.

1.2 billion, not too high or too low.

In the meeting room of the three states.

The governors of the three states just finished discussing the adjustment of Fu Xi's bounty, and then they had a headache.

Because they have to consider the pressure brought by the level 2 fleet.

They really defected to Gloro.

But now Gloro's fleet on their side has been defeated one by one, and the total number of spaceships in the fleet left in their three major states is only about 5,000, and there are only about 40 warships, which is a world of difference from the surging momentum of the level 2 fleet.

This also led to Gloro's request that they push the fleet forward, creating the current confrontation.

"Even if we win next, I guess the fleet will be gone."

"Gloro is going to take over the Orange-Red Federation, and we will have no bargaining power at that time."

What they are worried about now is whether Gloro will keep his promise.

What is a promise in this era?

It can be said to be worthless.

At least the Federation has the Mechanical God to supervise justice, which allows the Federation to remain in the contract era.

On the Star Country side, it is all about what benefits are greatest.

After the fleet is destroyed, their value will definitely become extremely small. When they talk again, they will not be treated the same as before. It is estimated that they can only become a poor rich man if they go to Gloro.

It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

The three people were confused for a while.

After thinking about it, they felt that they were all bewitched to join Gloro.

In fact, they were not bewitched.

Gloro deployed heavy troops in the Orange-Red Federation, originally more than 15,000 spaceships and more than 100 warships. Yanli Independent Star Country also had an Ice Star Fleet.

To be honest, it seemed easy to defeat the Level 2 Fleet at first.

Just one Ice Star Fleet was enough to give the Level 2 Fleet a hard time.

Unexpectedly, when facing the Ice Star Fleet, the Level 2 Fleet only lost more than 1,000 spaceships.

After entering the Orange-Red Federation, they took advantage of the information advantage to crush the enemy with little loss.

The Level 2 fleet that still retains strong combat power is not something that the remaining Glolo fleet can resist.

It can only be said that man proposes, God disposes.

"What else can we do? If we disobey Hu Youxin, we will probably die miserably."

Hearing Hu Youxin's name, several people shuddered.

The fleet here in the Orange-Red Federation is called the Black Cloud Fleet, which is the Silver Fleet. The commander Hu Youxin had made great achievements in the war like Du Yimu before. Although he did not have the title of Kingdom Sorrow, he was definitely ruthless on the battlefield, defeating several enemies in a row and killing endlessly.

More than 200 light years, it is far for warships, but it can also be said to be close, because the news is not blocked.

They have all heard of those wars, and Hu Youxin's name is not heard only when they came this time.

"Hu Youxin likes to torture people, which is different from the way Wang Guozhishen kills people directly. It's better to die than to fall into his hands."

"But, can we really go to Gloro after we are worthless?"

"If Gloro really kills us, I guess no one will join them by then, so I think it's still okay."

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