Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 74: Are these all s-class star-level star fighters?

Only after driving the Dusk-class Star Destroyer can you feel the terrifying power of this warship.

That's a terrorist attack that could even destroy an asteroid in one hit.

It is completely incomparable to other star-class warships.

Even, it can be said that there is no qualification to even carry shoes.

You must know that destroying is not bombing the skin, but penetrating and destroying from the root.

The difficulty is countless times stronger than simply destroying the surface.

He did not think that the mere A-class (star-class) energy shields could withstand the bombardment of the main guns of the Dusk-class Star Destroyer.

At least, if the Dyson Sphere, the main star of the Chiyang Empire, suffered such a blow.

There will definitely be huge damage.

And at this moment, three extremely thick and huge beams of light slammed into the honeycomb-like light blue barrier.

However, what happened at the next moment caused an uproar in the fleet of the Chiyang Empire.

"You didn't even shake it? What a terrifying defense!

The previous Dusk-class Star Destroyer captain said in shock.

When he was driving this Dusk-class Star Destroyer, he had tested the power of the main gun.

At that time, it was an asteroid with an area of ​​5,000 kilometers.

But he was directly penetrated and shattered by one shot.

That power is definitely dozens of times greater than that of an A-class (star-class) battleship.

However, the attack of the three Twilight-class Star Destroyers just created some ripples on the other side's barrier?

This is a bit too exaggerated!

The information here was also passed to Prince Chiyang and the commanders-in-chief of the fleet.

Looking at the energy barrier under the three huge beams of light, only ripples were swayed, but there was no trace of damage.

A look of shock appeared on their faces.

"Could it be that the other party actually has S-level (star-level) technology, but their technology is energy barrier?"

Prince Chiyang said with some loss of voice.

If the opponent has an S-class (stellar-class) battleship, there is no reason not to take it out now!

Anyway, he didn't understand what purpose the other party had for doing this.

Therefore, the only possibility is that the energy barrier level of the other party has reached the S-level (star level) level.

"It shouldn't be, the other party should have activated hundreds of energy barrier generators. If it is really S-class (stellar-level) technology, then with only three S-class (stellar-class) warships, it is impossible to shake the other party. Barrier.""

An experienced fleet commander said solemnly: "The other party should have some special A-level (star-level) shield technology. It is unbelievable that it can actually block the masters of the three S and (star-level) battleships. Cannon bombardment.

With this level of defense capability, even the Chiyang Empire is far behind.

The energy barrier technology they have can also resist the attack of S-class (star-class) warships.

However, it is already very good to be able to block the attack of an S-class (star-class) battleship.

At the same time block the attack of three S-class (stellar-class) battleships....

They didn't even dare to think about it.

Fortunately, the other party is not without influence. This time, they have come to 13 S-class (star-class) battleships.

The number of A-class (star-class) warships has also reached 9,000.

Coupled with 150,000 B-class star-class battleships, is it not easy to exceed the opponent's defense upper limit?

Therefore, even if the attack was blocked, they did not panic too much.

"Oh, after we take them down, this technology will also become ours!"

Prince Chiyang laughed, and his words were full of disdain.

It is actually a civilization that mainly develops defense means, what is the difference between this and a living target!

Without the means of attack, they could only be beaten in the civilized war.

"Accelerate the traffic speed and kill them for this Highness! 39

Prince Chiyang ordered again.


The speed of the Chiyang Fleet became a little faster.

Every second, a large number of warships reach the opposite star system through natural wormholes.

But only half an hour.

A whole ten fleets appeared one after another in the star system where Shen Yi was located.

At this moment, the two sides have also exchanged fire.

Countless shells flew past continuously, bombarding the energy shields of both sides.

However, compared to their crumbling and trembling energy shields.

The energy shield on the opposite side is like the surface of the sea.

Although ripples are constantly appearing, it does not mean to be broken at all.

Even, there is no chance of even passing through the energy shield by luck.

On the contrary, the Star Destroyer Cannons on the opposite side often penetrated their energy shields and bombarded the warships hiding behind them.

Even an A-class (star-class) level battleship suffered such an attack.

It will also fall apart in an instant.

"It's a good defense, but that's it!"

Prince Chiyang's eyes showed a stern look, and he ordered sharply: "The 11 Dusk-class Star Destroyers charge their main guns at the same time to attack the enemy at one point! Shred!

"Yes! 35

The Chiyang fleet responded in unison.

After that, the bows of the 11 Dusk-class Star Destroyers also began to turn around.

Also aim at a point on the energy shield.

The other warships also followed suit.

At this moment, it will be the strongest attack of their fleet.

At this moment, in the base deep in the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere, Shen Ling's alarm sounded: "Alarm! Alarm!

"Master, the opponent's attack is likely to exceed the range of the barrier. Would you like to add more torch energy barrier arrays?"

Shen Yi looked at the picture on the screen with a sneer in his eyes: "Increase, but don't increase too much, just barely exceed the opponent's attack limit, and give the opponent a shaky feeling.

The other party still has two S-class (stellar-class) battleships, and one-third of the fleet did not come in.

He had to deceive the other party's fleets too.

"Yes, Master~"

Shen Ling seemed to have guessed what Shen Yi was thinking, and there was a hint of abuse in his tone.

She is also enjoying this kind of fishing now.

The bait has already been thrown anyway, and if the other party bites the hook or not, then it can only be said that it depends on luck.

This taste can be more exciting than playing games.

In the face of this wave of offensive from the Chiyang Empire, more than 300 blue beams of light immediately lifted off into the sky and merged into the blue barrier in mid-air.

In order to deceive the other party, Shen Ling made the other party feel that their side is the last strength.

The chicken thief also opened a 312 torch energy barrier array.

As if this had reached its limit.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After Shen Ling did all this, eleven incomparably thick blue beams of light fell down together with the attacks of other warships.

At this moment, the energy barrier began to tremble violently.

It is no longer as light as before, as if it will disappear in the next second.

However, no matter how rampant these attacks are, there is still a small gap...

In the end, Prince Chiyang and the commander-in-chief of the entire fleet could only helplessly watch the attack dissipate, and the barrier gradually returned to calm.

"Defend! Fuck! 35

A fleet commander slammed the table heavily and cursed a little unwillingly.

No one would have thought that in the first battle of the Twilight-class Star Destroyer, it overturned and was actually blocked by someone.

Prince Chiyang's face was also a little unsightly.

The defense of the opponent's energy shield is simply outrageous, far exceeding his expectations.

He even hesitated whether to fight or not.

After all, if they can't break through the opponent's energy barrier, they will only be beaten.

Those 1000 Star Destroyer Cannons were already 10,000 A-class (star-class) battleships on the other side, but they didn't stop, and they continued to harvest their battleships.

"His Royal Highness, I suggest to send the remaining one-third of the fleet. According to the data I have obtained, the other party's energy barrier has reached its limit! If we can take another breath, we can send the other party directly. Take it!"5

At this time, a fleet commander said solemnly.

Prince Chiyang followed the voice and looked over.

The other party is one of the four previous veteran fleet commanders, and he has very rich combat experience.

Moreover, the radar function possessed by the opponent's flagship can be said to be the pinnacle of the Chiyang Empire.

The credibility of what the other party said is still very credible.


"If we send that fleet too, then we will have trouble in the future.""

Prince Chiyang frowned and expressed his concerns.

For some reason, after stepping into this place, he felt a faint sense of unease in his heart.

It seems to be the same as the last time the fleet faced each other.

However, because of his trust in the S-class (stellar-class) battleship, he did not take this matter to heart.

It's just that the coincidence now makes him worry about this problem again.

"His Royal Highness, everything must be risky, we have such a good situation now, why not gamble!

"What's more, even if the opponent really has something behind, I believe that under the escort of the Dusk-class Star Destroyer, we can easily retreat. 55

"Also, do you think the other side's battleship has any means to escape the detection of our S-class (star-class) battleship?"

The veteran fleet commander had a different opinion.

He did not think that the other party had such a powerful anti-radar means.

If the other party is really so arrogant.

The last time they were, it would never have been like that.

If the opponent really has such a means to evade their S-class (star-class) warships.

Well, just a little bit of layout, cut off their back road.

They never had a chance to escape the last time.

That's why he insisted.

After listening to the other party's analysis, Prince Chiyang couldn't help but be stunned for a while, feeling a little hesitant in his heart.

At this time, Lieutenant General Wilson also said: "Your Highness, things have reached the current situation, we can no longer retreat, don't forget what purpose we came for"

Prince Chiyang immediately looked at his companion, who was also his confidant.

Lieutenant General Wilson followed up and said: "We must take down the other party, so that we can give an explanation to the people of the empire!

That's right, their expedition came in the name of revenge.

If it was so anticlimactic now, it would be withdrawn.

Not to mention that the people of the empire did not agree, even the soldiers of the fleet would not agree.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to retreat... Well, if that's the case, then the whole army will attack!""

Prince Chiyang originally wanted to explain it, but thought about it.

In the current situation, no matter how he explained it, it was pale, and others would think that he was making excuses.

In fact, he wasn't coward at all.

I just want to find out more about the other party's intelligence and wait for the arrival of follow-up reinforcements.

However, now that the arrow is on the string, he can't stop it.

Moreover, he is also full of confidence in the Dusk-class Star Destroyer.

Even if the other party really has some conspiracy, in the face of absolute strength, everything is a jerk!

"Your Highness is wise! 35

The new fleet commanders who were left in the sixth star system were naturally very happy.

Although stationed in the rear can also have a good credit.

But how could this credit be compared to charging into the front and taking down the enemy's lair!

Moreover, now they are only the commander-in-chief of the fleet.

If you don't accumulate military merit as soon as possible and upgrade the rank to lieutenant general, then sooner or later, you may be directly sacked.

Prince Chiyang looked at the excited fleet commander and shook his head helplessly.

Now, he just hoped that nothing really happened.

However, this probability is actually not very large.

After all, they now have 13 S-class (star-level) warships, and A-class (star-class) warships have reached 9,000, of which 3,000 are frigates.

Under such a premise, even if they encounter any accident, they can still get out.

And at this moment, the fleet left behind in the sixth star system also moved.

Their movements were immediately caught by the soul-level ghost battleships hidden nearby.

Then, it was passed to Shen Yi's hands.

"It's finally moving! It seems that the other party is still moved! Shen Ling prepares, the fish has entered the net! 99

Shen Yi's eyes were filled with excitement.

The feeling of watching the fish take the bait really made him feel very happy.

In fact, it is not such a clever strategy, but it is very easy to let the other party take the bait.

"Yes, Master! 9

Shen Ling replied respectfully.

At the same time, the battleships hidden in various places of the Apocalypse-class Dyson Sphere were also activated at this moment.

Countless weapons flickered and began to prepare for charging.

And those phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers that looked like phoenixes in flames also opened their deck doors.

Just make sure that the fleet of the other party has all stepped into the sixth star system.

Then, the fighter planes in their belly will take off as soon as possible and bombard the enemy.

The most exaggerated thing is the hidden nine thousand Peel-class star destroyers.

If not because of the energy barrier.

Prince Chiyang and the others can definitely see the bright spots shining on the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere.

That is a Peel-class star destroyer with a technology level comparable to A-level (star-level) technology...

They can easily tear through the armor of A-class (stellar-class) warships.

Even, it has a great ability to penetrate the energy shield.

If it was hit from the front, even an S-class (star-class) battleship would face such a large number of Peel-class star destroyers.

There is a risk of being destroyed.

Of course, this possibility is very small.

Unless the S-class (star-class) battleships give up their resistance directly, they will be bombarded by the Peel-class star destroyers.

Otherwise, in the case that the technology level is one notch worse.

Basically there is no possibility of being sunk, at best it is a hole in the surface.

However, for S-class (stellar-class) warships, such damage is not at all painful.

However, Shen Yi did not intend to use these Peel-class star destroyers to fight S-class (star-class) warships.

These are just for those A-class (stellar) ships.

And those S-class (star-class) battleships are handed over to the Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier to solve...

About twenty minutes later, the five fleets of the Chiyang Empire in the sixth star system also descended into Shen Yi's main star system through natural wormholes.

However, they are not too far from natural wormholes.

Anyway, the wormhole is only 700,000 to 800,000 kilometers away from the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere.

This distance is enough for them to attack the energy barrier.

"Dusk-class Star Destroyer's main guns are recharged! The entire fleet is waiting for the order to gather to fire! In this wave, we will directly break through the opponent's line of defense!"

Prince Chiyang ordered at the first time.

And following his order, a full fifteen super-sized Chiyang Empire fleets were led by 13 Dusk-class Star Destroyers.

Start charging quickly.

The attack strength of this wave can even reach the peak level of stellar level.

It is absolutely enough to blast an asteroid no more than 10,000 kilometers into slag in an instant.

If Shen Yi really only had more than 800 Torch Energy Barrier Arrays on hand, he would definitely not be able to resist the opponent's attack.

But unfortunately, he has 10,000 torch energy barriers on hand.

If they are all turned on, let alone a mere star-level attack.

Even if it is a C-level (arm-spinning) level attack, he can resist it.

"Directly open 1000 torch energy barrier arrays! In addition, start a full-scale counterattack! 55

Shen Yi's eyes were burning with fire, and he ordered coldly.

1,000 Torch Energy Barriers are enough to withstand D-level (arm-spinning) attacks.

Although this wave of companies in the Chiyang Empire is indeed very fierce.

A total of 15 fleets and 13 S-class (star-class) battleships were jointly blasted.

But unfortunately, this trick was useless in front of Shen Yi.

On the contrary, the mighty fleet flew out of the Apocalypse-class Dyson Sphere.

Immediately behind the energy barrier, a huge fleet gathered.

15,000 A-class (stellar) level Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleships, 4,000 A-class (stellar) level Watcher-class frigates, and 130 S-class (stellar) level Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier And 10 S-class (Stellar-class) Sky Eye-class command ships equipped with combat command-type super-brains.

This is the combat power that Shen Yi possesses today.

Although in terms of number, compared with the fleet on the opposite side, it seems to be hundreds of times worse.

But in terms of combat power, Shen Yi completely crushed the opponent.

The 130 S-class (star-class) Fire Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers alone are enough to make the other party despair.

However, at present, the Chiyang Empire is still not clear about the fire phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier.

After all, the battleship Shen Yi owns is too powerful to deceive.

Unless the technological gap is really too huge, the battleship data is directly forcibly scanned by the other party.

Otherwise, no one can guess what rank his battleship is until Shen Yi actually does it.

Moreover, this wave also has ten S-class (star-class) Sky Eye-class command ships and the same S-class (star-class) battle command super-brain.

Shen Yi had no chance of losing this battle.

At this moment, the intensive artillery fire on the side of the Chiyang Empire also spanned a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

fell on the energy barrier.

Among them, the most eye-catching is the thirteen incomparably thick blue beams of light.

This attack even caused traces of distortion in the surrounding space.

The landing spot that was bombarded was like a wave of water, rippling and rippling.

If at this time, there are A-class (stellar-class) battleships nearby.

Once their hulls are swept by this ripple, their hulls will be twisted and torn apart in an instant.

However, after the number was supplemented to 1,000 units, the defensive power of the Torch Energy Barrier Array directly recorded a huge leap.

Officially entering the level of the arm rotation level, even a real D-level (arm rotation level) level attack will definitely not be able to shake this barrier.

What's more, the attack on the Chiyang Empire's side at this moment has not even reached the limit that the star level can achieve.

Although there are still dense shells and lasers that continue to bombard the barrier.

However, this layer of barrier is as stable as Mount Tai, and there is no wave at all.

The signs that seemed to be irresistible before disappeared in an instant.

"how can that be!

Prince Chiyang stood up from his seat in shock.

He had already overestimated this energy barrier.

But he never thought that the defense of this energy barrier would be so terrifying.

Moreover, the other party really deceived him, just like the last time, the other party also left behind!

Just don't know what the other party's purpose is this time.

However, the only good news now is that there does not seem to be an S-class (stellar-class) warship on the opposite side.

However, the more than 100 behemoths with a body length of nearly 100 kilometers attracted his attention.

These battleships like nirvana and phoenix, he has never seen the other party use them before...

Moreover, there are also those 10 battleships that are white in color and look like crosses, which he has never seen before...

Even in the information database of the Chiyang Empire, he had never seen a battleship like this.

This is not good news for them.

"His Royal Highness, let's get out of here first, it's really weird here, we'll take back the sixth star system first, and then we'll take it back slowly!"

Lieutenant General Wilson proposed immediately.

Although before he proposed to choose to attack.

However, for the sake of safety at this moment, they must withdraw from here.

At least, you can't play against each other in someone else's star system.

The energy shield released by the opponent's Dyson sphere is really amazing.

If this problem is not solved, they can only be beaten passively.

The other commanders of the fleet did not mean to be embarrassed at all, and also followed suit.

"That's right, now the intelligence gap is too big, we can't win at all!

"We should retain our strength first, and then slowly cannibalize each other! The Twilight-class Star Destroyer is our advantage!"

"Yes, we have S-class (star-class) battleships, we just need to withdraw the other battleships, leaving only A-class (star-class) battleships to block the door, I don't believe the other party's energy barrier Can stay on!

Several fleet commanders were able to speak one word per person.

A fairly good battle plan was easily supplemented.

This is the value of the commander-in-chief of these fleets, even if it is only a brigadier general, he has experienced no less than a dozen small and medium-sized battles.

Those who can become major generals have experienced dozens of battles.

Their combat experience is already very rich.

Have dealt with a variety of enemies.

At this moment, in the face of a civilization like Shen Yi, whose fleet is of exceptionally high quality and its shields are so thick that it is difficult to penetrate.

They didn't actually seem too alarmed either.

The big deal is after they pulled out the fleet below A-class (star class).

Just pull the A-class (star-level) and S-class (star-level) warships back a little, and directly pull them out of the attack range of the opponent's star destroyer and battleships.

With the ultra-long range of the Dusk-class Star Destroyer of 15 million kilometers.

Are they still obedient to what the other party arranged?

Moreover, even if the opponent desperately presses all the nearly 20,000 A-class (star-class) battleships.

They also have 9,000 A-class (star-class) battleships on their side, but they are not soft persimmons.

As for the battleships below the A-level (star level), there is no need to move up.

In a battle of this scale, it would be no different from cannon fodder.

Although they can provide some help, but after all, the help is very limited.

Moreover, those soldiers are not so easy to train.

Neither Prince Chiyang nor the commander-in-chief of the fleet would be willing to sacrifice in vain.

"Okay, then let the warships below A-level (star level) retreat, and we will fight a protracted battle with each other!""

Prince Chiyang narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the uniquely shaped battleships.

What class will these ships be?

Although the size of the opponent is no different from the A-class (star-class) battleship on their side.

But after all, there are precedents for those weird magnetic rail battleships.

The ghost knows whether the other party will have any special abilities.

For an S-class (stellar-class) battleship, he didn't think the other party would have it.

If there is, why didn't the previous battle come out.

You must know that if the S-class (stellar-class) warships were sent out at that time, the other party would not have lost more than 3,000 warships.

Even, the number of sacrificed warships will not exceed 1,000.

There is no doubt that the S-class (stellar-class) battleship has such a devastating ability.

After owning the Dusk-class Star Destroyer, he was very aware of this matter.

However, since the other party didn't use it at that time.

That means that the opponent does not have an S-class (stellar-class) battleship under his command.

Otherwise, could it be that the other party really doesn't take the life of the soldiers seriously?

He doesn't think there is such a civilization in this world.

Otherwise, the people of the other civilization would have mutinied sooner?

After this wave of trials failed, the Chiyang Empire decisively chose a completely low-level warship, leaving only the high-level warships to fight Shen Yi's side for a protracted battle.

However, their idea is very good, but will Shen Yi agree?

The 15,000 Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships all entered the state of being charged and ready to be activated in the first time.

At this point, the railgun series of battleships.

It is much more powerful than the battleships of the energy weapon series such as laser cannons and star destroyers.

Weapons of the energy series also need to be charged before they can launch an attack.

Moreover, if the main cannon enters the maximum power charge, other energy cannons cannot be used.

Because, the energy of the whole ship will supply the needs of the main gun.

The railgun series of warships, even if the main gun is fired, can easily drive all the muzzles.

Although in terms of power, it must be slightly worse than energy weapons.

But the damage to the hull of the battleship is extremely terrifying.

Once it hits, it will be a big hole, and even the opponent's battleship will be torn into two pieces.

However, the first to take action was the 4,000 Watcher-class frigates at the forefront.

The missiles equipped with the Watcher-class frigates not only have high launch efficiency.

Moreover, it is also a cluster attack.

A Watcher-class frigate can directly release 720 powerful missiles at one time.

If all hits.

It can even pose a threat to A-class (stellar-class) warships.

Of course, they are not generally used against A-class (stellar) ships.

But it is specially used to target the opponent's frigate.

Or to be more precise, they are specially used to break shields.

Although the power of these missiles is not particularly large, in the level of A-level (star level), it can only be regarded as average.

But they are better than there are enough of them.

It can put a huge pressure on those frigates at one time, and consume a large amount of energy of the opponent in an instant, so as to achieve the effect of destroying the energy barrier of the opponent.

Although the other party can still hold up in the future, it disappears in an instant.

It's enough to do a lot.

The 4,000 Watcher-class frigates have launched 2.88 million missiles.

In an instant, he arrived at the front of the Chiyang Empire's side.

Even under the strong interception of the Chiyang Empire, a lot of missiles were blocked.

But there are still more than 2 million missiles that landed on the opponent's energy barrier.


A series of firelights exploded on the energy barrier of the Chiyang Empire, and then disappeared instantly.

However, the terrifying impact in it fell firmly on the opponent's energy barrier.

In just an instant, the energy barrier on the side of the Chiyang Empire turned into a splendid light spot in the sky, which looked exceptionally beautiful.

However, the faces of the soldiers of the Chiyang Empire at the forefront at this time are not very good-looking.

Their faces were filled with horror.

Because, after losing the cover of the energy barrier, they will face the enemy's artillery...

A mere pile of A-class (stellar-class) battleships, B-class (stellar-class) battleships, and even C-class (stellar-class) battleships.

To face the attack of 15,000 A-class (star-class) warships....

That scene made me feel hopeless just thinking about it.

Even, even Prince Chiyang and the others were stunned.

Are these frigates of the other party so fierce?

Why can't the firepower of the frigates they produce reach this level.

The frigates of their Chiyang Empire were actually not weak.

Even more powerful than the frigates of the bordering top star-class civilization.

But they don't have the ability to break the shield at all!

At best, when crushing low-level warships, you can be arrogant.

Other times, it's basically just a giant shield that moves.

How could they be so arrogant like the other party, and a wave interrupted the energy of the frigates on their side.

Although it only takes three seconds at most, they can re-run the energy shield to prop up.

But in these three seconds, they were completely defenseless!

The faces of Prince Chiyang and the commander-in-chief of the fleet turned ashen.

The gap in technology made him deflated again.

I still remember the last time they shriveled in each other's hands.

Or because the range was not enough, two fleets were sacrificed abruptly to cross the 2 million kilometers of death zone.

However, facing the vacuum period of this wave of energy shields, they could not make any countermeasures.

The only thing that can be done is to open up the energy shield that comes with the Dusk-class Star Destroyer as much as possible to cover the surrounding battleships.

Shelter as many ships as possible.

At this time, the shells of the 15,000 Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships also arrived...

180,000 main artillery shells and 540,000 secondary artillery shells instantly cut through the dark starry sky, with blue streamers, like a meteor shower.

It smashed into the fleet of the Chiyang Empire.

In an instant, it caused a huge blow to the fleet of the Chiyang Empire.

Moreover, these seemingly chaotic attacks are actually the result of the battle command-type super-brain calculation and command.

Therefore, the effect of these shells has been fully utilized (money) to the greatest extent...

In just an instant, the Chiyang Empire destroyed 3,000 A-class (star-class) warships and nearly 20,000 B-class (star-class) warships.

As for the C-class (star-class) warships, there are countless, at least more than 100,000.

Also, most of them are frigates...

In particular, those frigates that have reached the A-level (star level) have become the focus of care.

After this round of attacks, at least 70% of the A-class (star-class) frigates were taken away directly.

This means that in the next wave, even if the Chiyang Empire can support the energy barrier.

The defense level will definitely be greatly reduced!

"`"Report the loss!

Prince Chiyang looked at the countless battleships that burst, and shouted with red eyes.

They have reached the present, and the only victory is the A-class (star-class) battleship that was destroyed near the natural wormholes of the fourth and sixth star systems.

As a result, the opponent paid such a heavy price.

And that's when they have S-class (stellar) ships.

If there were no S-class (stellar-class) battleships in charge, wouldn't they be waiting to be killed?

"Report... report! Our fleet lost 512 A-class (star-class) destroyers, 217 A-class (star-class) battleships, 2,219 A-class (star-class) frigates, and B-class (star-class) frigates. ) 4,217 destroyers, 16,000 B-class (star-class) frigates...”

The soldier's tone was trembling and he couldn't go on.

Because, from the number of lost battleships, he has seen the wrong place.

Too many frigates died...

Even if they prop up the energy barrier in time, they will definitely not be able to stop the opponent's next wave of offensive!

Even if these 13 Twilight-class Star Destroyers are not afraid of each other's attacks.

But the question is what about the other warships!

Those are their comrades-in-arms!

And a soldier understands this truth, how could Prince Chiyang and the commanders of the fleet not understand.

Their eyes also became red in an instant, and bloodshots filled the entire eye sockets.

Called out almost at the same time.

"Quick, immediately use the Dusk-class Star Destroyer to block the opponent's attack and cover the fleet's evacuation!""

The energy barrier is now unreliable.

They only rely on the powerful defensive capabilities of S-class (star-class) warships to block the opponent's attack.

Otherwise, it only takes a few rounds of attacks, and none of these battleships can escape.

However, their order has just been issued, and the Dusk-class Star Destroyer has not even had time to move.

They saw that from the strange fiery red warships in the distance, a large black fiery cloud suddenly flew towards them.

However, with the help of the battleship's radar, they could see the fiery cloud clearly.

Where is this burning cloud?

This is clearly a space fighter with a body length of about 300 meters and a fiery red phoenix pattern!

Although to their level of technology.

Starfighters don't have much loadable ammunition and energy.

Therefore, gradually withdrew from the arena of space combat.

But this does not mean that the star fighter is not powerful.

Flexibility is always the biggest advantage of a starfighter.

Compared with the warships of the same level, the speed of the interstellar fighter is at least 30% higher.

Even if they were also near the Dyson Sphere, a lot of interstellar fighters were deployed as the last line of defense to intercept approaching enemies.

Therefore, they also know the situation of the star fighter.

But what the hell are these spaceships!

According to the data displayed by the radar.

These starfighters are almost reaching Mach 9000!

This is so special, isn't it a little too outrageous!

You know, even the speed of their Dusk-class Star Destroyer is only Mach 7000, which is soft.

Could it be that these are S-class (stellar) level starfighters?

And those huge battleships that look like phoenixes are actually the legendary, S-class (star-class) level interstellar aircraft carriers?

This discovery made Prince Chiyang and the commander-in-chief of the fleet a little confused.

In other words, everyone who discovered this scene was stunned.

If the other side's flying interstellar fighters are really all S-level (star level) level.

Then, they have no room for resistance at all...

Sitting and waiting to die is their only ending!

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