Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 75: The despair of Prince Chiyang, all annihilated!

At this moment, looking at the swarms of space fighters flying in the distance.

Prince Chiyang and the commander-in-chief of a kind of fleet all widened their eyes and clenched their fists tightly.

Although the speed of these interstellar fighters has even surpassed the Dusk-class Star Destroyer by a lot.

It has properly reached the S-class (interstellar) level.

But they still held a trace of luck in their hearts.

What if?

What if this thing is just faster?

Although this possibility is very slim.

However, at this moment, they can't do anything at all except pray.

There is no way, the other party's speed is too fast.

Not at all what those A-class (stellar-class) ships can lock onto.

Even, even the Twilight-class Star Destroyer, which has reached the S-class (stellar-class) level, is difficult to lock on these interstellar fighters.

Moreover, the number of opponents is too terrifying.

A full 780,000, densely practiced into one.

When matched with the fiery red paint, it was like a phoenix in flames soaring, charging towards them.

This strong sense of positive impact even made them lose the idea of ​​resistance.

A feeling of powerlessness naturally rose in the bottom of my heart.

Even the energy barrier that has been re-supported cannot give them a sense of security.

Prince Chiyang and the commanders-in-chief of the fleet have even given up their command.

Just waiting for these starfighters to arrive.

Now, it is the rank of these space fighters that can judge their fate.

If these starfighters are S-class (stellar) level, then they are useless whether they resist or not.

Even if the interstellar fighter is one grade weaker in combat effectiveness than the same grade of warships.

But the opponent is still S grade (star grade).

In terms of technology, it has completely crushed the A-level (star level).

Even, in the case of a sufficient number, even destroying the S-class (stellar-class) battleship is not difficult.

And the current number of the other party has undoubtedly reached this benchmark.

What they call 13 S-class (stellar-class) Twilight-class Star Destroyers.

In front of the other party's number of 780,000, it is too insignificant.

A Dusk-class Star Destroyer will face 60,000 star fighters of the same level at the same time.

What the hell is this?

What chance does this have?

These Dusk-class Star Destroyers don't even want to escape a single one.

However, if the opponent did not reach the S-level (star level) level, then the situation was completely different.

The mere group is just A-level (star-level) starfighters.

No matter how fast it is.

Can it still sink the Dusk-class Star Destroyer?

Although they still have to pay a huge price, the other party also can't help them!

The Dusk-class Star Destroyer can completely escort a group of warships away.

Then, after choosing to come back, fight against this civilization.

Therefore, the situation on the battlefield at this moment completely depends on the level of these interstellar fighters.

Their lives and the safety of the Chiyang Empire are all gathered on these space fighters!

Prince Chiyang and all the fleet commanders at the top of the empire, who can also be counted, are extremely tormented in their hearts...

Although the fleet of the Chiyang Empire has been rushing towards the natural wormhole at full speed.

But how can their speed be compared with the Phoenix-class starfighter with a speed of close to Mach 9000.

Such a speed, even the Twilight-class Star Destroyer is far beyond comparison!

However, in less than half a minute, the interstellar fighters had already caught up.

"Turn on the annihilation mode and freely kill all enemies within the radar range!"

The battle-commanding super-brain staying in the Sky Eye-class command ship quickly issued an order.

Machine guns and missiles suddenly protruded from every corner of the interstellar fighter.

These exquisite interstellar fighters, like works of art, quickly turned into killing machines with amazing power.

At this moment, 650,000 unmanned space fighters are at the outermost periphery, forming a protective lineup.

The 130,000 unmanned star bombers at the very center are surrounded in the center.

It quickly flew over the Chiyang Empire fleet.

In fact, the main killing method of the drone group of the Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier is these interstellar bombers.

Those unmanned space fighters only play a protective role.

At this moment, the positions of the abdominal compartments of the 130,000 unmanned interstellar bombers are also open to both sides.

A magnetic storm bomb sprayed with phoenix spray paint placed in the belly compartment was revealed.

The power of these magnetic storm bombs, although in the S-class (stellar) level can only be considered quite satisfactory.

It can even be said to be a very bottom existence.

But their killing range is extremely terrifying.

Each one can easily cover a range of 100 kilometers.

Moreover, if multiple magnetic storm bombs explode at the same location, the resulting magnetic storm circles can be superimposed, and the power becomes even more terrifying.

Of course, more importantly, these magnetic storm bombs have a great effect on electronic equipment and biological destruction.

But the damage to the hull was not so serious.

This also means that Shen Yi can obtain the materials brought by the hull to the greatest extent.

Although, in this way, he can't get a complete battleship.

So as to obtain each other's technology.

However, after this kind of trouble has the title of pioneer, Shen Yi no longer needs to worry about it.

With a 30% explosion rate here, the probability of his explosion of the blueprint is still very high.

The technology in the blueprint is all at the peak level of the same level.

With Zhuyu in front, he naturally despises the technology of these civilizations.

Soon, 780,000 Star Wars 880 aircraft broke through the hail of bullets and came to the sky above the Chiyang Empire fleet.

With the assistance of the Sky Eye-class command ship and the battle command-type super brain, the 780,000 star fighters were destroyed by the Twilight-class star destroyer, except for a dozen.

The others were actually unscathed, this terrifying ability makes the scalp tingle.

And at this time, after arriving at the predetermined location, they started working.

Boom boom boom!

One after another blue electric light shot out from the cannon of the unmanned space fighter.

Densely bombarded towards the energy barrier below.

These themselves have been greatly weakened, and the power is far less than the previous energy barrier.

Just at the moment of the confrontation, it was directly shattered.

There was absolutely no resistance at all.

Facing such a large swarm of S-class (star-class) unmanned space fighters.

Unless there are 10 times more A-class (stellar-class) frigates, or 500 S-class (stellar-class) frigates.

Otherwise, it is impossible to resist their artillery fire.

This is the terrifying deterrent brought by the interstellar aircraft carrier.

However, because the interstellar aircraft carrier requires too many resources and personnel.

Basically three times or even more than five times that of warships of the same level.

Therefore, few civilizations are willing to spend such a huge price to build an interstellar aircraft carrier.

After successfully breaking the shield, the unmanned space fighter immediately stopped attacking.

Exposed enough output position for the unmanned star bomber.

The next moment, one after another, magnetic storm bombs sprayed with fire and phoenix patterns fell towards the Chiyang Empire fleet below...

The moment when these bombs fell into the fleet.

One by one, magnetic storm thunderballs composed of lightning bloomed in the fleet of the Chiyang Empire!

The scene is exceptionally gorgeous, dazzling, and unforgettable.

Moreover, if these magnetic storm thunderballs are too close to each other, they will merge with each other to form a larger thunderball.

The lightning that is densely covered in it has become more dense.

It was like a sea of ​​thunder.

And behind this splendid, is full of extremely violent destructive power.

Even those A-class (star-class) warships will be devastated when they are touched by these magnetic storm thunderballs.

What they possess is a fairly good energy barrier for defense.

In front of these magnetic storm thunderballs, there is no resistance at all, and they collapse in an instant.

Then, the terrifying lightning caused by the magnetic storm thunderball will directly penetrate into the interior of the ship.

Instantly destroy all electronic equipment in the hull.

To make the opponent's battleship directly paralyzed.

At the same time, the lightning brought by the magnetic storm thunderball will also bring a devastating blow to those creatures in the hull.

No creature can survive a thunder of this size.

Even if the opponent's physique is comparable to an S-class biological beast, it is useless.

Because this is a voltage of hundreds of millions of volts, which is no worse than lightning in nature.

In just an instant, the red dot on Shen Yi's radar was cleared of a large vacancy.

Just like in basketball, a hole the size of a fist appeared directly.

This round of bombing alone directly took away about one-third of the opponent's warships.

This effect, whether it was Shen Yi, or Prince Chiyang, they all felt a deep shock.

"The combat power of these phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers is actually so fierce..."

Shen Yi couldn't help swallowing.

This kind of amazing record, even 15,000 Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships can't do it.

Although there is also a difference in the level of technology.

However, it is not difficult to imagine why other civilizations do not have such things as interstellar aircraft carriers.

After all, the cost of these interstellar aircraft carriers is simply too high.

Other civilizations are not like Shen Yi, the space fighters in the interstellar aircraft carrier are given for nothing.

Only in the follow-up, after these starfighters were worn out.

Only need to pay a certain amount of resources to replenish these interstellar fighters.

And if other civilizations want to build interstellar aircraft carriers.

Not only need to build the huge hull of the interstellar aircraft carrier, but also need to build enough interstellar fighters.

And these interstellar fighters also need excellent pilots in order to exert their combat effectiveness.

Zero and zero finally went on, the energy and resources spent trying to build an interstellar aircraft carrier.

It is enough for them to cultivate dozens of battleships of the same level.

Moreover, interstellar aircraft carriers and interstellar fighters are not meant to be built.

Corresponding technical support is also required.

How can an ordinary stellar civilization be so comprehensive?

Unless it is a top-level star-level civilization that is particularly old, it may be able to create a true full-scale interstellar fleet.

At least, the new top-level stellar civilization of the Chiyang Empire.

It's definitely not possible to do that.

"Master, the opponent's S-class (star-class) battleship has begun to counterattack with all its strength, and it seems that it wants to shelter its own fleet from evacuation.

At this time, Shen Ling reminded.

"Want to cover the evacuation of the fleet?

Shen Yi showed a smirk: "Then let them evacuate and take these S-class (star-class) battleships first, I'll see how much they can go.

Do you really think that the 6,500 soul-class ghost battleships he arranged in the sixth star system are fake!

These soul-level ghost battleships are also A-level (star level) level.

In the case of close enough, it can even kill the S-class (stellar-class) battleship with one shot.

Coupled with the size of the natural wormhole, even if the opponent escapes, there is only one dead end.

"Yes, Master!"

Shen Ling (ahdg) quickly sent an order to the battle command super brain.

Soon, the raging swarm of unmanned space fighters above the Chiyang Empire fleet changed their target.

It began to be divided into thirteen batches, rushing towards those Dusk-class Star Destroyers.

The speed of close to Mach 9000 makes their speed extremely terrifying.

Coupled with the assistance of the Tianyan-class command ship, the Chiyang Empire's artillery had no chance to hit them.

Even the Twilight-class Star Destroyer, which is also an S-class (stellar-class), is difficult to lock on to these unmanned space fighters.

Instead, the massive size of the Twilight-class Star Destroyer.

In front of these flexible unmanned space fighters at this moment, it is like a living target.

Magnetic storm bombs with terrifying power, as well as bullets from countless magnetic rail cannons, fell on these Twilight-class Star Destroyers like raindrops.


Under the bombardment of countless magnetic storm bombs, the energy barrier of the entire Twilight-class Star Destroyer of the Chiyang Empire began to crumble.

Even the entire hull trembled violently under the bombardment.

And the bullets fired by the rail cannons are very scratchy at the S-level (star level).

But scraping is always scraping, and they still belong to the S-level (star-level) attack.

In the case of absolute numbers, the energy in the Twilight-class Star Destroyer on the Chiyang Empire's side was rapidly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Prince Chiyang and the others were all beaten up.

Everyone in the virtual command room turned extremely pale, with despair visible to the naked eye.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, they didn't even want to resist.

There is absolutely no way to fight!

"What kind of monster is the other party!""

Prince Chiyang cried out in despair.

In the face of such an enemy, let alone a new top-level stellar civilization like their Chiyang Empire.

Even most of the old top stellar civilizations are not so terrifying!

Those S-class (stellar) interstellar carriers...

Those S-class (stellar) starfighters....

Even those old top stellar civilizations may not be able to get it!

After all, there are simply too many resources required.

S-class (stellar) level technology, whether it is more or less, will require the use of S-class (stellar) materials.

But where are these materials so easy to get?

Even their Chiyang Empire, after tens of thousands of years of accumulation, is only enough to build 13 Twilight-class Star Destroyers...

That's right, it's not that they are incapable of building, but it's just that the materials at the S-level (star level) level are not enough.

Therefore, they will feel so outrageous.

Otherwise, in terms of their national strength, they will be in a state of national combat readiness.

At least 50 S-class (star-class) warships can be built within a month...

"His Royal Highness, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave. You evacuate with the rest of the fleet, and we will break it for you! 35

"I believe that these space fighters will never be able to fight at long distances, as long as you can escape back to the sixth star system, you will be safe!

"Please be sure to pass this news back to the Chiyang Empire!

Lieutenant General Wilson said with a determined look.

Today, they have such a huge gap with each other on the S-class (star-class) level battleship.

If you want to escape all, there is no possibility at all.

Unless the commander of the other side is bruised.

But from the perspective of the other party's previous total strategy, is it possible?

In this case, it's not bad to be able to run away part of it, but if you want to run away all of it, you're just thinking about shit!

It's true that the other side's star fighter that is almost reaching Mach 9000 is fake!

The only way they can now is to use these 12 S-class (star-class) battleships to create a chance for Prince Chiyang to escape successfully.

In this way, at least the news of what enemy they will face.

It can be successfully transmitted back to the Chiyang Empire.

Otherwise, they will definitely suffer a very big loss without knowing it.

"That's right, His Royal Highness, please be sure to pass on the situation here to His Majesty!"

"The power of these civilizations is too terrifying... It is not us at all, no, it should be said that it is not something that ordinary top-level stellar civilizations can compete with.

"You must bring back the information here, otherwise the Chiyang Empire will be in danger of destroying the country..."

The commanders-in-chief of the fleet also spoke.

In the face of national crisis, they still carry it very clearly.

Perhaps they will do things in power struggles in peacetime, but in the face of the demise of the country, they will never hesitate.

Besides, their family is still in the main star.

What's more, in the struggle between civilizations, there is no surrender at all!

It was a war launched entirely with the aim of destroying the opponent.

It's not the first time they've done this.

Moreover, what worries them the most is that they suspect that the other party is an arm-spinning civilization.

And this is just an insignificant sub-star system of the other party.

Even, it may be a star system with a very low level under the command of the other party.

Arm-spin-level civilizations are 10,000 times more terrifying than stellar-level civilizations.

Take their Chiyang Empire as an example.

Among them in the Chiyang Empire, those low and middle aristocrats like viscounts and earls possessed the power to easily destroy many beginning and intermediate stellar civilizations.

Well, the power that the forces in the arm-spinning civilization hold.

If you want to destroy them, it must be an easy thing!

If that was the case, then their Chiyang Empire would be in danger.

Even if it's just a small force in the arm rotation-level civilization, it is far from something they can offend!

However, judging from the level of technology shown by the other party.

The probability of this possibility is simply too great.

Compared with them, the A-class (star-class) warships with a range of more than 2 million kilometers...

Powerful enough to pervert the energy barrier that easily blocks their attacks...

Even among the top stellar civilizations, there are few S-class (star-level) interstellar aircraft carriers that civilizations can produce.

All of these things look like the handwriting of the arm-spin-level civilization!

If you don't bring this information back to the Chiyang Empire, let the high-level people know.

The next day will know what kind of decisions these high-level executives will make because of the wrong information.

Once you really provoke the other party in the past.

The Chiyang Empire has no power to fight back at all!

Now the Chiyang Empire should do the most.

It is the first time that the star system where the main star system is located is directly closed to avoid all threats and survive.

As for other star systems... that can only be abandoned directly.

Prince Chiyang is not a fool either, he is naturally clear about these simple truths.

Although a little unwilling to be repelled again.

But thinking that the other party is suspected of being an arm-spinning civilization, it is not so uncomfortable.

"Then trouble the generals! The Chiyang Empire will never forget your contribution! 35

Prince Chiyang gritted his teeth and said with a choked sobs.

He knew that none of these soldiers should survive.

After all, the opponent is 10 times stronger than them in terms of S-rank (star-rank) combat power.

If you add those star fighters that are also at the S-level (star level) level, it will be more than 60,000 times...

Under the crushing of such a huge number, how could there be any life!

"Hope your Highness all the best!"

Lieutenant General Wilson was the first to cut off communications.

The other fleet commanders did not say anything, but just closed the communication one by one.

At this moment, knowing that they will die, they have no intention of saying anything to Prince Chiyang.

If it weren't for their family members in the host star system, they might not even have died so happily.

At the same time, the twelve Twilight-class Star Destroyers directly and arrogantly blocked in front of the interstellar fighters.

With their huge size, they are completely like huge city walls, directly blocking the interstellar battleship group.

After that, these Dusk-class Star Destroyers did not affect the barrier as much as possible.

All the energy is supplied to the weapon system.

Making counterattacks from left and right, the interstellar fighter group was in a hurry for a while, and there was no small loss.

Dozens of starfighters were directly blown up.

This is where the starfighter lacks compared with the starship of the same level.

The relationship between the two is almost like the relationship between ordinary soldiers and tanks.

Ordinary soldiers have the ability to kill tanks.

But tanks can also kill ordinary soldiers on a massive scale.

However, the consequence of doing so is to cause a lot of damage to these Twilight-class Star Destroyers themselves.

Almost in less than half a minute, more than 30% of the ship's hull has been damaged.

If you go at this speed, it will take up to two minutes.

They will all be wiped out.

"Master, the other party seems to be trying desperately."

"However, there is an S-class (stellar-class) warship sprinting in the direction of the natural wormhole, and the identity of the people in it should not be simple, and the guess should be the other party's high-level.

Shen Ling immediately caught the movements of the Chiyang Empire and reported it to Shen Yi.

"Want to cover the upper echelons to escape?"

A sneer sneered at the corner of Shen Yi's mouth: "Then let them run. Let's take down these 12 S-class (stellar-class) warships first."

He didn't feel that the other party had the ability to escape.

Is it true that the 6500 soul-class ghost battleships he left outside the sixth star system are fake?

As an assassin in the A-level (stellar) level.

Soul-class ghost warships gave up speed and defense, and replaced all of them with stealth and attack capabilities.

If the distance is close enough, it is fully capable of penetrating the armor of S-class (stellar-class) warships.

And with 6,500 ships working together, what about the S-class (stellar-class) warships?

There was no resistance at all.

Moreover, the terrifying part of the soul-level ghost battleships, in addition to their stealth ability.

The most prominent is the torpedo that is launched, which does not need to be recharged.

As long as the launch target is locked, it can directly fly towards the target at a speed of up to 6500 Mach.

In the case of insufficient distance and not found.

Even if it is an S-class (star-class) battleship, there is absolutely no possibility of avoiding it!

Basically, even if the other party really passed, there is absolutely no possibility of escaping.

Therefore, Shen Yi didn't take the escaped battleship into his eyes at all.

This battle has been confirmed since all the opponents broke into his territory.

The other party will all be buried in his hands, and one will never escape.

In the case of all-out efforts, the 12 strongest S-class (star-class) battleships of the Chiyang Empire did not persist for too long.

They all turned into bright fireworks in the universe.

Under the condition that the level of technology is similar, but the number has been crushed, it can last for two minutes.

It has been able to prove the brilliance of these Chiyang Empire soldiers.

But unfortunately, when they met Shen Yi, they were doomed.

At this moment, Prince Chiyang also took the last Dusk-class Star Destroyer to the natural wormhole.

He is basically certain to escape to the sixth star system.

As long as those interstellar fighters of the other side cannot leave the interstellar aircraft carrier and conduct long-distance battles.

Then, he will be safe.

However, looking at the battleships that were broken in mid-air, he couldn't be happy at all.

The fleet that the Chiyang Empire had finally assembled, was actually defeated again!

Even the 13 newly built S-class (star-class) battleships are basically gone...

Moreover, they also provoked a terrorist civilization that was suspected to be arm-spinning.

This series of encounters made him feel a little dizzy.

This is definitely the darkest moment in his life, even if the last defeat was far less violent than the one to come this time.

This time, he has shed light on the background of the Chiyang Empire...

This time, it can be said that the Chiyang Empire was really hurt.

It was less than half a month after stepping into the top stellar civilization, and it was beaten back again.

Prince Chiyang leaned heavily on the chair, covering his face and daring not to look at the faces of the surrounding soldiers...

After returning this time, how will he face the father who trusts him!

However, his idea was very good, but how could Shen Yi get what he wanted.

If Shen Yi really spared no expense, it would be very easy to keep the entire Chiyang Empire on his side.

However, that would inevitably lead to a full counterattack from the opponent.

Therefore, Shen Yi chose to let the other party leave to reduce his losses.

In this way, the opponent's counterattack will be smaller.

However, neither Prince Chiyang nor the commander-in-chief of the entire fleet knew about all this.

Otherwise, they will definitely do whatever it takes to kill Shen Yi.

At the moment when the Dusk-class Star Destroyer that Prince Chiyang was riding stepped out of the natural wormhole, the long-awaited 6,500 soul-class ghost battleships.

Lock it right away.

At the same time, a full 104,000 pirate torpedoes flew towards Prince Chiyang's Dusk-class Star Destroyer.

The densely packed torpedoes with blue tail flames appeared too suddenly.

Whether it was some of the Scarlet Sun Empire battleships that had escaped before, or the Dusk-class Star Destroyer that Prince Scarlet Sun was riding in.

None of them expected this to happen.

Especially in the Dusk-class Star Destroyer Prince Chiyang and the other soldiers, they are all stupid.

How can there be enemy warships in this place!

"Alert! Alert! The warship is locked by a large number of enemy warships, please defend!

"Alert! Alert! The battleship is about to be torpedoed,

The dense sound of alarms in the cabin kept ringing.

The pieces of pirate torpedoes were also clearly displayed on the radar.

It is expected that in 3 seconds, the opponent will directly hit their battleship.

"Counterattack! Fight back!"

"Maximize the energy shield! Go and block this attack! 35

"Damn, how can there be so many enemy ships in ambush here, I said how it came out so smoothly! 35

No need for Prince Chiyang's order, the soldiers in the battleship have already commanded themselves, fighting for their own lives.

The Dusk-class Star Destroyer also responded quickly under the operation of these people.

At this moment, they completely ignored other warships.

The energy barrier extending from the Dusk-class Star Destroyer is just wrapped around the outer layer of the Dusk-class Star Destroyer.

The defense was directly pulled to the peak.

Even in the face of the main artillery attack of a battleship of the same level, they can withstand several rounds.

At the same time, the Star Destroyer Cannon quickly began to aim.

Although they were unable to recharge because they had to support the maximum defense, they only needed to block this wave of attacks, and their counterattack would start immediately.

Prince Chiyang was completely stupid.

He had been hit hard before, but now he was suddenly attacked again.

He was even a little dazed, his eyes staring at the picture on the radar screen, he seemed a little dazed.

He didn't expect that the great situation that had made him famous would turn into what he is now.

Shouldn't it be his glorious return to enjoy the praise of all the people!

What is the situation now!

However, no matter what he thought in his heart, those torpedoes that were launched would not stop because he was stunned.


104,000 pirate torpedoes landed on the Dusk-class Star Destroyer.

The blobs of blue flames looked unusually infiltrating.

If it weren't for the target of the attack, it was an S-class (stellar-class) battleship.

Even an A-class (star-class) battleship would instantly turn into a pile of junk in space.

And even if there is no direct hit, those other Chiyang Empire battleships around the Dusk-class Star Destroyer.

Under the aftermath of this terrifying explosion, it was instantly shattered and pushed away.

Obviously, it is also the top weapon of intermediate stellar civilization and even high-level stellar civilization.

But at this moment, they are also fragile like a small boat in the stormy sea, and they are extremely fragile.

Not because they are too weak.

It is a soul-level ghost battleship that focuses on assassination and sneak attacks. The power is really too great!

With the Dusk-class Star Destroyer as the center, the radius of 300 kilometers was instantly emptied and turned into a vacuum.

The battleships that escaped by chance were almost destroyed.

The debris in the sky is scattered in space, just like the asteroid belt before.

And at this moment, the Dusk-class Star Destroyer, which is in the center of the attack, is also revealed at this moment.

However, it's not in good shape.

Not to mention that the energy barrier was directly blown up, there were even countless scars on the hull.

The most deadly thing was that there was a huge crack in the center of the opponent's triangular hull.

This crack almost tore the entire battleship into two halves, looking extremely miserable.

It was all beaten like this, and it was naturally impossible for the Dusk-class Star Destroyer to survive.

Even if it is an S-class (stellar-class) battleship, it has to be strong.

Facing the surprise attack of 6,500 soul-class ghost battleships whose power is close to S-class (star class).

It also has no way of resisting at all.

The distance between the two sides is really too close, even if it wants to do something, it is too late.

When he came, he was still full of ambition, Prince Chiyang.

At this moment, he also died next to the natural wormhole in the sixth star system and the star system where Shen Yi is located.

In that terrifying shock, it hit the wall of the battleship and turned into a puddle of minced meat.

However, Shen Yi didn't know that he had killed such a high-level person.

Of course, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't take it to heart at all.

A mere so-called Prince Chiyang has not been taken seriously by him.

Even the so-called revenge of the Chiyang Empire this time was just an opportunity for him to harvest leeks.

This time the scale of the battleship is even larger than the last time.

One can imagine how amazing the resources will be.

And after the Dusk-class Star Destroyer was dealt with, these Soul-class ghost battleships were not idle.

Directly began to harvest other battleships.

Under the absolute advantage in number, those battleships that went to the sixth star system also did not leave a single one.

You must know that even if the soul-level ghost battleship is weak in defense and slow in speed.

But that's also an A-class (stellar-class) battleship.

A battleship of this size, even the entire Chiyang Empire, is only more than 10,000.

This time, there were only 9,000 ships.

Only less than 300 escaped.

This number is simply not worthy of arm wrestling with 6,500 soul-class ghost battleships.

The battle on the other side ended even faster than on this side.

After the 12 Dusk-class Star Destroyers were destroyed, the Chiyang Empire fleet had completely lost the chance to resist.

Under the magnetic storm bombs of the 130,000 interstellar bombers, they turned into 'ghost ships' that were only slightly charred in appearance.


In this battle, Shen Yi lost a total of 27 Dawn-class orbital battleships, 57 starfighters, 15 star bombers, and 42 Warden-class frigates.

Compared to the losses of the Chiyang Empire, his battle losses were simply insignificant.

Even, the resources required by those interstellar fighters and interstellar bombers are even more negligible.

Not even one-tenth of Shen Yi's production of D-class (stellar-class) warships, which is almost for nothing.

After all, the Phoenix-class interstellar fighter and the Phoenix-class bomber are both S-class (stellar) level fighters, even if they are not as good as conventional S-class (stellar) warships.

However, for warships below the S class (stellar class), it is absolutely extinct.

However, this feature should be a special feature of the Fire Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier.

If the production of the Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carrier is not continued.

There is no way for Shen Yi to prostitute more space fighters.

"After this battle is over, it will take me a while to digest the gains of this time!

Shen Yi couldn't help but sigh.

This Chiyang Empire is simply a good person.

Sent in waves!

If it weren't for the warmth sent by the Chiyang Empire, he would never have grown as fast as he is now.

After all, those star-level resources are not so easy to mine.

He wants to collect those resources, and the time consumed is absolutely astronomical.

However, now the Chiyang Empire seems to have been drained, right?

Shen Yi touched his chin and pondered.

If that's the case, then there's no need to keep each other.

It's better to complete the advanced world quest as soon as possible.

The last time he completed the ordinary world task, he got a lot of benefits.

In particular, the title of Civilized God of War has directly increased his blueprint explosion rate by 30%.

From the blueprint of the last harvest, you can see how amazing the benefits are.

As for the advanced world-class quest, as a quest higher than the ordinary world-class quest, wouldn't the reward be poor?

Even if you don't give a name against the sky.

Even if he just gave some A-level (star-level) and S-level (stellar-level) resources, it would be a huge help to him.

"After digesting the resources, go and get rid of them!

Shen Yi made a decision in his heart.

Even if the main star system of the other party is made of a single piece of iron.

What if it is even difficult for ordinary top-level stellar civilizations to get in!

Can it still stop his group of nine-type fire phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers from bombarding indiscriminately?

If the other party can really achieve this step, how could the other party have only stepped into the ranks of the top stars until now.

The stellar civilization bordering the Chiyang Empire.

In fact, I just felt that the price to be paid was a bit high, so I gave up.

It was not at all due to the threat of the Chiyang Empire, which was very clearly recorded in the databases of those warships before.

Therefore, Shen Yi was not worried at all that something might go wrong.

What's more, Shen Yi is not worried about the loss at all.

For others, these might be S-class (stellar) ships, A-class (stellar) ships.

But in fact, their essence is only C-class (stellar-class) battleships and B-class (stellar-class) battleships!

Even if it is exchanged with the other party, he will definitely not suffer!

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