Interstellar Tattered Queen

1133rd territorial awareness

Mu Jianling raised his hand, knocked on Jiyou's forehead, and cursed: "Your brain is not normal, you think I'm idle, every day cares whether your forehead is burned? Or is it short-circuited?"

Hearing this, Ji You couldn't help but said: "Teacher, take a look at you. Is this what you're talking about?"

Mu Jianling said: "You must also speak to others."

Jiyou: "..."

Heartbroken, Ji You pursed her mouth and said, "Indeed, shouldn't I communicate with you in human language?"

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding atmosphere became tense, Ji You shrank her neck, quickly changed her words, and said loudly: "I was just farting just now!"

Mu Jianling squinted, glanced at Ji You, and snorted coldly: "This world is the world of the strong. You see, you fart with your mouth in front of me."

Jiyou: "..."

Now, Ji You was really heartbroken. Shaking his hands in anger, he gritted his teeth: "Teacher, don't go too far! Hitting me too much, making me angry, what use is it to you?"

There was an indistinct smile between Mu Jianling's brows and eyes, but his tone was cold: "It's useless, as long as I'm happy."

"You..." Ji You stared, and then realized that she was really at a loss for words in front of Teacher Mu Jianling.

turn out to be--

It doesn't make sense, it is born in Teacher Mu Jianling's body.

Mu Jianling snorted: "Understood? Only the strong can be unreasonable."

Facing such a teacher, the shivering Ji You took a deep breath and said: "I understand, teacher, don't worry, one day, I will definitely hit you and beg for mercy. "

Mu Jianling raised her eyebrows, but she was not angry. She looked at Ji You and said, "Your mental power fluctuations are not as active as before. What did you do?"

"Huh?" Ji You was startled suddenly, and said in shock, "Teacher, how did you find out?"

As soon as the words came out, Ji You knew that she had asked nonsense. With the strength of Teacher Mu Jianling's mental power, how could she not understand the students' every move on the training ground? Sure enough, in the next second, Ji You received a very unkind look from Teacher Mu Jianling.

Mu Jianling said: "Are you practicing spiritual shielding?"

"Ah?" Ji You opened her mouth wide,

Shaking his head: ""

Mu Jianling's eyes sank.

Ji You felt that the air pressure in the entire training ground plummeted, and the source of the low air pressure came from Teacher Mu Jianling.


Mental force shielding technique?

what is that.

"Spiritual shielding technique, I really don't..." Before she could finish her words, suddenly, a memory hidden deep in Ji You's head popped up, and her brows frowned instantly.

[Generally, people who have not been exposed to mental exercise rarely know that the spirit world can temporarily block...]

Ji You still remembers asking herself this question, and she said: "Captain Lu, you are in a state where you don't let people feel the fluctuation of mental power, so it turns out to be a closed spiritual world? The reason why I..."

He smiles, his smile is so gentle, as warm as gentle jade:

[This state can be used as closed, blocked, or shielded, and there is nothing wrong with it. 】


A look of pain flashed in Ji You's eyes, and immediately she raised her face, looked at Mu Jianling with a gloomy face, and said, "Teacher, I haven't learned the mental shielding technique, I'm just practicing the ninth level of the tiger training technique." That's all."

After she succeeded once in the rabbit house, Ji You fell into a deep sleep all night, and was alive and well the next day. Therefore, she thought that Liu Fufeng could hide her mental power all the time, so she must be able to, as long as she practiced more.

Isn't there a saying that the stupid bird flies first?

If his talent is not good, and his innate talent is not as good as Liu Fufeng's, then he can make up for his weakness with hard work.

Therefore, in the training ground, she also seized the opportunity to practice. Yesterday's experimental products were a group of rabbits, and today she experimented with a group of her classmates. She knew her classmates better, so she imagined herself as a computer in the training ground to assist The emotionless little robot that the students exercised is ready.


no success.

Seeing Teacher Mu Jianling's face suddenly turned from gloomy to amazed, the astonishment was only fleeting, but Ji You still caught a glimpse, she was a little nervous, and hurriedly asked: "Old... teacher! What's the matter?" Is something wrong?"

It's not just wrong!

It's just—

It's impossible!

Mu Jianling's mouth moved slightly. Of course, she didn't say these words. She just glanced at Ji You coldly, and then said: "No problem, I just feel that you are looking for more tricks."

"Cough——" Ji You almost choked to death from the air, she looked at Mu Jianling, her eyes widened: "Teacher, let's stop joking, be normal, and chat in a normal way."

Mu Jianling suddenly stretched out his hand and touched Ji You's eyebrows with his fingertips. Ji You opened his mouth, and Mu Jianling said coldly, "Don't move!"

Ji You froze for a moment, and felt a very gentle mental wave approaching her spiritual world. Ji You's instinctive first reaction was to attack, but when he thought of something, he immediately stopped attacking, but although he was extremely restrained, his spiritual world was so closely contacted by another spiritual force, and the other party's mental power The silk tentacles seemed to be reaching into his mental space in the next second, Ji You trembled all over——

She is restraining.

Her spirit is also restrained.

Mu Jianling's strands, about a hundred strands of spirit, tried their best to release their kindness, one by one, approaching cautiously... Just when the hundred or so strands of spirit were about to touch Jiyou's spiritual barrier——


The overwhelming pressure swept from Jiyou's spiritual space in an instant! Even as strong as Mu Jianling, he was shaken slightly by the sudden pressure. Mu Jianling's mental thread was extremely restrained, and he didn't fight back when he was attacked. Instead, he let the opponent cut and crush himself These spiritual threads.

It is a very painful thing to be forcibly stripped of the spiritual thread. Even an inhuman existence like Mu Jianling feels very painful. The whole brain and soul are continuously cut with a blunt knife. with...


However, under the great pain, Mu Jianling only frowned slightly, and there was a trace of invisible sweat on his forehead.

Ji You opened her mouth: " you okay?"

Although everything that happened in the empty spiritual space cannot be seen with the naked eye, Ji You already clearly knew what happened just now through the spirit. When Teacher Mu Jianling tried to get close to him, his spiritual world exploded. An extremely terrifying force came out, preventing all forces other than our own from approaching, even if they were well-intentioned and harmless... they were absolutely not allowed to pass.

Is it an iron sheet?

then what?

Ji You was really confused.

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