Interstellar Tattered Queen

One thousand one hundred and thirty-four spiritual core

If the pain of ten fingers connected to the heart is a pain that cannot be described in words, then the pain of being forcibly cut off and strangled is thousands of times the pain of ten fingers connected to the heart. One, then, his entire spiritual world may collapse.


Mu Jianling only frowned slightly, and then returned to normal.

1 second.

After frowning for a second, Mu Jianling stared at Ji You with probing eyes.

Ji You opened her eyes and asked very worriedly: "Teacher, are you really alright?"

Mu Jianling waved his hand: "No problem."

Seeing her understatement, and her attitude of being completely fine, raising her hand and punching a cow, the worry in Ji You's heart faded a little, and then Ji You heard Mu Jianling ask: "You said just now that you have Practicing to the ninth level of the tiger training technique?"

Ji You blinked: "Yes."

Mu Jianling glanced at Ji You strangely, opened his mouth, and finally fell into deep thought without saying a word.

Ji You was preoccupied with her whole heart: " there something wrong with it?"

This tiger training technique was given to Ji You by Teacher Mu Jianling. I heard that this training technique was created by Admiral Baiji himself. Because of the trust in Teacher Mu Jianling and the admiration for General Baiji, Ji You didn't have any precautions to practice. She still calmed down and followed the method of this body training step by step, and carried out the training tasks meticulously.

Ji You didn't show any perfunctory.


If Teacher Mu suddenly told Ji You that there was something wrong with this body training technique, Ji You couldn't guarantee that she would faint.

next second.

Mu Jianling said: "There is no problem with the body training technique, the one with the problem is you."

Ji You: "..."

Ji You felt hairy: "Could it be that I have become a third-level disabled again?"

The experience of the third-degree disability last time was really not good. If possible, Ji You hoped that words like the third-degree disability would never be seen again. Therefore, she was very nervous, waiting to hear the verdict from Teacher Mu Jianling with a tense face.

Mu Jianling glanced at Ji You angrily,

Said: "You want to be a level three disabled, don't you have a chance? If I didn't stop the mental thread and let your mental core counterattack, you have already become a level zero disabled."

"???" Ji You was full of question marks, "How is level 0 calculated?"

Mu Jianling said coolly: "You are gone, which means you are disabled at level 0."

Ji You: "..."

Ji You grabbed a word and quickly asked: "Teacher, I understand the spiritual core you mentioned, but I don't quite understand the counterattack of the spiritual core." At first, Ji You thought that the strength of the teacher's spiritual silk was a piece of iron, but her intuition told her it was not.

If not, what is it?

Ji You was puzzled.

In the past, when my own mental power launched an attack, it was carried out by six mental threads. During the entire attack process, Ji You could control the spiritual thread all the way... But the power just now was too huge, too profound and obscure... ...Ji You felt completely out of control.

The spiritual core is the center, the hub, and the key to constructing the spiritual world... But how could it counterattack?

Ji You couldn't figure it out.

Mu Jianling obviously didn't intend to be tricky, and she didn't intend to hide half of it, she said directly: "Do you know the spear and the shield? A person's spiritual thread is equivalent to the spear, which is the main attack, and the spiritual core is the shield. , the main defense. Under normal circumstances, we only know the importance of the spiritual thread, and only use the spiritual thread to attack and defend, because the spiritual core of most people maintains the stability of the spiritual world all the time. It is the cornerstone, and with it, the spiritual world will always exist.”

Ji You listened carefully.

Mu Jianling continued: "You think your spiritual core is still and not working..."

"Wrong!" Mu Jianling's voice raised a little, "It's been working all the time, and it never stops. It's just that it's protecting your spiritual world, and you can't see it."

Ji You opened her mouth, wondering, "Then why did it come out today?"

The corners of Mu Jianling's mouth twitched slightly. This guy was deliberately showing off in front of him.

Mu Jianling snorted coldly, with a slightly helpless tone, and said: "It just feels extremely dangerous, and it instinctively wants to protect its territory from being invaded."

Ji You: "..."

Ji You: "Can't it tell the difference between kindness and malice?"

Otherwise, how could there be indiscriminate attacks.

Mu Jianling said: "Yes! But an extremely powerful spiritual core will naturally not share its territory with other spiritual cores, or even spiritual threads."

Ji You was surprised: "So overbearing?"

Mu Jianling opened his mouth and scolded: "Is now the time for you to care about whether your spiritual core is overbearing, procrastinating, or other issues?"

Ji You shut up.

Mu Jianling said: "You should be thankful that your spiritual core power is strong enough, otherwise, you will not use it, so you will use it forcibly. Or just like you just now, you can't control it at all and let it play freely. Your It will blow your head off."

Jiyou: "!!!"

Mu Jianling said: "Attacking with a spiritual core is a double-edged sword. It hurts both yourself and the enemy. In short, it is especially suitable for people like you who like to die."

"..." Ji You thought for a while and asked, "...Then, didn't it just stop by itself?"

Mu Jianling snorted coldly: "That's why I withdrew quickly. One step later, it will definitely fight me to the end. At that time, do you think you can still sit here and stare at me like you are now?"

Ji You smiled embarrassingly.

Mu Jianling changed the subject and said, "Practice all of your tiger training skills in front of me."

Ji You didn't say anything, and immediately started to execute.

1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.


When Jiyou finished all the movements on the 1st to 8th floors of the whole body training technique, Mu Jianling's frowning brows slightly turned from cloudy to sunny, and she said: "The 1st to 8th floors are all the same." It is a very important foundation, and you played very solidly."

She rarely praised Ji You.

It is indeed worthy of praise, because when Mu Jianling gave Ji You this body training technique, she never thought that Ji You would be able to reach the 8th floor in a short period of training with this body training technique. Successfully made the ninth floor.

Then, Mu Jianling said calmly: "Ninth floor, do it."

Ji You narrowed her eyes and looked around carefully. Then, she closed her eyes slightly and decided to re-simulate a commonly used object in the training room, but failed. Ji You thought about it and continued to simulate the same object.

Still fail.

Failed again.


Ji You was so anxious that sweat broke out on her forehead, but Mu Jianling looked at her again and again, and every time her mental strength was taken away by dogs, but she still looked like she was holding on, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows in surprise.

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