Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 889: Xianxian

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The imperial pole splits the heavens, the imperial pole passes through the world, and the heavens separate the gods.

Its artistic conception is that the Son of Heaven sacrifices to the gods. Its cultivation method originated from the congenital five virtues, five kinds of ways to build civilization from disorder to order. His cultivation method was based on the right way, but he also mixed the characteristics of Shinto and martial arts.

They are also the few schools that emphasize "in the dust".

It is precisely because of "from the red dust", so the gates of the imperial rift heaven are mostly in the form of "capital" and "gongmen".

The ancestral gate in Shenzhou, where the imperial princes split heaven and earth for thousands of years, was above Kunlun and the capital below the emperor, eight hundred miles away and ten thousand tall. There is Muhe on it, long five seeks, big five encircles. There are nine wells on the face, with jade as the threshold, nine faces on the face, and big demon guards on the door.

But in the fierce battle of Luofu Xuanqing Palace, the imperial Jitian Heavenly Dao was also hit hard. Not waiting for it to take the resources obtained from the Luofu Xuanqing Palace to a higher level, the Holy Infant Church rose and captured the capital of the emperor.

After that, Huangji Split Heaven Road had to rebuild the mountain gate in Xilu, called Xijing Chongyu Palace.

With the rise of the present law, the Jade Palace finally fell. Half of them were turned into ruins, and the other half became the home of the Ben Lei Pavilion.

Today, the imperial gate of the Imperial Realm of Heaven and Heaven is called "the Phoenix Mound of the Forbidden City".

The Phoenix Mound is taken to mean "rebirth of Nirvana". There is also the meaning of "temporarily borrowing Wutong Qifengfeng", which means that he intends to counterattack China. The word "tomb" means that this place is not a long-term residence, but only used to settle the deceased ancestors.

However, although they have always insisted that "the orthodox fairy orthodox is in the distant sea", for two thousand years, today's Faxian Dao is stronger than the day, and the ancient Faxian Dao is gradually declining. The so-called counterattack on the mainland of China has long been an unattainable dream. From the perspective of everyone today, the determination of Huang Jili Tiandao in his early years has become a joke.

Even in the eyes of some ancient method repairs whose brains lack roots, Shenzhou Mainland is a terrible place where monks can use the sky sword during the Qi practice period.

The Phoenix Mound of the Forbidden City is magnificent, the palaces are heavy, and the momentum is magnificent, and it seems to cover up some mystery.

It seems to be a generation of monarchs, after the crown, the wrath of the emperor is covered by the blood flow.

Among the various secrets covered by the Phoenix Mound, the most mysterious one lies in the temple of the body.

Since the establishment of the Phoenix Tomb for thousands of years, the Jinshen Temple has always been the unique place of the Divine Emperor. For thousands of years, no second person has been able to set foot in it. Most of the time, the Holy Emperor also retreat in this temple.

No one knows what it is like.

Of course, if those ancient Faxiu really saw it, they would be scared out loud.

Seventeen black stones were listed in this small room. They seemed to be part of a huge stone tablet that shattered-this is the Xiandao Burning Books Program!

The magical treasures of the fairyland civilization made by the holy infants plagiarizing the world!

At the beginning, the holy infant was broken. In order to prevent the "outer Dao Demon" from obtaining this treasure, the Great Teacher of the Holy Infant Church crushed it. I don't know how much the fragments are divided into. At the time, Immortal Dao was also in a rising period of self-expansion, and he did not care much about this encyclopedia, which records the ancient ancient exercises. In the end, not many people knew the exact number of fragments of Xiandao Burning Books.

Unexpectedly, there are as many as seventeen pieces here!

The Holy Emperor, sitting on these 17 pieces of debris, at the same time reading the various masterpieces among these 17 pieces of debris.

In addition, there are countless other flashes in his mind. These practices come from today's ancient overseas immortal gate. These immortal gates preserved the Confucianism under the blow of the Holy Infant Education, and their practice of immortal Taoism was not completely recorded.

At this time, the Holy Emperor seemed to be practicing, but it didn't seem to be. He did not provoke the spirit of heaven and earth violently. However, if a Shinto master carefully senses, maybe the secret of the Holy Emperor can be discovered.

This split-day Daoist who splits the sky and seals the gods is a god!

He has three hundred and sixty-five master acupoints, thousands of acupoints, and tens of thousands of acupuncture points. Each acupuncture contains a divine body.

Some of these gods worshiped the **** of heaven, as if this man was more honorable than gods. But among many gods, some are struggling as if resisting refining.

And the most fierce resistance came from the eyebrow ancestor of this "God of God".

A white aura of light rose from the eyebrows of the Holy Emperor. In the aura, there is a concentric circle composed of three rings. The white wind and inflammation entangled on it.

"Ahahahahaha, it's interesting and interesting. The King of the Pure Wind, the father of the Son, the **** of eternal infants, the **** of the first Shinto **** in the Divine State, you have been refined for more than half." Dang, and then a frivolous voice came out: "I really don't know, those outsiders know what their extinct infantile power will eventually be used for you."

Saint Emperor opened his eyes, the gods all around him concealed in his body, a trace of doubt flashed on his face: "Monarch Hongtian?"

"It's me hahaha."

There was a trace of disdain in the eyes of Shengdizun: "Crazy? The temperament of being beaten has changed this time? It looks like you were beaten by those outsiders in the Yuanji Earth Pole a few years ago. And even Lian Hongyuan recently The reaction of God has disappeared. "

"Huh ... you have been coveting my Hong Yuan **** body. Unfortunately, that thing is now taken away." The voice in the bell was a little bit dissatisfied: "It wasn't that bad beat that time, just Then it happened again and again ... Forget it. I wo n’t go into details with you. I ’ll tell you, I changed my mind this time, not because of “forgot something” but because of what'."

"How old are you? Actually, your temperament will change greatly because of two years?"

Temperament is related to years of accumulated experience. Children "experience" or have little memory, so temperament can easily change. Adults are different. For the elderly, it is difficult to believe that they will easily change their three views after decades of life accumulation.

To the fairy of Wannian Shouyuan, the two-year lifespan is like a few hours in the concept of mortal.

"You don't have to take care of this matter. In short, it must be better than your personal accumulation than the waste of a world."

Saint Emperor was not angry, but said: "Aren't you also killed by the creatures of this world?"

"Huh? Didn't I say that? There is a family of ancestors in this world. Does the family of ancestors know? I don't know? That's sorry ..." This mysterious Xianxian seems to have a tendency to talk.

"What is the Tianju family?" Shengdizun asked: "In the past, you also told me to be careful of the 'Tianju family.' The Tianju family, mostly refers to the Dragon family? Why do you call the Dragon family Tianyi family?"

"Why? Tell you, I'm good?" Ling Dan shook his voice, proud of his tone.

The relationship between the fairy and the fairy is so straightforward and unobstructed. Strength is everything, the strong is the truth, the weak is guilty, and there is no need to cover up with courtesy.

"what do you want?"

"Your men, regardless of the color, just come a little. The talent is better ... Considering that you are also approaching the finishing stage? The talent level is not related to you."

"No, that part of the mainland of China can't be refined yet." Shengdi Zun flatly refused: "Your news, you can't buy the Fa-rectified Immortal Gate, which I have operated for thousands of years."

"It's more or less necessary to show some sincerity. Heavenly family, this is not something that thousands of heavens and earth may see. This secret message must be inquired by Xiantian. But you can't do it in your heyday. Dare not enter the fairy sky? "

"Refining this world, I have that kind of skill."

"This is the last time I asked you for something. Hurry up, how about this number?" The bell trembled and reported a number again, saying, "Send you another message. Those outsiders have also grasped the mysteries of humanity." The future will soon have nothing to do with you. The quality of the materials under your hands can not be converted into strength. It is better to exchange the good things in my hands ... In addition to the news, I have other things for you. "Next, it reported a list.

Holy Emperor Zun weighed the number reported by the bell, combined with the materials on the list, thought for a second, and then nodded: "Yes. I want the original Taixuan Xianqi five Dao, Xianren Daodan ... plus the Tian family News. "

"Yes, but. A good boy who loves to learn." The "Hong Tianjun" praised: "What is most important now? Knowledge is most important ..."

"Enough, don't talk nonsense."

The bell's tone was correct, and then said: "The so-called clan tribe is just a descendant of the clan clan. The clan clan has always been the boss of the clan. The clan has disappeared for a long time. "

"Tianren? Fairy?"

"If you want to know more, just exchange what I want."

Saint Emperor shook his head: "No need."

It's naturally feasible to exchange something that you don't need now for news that you will use later. However, if you exchange what you want for something you don't know is meaningful, it is "stupid"!

"Eh? That's it?" The voice from the bell showed regret: "I found a big treasure, and I can't run out of good things!"

"I only need three things now. Fragment of Xiandao Burning Books, Fragment of Luofu Xuanqing Palace, or half-century artifact left by several ancient families." Shengdi Zundao said: "If there are no such three things, everything is free. Xiandao Burning If the shards of the book record the practice of Shinto, then I can increase the price. "

"Sorry ... I don't even know these things."

Saint Emperor pinched the bell and sighed slightly.

The Luofu Xuan Qing Gong practice "Daro Chaos Tian Jing" has all five congenital quintessences, and it complements the imperial pole split heaven Dao practice "crack the sky and seal the gods". He is not the kind of rich old celestial being. From the perspective of the fairy, he is still very young. For him, this method of unifying the congenital five monks' paths was beyond his expectation.

The fragments of Xiandao burning books outline can help him sort out the civilization of this world and accelerate his speed of refining this world.

Several immortal tools help him to penetrate into the present Immortal Dao and refine the Immortal Immortal Dao. The Immortal Immortal Dao himself also admits that their inheritance also started from the ancients ...

Saint Emperor stopped his thoughts and issued the command: "Come here!"


"Passing the solitary password, I said that in order to encourage the cultivation of good qualities, I will hold a Qionghua meeting in the future, and choose the world's talents ... let the following be done!"

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