Into the Immortal Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 890: The strange phenomenon witnessed overseas

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【Leader Gaggen 15】

In the Phoenix Mound, when an unknown question and answer occurred, a small sampan gently hit the Linghuang Island, and made a "pop" muffled noise.

The worst biological weapon in China ’s history has just arrived in the clean ancient immortal gate.

Wang Qi, whose pseudonym is "Xia Li", jumped off the sampan, blocked his eyes above his eyes, and looked up against the sunlight: "This is the place where the ancient Faxian Gate is located. What a fairy school ... Eh ... Home ... Meteorology ... "

When Wang Qi was halfway through, he could not continue.

The island is large enough, the coastline is straight, and you can't feel the arc. Looking around, I can't see the other side. It seems that this is also a big island capable of carrying millions of people.

But ... but ...

Things on this island are too unsightly.

On this island, it is either a predatory enemy that is green and yellow, or a low shack. These shacks are made of rammed earth bricks, and a few are red bricks, which are generally not high and only reach Wang Qi ’s shoulders. However, these shacks are densely packed. In many places, you can only dry clothes on the top of the shack.

If you look closely, those clothes are nothing but the thickest brown linen.

No rinsing and no blooming.

Many years ago, residents of mainland China did not wear clothes made of this kind of cloth.

Then, Wang Qi's nose smelled something strangely.

He knew what it was like when he guessed it.

Some people think that the ancient law fairy road will build a perfect drainage system for such a residential area?

When there is no sewer, and people need convenience, they cannot solve it at home, and they do not necessarily have time to go to the toilet or the beach ...

Wang Qi shook his head.

The shacks, fields, and aired linens made this good island like a rag covered with countless variegated patches.

What about the good Yunxia lingering, the aura of light, the flying of fairy birds, and the exchange of Swiss animals?

This ... the remote mountain village of Shenzhou, the living conditions are just like this?

"This is just a place where mortals live. Let's go to our Xianmen," Brother Xia. "

Lian Xinjie gave Wang Qi a deep look, and seemed to be warning him silently. Don't ask too much, and don't be too curious. Wang Qi turned and took Mi from the boat. Sister Mi's body is just an ordinary child, and she can only practice a bit of mana to the level of Qi practice, and can't fly by herself.

Wang Qi took Mi, and even Lian Xin and Lian Xinjie set up their escapes, skimming over the island that looked worse than the slums.

However, with Wang Qi's strong dynamic vision, he can also see a lot of things.

First of all, the streets here-if the paths between the shacks can be called "streets"-look very dirty. Many people work in the fields. However, the growth of the crops is very pitiful. If viewed from Wang Qi's perspective, all of these farmlands are "poor harvests".

On the coast, a group of women were digging shells and seaweed while taking advantage of low tide. It's just that it must have been digging for many years. There are not many shells and seaweed here.

The few trees are on the south side of the island. In those woods, there are also many people lying on the trees, seemingly gathering something. Among those people, Wang Qi also saw that someone seemed to secretly nibble two barks. But the man who ate the bark was quickly held down and punched and kicked.

In the southwest of the island, there is a small fishing port. There are several fishing boats, but not many. A fishing boat seems to have just returned to Hong Kong, surrounded by a group of old, weak women and children. The crew of those fishing boats are distributing the sea fish they caught. No matter men, women and children, everyone gets the fish and swallows them as soon as they get the fish.

As he thought, everyone here is as skinny as wood, and the meat on and off the body adds up to a few pounds.

"You also raised mortals, so that you can inherit the martial arts?" Wang Qi could not help but ask: "Do you think that this can really produce talent?"

The talents in cultivation must at least be healthy and full of blood. Only if the body is strong, the soul will be strong, and the meridians will be strong.

If you can't be fed all day long, even the best talents can't be brought into play.

Lian Xinjie whispered that even the heart was white, and Lian Xinjie explained in a low voice: "Emperor respected benevolence. As early as 800 years ago, he released the method of practicing qi to let these mortals practice by themselves. If the talent is good enough, they can naturally cultivate more fields, and they can go to sea to fish, and there is no shortage of food and clothing. In addition, they can also use real gas to heat food, and they can also eat hot meals without firewood. , Are not talented and not diligent in their studies. "

The ring where Zhenjiezi lived was already stuffed into a special sword box by Wang Qi, and the sword box was placed in a special storage bag, which could not sense the outside world. He could only communicate with Wang Qi by means of special secret methods, and by means of Wang Qi Eyes to observe the outside world. He hummed: "However, in the past two thousand years, there will be more monk monks born from the poor. Most of them are distracted, and most of them are left over earlier. They may not expect these mortal inheritance sect? . "

"Even if you become a spiritual body, you can't eat or wear like civilians in China." Wang Qi suppressed the exclamation in his heart and looked at the shacks under him.

These people live as animals.

Oh no. On the mainland of China, animals can also eat and drink well. Apart from not having to suffer that knife, these people's living conditions are worse than animals.

Soon, Wang Qi followed the brothers and sisters of Lian's family to a pothole. There is a spiritual guard at the entrance of this pothole. Lian Xinjie looked at this spiritual prohibition with emotion.

Behind this spiritual prohibition is one of the three entrances to the underground of Linghuang Island, where the ancient Faxian Gate is really located.

The last time he left, he was still an ancient genius who wanted to show his strength here. When I came back this time, it had become an undercover under the control of this law.

Life encounters are really hard to tell.

But he was no longer emotional in his heart, and he didn't dare to show anything here. The prestige of Saint Emperor is too strong. After seeing Mei Gemu ’s three-step foundation, and the magical skill of forming a knot, for a moment, the brothers and sisters dare to have a slight neglect of the word "Xianxian"

In an instant, he lifted the spiritual ban and took Wang Qi inside.

"Brother Xia, this is your first time, but be sure to remember the set of tactics just played for your brother." Lian Xinjie pretended to be bland.

Wang Qi nodded and said nothing.

"Not much talk" is also one of the characters of "Xia Li". After all, the more you say, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

Lian Xinjie and Lian Xinling led Wang Qi and walked down the channel.

In Wang Qi's feeling, they seemed to have gone down dozens of feet. Then, Wang Qi's vision suddenly widened.

The first thing that catches your eye is the splendid city of gold and green at the center of the underground city. Five steps on the first floor, ten steps and one pavilion, eaves and teeth peck high, intrigue, like the imperial city, it makes people feel as if they have a noble spirit.

"Like an upstart ..." Zhen Jiezi snorted softly. He is very familiar with this style.

On the way when he came, Wang Qi had already done his homework, and he naturally knew where it was.

The Phoenix Mound in the Forbidden City, where the imperial gate of Heavenly Emperor splits the sky today.

"This time the ultimate goal is right there ..."

Wang Qi's eyelids drooped, covering his foresight in his eyes.

The Phoenix Mound, the forbidden city of the imperial rift, is at the highest point of this underground fairy city. The tallest loft there was directly against the dome. Above the dome, I did not know whether it was some kind of luminous stone or mineral function, it was as bright as the day. From a distance, the underground city of Phoenix Mound has the momentum to catch the sky.

Around the Phoenix Mound, there are other schools.

This underground city does not look too big, but it has been transformed into more than ten different areas by more than a dozen different styles of architecture.

This underground immortal gate has been fully occupied by more than a dozen martial arts. If you escape from the light, it is easy to crash into the territory of other martial arts. If you accidentally rush into the forbidden area of ​​other schools, you are dead and not wronged. Fortunately, there is a wide and narrow road between martial arts and martial arts for people to walk. Approximately, it can accommodate two horse-drawn carriages in parallel-about the width of the earth's one-way street. Very few people walk on these roads.

Wang Qi led Mi, and the cheap siblings to the Fallen Sword Palace.

But walking, Wang Qi felt something was wrong.

Along the way, it seems that there have always been people who spy on Lian Xin, Lian Xinjie, and even other Jin Danqi pointing behind them both.

--what happened? Anyway, the two of them are also strong in the Golden Pill period, right? Why is it that a cat or a dog dare to come out and pose?

Soon, he knew the answer.

"Yo! Isn't this Lian Xinjie and Lian Brother? Dare you come back?"

Wang Qi looked around, and saw a group of people come and walk magnificently.

Zhen Jiezi couldn't find out the spiritual consciousness. With the help of Wang Qi's senses, from the various actions on the young man, he saw a trace of clues: "This guy is a disciple of Tianshulou."

Lian Xinjie frowned and drank: "Jia Chenglie, what do you mean?"

This Jia Chenglie, also Jin Dan, is one of the most talented disciples in Tianshulou. The Tianshulou is the dogleg of the imperial eclipse, while the Luochen Sword Palace is crowded out by the imperial ecclesiastical sky, and the relationship is not harmonious. Even Xinjie had several frictions with Jia Chenglie in the past.

"What do you mean?" Jia Chenglie took out a folding fan, shook it, and smiled slightly: "What did that old dog do even one hour, you don't know yet? That old dog, but not long ago It ’s our Fa-rectification. Brother, you said, come back now, it ’s not a dog, what is it? "

"You ... disrespectful!" Even the mind changed suddenly, pulled out his sword on the spot, pointed at the other party, and drank: "Retract what you just said, otherwise, I will make you look good!"

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