Into Unscientific

Chapter 147 Cell Observation Recorded in History (62k)

Chapter 147 Cell Observation Recorded in History (6.2k)

According to some existing manuscripts.

The mirror grinding tool designed by Huygens looks somewhat similar to the ancient execution knife switch, that is, the Louis XVI happy stand:

A small ball is hung on the 'knife switch', which is driven to rotate by external force to process the glass.

This set of tools is not difficult to prepare and does not require too much precision.

After all, in the original 17th century, Europe had not yet started the industrial revolution.

However, different from Huygens' design, Xu Yun has made some optimizations on the torque:

One is to add two auxiliary ropes to shorten the deflection force on the left side.

The second is to let the donkey store power for the clockwork first, and then provide thrust through the clockwork, which saves the expenditure of manpower.

The energy generated by the deformation of the mainspring is very short in duration, but the instantaneous magnitude is large, which is a quite suitable tool for finishing.

Anyway, that donkey is an old coolie, so let's work harder.

In the end it's still the same sentence.

No matter how tired the donkey is, what's the matter with Xu Yun?

all in all.

According to Xu Yun's plan.

The production of the entire telescope takes about a month.

It is expected that around mid-August, the first starry sky observation will be possible.

As for the microscope, it is simpler.

After all, the most difficult hurdle in the whole process was solved by Lao Jia and the others not long ago.

Even without the assistance of an interferometer, it is not difficult to prepare a microscope-level small-aperture lens.

In fact, a long time ago, the ancient jade processing technology was somewhat similar to lens preparation, and an industry was formed.

That kind of property has even surpassed the concept of "prototype", and can be attributed to the category of early applications.

It's just that there was no detailed concept of optics at that time, and the ancestors could not calculate the function of K(θ).

So now that there is data about the radius of curvature, Siegfried brought good news less than five days after Xu Yun took out the design drawing of the curvature.

"My lord, fortunately I did not disgrace my life."

In the courtyard.

Siegfried pointed to the three small boxes on the stone table and said with a smile:

"The two types of lenses needed by the son have been made, and they are in these boxes.

The lenses in the left box have the lowest power, the middle one is next, and the one on the right has a higher power. "

Xu Yun thanked him, and was not in a hurry to check and accept, but first took out a pair of gloves made of sheep gut from his cuff.

In ancient times, sheep intestines were not included in the "haggis" of gourmet food, but they were needed for something else:

It is often used as a small umbrella, and even in the Tang Dynasty, there were official shops selling sheep intestines.

Therefore, in ancient times when the rubber industry was close to nothing, it was actually a very good glove material.

As long as it is soaked in the high-concentration alcohol prepared before to deodorize, it is basically the same as the rubber gloves of later generations.

It is more than enough to do at least some basic experiments.

After putting on gloves.

Xu Yun pressed the switch and opened the three boxes.

At this time, there was a smart little lens in the center of each box.

According to what Siegfried said earlier.

The left one is the 10x eyepiece, the middle and right ones are the 40x and 100x objective lenses respectively.

Friends who have a basic understanding of microscopes should know it.

The multiple of the eyepiece x the multiple of the objective lens is the magnification of the microscope.

But don't look at the magnification of 10X100 and 25X40, which look the same as 1000. In fact, the imaging effects of the two are very different.

Because the eyepiece feeds back a virtual image, the magnification does not need to be too high.

The lens that really determines the resolution of the microscope is mainly the objective lens.

However, a high-magnification objective lens is good, but its use requirements are also very troublesome.

For example, it needs to be used with dripping oil, which is the oil mirror in terminology.

The oil here usually refers to cedar oil, which is extracted from cypress wood, and water can barely handle it under special circumstances.

These oils should not only be dropped between the objective lens and the cover glass, but also on the condenser lens and the slide glass.

If not dripping oil.

Although the displayed image can be seen, the image quality will be greatly degraded, which seriously interferes with observation.

Students who often download small movies should be able to understand the meaning of the four words "decline in picture quality".

So as early as two days ago.

Xu Yun then distilled the cypress wood again with the equipment used to distill alcohol and the electrolytic cell he had tinkered with.

Do you still remember why Xu Yun specifically explained the use of curved copper pipes? It was for this matter.

It's a pity that a group of few people around Xu Yun couldn't understand his painstaking efforts, and blinded his serial operations in vain.


Of course.

Even with the help of cedar oil.

Due to flaws in the equipment, the lens polished by Siegfried cannot really reach the level of the 100x objective lens, that is, NA1.25.

According to Xu Yun's judgment.

The NA of this objective lens is about 1.10-1.15, which is about 0.28 microns.

This resolution is higher than the 0.42 micron of the 40x objective lens, but lower than the 0.22 micron of the 100x objective lens,

Then Xu Yun carefully picked up a few lenses, and came to an empty microscope beside him.

The whole body of this microscope is made of refined iron, much finer than the crude one before, and it has also been carefully plated with silver.

From the appearance point of view, the microscopes of Hooke and Leeuwenhoek can be hanged.

There is also a seal at the bottom of the microscope, which is Siegfried's private seal, representing the hand of a famous artist.

Also worth mentioning.

This microscope uses a mortise and tenon structure.

That is to say, there is not a single nail in the whole process, but the assembled microscope is extremely firm, and it will not disintegrate even if it is shaken vigorously.

In a quarter of an hour.

Ka Ka Ka——

Xu Yun closed several knobs, clapped his hands heavily, and said to the surrounding people:

"It's done, the eyepiece and objective lens are installed, who will try it?"

Xiao Li on the side heard the words, and immediately waved on tiptoe:

"Me, me, me!"

Xu Yun glanced at this little bean sprout with a flying face.

Xiao Li's expression reminded him of some people on the day when the old head ring was released:

"Okay, Miss Li, I'm sorry to trouble you."

In the past half a month.

Xiao Li manipulates the microscope almost every day, and his mastery of the microscope has surpassed that of Lao Su, and he can be called the number one person under Xu Yun in this era.

But even she had never been exposed to such a high-magnification microscope before.

The magnification of 10X40 alone is enough for this girl to open her eyes.

However, considering that Xiao Li's task is mainly to verify the combination effect of the two lenses, the core is to judge the clarity of the two lenses, and the observation is second.

Therefore, Xu Yun was not in a hurry to get good things, but still chose the old tricks.

Slide of Periplaneta americana.

After all, from an observation point of view, the American cockroach is indeed one of the best specimen choices.

Even in later generations, many popular science museums will use the hind legs of the American cockroach as the first slide sample for enthusiasts to experience or even buy.

For example, the Science and Technology Museum in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, sells slides of cockroach legs, which are equivalent to nearly 200 yuan in Huaxia coins.

Selling cockroaches is also a wonder.

The line of sight returns to the original place.

Afterwards, it is still dimming, twisting the thickness and precision focus spiral.

Not for a moment.

Xiao Li raised his head from the microscope, and said to Xu Yun with a look of surprise:

"Wang Lin, this mirror is really a miracle, every hair on the cockroach's legs can be seen clearly!"

Xu Yunjian said that he took the initiative to step forward to experience the observation effect for Xiao Li.


Just like Xiao Li said.

In the high-magnification lens, the leg hair on the sample of the hind legs of the American cockroach is as clear as the fleas on Guo Donglin's head.

The eyes can see clearly without any effort.

Then Xu Yun tried the 100x objective lens and observed with dripping oil.

A few seconds passed.

He raised his head, looked at Lao Su beside him, and tried to keep his tone calm:

"Master, there is no problem with the lens, you can start observing the cells."

I heard this.

Lao Su, who had been staying by the side, suddenly became slightly stagnant in breathing.

be honest.

As a contemporary master who has created many miracles, Lao Su's psychological endurance is actually much higher than that of ordinary people.

After all, when it comes to projects, failure is actually the majority.

In the past, Lao Su had no less than 20 achievements on the table, which means that the number of times he failed was much higher than this number.

During those repeated failures, Lao Su's heart has been forged extremely strong, theoretically it will not fluctuate easily.

But this time.

His heart literally missed a beat.


This emotion, which had disappeared for an unknown amount of time, reappeared in his heart after many years.

Although in the past few days, he has accepted the microscopic concept proposed by Xu Yun.

Even when Lao Jia and the others calculated the refracted light, they made a point based on this, which solved a big difficulty.

But the theory is one thing, and seeing it with your own eyes is another.

After all, what he gave Lao Jia was just an idea, which is completely two concepts from theorem. Anyway, he doesn't need money, just do some calculations.

Each of these people here today has a different area of ​​expertise.

For example, Siegfried's craft is better than him.

Wang Tin's martial arts are better than him.

Xiao Li's culture is higher than his.

Lao Jia's mathematics level is far behind him.

But if we talk about the word vision.

Except for Xu Yun, who came from a later generation, Lao Su was on the scene. No, in the entire Song Dynasty, he could at least rank in the top three, or even number one.

Therefore, no one knows better than him what kind of event they are doing now.

Micro world.

If everything is as Xu Yun said.

Then this will be a new field that has never been touched by anyone throughout the ages!

The value it can bring is far beyond what can be explained or covered by an "observation".

If nothing else, just talk about the human body.

If it can be used to observe the concealment of the human body, then medicine is destined to achieve a huge development!

Words such as qi, blood, and evil can be discerned by real naked eyes!

Just like what Xu Yun did before.

Processing the garlic that can be seen everywhere through some special equipment can cure the terminal illness that is almost certain to die!

Not to mention other derived fields, this is a discovery that can be called the dividing line of the times!

Think here.

Old Su couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said to Mr. Xie:

"In the first year, take the things."

Mr. Xie listened to the words and respectfully answered yes.

Carefully took out a glass slide from a small box beside him and handed it to Xu Yun.

Xu Yun took the slide and installed it on the microscope,

Then he took a step back, bowed his hands to Lao Su, and solemnly said:

"Master, please."

As a terminal patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Xu Yun has a strong sense of ritual.

With Lao Su's contribution and status, no one is more suitable for this observation than him, even Xiao Li is not qualified.

Old Su nodded to him, secretly clenched his left hand, and walked slowly to the microscope.

Although in the past few days, the microscope has been tossed by Xiao Li most of the time.

But this does not mean that Lao Su is not interested in biology, nor does it mean that he does not know how to operate a microscope.

Quite the opposite.

When he came into contact with the microscope for the first time, Lao Su easily grasped the relevant essentials, but his curiosity was not as deep as that of Xiao Li.

I saw Lao Su put his eyes on the eyepiece, and slowly moved the screw button

At the beginning, his vision was still gray.

But gradually.

With a series of adjustments, the picture began to clear up.

After a minute or so.

In Lao Su's eyes, a bunch of things suddenly appeared.

Lively tadpoles.

That's right.


Seeing this, some students must have understood:

The reason why Xu Yun didn't stain the slides was because he was observing for Lao Su

Sperm cells!

no way.

As mentioned above, Xu Yun is a very ritualistic person.

Therefore, in terms of the observation of living cells, he chose to respect history:

everybody knows.

Hooke discovered and named the cellular structure, but he saw dead cell walls.

It was Leeuwenhoek who actually observed living cells and started microbiology.

But in 99% of the textbooks, after talking about Leeuwenhoek's contribution, the names of the cells he discovered will not be mentioned in depth.

Because Leeuwenhoek's process of discovering cells is really 18X:

On an autumn evening in 1677, Leeuwenhoek and his wife were applauding the love, once deeply rooted.

But soon, Leeuwenhoek's show operation appeared:

According to Leeuwenhoek's letter to the Royal Society two years later.

He jumped up "immediately within a few seconds after the semen" and took the semen sample straight to his microscope.

Under the microscope, Leeuwenhoek saw "thousands of living microfauna the size of a grain of sand swimming around".

since then.

He calls these things "microfauna."

In addition Leeuwenhoek also specifically pointed out.

The experimental samples this time were obtained through "normal sexual intercourse between couples", not "immoral crape myrtle".

He even went to the trouble of translating the letter into Latin, though there is no mention of how his wife felt about the astonishing discovery.

This matter is not fabricated, but true.

Basically, textbooks beyond high school will be mentioned.


In later generations of laboratories, almost every biological dog has observed its own X cells.

Some female students also like to encourage the most handsome boys in the class to donate X for everyone to observe. After all, a drop and a half is enough for more than 30 people to share.

In addition, on some biological BBS, people often discuss how to carry X cells.

For example, considering that the X cells are liquefied, that is, half an hour after the biu comes out, it is more suitable for observation.

Therefore, the choice of most people is to use liquid X in a yogurt box as a disguise.

Because in this way, you can justifiably enter the classroom by the way, and if you ask, it is yogurt.

If anyone doubts, just take a sip.

As for how to ensure whether it is real or fake, it depends on everyone's acting skills.

Or maybe the deer tie a knot in the condom to keep it from leaking out, put it in the pocket, and put it on a slide when it gets a chance.

As for more zombies

Just put it in your mouth.

The position is generally placed on both sides of the cheeks first, which is the cheeks as the saying goes.

When Xu Yun was in the second year of graduate school, he heard that a genius had done this kind of operation, and then he was "praise" by the whole school.

As for the reason why he was discovered, it was because the students in the same group discovered tadpoles while exchanging and examining oral epithelial cells.

to be honest.

Except for the zombie method at the end, it is not a shame to observe tadpoles by yourself.

After all, when facing Olympus alone, how many people can hold back this desire?

The liquefied tadpoles are actually very interesting, swimming around alive and kicking.

This kind of pleasure is almost the same as when the author of the starting point of later generations breaks the chapter.

Of course.

Xu Yun has never done this kind of thing, this is what he heard from his friend Qiu Sheng.

As for the people who donated samples today?

Xu Yun raised his head, looked at the donkey who was humming and humming to charge the clockwork, and said with emotion:

"Thank you, brother donkey."

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