Into Unscientific

Chapter 148 Have you heard of Eight Branches and Eight and a Half Branches? (6K)

After watching the picture of the little tadpole.

Old Su slowly raised his head, and there was even a very rare dull look in his eyes.

Then a full half minute passed.

He let out a long sigh, shook his head and said with emotion:

"Amazing skills are really amazing skills"

Although he didn't do it himself in the process of extracting sperm from the donkey, he also watched the whole process from the sidelines:

Considering that it is not easy for donkey brother these days, Xu Yun did not use the more painful method of piercing, but very humanely found a female donkey for donkey brother.

As a biological Wang in this life, Xu Yun has a good understanding of the traits of some animals.

Especially in terms of applause, through some details of the movements, it is possible to roughly estimate how far it has reached.

So when he saw that the donkey brother was about the same, he asked people to separate the donkey brother from the female donkey and collected some X fluid.

After the liquid X was liquefied for half an hour, it was made into glass slides.

Therefore, Old Su was sure that Xu Yun definitely did not add any backup.

As for Siegfried, it's even simpler.

He has saved Siegfried's life, he will never and has no chance to fool himself.

It is clear.

Not to mention all of the microscopic world that Xu Yun mentioned, at least half of the concept of "microorganisms" can be confirmed.

This moment.

In addition to being surprised, Lao Su also unconsciously felt a strong sense of regret:

Jun Sheng, I am old. Ahem, it would be great if Xu Yun appeared earlier.

after all

I am already eighty years old.

It is true that due to his high position and his own medical skills, his body is well maintained.

But in the final analysis, this is just a little struggle of people at the end of life.

All kinds of means can at most delay aging slightly, and cannot violate the cruel rules of life.

Judging by normal circumstances.

At most, I can live another five or six years, and then it is almost time to see Shenzong.

If there is a little accident during the period.

The Empress Dowager Xiang in the palace is the best example.

five or six years

In such a short time, how much useful can he do in the face of a newly discovered microcosm?

Not to mention that if the telescope is successfully built, the vast starry sky is another field that can be explored for a lifetime.

The remaining years of my life are really not enough.

Think here.

Old Su couldn't help turning his head slightly, and glanced at Xu Yun from the corner of his eye.

In those extremely wise eyes, there was an extremely rare @trace of envy.

Although Xiao Wang's past experience is not very good, the knowledge he has come into contact with is really enviable and even jealous.

It would be great if I could get in touch with science at his age.

In that case, his own achievements must far exceed those of today, and he might even be written a book by later generations, such as "He Changed the Great Song Dynasty"?

Of course.

At this time, Xu Yun didn't know what was going on in Lao Su's mind. He was introducing the origin of the slide samples to Xiao Li.

"Miss Li."

Xu Yun glanced at the little bean sprouts in front of him, and said somewhat falteringly:

"The sample on this slide may be a little special, you have to make some mental preparations first."

Xiao Li just arrived at the Su Mansion not long ago, and he didn't catch up with the sperm extraction process. Hearing this, he immediately said curiously:

"Special? Could it be something filthy?

If I remember correctly, you once said that the more filthy something is, the more microorganisms may exist in it.

Such as feces, blood, etc."

Thinking of this, Xiao Li couldn't help but clenched his fists, as if to cheer himself up:

"Wang Lin, don't worry, I'm ready!"

Judging by the resolute look on the girl's face, she really resembled the image of the Lay Yi'an who later wrote 'Being a hero in life, and a ghost in death'.

"How should I put it, this thing is indeed a bit filthy, but it's not like feces."

Xu Yun gritted his teeth and thought for a while, then asked tentatively:

"Miss Li, do you know eight and a half?"

When Xiao Li heard this, a pure question mark suddenly appeared on his face:

"Eight eight and a half?"

An inexplicable sense of guilt for driving emerged in Xu Yun's heart, but he still gritted his teeth and explained:

"A woman has four sticks, and a man has one more than you, which is five sticks, adding up to a total of nine sticks.

If at that time, two people become eight branches again, and when they come out a little but not fully, then it is eight and a half.

So the movement is eight, eight and a half eight, eight and a half

And what's on the slide is "

As a very cheerful era in the Song Dynasty, women's understanding of the Eight Branches and Eight and a Half Branches was actually not low.

Especially a girl like Xiao Li who often goes to brothels to drink.

Although she protects herself very well, she also has a "style of writing" to protect her body.

But under the influence of ears and eyes, there are still relevant cognitions.

Therefore, after Xu Yun informed the origin of the slide samples.

Although Xiao Li blushed like an apple, his curiosity overwhelmed his shyness in the end, and he decided to observe the X cells.


This kind of thing is also quite common in later generations.

Don't you see how many old drivers who read countless movies are actually just single dogs without girlfriends?


So is Xu Yun, that's fine.

all in all.

Not long after mustering up the courage to put the glasses on the eyepiece, Xiao Li looked at Xu Yun again with a look of surprise:

"There are really a lot of tadpoles, some are moving, some are still or even broken.

Wang Lin, do you think this donkey is not in good health? "

Xu Yun: "."

Why do you feel that this girl seems to be developing towards a female driver?

Then Wang Teng, Lao Jia, and Wang Yue, who had recovered some mobility and finished the long sex scene, also stepped forward one by one, watching the slide samples of brother donkey curiously.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Except for a few servants, everyone present basically looked through the eyepiece.

Compared with before the observation, the atmosphere in the courtyard at this time is undoubtedly much more dignified.

Surprised, puzzled, even panicked.

These expressions appeared on everyone's face at the same time.

Among them, a mathematician named Lin Huainan even slumped to the ground after leaving the microscope.

A look of collapsed worldview.

Xu Yun was not surprised by this, it was within his expectation, after all not everyone has a big heart.

Follow the normal trajectory.

After the microorganisms were discovered and announced in Leeuwenhoek in later generations, many people also shouted "truth apoptosis", and a few people collapsed and went crazy or chose to commit suicide.

After all, for the people of that period.

After learning the truth that ants, insects and even ourselves are composed of countless tiny particles, only a few can accept it peacefully.

In the period when the macroscopic cognition is not yet clear, you tell them the microscopic concept, which is completely super-class knowledge.

Just like in the 21st century.

You suddenly discover that a good friend next to you is actually a high-dimensional digital person, and he has turned into data fragments and disappeared in front of you.

How many people can withstand this kind of shock?

During Leeuwenhoek's period, he even relied on Protestantism to stabilize the public sentiment through his own authority.

Otherwise, if the trend continues, the shock caused by microbiology will be even greater.

Of course.

Some students may ask:


How could Protestantism be so enlightened? Don't they just burn people?

thump, thump, thump, thump.

Science time is up.

be honest.

In the early days of the development of modern science, Protestantism, or the Holy See, actually contributed a lot.

Many people may have heard the story of Galileo being persecuted, and of Copernicus being burned to death, but the reasons behind this actually have little to do with science.

First, let’s talk about Copernicus being burned to death.

First of all.

This is simply a non-existent thing:

Copernicus died a serious life in history, and it was Bruno who was really burned to death.

Secondly, the cause of Bruno's death has little to do with his devotion to science—he was not a scientist at all, and he even heard about the heliocentric theory when he was running.


Bruno is still a priest, but he believes in the Hermes sect.

His support for the heliocentric system is rooted in the profound influence of Hermeticism.

Hermeticism is an ancient religion with strong mysticism, pantheism and witchcraft.

This religion opposed the Trinity, so it was a heresy in the judgment of the Holy See at that time.

This religion worships the sun, and the Copernican system fits that bill.

So by chance, Bruno met it.

Other than that.

Bruno has never studied astronomy, and he is ignorant of some basic knowledge.

For example, Copernicus' cosmology has two orbital motions:

One is the stars orbiting the sun, and the other is the moon orbiting the earth.

This was also a place where the astronomical circle was relatively controversial at that time.

Bruno only accepted the former, not the moon orbiting the earth.

In his cognition, all satellites also revolve around the sun.

He was later arrested and imprisoned in 1592, and burned to death in 1600, a period of eight years.

Of the eight crimes imposed on him by the Holy See, all were related to promoting heresy, and had nothing to do with science.

On the contrary, because of his involvement, the later Copernican heliocentric theory was also marked with some symbols, making it extremely difficult to spread.

As for Galileo?

There should be more people who understand.

In fact, Galileo has always been sponsored by the Holy See, and he and Pope Urban VIII at the time were still good friends.

How good are these two?

The two are not only fellows, but also alumni.

Urban VIII once sent his nephew to Galileo to study as a doctoral student, and Galileo's two daughters entrusted Urban VIII to find a way out, and later became nuns.

so you see.

They are not only friends, but also good friends of the whole family.

In 1616.

At that time, the Inquisition Court—that is, the Pope issued a ban called 1616 because he disliked Galileo.

It is to warn Galileo not to preach that the heliocentric theory is the truth, at most it is a hypothesis, understand?

Galileo said O Chicken K, and he recognized it at the time.

However, Urban VIII, who was still a cardinal at the time, was very dissatisfied with this ban.

In his letter with Galileo, he stated that if I become pope, I will never let it go out of the mountain.

This flag, which will never end well in movies or anime, did not affect Pope Urban VIII, who really became Pope in 1623.

And seeing that Urban VIII became Pope, Galileo became excited:

Lao Tzu's buddy has become the pope, so can I still bring up the heliocentric theory?

So 1624.

He made a special trip to Rome to persuade his good friend there.

He went to the Vatican to meet him six times before and after, and Urban VIII finally said that there is no problem with lifting the ban, but you should take it as a hypothesis.

When writing a book at the same time, two requirements must be met:

1. Fairly describe the two schools of thought, and especially remind Galileo not to favor the heliocentric theory.

2. Hope to add my own words.

Then Urban VIII took his hands off the keyboard and happily waited in Rome for the book to come out.

For this reason, he also persuaded the two factions of the sun-centered theory and the earth-centered theory not to express their views.

The main purpose is to highlight the impartial authority of my Holy See, and to be able to use my own words on this great book.


Galileo completed the Dialogue Concerning the Two World Systems of Ptolemy and Copernicus.

But here comes the funny point:

In this book, he not only satirizes the geocentric theory, but also satirizes Urban VIII - he almost writes the supporters of the geocentric theory as a stupid X, whose IQ is as stupid as the villain in the novel of Bing Wang ten years ago .

Worse yet.

Urban VIII is this stupid X

Ever since.

Galileo was sent to the tribunal.

The referee sentenced him to life imprisonment on the spot, but in fact, this sentence has never been executed even formally:

Within a few days, Galileo was sent to the home of a cardinal in Rome.

The archbishop is a rich man, and his living conditions are much better than before. There is still a relic of Galileo's imprisoned manor in Rome.

This red-clothed archbishop is also interesting. When he sees people, he says that there is a famous person in his family, and he invites all kinds of friends to meet him.

Many people came here to discuss mechanics and mechanics with Galileo, and it became like a fan meeting.

Use local examples to describe.

The relationship between Galileo and Urban VIII is actually somewhat similar to Chen Gong and Cao Cao in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

It's just that this 'Chen Gong' is relatively less arrogant, and 'Cao Cao' is not so desperate for face.

Therefore, the story of Galileo's persecution is actually not very rigorous.

From an objective point of view.

Galileo's case was a little bit better, somewhere between qualitative ambiguity, some people think that restricting freedom is also persecution.

But Bruno's story is purely problematic.

So in recent years, Bruno's story has been removed from textbooks.

However, due to the speed of transmission, there are many people who were affected by this earlier.

I am afraid that many people will not know in this life that they have been deceived by textbooks (some readers guessed Bruno before, and I will also popularize science here by the way. This kind of person is useless if he wears it. He is not a scientist at all.)

The line of sight returns to reality.

After observing the X fluid slides.

Xu Yun replaced it with a second slide, which also had the most microorganisms—feces.


It was also provided by donkey brother.

Friends who have smelled diluted feces should know it.

The diluted dung water is actually not very smelly, and it still smells like garden flowers.

This is due to the low concentration of skatole:

The scientific name of skatole is 3-methylindole, which is a derivative of indole.

And indole is the source of the fragrance of narcissus and jasmine.

not only.

The most amazing thing about indole and its derivatives is that they have a very special dual sense of smell:

That is, it has a pleasant floral fragrance at a very low concentration, but it has a suffocating smell at a very high concentration.

By the way.

Cream also produces 2-methylindole with a strong pungent smell, so students with bad breath can eat less cream.

After fixing the fecal slides.

It was still Old Su who stepped forward and observed through the eyepiece.

I saw the X-fluid slide compared to the first time.

In the field of view of the feces slide, you can see a large number of microorganisms of different shapes:

Long, short, round, irregular.

Although these little things are not as lively as tadpoles.

But judging from their movements with each other, it can still be judged that these are tiny lives with vitality.

See here.

Old Su was suddenly blessed, and shouted to Old Xie:

"In the first year, hurry up and get the paper and pen, and prepare for drawing!"

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