Into Unscientific

Chapter 194 The Cooperation of Two Top Universities (66K)

Chapter 194 The Cooperation of Two Top Universities (6.6K)

Speaking of the three words of National University of Science and Technology.

Perhaps what many people think of is the abbreviation of 'National Defense University of Technology'.

But in fact.

National University of Science and Technology refers to Huaxia Academy of Sciences University.

The English name is University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

That is UCAS, located in Yanjing.

University of Science and Technology of China is Huaxia University of Science and Technology.

The English name is University of Science and Technology of China.

Abbreviated as USTC, located in Luzhou.

be honest.

If you just look at the English letters, the two schools seem to have the same degree of overlap, and the gap in IP is also vast.

It seems that in theory, so many hackers shouldn't have misfired.

But this is only the superficial surface.

Anyone who knows the grievances of the two colleges should know that the similarities between the two schools are not limited to their Chinese names.

The relationship between the two is very complicated, and it can be called inextricably linked. There may not be many top universities in China that can have such a "bad relationship".

Earlier, when introducing the history of the University of Science and Technology of China, I briefly mentioned the past of the University of Science and Technology’s southward relocation:

At that time, teachers and students of HKUST left Yanjing with all their supplies by train, and moved south to today's Luzhou.

This incident happened between 1969 and 1970, and it had a lot to do with the situation at that time.

Wait until 1978.

The current situation began to change, and the relationship between HKUST and Yanjing eased slightly, and HKUST established a branch in Yanjing.

The full name of the branch is the Graduate School of Huaxia University of Science and Technology, which is the first graduate school in China approved by the state.

After 1982.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences approved the simultaneous use of the school name Graduate School of Huaxia Academy of Sciences and Graduate School of Huaxia University of Science and Technology.

All this seems to be developing in a good direction, but then a strange thing appeared in HKUST.

That is, the preacher of Quantum Buddhism mentioned before, Zhu Xshi, the shame of HKUST.

In short, this person's show operation is too much, he shouts slogans louder than anyone else, and he doesn't do anything at all.

The ten-year opportunity for great development was wasted in vain. The students of SUSTech should be able to understand the feelings of the students of CUSTC.

During his tenure, the relationship between the University of Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences fell to a freezing point. Many projects from the Academy of Sciences were ignored, and there were even cases where the leaders of the Academy of Sciences were rejected for inspection.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences couldn't bear this anger, so it set its sights on the Graduate School of USTC Yanjing.

In the end, it became independent in 2012, and the National University of Science and Technology was established, which was located at the original location of the University of Science and Technology.

Later, outsiders called the University of Science and Technology of China as Nicole—that is, the homonym of Youke.

After the establishment of the National University of Science and Technology, a lot of resources have been poured into it, so the feelings of the Chinese University of Science and Technology towards the National University of Science and Technology are very complicated:

It's like the eldest son going out to make a living, but suddenly a younger son is born at home, and he loves him so much.

There must be a blood relationship, but there must be some grievances and hatred between each other.

For example, if the National University of Science and Technology is not selected for the double first-class list, the University of Science and Technology of China will frantically play the crown and celebrate.

At the beginning, a certain retired teacher from the University of Science and Technology of China went to the University of Science and Technology of China when he was going to Yanjing for a meeting, and covered the word "college" with a piece of paper with "Technology".

After all, for many old people, Yuquan Road is their University of Science and Technology.

It is the University of Science and Technology where they eat and sleep in class, and it is their youth.

The entanglement between the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Science and Technology of China has lasted for two or three generations. In the eyes of many people, the two are actually a family at odds.

And because UCAS only started recruiting students 14 years ago, there are quite a few people or institutions in the world who treat UCAS as a branch campus of CUST.

After all, Guoke was still Shuangfei at that time, and many international institutions did not understand why the Academy of Sciences established two schools with almost the same positioning.

For example, in 17 years.

The UCAS delegation, led by the Academy of Sciences, made an appointment for an exchange visit with the National University in Singapore.

As a result, during the preparatory stage of the visit, the other party actually sent the invitation letter to the mailbox of the president of the University of Science and Technology of China.

Another example is that both schools use the educational administration system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the information storage switchboard is located in a computer room of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc.

Even in the field of papers, there are currently many journals that mark the notes of the volute on the back of the fruit shell-the most outrageous thing is that several Chinese journals do this.

Also in 21 years.

There were even some people in Maotanchang Middle School who registered for the University of Science and Technology of China as the University of Science and Technology of China. They were foolish enough to realize that they had reported the wrong school when they arrived in Yanjing.

It's worth mentioning, by the way.

The University of Science and Technology of China generally only recruits more than 400 undergraduates each year, and 15,000 masters and doctoral students.

Adorable college freshmen are surrounded by uncles and aunts with unshaven beards and ridiculously high hairlines. May I ask how big the psychological shadow area is?

all in all.

This is the case in the industry, let alone those hackers or the employers behind them.

The first attack ip they provided was naturally the University of Science and Technology of China, but similarly, the ip of the University of Science and Technology of China was also classified as a branch school and appeared in the backup column.

and it so happens that

Tonight is still the day for Guoke to choose courses for the second half of the semester.

For a school with more than 50,000 people, even if the students who don’t need to take courses are deducted, the number of instant clicks far exceeds the number of product pages of “One Mosquito”—the product page only takes more than 1,000 orders in ten minutes.

So here comes the question:

Two "University of Science and Technology of China" IPs, one with high instantaneous traffic and one with low instantaneous traffic, which one would you choose?

Some highly intelligent hackers immediately thought of an idiom:

Ming repair plank road, dark Chencang.

This is also a common way in the hacker world, take a target for you, and actually transmit data secretly.

Ever since.

The unlucky one appeared.


As said before.

The network security capabilities of UCAS are very strong, most of them come from self-employed institutes, and all of them have rich experience.

Even if it is slightly inferior to the University of Science and Technology of China with Wang Qingchen in charge, it is not that bad.

But the problem is that the current situation is a bit special, in the standard sense, there is mental arithmetic but no intention.

However, in the early hours of Sunday morning, there were not many cybersecurity personnel on duty in the UCAS, and many of the beating crowd were top foreign hackers.

What do you think it is?

Huadun Biotechnology Headquarters.

In the engine room.

Xu Yun who just came down from the conference room looked at Xiaorong with a strange expression on his face:

"So, the National University of Science and Technology blocked the gun for us?"

Xiaorong nodded, pointed at the screen and said:

"Not only that, many national science students are complaining on Weibo. There are not many topics in the middle of the night. Look, there are 16 hot searches."

Xu Yun followed the trend.


On Weibo's hot search column, there was a trending search for ' # National University of Science and Technology/Network Attack # '.

Xu Yun's expression suddenly became even weirder.

As a University of Science and Technology student who has lived for two lifetimes, he really doesn't have much personal feelings for the University of Science and Technology of China.

I don't even like to watch the other party make embarrassments.

But now Guoke not only had an accident, but somehow blocked the gun for Volute.

This is so dramatic

Then he glanced at Xiaorong and asked:

"Brother Rong, can we help? After all, this is an accidental injury."

Xiao Rong was silent for a moment, then said:

"It's not difficult to help. After all, the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Science and Technology of China use the system of the Academy of Sciences, and many data scripts are interoperable."

"Even in a sense, the two can be regarded as each other's backup."

"As long as Qingchen helps, it should be back to normal soon - after all, the hackers who attacked us are just some helpers invited by colleagues, and their magnitude is far inferior to that of Guozhan."

"Besides, there are also a few masters at the National University of Science and Technology. Although they may have been caught off guard at the beginning, I guess it's time to get over it by now."


As Xiaorong said.

This moment.

Yanjing, one thousand and thirty kilometers away.

National University of Science and Technology.

Internet Security Center.

Xiang Haihua, the director of the Network Security Center who hurried to the scene, was standing in front of the operation desk, his brows were knitted into a ball, and he was listening to the report of Wang Qi, the officer on duty, with a solemn expression:

"Director Xiang, the attack started at around 0:50, and the SYN Flood attack first appeared."

"A large number of SYN messages were sent in a short period of time, which caused the CPU and memory resources of the school system to be too much, and it was unable to respond to other operations."

"Subsequently, there was a fairly high-level DDoS attack, which generated more than 4 million traffic requests within 15 minutes."

"At that time, the situation was urgent, so I disconnected the cloud connection with administrator privileges to ensure that the database above svt was not invaded, but the teaching system of the students..."

Before Wang Qi could finish speaking, Xiang Haihua patted his shoulder and said affirmatively:

"Xiao Wang, you did a good job in this matter, there is nothing to blame yourself for. By the way, have you found the source and reason of the attack?"

Wang Qi glanced at the other programmers who were patching the loopholes, shook his head and said:

"Still not, the attack came extremely suddenly, without any warning, and we are even at a loss as to what is happening now."

"As for the source. We don't have time to trace the other party's IP."

Xiang Haihua was silent for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully:

"I see."

Then he looked around, and all he could see were fingers typing on the keyboard and plaid shirts.


This number is currently the largest number of experts assembled by the Internet Security Center.

After all, today is the weekend, and it is a little closer to the early morning at this time, which can be regarded as the middle of the night.

Many people's mobile phones have been turned off, and they cannot be reached at all.

And what they faced.

It was the largest hacker attack since the founding of UCAS.

Then Xiang Haihua sighed softly, returned to his seat and began to resist the attack.

Like Wang Qingchen of the University of Science and Technology, he was once one of the main forces of the Red League, and his ability is also extremely strong.

However, he is a serious and talented student who graduated from Beiyou, so he was recruited by the letter industry around 2002, and he was relatively low-key.

But even though Xiang Haihua's level was extraordinary, he still felt a huge pressure at this time.

Because he was dealing with a system that had already been breached.

It's like defending a city.

If the city is strong and the army is strong, even if the enemy is extremely fierce, the defenders can still do a job with ease - the worst is to engage in hand-to-hand combat on the city wall.

But once a hole in the city wall is breached with explosives, the difficulty of defending the city will immediately increase several times.

Xiang Haihua is currently facing such a situation.

And he faced more than one hole, the hole was torn like a web writer's clothes, with seven or eight holes on one side.

clap clap -

Xiang Haihua tapped on the keyboard quickly, but the enemy's attacks were like waves, wave after wave, never stopping.

A large amount of data was merged into a thick and hard spear, and it frantically poked towards those holes, and changed positions every now and then.

For example, an attack he just intercepted.

The target of this attack is iuxilua, an online code management service within the University of Science and Technology of China, involving some research documents within the university.

Instead of involving a botnet, the attackers took advantage of the amplification effect of a popular database caching system called memcached.

Finally, by flooding the memcached server with spoofed requests, it amplifies its attack by thousands or even tens of thousands of times.

This is a relatively cutting-edge attack method. The key is that the technical requirements are very high, and the number of people who can do it is quite limited.

"damn it"

Xiang Haihua blocked another POST request attack with instructions, and a bean-sized bead of sweat was left on his forehead.

While angry and aggrieved in my heart, there is also a strong doubt:

Where did these attacks tmd come from?

What is their purpose?

If any project of the National University of Science and Technology has reached a critical stage recently, the Internet Security Center is theoretically a link that must be notified, and it is impossible for the Internet Security Center to keep it secret.

I have seen people who play tricks to deceive outsiders, but I have never seen people who deceive their own people.

It doesn't make sense

However, as soon as this thought flashed by, Xiang Haihua felt the enemy stabbing harder.

Just as he was gritting his teeth, an engineering expert wearing glasses suddenly shouted four or five meters away from him:

"Director Xiang, there is a situation!"

Xiang Haihua's heart shuddered. The expert who spoke was called Wu Jiao, and he was also his old partner. He rarely made mistakes.

Then he scratched his dark black hair irritably, and asked:

"what's the situation?"

Wu was silent for a moment, a look of surprise flashed across his face, he pointed to the screen and said:

"It seems... It seems that someone is intercepting the traffic of the attack!"

I heard this.

Xiang Haihua's fingers that were typing on the keyboard froze suddenly:

"What did you say?"

Wu Jiao carefully observed the data again, and affirmed:

"Yes, someone is intercepting the information attacking us, the RPS is falling, 755772106835"

While talking, Wu Jiao seemed to notice something again.

He only heard him press the earphone heavily with one hand, and his voice suddenly raised a bit:

"Wait, the other party also has our system key, and an external bandwidth provider is accessing a high-level IP!!!"

Xiang Haihua's pupils shrank suddenly, and he blurted out a sentence:

"Own the system key? Is it from the Academy of Sciences?"


Wu Jiao's Adam's apple rolled a few times, and he shook his head.

With a strange expression on his face, he said:

"It's not the Academy of Sciences. The other party didn't hide the IP of the Internet switch. They are from Luzhou."


Hear this place name.

Xiang Haihua opened his mouth subconsciously, but he didn't speak in the end.

Throughout China.

In addition to the core layer within the system, there are only two units that have the key to the educational affairs system of the National University of Science and Technology:

Chinese Academy of Sciences, and

University of Science and Technology of China.

Among them, the Academy of Sciences is in Yanjing, and the University of Science and Technology of China is in Luzhou.

Therefore, where the reinforcements are coming from now, the answer is very clear.

Xiang Haihua graduated from Beiyou University, and he is neither a student of the University of Science and Technology of China nor the University of Science and Technology of China, so there is no emotional entanglement between schools.

But he and Wang Qingchen are acquaintances, and the relationship between them is neither good nor bad.

There is no deep hatred, but there was no lack of rivalry in the Hongmeng. She had chased the beautiful hacker Luo Yueyinghui of the Hongmeng, but she was also unsuccessful.

But after being ordered to safety, the two became the directors of the Internet Security Center of the two universities at the same time.

The relationship between the past and the past of the new unit, the relationship between the two has become more subtle.

Now that he knows that his old opponent has helped him, it is impossible for Xiang Haihua not to feel touched.

But the thoughts in his heart belong to his thoughts, the current situation is still critical, and he can't allow him to feel emotional.

So soon.

Xiang Haihua put his mind back on the offense and defense of the UCAS system.

With the help of HKUST, a large number of data attacks were intercepted and sniped.

The pressure on the Cyber ​​Security Center of the National University of Science and Technology immediately eased a lot.

Xiang Haihua and the others began to repair the loopholes with peace of mind, and self-checked for possible viruses.

Considering the special situation, Xiang Haihua simply chose to block any web requests with "Ping-To" and "Ping-From" HTTP headers.

that's all.

As time passed by every minute and every second.

The defect level of the UCAS system has gradually recovered from 39% at the peak to 48%.

then 61%



at last.

A script that bypasses an XSS vulnerability is laid.

The system is finally back.


See this situation.

Xiang Haihua suddenly loosened his shoulders, brushed his thick black hair, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Although the loss of the educational administration system is a bit heavy, there will never be fewer complaints from the students.

But at least the database above the sub-high school has not been compromised, and the school only needs to consider the appeasement of the students in the school.

If you really can’t do it, add 0.1 to your grade point to guarantee you amnesia on the spot every minute.

However, just as Xiang Haihua's thinking diverged.

A mission log suddenly appeared in front of him.

The content of the log is very simple, starting with two IP addresses.

One of them is Neon.

The other Xiang Haihua was a little strange, and it took some effort to remember that it was Tuao.

And under the two IP addresses, there is a very simple letter:

[fb, go? 】

See these words.

Xiang Haihua's eyes widened immediately.

The fb here is not the abbreviation of Facebook, its full spelling is fightback.

Translated into Chinese is.

Fight back!

It is clear.

Wang Qingchen not only resisted the attack, but also grabbed the opponent's heel!

This log not only appeared on Xiang Haihua's screen, but also appeared in front of the computers of every network security expert.

Almost instantly.

The atmosphere in the entire computer room was solemn, and all the experts turned their heads to look at Xiang Haihua with fire in their eyes.

it is more than words.

See this situation.

Xiang Haihua took a deep breath, stood up abruptly, and took off his wig.

After a while.

A shiny big bald head shines brightly under the fluorescent lamp:

"Everyone is there, ready to fight back!"

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