Into Unscientific

Chapter 193 First Day Sales and Sudden Accidents (64K)

Chapter 193 First Day Sales and Sudden Accidents (6.4K)

December 3, 2022.


eleven o'clock at night.

Xu Yun, Tian Liangwei, Zheng Zu and many other directors or department leaders of Huadun Biotechnology have gathered at the company headquarters at this time.

The company's conference room was temporarily changed to the 'combat department', responsible for coordinating all matters related to this sale.

In fact, according to the previous chapter. Ahem, the previous plan.

The release date of "One Mantis" was originally scheduled for the early morning of December 3rd, that is, it was officially launched at 0:00 today.

But then Xu Yun and the others suddenly discovered during the final verification that December 3rd is actually the International Day for the Disabled.

Considering that the attention of this kind of public welfare day is limited, a considerable part of the topic and traffic will inevitably be taken away on the day of the launch of "One Mantis".

This kind of behavior of grabbing popularity is unnecessary and undesirable at the same time.

Therefore, after a second discussion by the board of directors, the company finally decided to postpone the release date by one day.

That is, the sale will officially start at 0:00 am on December 4th.

After all, compared to December 3rd, the 4th is not so special.

If you have to say something.

That was the day 22 years ago when Yenching officially decided to bid for the Olympic Games, and successfully bid for the Olympic Games on July 13 of the following year.

In addition, on December 4, two years ago, the "Nine Chapters" quantum computer was successfully developed by the well-known handsome team of the University of Science and Technology Pan Jianwei and Lu Chaoyang, which once dominated the hot search list.

Other than that.

This day in history is basically calm and there is no big news.

This moment.

meeting room.

Gu Qunqing was holding a business tablet, making a final report to Xu Yun and others:

"Dr. Xu, Dean Tian, ​​there is one hour left before the product release. Oh no, only 59 minutes left."

"At present, all of our offline ports have been fully prepared, waiting for actual combat."

"In terms of logistics, we have reached a cooperation agreement with EMS for the first quarter. Tonight, EMS has arranged an expedited transshipment flight, which can basically guarantee the fast shipment of the first batch of products."

Xu Yun nodded:

"Thanks for your hard work."

The current sales method of "One Mantis" is 100% online. The logistics on the JD platform will naturally be handed over to JD's Luzhou warehouse, and the logistics on Taobao will need to be chosen by Huadun Biotech.

There is currently a saying on the Internet of Things.

It is called Huaxia, and there are only three kinds of express delivery, namely SF Express, and other express delivery.

Needless to say the first two of them.

Although there are a lot of controversies and occasional black material, they are indeed the top two logistics companies nationwide.

In the remaining other express delivery, various brands are somewhat mixed.

The worst of them is undoubtedly a certain four-character express delivery. Basically, there are no good things to say about it on the Internet, and the remaining companies have their own advantages and disadvantages.

If you have to choose.

EMS, Yunda and Shentong should be the top three.

Actually tell the truth.

Among all the express delivery, Xu Yun and others' favorite destination is obviously SF Express, but SF Express's delivery cost is too high.

If "One Mantis Killer" can be sold for 40 yuan, it's okay to say, you can choose Debang.

But right now, with a selling price of 19.9 plus a manufacturing cost of 7.8, the profit margin is quite limited, and SF Express can only be temporarily excluded from the candidate list.

in the past few days.

Under Gu Qunqing's repeated negotiations, the company finally reached an agreement with EMS.

The two parties agreed to settle the postage monthly at the price of the second-tier EMS partner, and the agreement is valid for one quarter.

After the validity period expires.

The two parties can decide whether to continue the cooperation based on the actual sales of the products.

Then Xu Yun looked at the time again, and said to Gu Qunqing:

"Aaron, what about warming up?"

Gu Qunqing slid his finger on the tablet a few times, handed it to Xu Yun, and explained at the same time:

"The warm-up has officially started a week ago. We have launched a soft article on the market, and the reading volume is not bad."

"The warm-up on social media starts after 6 o'clock tonight. After all, the morning is still the time for the announcement of the Disabled Person's Day-although the most popular one is a celebrity's love affair, which is quite shameless."

"In short, Weibo has provided a set of data streams since six o'clock, but the cost is really not low."

Xu Yun didn't speak, and took a few glances at the tablet.

On the tablet, the data of each channel is counted on a form in the form of images and text, which is very intuitive to look up.

Among them, the expenditure at the forefront is the self-media end, and the expenditure cost is about 200,000.

It was more than a week ago.

Gu Qunqing and others contacted several public accounts through self-media channels, and introduced the dangers of cockroaches in the form of soft articles.

The article did not directly attach an advertisement to "One Mantis Killer", but it all mentioned HKUST's disinfecting live broadcast.

During the dissemination of soft articles, many people also recalled the big scene more than a month ago.

In addition, I found a few well-known insect video accounts and asked them to test the effect of "killing a mantis".

Now that the papers and patents have been successfully submitted for approval, and the product is about to go online, Xu Yun and others are not worried about leaks.

The column behind the self-media side is the social port.

This part of the expenditure is quite scary, which is a whole lot higher than that of self-media, reaching 60W+.

Among them, most of them are naturally occupied by hot searches on Weibo.

Although Weibo is currently full of all kinds of ghosts and monsters, and some people can't stop Huang Tiandi with a punch, but Daily Live is indeed the highest social media at present.

The rest of the expenses are Bilibili, Mouhu and so on.

For example, at this time, some friends who browse Bilibili will find that there is an additional product link at the bottom of the video page at some point, and they will jump to after clicking it.

These are some common means of publicity and distribution, and they are also necessary expenditures for new product releases.

Even "Ghost Valley Eight Wilds", which claims to have countless tap water, actually spent a lot of operating expenses in the early days.

See here.

Xu Yun couldn't help but took out his phone and opened Weibo.

At this time, the trending search for "One Mantis" suddenly appeared in the top three specially typed for advertisements, and more than 30 people also had a non-advertising topic.

In addition, in Xu Yun's hotspot column, you can also see a promotional Weibo on the official Weibo of the University of Science and Technology:

[Everyone is looking forward to it, HKUST's self-developed cockroach extermination artifact "One Cockroach Extinction" will be launched on time at 12 o'clock tonight. The cockroaches in the house are getting more and more rampant, and it's time to give them a group extermination! Click the link below to get a HKUST exclusive three-yuan discount coupon! 】

The number of comments on this Weibo is as high as 8,000, while the number of comments on the official Weibo of the University of Science and Technology is generally only a dozen or even single digits.

Xu Yun randomly clicked into the homepages of several accounts, and it was obvious that none of them were navy accounts, and it should be the data flow of Weibo that had an effect.

Then he suddenly thought of something, and said to Gu Qunqing:

"By the way, Aaron, what's going on with cybersecurity?"

Gu Qunqing pointed to the downstairs, which is the computer room of the company's network security center, and said with a smile:

"Dr. Xu, Brother Rong is in charge personally, and Director Wang is in charge of the University of Science and Technology. Don't worry."

Then he looked around and said in a low voice:

"On Taobao, Brother Rong deliberately asked Brother Dao to help him. There will definitely be no problems. Except for the big bosses in the system, there will not be more than ten people in the whole of China who can let Brother Dao save face."

Only then did Xu Yun heave a sigh of relief.

Xiaorong's task this time is very simple, and he is responsible for the security issues of the company's homepage and various traction ports throughout the whole process—mainly the latter.

After all, it has been less than a week since Huadun Biotech's company homepage was created, and it is mainly used to decorate the front door.

Except for the product introduction, there are no secondary pages and no visitors. To put it bluntly, it is really hacked and no one will find out.

As for the traction port, it refers to the jump links of various websites, which is also known as the portal.

Xiao Rong only needs to ensure that this line is ok, and the security departments of the two platforms will be responsible for the product page.

Taobao can invite Wu Hanqing to sit in charge. This specification is basically the same as Double 11.

all in all.

When things have reached this point, they have almost reached the stage of knowing their destiny.

All people can do is one word


at the same time.

In addition to Xu Yun and everyone in the company headquarters, there are many people who are also looking forward to the arrival of zero.

For example, there are Zhou Peiyao, Chang Licheng, Qiu Sheng and others who have a good relationship with Xu Yun.

They were Xu Yun's relatives and friends, and they planned to support Xu Yun's product sales as much as they could.

Another example is Yuan Yin who spread the first accidental video back then.

She didn't have any contact with Xu Yun, she just wanted to get the cockroach medicine as soon as possible, so she was a consumer in the standard sense.

There are also product spokespersons like Zhang Guangli, and many other media reporters who have participated in the live broadcast of cockroach disinfecting, etc.

For example, Chen Shanshan, the cockroach girl who entered the live broadcast of the Cockroach Center.

There are also other eyes from Neon, Europe, America, Tuao.

Those people were standing in the small black rooms of their respective lairs at this time, with serious expressions and malicious intentions.

that's all.

Time slowly passed by every minute and every second.






In the eyes of all walks of life, time slowly came to the early morning of December 4th.

The equipment used by Taobao to calibrate the release time is a cesium atomic clock, which together with the rubidium hydrogen atomic clock is one of the most accurate calibrated clocks in the world.

An average of 20 million years of operation will cause an error of 1 second.

Therefore, at the moment when the time reaches zero o'clock on the 4th.

The program of the platform starts instantly, changing the attribute of the product to be available for purchase.

After a second.

on the big screen in the meeting room.

A digital swipe appeared:


The number on the left is the number of customers who placed the order.

The one on the right is the number of glues sold.

The refresh rate is ten seconds.

That is.

At the moment when the product was released, three customers bought 7 glues.

They may be flash-buying with a program, or they may be three single dogs who have been single for 20 years and quickly pressed the password-free payment.

In short, gold coins +139.3.

Ten seconds later.

The number jumps again:


Then came the 20th second of the sale.

thirty seconds

When the time comes to the first minute, the numbers have become:


Then Xu Yun and the others waited for another ten minutes.

The number becomes


Seeing this number, everyone present felt relieved.

After a while.

There was applause and cheers in the meeting room.

Zheng Zu walked up to Xu Yun and Tian Liangwei, and stretched out his palm:

"Dean Tian, ​​Dr. Xu, congratulations!"

Xu Yun patted him with a smile and said:

"Secretary-General Zheng, Xinchuang Fund is also a shareholder of the company. It should be Tongxi."

Zheng Zu nodded with a red face, and that posture was short of opening champagne.

Earlier, when Gu Qunqing was making the first-day sales model, he had also estimated the sales volume during the qualified period.

At that time, he judged that the product was released in the same month, and the possible number of users who placed orders was 600,000.

The monthly sales volume of the product is between 800,000 and 900,000, which is three times the monthly sales volume of Bayer.

Among them, the number of people who placed orders on the first day was about 50,000, and the number of people in the first hour, the first ten minutes, and the first minute were:

12000/1500/130. (Ratios refer to 10.14089/j.cnki.cn11-3664/f.2021.09.010, all numbers shortened by a hundred times)

It seems now.

The gap between the actual user portrait and the model after the sale is not particularly large, and it can even be said to be extremely accurate.

Just like Tang Li said before.

The live broadcast of HKUST’s cockroach disinfecting is unprecedented. There is no data for reference, and no one knows how enthusiastic users are to buy.

All the data was made by Gu Qunqing relying on his own business sense, a real "hand rubbing".

Gu Qunqing's ability to make such a model under such circumstances is evident.

If this number continues.

The number of people who placed orders on the first day of "One Mantis" may be around 70,000, and the product sales may be in the early 100,000s.

In the past eight days, the factory worked overtime with pay in accordance with the requirements of Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing.

The daily production capacity has reached 18,000 pieces, and the total inventory is around 136,000.

This inventory is enough to deal with the initial sales of "One Mantis Extinction", and even has a slight surplus.

It is a pity that the cost of 7.8 yuan/piece is too high. After deducting value-added tax and logistics, the profit may be only 800,000 yuan.

To know.

For a pre-heated product, the trading volume on the first day of release is much higher than the subsequent daily average, which is a good start as the saying goes.

For example, for some lipsticks and perfumes, the sales of sending and receiving can generally account for 15%-20% of the sales volume of the month.

Some e-commerce products, such as mobile phones or earphones, can even break 40%.

In this way.

The monthly profit of Huadun Biotechnology may be around 4 million, which is not a very high figure.

Of course.

This is just an initial market, which is far from representing the final sales of the product, let alone the division of the industry structure.

Now I don't know how many people choose to wait and see, let alone the global market and the issue of cost reduction.

As long as there is a breakthrough in any of the above points.

The sales volume of "One Mantis Killer" can reach an extremely exaggerated level.

all in all.

It was a result in line with expectations, a healthy starting number, but not too surprising.

It is almost a high school student who performed well and could go further in theory, but actually only got a middle score in the test.

Not falling behind, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the next two years, but that's all for now.

at the same time.

Messages from acquaintances gradually began to appear on Xu Yun's mobile phone WeChat, and he also began to reply one by one.

For juniors like Zhou Peiyao and Ren Yongcun, he replied politely, "The sales are not bad, in line with expectations, thank you for your support."

For a small acquaintance like Qiu Sheng, he responded with an affectionate 'roll'.

As for spokespersons and veteran artists like Zhang Guangli, Xu Yun returned a call more formally.

Informed the other party of the exact value of sales.

At the same time, Tian Liangwei and Zheng Zu were busier than Xu Yun.

After all, their relationship has long since left the campus, so it is much more complicated to deal with.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Yun and others waited for another half an hour for the sales data.

As a result, everything was normal, with occasional small ups and downs, and overall there was no A-share possession.

And just when Xu Yun was going to let Tian Liangwei and others go home first.

Jingle Bell--

The internal language on the desk suddenly rang, and it was revealed that the target was Xiaorong.

Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing looked at each other, and quickly connected the phone:

"Hello, Brother Rong?"

"Well, it's me, Dr. Xu, two things just happened."

"What's the matter?"

"The first thing is that as expected, our official website and jump links have been attacked, and the situation is quite large."

"However, all of them were successfully resisted by our team and did not cause any loss to the company."

Xu Yun had already prepared for this, and his tone was basically unchanged:

"Thank you Rong, what's the second thing?"

This time Xiao Rong was silent for a while, and said:

"The second thing is Chaos Keke, there is a message from Director Wang Qingchen of the University of Science and Technology."

Hearing Xiaorong's voice, which was vaguely hesitant, Xu Yun's heart shuddered:

"Director Wang? Could it be that something happened to HKUST?"

Xiaorong continued to be silent for a few seconds:

"It's the University of Science and Technology, but not the University of Science and Technology of China."

A question mark appeared on Xu Yun's face:


at the same time.

Opposite the communication equipment.

At this time, Xiaorong's expression was a little weird, as if he was suppressing a smile, and patiently explained:

"Aren't there a lot of attacks today from abroad, but they seem to have not figured out the relationship between the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Science and Technology of China. About 40% of the attacks went to the University of Science and Technology of China."

"The network security of the National University of Science and Technology comes from a self-confident industry, so it is not that weak."

"But the key is that Guoke has no preparations for this matter, and many of the top hackers from abroad are still top hackers, so..."

"The official website of the University of Science and Technology of China is fine, but the official website of the University of Science and Technology of China has been hacked."

"By the way, today is the day when the National University of Science and Technology opens up course selection, so the popularity of this matter on Weibo is getting higher and higher."

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