Into Unscientific

Chapter 199 The World Where Only Donkeys Are Injured is Completed (58K)

Chapter 199 The World where Only Donkeys Are Injured is Completed (5.8K)

half an hour later.

Xu Yun hurried to the medical building and took the elevator to the laboratory.

Just entered the door.

He saw Qiu Sheng plugged in his earphones, leaning on the chair, swinging his legs up and down.

Sipping soy milk while using Douyin, he looks very happy.

Xu Yun walked quickly to his side, curled his index finger, and tapped twice on the table:

"Hey, Old Qiu."


Only then did Qiu Sheng regain his senses, and took off the earphones.

Then he stretched, took a cup of packaged soy milk from his side and pushed it in front of Xu Yun:

"Here, the soy milk in Dongyuan cafeteria is still hot."

"From the hard work of that donkey brother, you don't know how popular this thing is these days, and you can't grab it for a minute after eight o'clock."

Xu Yun took the soy milk, took a sip, and continued:

"Let's not talk about the soy milk, let's talk about Lao Qiu, what is the situation of the culture medium you mentioned earlier?"

Qiu Sheng laughed when he heard the words, and moved his chin towards the direction where the culture medium was placed, explaining:

"Isn't the business of stone-ground soy milk in the cafeteria very good these days, and by the way, there are quite a lot of bean dregs that are ground every day."

"It is said that there are hundreds of catties of bean dregs left every day, and it is quite troublesome to deal with. You should know about this?"

Xu Yun nodded slightly.

Students who were Douzi in their previous life should know.

Generally speaking.

If your face is not dark, one catty of beans can produce five to six catties of soy milk.

If the donkey pulls the stone mill, the output will be less due to uneven grinding, only about 4 catties.

The density of soy milk is higher than that of water, so 500 grams of soy milk is only a little over 400 ml.


That is to say, a catty of beans can roughly produce 1.6 liters of soybean milk through a stone mill.

The size of a cup of soy milk in Dongyuan Canteen is generally 200 milliliters, 200 liters for 1,000 people, or 130 catties.

Recently, the stone-milled soy milk in Dongyuan cafeteria became popular, and many students from the central and western districts also came to buy breakfast. The total number of people was about 3,000.

Counting some other soy products, the weight of bean dregs produced in the cafeteria has been fluctuating between 130 and 160 every day.

It is quite troublesome to deal with these bean dregs, after all, bean dregs products are not so easy to sell.

In most cases, the remaining bean dregs can only be sent to ferment to produce liquid fertilizer.

Then Qiu Sheng paused and continued:

"That day at the southeast gate, I met several working students who were processing bean dregs, and one of them happened to be a school girl from my hometown."

"So I begged for a catty of bean dregs with her, and I was going to make a bean dregs cake myself to satisfy my hunger."

Xu Yun nodded and asked again:

"And what about donkey hair?"

Qiu Sheng picked up the soy milk and took a sip, then dragged a small blue bag from the side, and some animal hair could be vaguely seen:

"At that time, she was still holding a small plastic bag. After asking, she found out that it was the donkey's fur that fell off in different seasons. She planned to find a garbage dump and throw them away."

"I happen to be leading a group of subjects recently, the content is to study the characteristics of keratin fiber materials in terms of water response shape memory and mechanism."

"Donkey hair is a natural textile fiber material. It is a little rarer than wool and bird hair, so I brought back bean dregs and donkey hair together."

"Later, when I was making the culture medium, I thought about who said that it doesn't cost money anyway, just try a little bit, so I used bean dregs as the base."

"I brought the bean dregs and donkey hair back together. Although there are bags to separate them, one of them got caught in the bean dregs."

"This is just a control group I made on a whim, and the inspection process was not so careful, and I didn't notice it was mixed in."

"As a result, after a long period of time, I suddenly found that the number of new microorganisms around the donkey hair increased to more than 20 times that of the other control groups!"

"No, I'll call you right away."

After listening to Qiu Sheng's words.

Xu Yun nodded thoughtfully.

When it comes to microbial cultivation, many people often think about it from a high-level perspective.

But in fact.

The culture medium of microorganisms does not necessarily have a particularly high standard, specifically it is divided into types, and some substrates are common things.

Generally speaking.

In the laboratory, there are three types of microbial culture media:

The first is synthetic media.

The various components of this medium are known chemical substances, and the advantages are clear chemical components, precise composition and strong repeatability.

The disadvantage is that the price is more expensive, and microorganisms grow slowly in this type of medium.

For example, such as Gao's No. 1 synthetic medium, Cha's medium and so on.

Followed by semi-synthetic media.

It is a medium made by appropriately adding inorganic salts of known ingredients on the basis of natural organic matter, or adding some natural ingredients on the basis of synthetic medium.

For example, the potato dextrose agar medium used for cultivating mold is this type.

The last one, which is also used most frequently, is the natural medium.

It is made entirely of natural substances, such as steamed potatoes and plain beef broth:

The former is used to cultivate mold and do Ubisoft servers, while the latter is used to cultivate bacteria.

At the same time, besides the potato and beef soup, the bean dregs used by Qiu Sheng is actually a common old trick.

For example, the mycelium of Pleurotus eryngii is cultivated by this thing, and the reduction of Pleurotus pallidus is also based on this substrate.

Just in reality.

The reason why most hard-working biochemical Wangs like to use bean dregs is mainly because they can use funds to buy beans to squeeze soy milk, which is safe and saves some money

When Xu Yun was a Ph.D. student, he knew a biologist, Wang. The laboratory was next door to the physics laboratory where Xu Yun worked as a coolie. If he had nothing to do, he would come to the door with a large bucket of soy milk.

At that time, the two single dogs with Xu Yun had soy milk and edamame, and chatted about everything, and now it is quite interesting to think about it.

Later, that buddy’s children are all admitted to the University of Science and Technology this year, and Xu Yun is still a single dog

What a sad story.

In addition to bean dregs, it is also normal for Qiu Sheng to add donkey hair by mistake.

Ordinary petri dishes can be said to be the place where strange things are most likely to appear in the laboratory.

For example, nail shells, hair, and some unidentified curvy hairs can all be seen.

At a certain dinner party after Xu Yun graduated, I even heard that someone put a mobile phone case in it without knowing it.

Then he was silent for a moment, looked at Qiu Sheng, and asked:

"Old Qiu, where is the test report? Show me."

Qiu Sheng was clearly prepared for this question. He took a few pieces of paper from his side and handed them to Xu Yun:

"I printed it out, here it is."

Xu Yun took it and looked at it seriously.

After a few seconds.

He raised his eyebrows immediately, and his eyes locked on one of the columns:

"Good guy, 30,000 U per milliliter?"

well known.

In the field of pharmaceuticals and microorganisms, the smallest potency unit with certain biological efficacy is called "unit".

It is called IU internationally.

Huaxia is called U.

There is no mutual conversion between IU and U, only the conversion between IU and weight or the conversion between U and weight.

In other words, the dosage level of U/L is a unit unique to China.

Generally speaking.

In China, most vitamins are expressed in IU?

Antibiotics are represented by U.

For example, the specification of penicillin is generally 200,000 U per milliliter, and that of erythromycin is 70,000.

The largest new species unit that Xu Yun and others found in the moss was 8000U, which is only 2000 U.

However, this is a high-density population enriched by special techniques, and it is not universally applicable.

Under normal circumstances.

The unit density of this new type of microorganism is only about 1500U.

Right now, it has reached 30,000 U in the medium of bean dregs + donkey hair, which can indeed be regarded as a surge.

Then Xu Yun put the report aside and asked Qiu Sheng:

"Then, old Qiu, what's the reason for the surge in new species?"

"It is plausible that the bean dregs substrate can increase the population rapidly. After all, there may be some specificity in the physical and chemical indicators, which is not difficult to accept."

"But what about donkey hair, and why does it have to be native donkey hair?"

Hearing this, Qiu Sheng raised his eyelids and glanced at him, then asked with a smile:

"Old Xu, do you still remember that round of research on donkey gene expression bodies led by the National Gene Bank?"

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, then blurted out:

"The two reports 10.13881/j.cnki.hljxmsy.2021.02.0100 and 10.28502/n.cnki.nkjrb.2014.007254?"

Qiu Sheng nodded:

"That's right."

In 2014.

Led by Huaxia Gene Bank, academician Yang Huanming once organized a gene sequencing of donkeys.

It was also the world's first large-scale donkey genome project.

In the subsequent detection process, the detection team has discovered many very strange situations.

For example.

Native donkeys produce small amounts of calcium thioglycolate in their bodies.

That's right.

Calcium Thioglycolate.

This thing is a bit of a mouthful to read, but in reality it is used for hair removal, can you believe it

Other than that.

They also found that in native donkeys, there will be a Light Point phenotype, referred to as the LP phenotype.

under this phenotype.

Mutants of the MC1R gene not only affect the hair, but also affect the amplification of the CDS sequence of the PepT1 gene.

This directly leads to a very strange ratio of Young's modulus of elasticity of donkey hair.

For example, when the relative humidity increased from 0 to 100%, the axial swelling of donkey hair was only 1%.

However, the ratio of Young's modulus to shear modulus decreased from 217:1 to 15:1.

In addition,

A pentose phosphate pathway product with 225 differential metabolites from the high tenderness group was also detected on the hair of the native donkey. The results of this study were also published in the sub-journal of Nature.

It is a pity that the number of local donkeys is too small today.

So a few years down.

There have been no domestic and foreign authoritative organizations to conduct further research, and many things have not been able to reach an accurate conclusion.

In fact, there are quite a few similar situations, such as native black-haired pigs, toads, etc., all of which have many unknown phenotypes.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help looking at Qiu Sheng, and asked:

"Old Qiu, you mean that the pentose phosphate product and bean dregs form a special culture environment, which leads to the expansion of new microorganisms?"

Qiu Sheng nodded, affirming:

"That's right, but this is just a superficial feedback, and the specific internal situation needs further research."

"So I think there are three things we need to do right now."

Xu Yun glanced at him and asked:

"Which three things?"

Qiu Sheng immediately held up his fingers, looked at the box containing the culture medium, and said:

"First of all, it is the analysis of the expansion of new species."

"At present, the density of 30,000 U has reached the upper limit of natural growth, and there is not much room for growth, but this number is still far from the ideal value we need."

"So we need to analyze the composition of the pentose phosphate product as soon as possible and master its amplification technology."

"Then proceed with further amplification and inactivation, and finally the production of toothpaste can be considered."

Speaking of which.

Qiu Sheng couldn't help but looked around the laboratory, took a deep breath, and said to Xu Yun:

"And to complete this step, our laboratory obviously doesn't have the capability. We must apply to the school for small molecule probes."

small molecule probes.

This is a relatively new technology in recent years.

It probably started to rise around 2010, and quickly triggered a wave of trends.

Now more than ten years later, it still has not touched the technical ceiling, and there are great differences in the field.

For example, ordinary small-molecule probe technology can be achieved by ordinary hospitals, and the cost of 200 yuan can also be used to apply for a medical insurance card.

However, the most sophisticated small-molecule probes that can form DNA microarrays are ridiculously expensive, and the cost of a complete set is not less than tens of millions.

The small molecule probe that Qiu Sheng mentioned is almost KIT-level equipment, and the single cost is about 20,000 to 30,000.

This kind of equipment must be approved by Tian Liangwei before it can be used, and it obviously does not exist in this laboratory.

In a sense.

The treasure of the town school belonging to the University of Science and Technology is also justified.

Faced with Qiu Sheng's request, Xu Yun immediately nodded and continued:

"I've made a note of this, and I'll contact the teacher. What about the second thing?"

Qiu Sheng immediately relaxed, sat back on his seat, and said to him:

"The second thing is... about the donkey."

"It's not easy to find local donkeys these days. Even the ones in villages and towns are mostly hybrids. After all, the country imported millions of Pakistani donkeys back then."

"So the donkey's fur can be said to be extremely precious, and it can even be classified as an 'orphan' in the short term."

"So we have to come up with a plan to make it produce some hairs on a regular basis."

"On the contrary, it's easier to get the bean dregs. It's a material that should be scrapped. You can get it just by talking to them."

Xu Yun also nodded in agreement.

The appearance of Donkey Brother has brought a lot of profits to Dongyuan Restaurant, and the bean dregs are wastes that are meant to be used as fertilizer, so they have little value.

Therefore, even Tian Liangwei didn't need to be disturbed by this matter, Xu Yun could get all the bean dregs by himself.


From production to waste recycling, the whole process is done from start to finish.

Nothing is wasted, it's perfect.

Only Donkey Brother Injured World is done.JPG.

Then Xu Yun paused and asked again:

"And one last thing?"

"The last one"

Qiu Sheng scratched his head, stretched himself on the seat, and said:

"It's not difficult. It's just that the name of this new species of microorganism is a bit awkward. Can you give it a name?"


Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and fell into deep thought.


This is a very valuable microorganism, and it is not appropriate to always call it a new species. It is much more convenient to choose a name.

but what should it be called

Between contemplation.

Xu Yun's eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of an optical microscope not far away, and the mirror of the microscope was reflecting light like a bald head.

After a while.

Suddenly, a short girl appeared in his mind, waving at him with her face flying.

According to the results of the deduction.

Later, she seemed to discover a lot of microorganisms, and became a great biologist as expected

I don't know if the microorganism I discovered has some connection with her?

At the same time, this kind of microorganisms are cleaning the world all the time, even in the most filthy sewers, the silt is not polluted.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said to Qiu Sheng:

"Words of the name."

"Let's call it Yi An Bacteria."

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