Into Unscientific

Chapter 200 Mysterious Formula (76K)

Chapter 200 Mysterious Formula (7.6K)

"Easy bacteria?"

inside the laboratory.

Hearing the name proposed by Xu Yun.

Qiu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, and blurted out a name:

"Lady Yi An, Li Qingzhao?"

Xu Yun nodded slightly, turned sideways, and exhaled with a complicated expression.

Even though he is a human being in two lives now, with a relatively peaceful mind, he takes things like life and death a little lighter than ordinary people.

But the copy of the Northern Song Dynasty is still an indelible memory in his heart.

Xiao Li in the copy was changed by him, from a poetess to a biologist with both arts and sciences, and discovered a variety of microorganisms.

As for Xu Yun, he got a reward of a new species in the dungeon settlement.

Is there really no connection between the two?

No one may know the real answer, but Xu Yun personally thinks it is no.

Naming this new species with Xiao Li's name is a very suitable choice both in terms of meaning and feelings.

However, Qiu Sheng couldn't understand Xu Yun's thoughts. He just felt that the name seemed okay, so he said:

"Old Xu, this name is not bad, besides, it is a new species you discovered, so you can call it whatever you like, I have no objection."

Xu Yun nodded to him, pondered for a moment, and asked again:

"By the way, Lao Qiu, do you have any thoughts on the donkey's hair growth plan?"

Qiu Sheng frowned and thought for a while, then slowly shook his head and said:

"I've heard in novels that the blood of a bat girl can grow hair on a dog girl, but in reality we can't find a human grandmother who has been poor for 10,000 years, so this is obviously impossible."

"The remaining methods are nothing more than black sesame or minoxidil-my suggestion is to use both. Anyway, it seems that the donkey is very resistant to that, and probably nothing will happen."

The spread of minoxidil may not be very high, but it is actually one of the mainstream drugs recognized internationally for the treatment of hair loss, and its usage rate is very high.

However, the effect of this stuff is a bit limited, it can only be said to be better than placebo, and it should be taller than the dwarf.

Everyone should be familiar with black sesame, and it is known as the two traditional raw materials for food tonic and hair growth together with Polygonum multiflorum.

It is definitely not enough to say that it is a school of nonsense or an IQ tax, but the effect is relatively limited.

However, considering that there is no particularly effective method at present, these two things have become the only options.

Of course.

Hair growth is only a temporary measure, and the more important thing is to carry out breeding-it's not good to always catch the donkey brother.

However, it is really difficult to find purebred local LP phenotype female donkeys these days, because there are too many hybrid donkeys in our country.

Students who were donkeys in their previous lives should know this.

The lifespan of a donkey is generally 20 years, and the lifespan of a human is almost a hundred years old.

That is to say, the local donkeys 2000 years ago, regardless of whether they were male or female, were almost all dead.

However, the time when Pakistani donkeys were introduced into China on a large scale happened to be around 2001 and 2002, exactly 20 years ago.

The smallest unit for this batch of donkeys was the animal husbandry station at the town level, and the policy was still promoted by grassroots cadres to the countryside, and the coverage rate of breeding was extremely high.

Therefore, it is very difficult to find purebred native female donkeys at present, and the LP phenotype cannot be activated by crossbreeding, let alone the pentose phosphate pathway product that exists in the hair.

Of course.

There must be genes of native donkeys in the domestic species gene bank, after all, rabbits are old hamsters.

But the key is the donkey brother’s gender, even if you have genes, you can’t have offspring


The largest species gene bank in China is located in Guizhou Province, and the headquarters of the world species gene bank is established in two places:

The crop seed bank is in Longyearbyen, the city closest to the North Pole.

The seed bank is buried 130 meters underground, and the entrance is a bare wedge-shaped building standing on a gravel slope.

It only costs about 10,000 Chinese dollars to go to Longyearbyen in China for seven days. If economic conditions permit and you want to see polar bears, Longyearbyen is a good choice.

As for the animal gene bank, it is in Ushuaia, the city closest to Antarctica, and the entrance is top-secret.

Both gene banks were built by the Global Crop Diversity Trust to have a backup in case the planet encounters certain extremes.

Therefore, the two gene banks can receive a lot of strange things every year. The seed bank is naturally a variety of plants, and the animal bank is ahem.

The topic is back to the original place.

all in all.

Before finding a suitable mating female donkey, the donkey brother probably has to be a sheep that is shaved for a period of time.

Then Xu Yun thought of something, and asked Qiu Sheng:

"By the way, Lao Qiu, have you read the document on the digital media?"

Qiu Sheng's expression was quite normal at first, but when he heard this, his expression turned bitter, and he pointed at himself with his index finger:

"Brother, do you think I'm Superman?"

"This one is still doing research on a new strain of Yian bacteria, and the other one still needs to read a review of the feasibility of DNA storage technology. Do you really think I'm that donkey in the cafeteria?"


Facing Qiu Sheng's complaints, Xu Yun chuckled and scratched his head tactically, trying not to look so embarrassed.

As Qiu Sheng said.

In the past few days, he has been busy with the issue of a sales release, most of the time with the company or Tian Liangwei.

The time spent in the laboratory was a bit short, so Qiu Sheng did undertake a large part of the research tasks.

But he just casually asked about the digital media. This thing is the DNA storage technology he got as a reward.

Different from imidacloprid and Yian bacteria.

At present, Xu Yun has not thought of its specific commercial use, and technically it cannot be broken through in a day or two.

Therefore, he is not going to put too much energy into this area. If there is no sudden breakthrough, the current key point is still Yi'an Bacteria.



As these two words flashed in his mind, Xu Yun suddenly thought of something:

Among the eight rewards given by Halo, except for the mysterious disappearance of the national fortune, six of them have been completely unveiled-at least they know how to get them.

But there is only one reward, and Xu Yun has never had time to study it.

That is.

That piece of soft paper with a lot of mathematical formulas engraved on it.

Then he calculated the schedule in his mind.

I found that I still have a lot of free time today, so I can try to study the research formula.

Think here.

He couldn't help looking at Qiu Sheng and said:

"Old Qiu, I still have some things to do right now, look at the lab."

Qiu Sheng glanced at him when he heard this, and sighed resignedly:

"Leave the laboratory to me, can you? Son thief, get out!"

Xu Yun wasn't polite to him either, he put his index finger and middle finger together, put them on the side of the temple and stroked forward:

"Then dad will go!"

Qiu Sheng didn't speak, but gave him a middle finger.

After leaving the laboratory.

Xu Yun walked quietly on the way to the library alone.

What Qiu Sheng said earlier in the laboratory made him suddenly realize another problem:

The company's R\u0026D staff is not enough.

At present, there are only two real core personnel on the R\u0026D side of the company, namely him and Qiu Sheng.

Needless to say, Qiu Sheng's ability is more than enough for the future leader of the Institute of Biochemistry, University of Science and Technology, to take charge of at least one project right now.

As for Xu Yun

Before focusing on business, it was mainly because of the start-up of the company. "One Mantis" is also a key product that determines the cornerstone of the company, and he must follow up at any time.

Now that the company is on the right track, he will definitely focus on research and development—otherwise he would not have asked Gu Qunqing, a returnee from overseas, to be the COO.

But other than that.

There are not many people available for the company.

Among the remaining R\u0026D personnel, they were either current students who came to mix projects like Ren Yongcun and Zhou Peiyao, or graduate students recommended by Tian Liangwei.

Whether these people have the ability, the future can be expected.

But for now, they are still far from being responsible for a single project.

Now that Xu Yun has just gone through two dungeons, he has two commercial products of imidacloprid and Yi'an bacteria to be broken through, not to mention the DNA storage technology that needs to be researched later.

What about the third and fourth copies?

To know.

None of these projects is a one-stop avenue.

Instead, it has a 'technology tree' with quite a few derivative fields.

Even imidacloprid, the simplest of them, has quite broad prospects for derivation.

For example, although the sodium channel of cockroaches is different from that of mice, it is very close to that of mosquitoes.

If a product that is effective against mosquitoes can be developed, the market may not be much smaller than that of killing cockroaches.

Moreover, as a company that intends to grow into a towering tree, the scientific research department must also have a big boss in charge.


With the backing of the University of Science and Technology, Huadun Biotechnology can completely integrate production, education and research.

But the return of Industry-University-Research to Industry-University-Research does not mean that Xu Yun can directly recruit people from HKUST.

If you occasionally ask HKUST for help with some R\u0026D tasks, it’s definitely okay, but you want a professor or even an academician to work for you directly?

This is obviously impossible, even for Tian Liangwei who has the closest relationship with Xu Yun.

So be sensible.

Xu Yun has to find one or even several experts who can become pillars as soon as possible.

But this is easier said than done.

The support Xu Yun needs is not an ordinary doctor or professor, but a super boss with academician-level abilities.

But the academicians of Huaxia talk too much and talk too little, not to mention the biology major.

In this case, how can it be so easy to find a big cow who likes each other so easily?

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help sighing quietly.

So let's work hard Qiu Sheng first.

Fifteen minutes later.

Xu Yun arrived at the library.

After swiping his card and passing through the access control, he first got a glass of water and sat down in an empty corner.

Then he took out the piece of paper with the equation engraved on it from his body.

After many days.

The content of the equation remains unchanged:


{qjik}K(Z/t)=∑(jik=S)∏(jik=q)(Xi)(ωj)(rk); (j=0,1,2,3...;i=0,1, 2, 3...; k=0, 1, 2, 3...)

{qjik}K(Z/t)=[xaK(Z±S±N±p), xbK(Z±S±N±p),…, xpK(Z±S±N±p),…}∈{ DH}K(Z±S±N±p)

(1-ηf2)(Z±3)=[{K(Z±3)√D}/{R}]K(Z±M±N±3)=∑(ji=3)(ηa+ηb+ηc )K(Z±N±3);

(1-η2)(Z±(N=5)±3): (K(Z±3)√120)K/[(1/3)K(8+5+3)]K(Z±1) ≤1(Z±(N=5)±3);

W(x)=(1-η[xy]2)K(Z±S±N±p)/t{0, 2}K(Z±S±N±p)/t{W(x0)}K (Z±S±N±p)/t

Le(sx)(Z/t)=[∑(1/C(±S±p)-1{∏xi-1}]-1=∏(1-X(p) p-s)-1.

This is a compound equation system composed of regularized combination coefficients and analytical continuation, which is very troublesome to solve.

The only judgment Xu Yun made at that time was that the solution to the last equation must be a ratio.

But with enough time today, he discovered another situation.

I saw that he drew two lines beside the third and fifth lines of the equation, and put a question mark again.

Thoughtful expression:


"Can the compound equations of this piece of paper be divided into three parts for calculation?"

well known.

Regularization theory was first proposed to solve ill-posed problems.

It has long been believed that mathematical problems derived from practical problems are always well-posed.

Back in the early 20th century.

Hadamard observed a phenomenon:

In some very general cases, the problem of solving linear equations is ill-posed.

Even if there is a unique solution to the equation, an arbitrarily small perturbation on the right side of the equation will cause a large change in the solution of the equation.

in this case.

If you minimize a norm of the difference between the two sides of the equation, you cannot obtain an approximate solution to the equation.

By the 1960s.

Tikhonov, Ivanov and Phillips also discovered the plus regularization term that minimizes the error norm.

That is, the regularized norm, instead of just minimizing the error norm, can get a solution sequence of an ill-posed problem that tends to the correct solution.

In other words.

The equation system in the first part is actually a set of sequences describing the gradient area.

It might even be.


Think here.

Xu Yun suddenly became interested.

Judging from 4D/B2, this should be a problem involving rotating surfaces.

The ∑(jik=S)∏(jik=q)(Xi)(ωj) in the second line can determine that the surface and the meridian form a certain fixed angle.

Since it is a fixed angle, it can be assumed that the model λ=(A, B, π), and the observation sequence O = (o1, o2,., oT).

Then there is α1(i)=πibi(o1), i=1, 2, ., N

αt+1(i)=[j=1∑Nαt(i)aji]bi(ot+1), i=1, 2, ., N

Fifteen minutes later.

Looking at the result in front of him, Xu Yun was thoughtful:

"Does the model parameter maximize?"

Then he thought for a moment, and continued to write down a formula on the paper:

Q(λ,λ)=I∑logπi1P(O,I∣λ)+I∑(t=1∑T1logaitit+1)P(O,I∣λ)+I∑(t=1∑Tlogbit(ot)) P(O, I|λ).

This is a very simple projection curve, and the torsion at any point on the conic logarithmic spiral is also inversely proportional to the distance from the point to the axis.

So can be reduced to another expression.

δt(i)=i1i2,.,it1maxP(it=i,t1,.,i1,ot,.,o1∣λ), i=1,2,.,N

As he explained, Xu Yun's expression became more serious.

Two hours later.

Xu Yun looked at the blueprint in front of him, and frowned tightly:

"Good guy, the solution item of the first set of equations is actually an observational equation?"

The observation equation is actually a very strange thing. Its interpretation in mathematics is more complicated, but its interpretation in physics is very simple:

It represents a non-probabilistic model of a time series, referring to a non-random process in the state space that undergoes transitions from one state to another.

See here.

Do some students feel familiar?

That's right.

This is a model that is completely opposite to the Markov chain by definition, describing a qualitative possibility within a small interval.

And this kind of model, generally only appears in the

Super super small microscopic fields.

Think here.

Xu Yun suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Microcosmic field, decay integral?"

He quickly picked up the pen and quickly wrote a line of words on another piece of paper:

y(xn+1)y(xn)/h≈f(xn, y(xn))

y(xn+1)=y(xn)+hf(xn, y(xn))

After writing these.

Xu Yun took out his notebook and opened a customized version of physics software.

This is a quantitative calculation program that can only be applied for by graduate students of HKUST. It runs on the basis of quantitative calculations done by Gauss, and can calculate some models with limited precision. The name is Aurora.

The trajectories of all the particles discovered so far are recorded in Aurora, and it is connected to a secondary server on the Tongfu side of HKUST.

Then Xu Yun recognized and transmitted the formula he had written through Mathpix, and pressed the Enter key.

Twelve seconds later.

A number appeared in front of Xu Yun:


This 0 is not the 0 that is unreliable, but means that no result matching this eigenvalue has been found in the system.


Looking at the 0 in front of him, Xu Yun turned the pen while wondering to himself:

"There is no result equation that meets the eigenvalue and there is no input error. Could it be that my idea is wrong?"

Follow his train of thought.

After the simplification of the first part of the equations, an observational state equation appeared, so he tentatively performed an integral simplification.

In the end, the period he deduced by using the approximate derivative of the difference quotient seems to be somewhat consistent with the attenuation level of particles in the light field.

In other words.

It seems to match the trajectory of some kind of particles.

But the result obtained by Aurora right now is a 0?


Is this a new particle that hasn't been discovered before?

well known.

According to the current standard model of particle physics, we temporarily consider a total of 61 kinds of elementary particles, which are divided into four parts:



Gauge bosons.

and Higgs particles.

Of course.

There is also an unconfirmed particle, the "graviton".

It is a hypothetical particle used to transmit gravitational interactions, so I won't go into details here.

Among them, matter is composed of fermions, including quarks and leptons.

Quarks can form baryons and mesons through strong interactions, protons and neutrons in baryons can form atomic nuclei, and atomic nuclei are also fermions.

At the same time, nuclei and electrons can form atoms, and then form the world we see.

The gauge bosons are used to transfer the interaction force between fermions.

Photons, for example, are the gauge bosons we are most familiar with.

It is the Higgs particle that gives the elementary particle its mass—this is more complicated to explain in detail. For example, although the mass of the elementary particle comes from the Higgs particle, the main source of the visible mass of the universe is the strong interaction, which belongs to the concept of a Ph.D. Just get to know it.

And on the other hand.

These basic particles can form a very large number of composite particles, depending on which scale you are talking about.

If it is at the atomic level, there are n types of each element and its isotopes.

If you specifically mean subatomic particles, you generally consider mesons and baryons, as well as some special particles.

This is like we have divided a species into a bird, but the bird can also be subdivided into a large number of categories such as sparrows, turtledoves, and eagles.

The same is true for human beings, who can be divided into non-chiefs, European emperors, and male and female Hideyoshi.

Think here.

Xu Yun pondered for a while, and then clicked a few times on the bookmark page of the browser.

Opened a website called pdgLive.

This is a website that specializes in collecting subatomic particle information, and you can find a lot of subatomic particle information on it.

Including those that have been confirmed and measured by experiments, those that have been proved by experiments, those that exist in theory, those that are predicted by new theories, and so on.

Then Xu Yun switched back to Jiguang software, changed y(xn+1) to y(xn+2), and ran it here.


The software simulates a binding energy number:



Xu Yun wrote down this number and compared the mass peak with the invariant mass spectrum on the website.

Although current tunneling microscopes can 'see' atoms, this is actually a metaphor.

In the field of scientific research, the real determination of new particles still depends on colliders and other equipment.

The specific method is very simple, just one word:


Use chestnuts to hit particles, and then measure data such as scattering cross-sections and make graphs for analysis.

For example, a muon is generated in a collision process, and the muon will decay into other particles, so that the mass peak of the muon can be found on the invariant mass spectrum.

The cost of this kind of detection is a real astronomical value, and the simulated value of the aurora is obviously impossible to compare with it in accuracy.

Therefore, 1.26342MeV is not an accurate value, and another screening is needed.

"1.379867MeV is too high."

"1.129973MeV is too low"

"1.14514MeV, still not enough."

Xu Yun compared them row by row.

His eyes were a little sore, but he didn't dare to slack off at all.

A few minutes later.

He suddenly focused his eyes and locked on one of the columns:

"Huh? 1.26812MeV?"

This is the closest binding energy level he has found so far to the auroral display, with an error of only two decimal places.

see this.

He immediately moved the mouse and clicked on the amount of information.

After a while.

Xu Yun's pupils shrank heavily, and he almost exclaimed in the library.

Only at this moment.

On the screen in front of him, a line of information was written impressively:

Particle name:

Λ Hyperson (4685)

Discovery date:

November 18, 2022.

Discovery unit:

Huaxia University of Science and Technology, Zhao Zhengguo.

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