in the toilet.

Look at the invitation in your hand.

Xu Yun's heart suddenly skipped a big beat!

Students who are time travelers should know it.

More than ten years ago.

That is, on June 28, 2009, someone once held a "time traveler party".

At that time, in order to avoid someone pretending to be a time traveler.

He didn't invite anyone before the banquet, and there was no rumor about it.

After the banquet.

He chose to send out the invitation.

The invitation invites those who have the ability to "travel" to the banquet. It not only states that the venue of the banquet is Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University, but also carefully indicates the latitude and longitude.

This person thinks.

If someone "from the future" can see this invitation and "travel" back to the past.

Then he would meet a real "time traveler" at that banquet.

But in the end, the answer he gave in an interview was:

"I waited a long time and no one showed up to the party."

In that interview, he also released the video recorded at the party.

in the video.

He sits alone in a room with toast and champagne next to him, eagerly hoping that the door will be opened or the mysterious "future man" will suddenly appear.

But in the end, no one showed up.

Later scholars made a consensus on this:

Through this experiment, it has been able to prove that time travel to the past is simply not possible.

The person who made this experiment is not a small shrimp, he is called

Stephen William Hawking.

Hawking was born in Oxford, England on January 8, 1942. It is worth mentioning that the day Hawking was born coincided with the 300th anniversary of the death of Galileo.

His father Frank is a tropical disease specialist who graduated from Oxford University, and his mother Isabel graduated from Oxford in 1930 to study philosophy, politics and economics.

Under the education of two Oxford alumni, Hawking finally entered the University of Cambridge to study cosmology.


The 21-year-old Hawking received a bad news:

He was unfortunately diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or motor neuron disease.

At that time, the doctor had diagnosed that he was terminally ill and could only live for two years, but he has been strong and survived.

And the price is.


By 1985.

Hawking suffered another bad news:

He underwent a tracheal operation for pneumonia and was completely deprived of the ability to speak. Speeches and questions and answers could only be done through a speech synthesizer.

He was confined in a wheelchair with only three fingers and two eyes movable. The disease had severely deformed his body, and his head could only tilt to the right.

The shoulders are low on the left and high on the right, and the hands are tightly in the middle, holding the palm-sized onomatopoeia.

The feet are twisted inward, and the mouth is almost crooked into an S shape.

As long as you smile a little, you will immediately appear "toothed and grinning".

He can't write, and he has to rely on a book-turning machine to read.

When reading loose-leaf literature.

Someone must spread each page flat on a large desk, and then drive a wheelchair to read page by page like a silkworm eating a mulberry leaf.

However, it is such a person who has completely lost his limb freedom and language ability, but has the most pioneering, sharpest, freest and most unrestrained thoughts, and has radiated unparalleled brilliance in the field of science.

His tenacious will and vitality are worthy of everyone's respect and learning.

The history of the evolution of the wheelchair under him can almost constitute a history of modern technology development.

But on the other hand.

Many people believe that Hawking's value mainly lies in spiritual inspiration, and his achievements are hardly worth mentioning in history.

This is clearly wrong.


Hawking's high praise does have the added bonus of tragedy, but regardless of irrelevant elements, Hawking's academic achievements are indeed impressive.

After all, academic awards are not necessarily awarded to Hawking just because he is disabled.

Hawking has received many academic awards, most of which come from his early research results.

For example, in 1966, he wrote "Singularity and Space-time Geometry".


He co-published with Penrose a paper on primordial time.


He published "The Black Hole".


Hawking presented "Black Hole Explosion" at the Second Quantum Gravity Conference at Newton University.

Later, he also proved the singularity theorem of general relativity and the black hole area theorem, pointed out the black hole evaporation theory and the Hawking universe model without boundaries.

He has won the Einstein Award for his achievements in the field of astrophysics.

As for the reason why Hawking did not win the Nobel Prize, it is because he did theoretical research.

If a physical achievement has only theory and no experiment, it is not enough to win the Nobel Prize.

For example, the British scientist Higgs proposed the existence of the Higgs particle more than 50 years ago.

However, it was not until CERN actually discovered the Higgs particle in an experiment in 2012 that Higgs himself won the Nobel Prize in 2013.

This is the Higgs particle, the particle that gives everything its mass.

In fantasy novels, this thing is the mother spirit of "directly pointing to the origin of all things", but before you find out, you just can't win the award.

The same reason.

Since "Hawking radiation" has not been discovered in experiments so far, Hawking's theory has not been experimentally confirmed.

Naturally, he would not win the Nobel Prize.

To mention Hawking at the same time is to basically refer to another person - and the same is true in reverse.

This person is Yang Lao.

The controversy between the two has lasted for a decade or two in public opinion. From inside the circle to outside the circle, when one is mentioned, the other is bound to be mentioned.

More objectively speaking.

In terms of achievements, Mr. Yang is always higher than Hawking, while in terms of pure theory, Hawking is better.

So far.

Mr. Yang's comprehensive contribution in the existing scientific research fields is higher than that of Hawking.

Yang's achievements have become the fundamental theories of many related branches in the field of physics and mathematics, such as Yang-Mills gauge field theory, Yang-Baxter equation and so on.

These are much higher than Hawking's most representative achievements.

Hawking's leading area lies in the citation of theories, for example, the number of citations of his papers is more than twice that of Mr. Yang and so on.

The contribution of the two can actually be described intuitively with another analogy.

A long time ago.

Archimedes dug a cave where people could live.

Galileo felt that the cave was too simple, so he dug a hole and wanted to build a house.

He found a contractor named Newton, and took Kepler, Hooke, Descartes and a group of younger brothers to lay the foundation.

Hundreds of years later.

A group of physicists including Faraday built a beautiful and perfect house on this foundation.

Then Kelvin said that the house was finished, everyone went in and lived in it, everything was perfect, and the physicists had nothing to do.

Why is the sky not sunny, and there are two dark clouds overhead?

As a result, Maxwell, the maker of the dark cloud, struck two bolts of lightning, and the house collapsed.

Maxwell said, can you take a long-term view of Ganima's house?

So the second generation of contractor Einstein appeared.

He first led Lorenz and other younger brothers to build a floor called "Special Relativity".

Later, his little brother didn't need it anymore, and on the basis of this floor, he built a whole building by himself!

However, although the building has been built, its decoration has not yet been completed.

The scientists behind, such as Schwarzschild and Hawking, all did decorations on the Einstein building.

Hawking pretty much put up a wall.

After building this building.

Einstein called on Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg and others, and built another building next door, which is quantum mechanics.

From the outside, this building seems to be more awesome.

And what about Mr. Yang?

An elevator shaft was drilled in this building, and the standard model was used to penetrate the building.

Later, people found that the two buildings could not be connected, so people like Witten used strings to build a bridge there.

At present, it seems that it is just a rainbow bridge, and people cannot leave.

As for the future, it is not certain. Maybe the Rainbow Bridge is the truth?

See here.

The contribution of Mr. Yang and Hawking is enough to judge who is higher and who is lower:

One renovated the wall, and the other drilled the elevator shaft.

As for the Einstein who built the building and the Newton who laid the foundation, don't mention it, this is really incomparable.

Of course.

If some of Hawking's theories can be proved by experiments, then the situation is another matter.

It's a pity that due to some reasons, many people can't have a specific understanding of Yang Lao's achievements.

When most people mention Mr. Yang, they only think of two words:

Nationality and Marriage.

This is actually unfair to Mr. Yang. In a certain sense, he can be said to have become another old Su. In terms of achievements, there is a thick layer of information barriers between him and the general public.

At the same time, since Elder Yang was mentioned, here is another wrong rumor to be corrected.

Just like the saying that Hawking is comparable to Einstein, there are also many marketing accounts on the Internet that spread such a headline:

"Nature" selected the 20 greatest physicists since the millennium in 2000. Mr. Yang is the only living figure and the only Chinese.

This rumor seems to be full of pride and excitement.

However, it is a pity.

Like Guo Shenghua, the godfather of fake hackers mentioned earlier, this rumor is actually fabricated.

At present, all the issues of "Nature" magazine published in 2000 can be found in many libraries, and the results needless to say:

In the 51 issues of "Nature" published in 2000, there was no list of selected physicists.

In addition, in the advanced search mode on the Nature website—that is, (with three Ws in front), if you search for Mr. Yang’s name, you can’t find this content either.

So where did this sentence come from?

Friends who often use browsers should know it.

Baidu has a very interesting function called "custom time search".

Through this function, it is easy to find out when and where the rumors about Mr. Yang and the "Nature" magazine list first originated.

It's easy to find with a simple search.

Before November 27, 2014.

The combination of the three keywords using "Yang Lao/Nature Magazine/The Greatest" is


That's right.

Among the screened results, none of them were about the results of the list of physicists selected by the journal Nature.

But if you adjust the search time range to one day later, that is, November 28, 2014.

The search results will change:

The first result of the search within this time range is the first time that the content of the list of physicists selected by the magazine "Nature" appears.

Therefore can be identified.

November 28, 2014.

That's when this rumor first surfaced on the Internet.

Click on this search result, and you can find that this is a post by a netizen named "Multi-Space Wujian 2013" in Tianya Community.

In this post, the netizen wrote:

"In 2000, Nature magazine selected the greatest physicists in the past thousand years. There were only 20 or 30 people on the list (which can be compared to the list of gods in physics), and Mr. Yang is the only one alive to be on the list of gods." .

He also continuously copied the same post to multiple subsections of the Tianya community, causing a certain amount of influence in the Tianya community.

The Root of All Evil.JPG.

This post was widely circulated in the early days of the Internet, and it once "established" Yang Lao's status on the Internet.

But gradually.

With the development of the Internet, many ordinary people have the ability to search for relevant content on Nature.

After they found out that this was fabricated content, the backlash came, and many people used it to attack Mr. Yang.

What to say to make up news for yourself to post Jin Yunyun, on the contrary caused a lot of pressure from public opinion.

Also very nasty.

A certain academician had an enmity with Mr. Yang because of the collider, and they cut off contact with each other. Mr. Yang did not congratulate him on his birthday.

However, knowing that this is fake news, he openly spread this sentence in public.

At that time, this person falsely praised Mr. Yang, but a few hours later, the media affiliated with his university issued a long article to refute it.

The article seems to be criticizing that person for his lack of textual research, but in fact it is "skinning" Mr. Yang, which is really deplorable.

The topic returns to the original place.

all in all.

Hawking is not a bastard who relies entirely on tragic people to set up a position. His ability is enough to occupy a place in physics.

Maybe many years later, the holographic principle will shine brightly, and we will definitely think of the person who was the first to calculate the entropy radiation of a black hole.

And the space-time banquet.

It was a very famous experiment in the second half of his life.


At that time, no space-time traveler came to the scene until the end of the banquet.


There are also many speculations about the failure of the banquet in later generations.

For example, the conditions do not allow, the rules do not allow, the system does not allow, and so on.

Some people even think that Mr. Hawking only marked the longitude and latitude but not the cosmic coordinates, which made it impossible for future generations to locate the banquet site.

But now that Halo has given out such an invitation card, does it mean that Xu Yun has the opportunity to attend that banquet?

Then he flattened the invitation and looked at the content of the invitation again.

In fact, speaking of this invitation, there is another very interesting episode.

When Xu Yun was writing a novel in his previous life, he once wrote the content of the invitation in a certain chapter, all in English.

And guess what?

That day, in the comment section of a certain pirated website, a prostitute came out and posted a lot of things.

The meaning is probably Xu Yun's grammatical loopholes and so on, and finally raged "If you don't speak English, don't pretend".

but the problem is

That paragraph of content Xu Yun copied directly from Hawking's original text without changing a single word.

To know.

Hawking's space-time banquet invitations are still on sale, and the price is $39.

Xu Yun once asked a friend to bring back a copy for the purpose of collection in 2017.

No matter how hard you search the Internet, you can find the original invitation letter, it's just a matter of doing it.

In general.

Xu Yun rarely uses the word 'ignorant' to judge others.

Because he feels that this word is particularly arrogant and conceited, and he will feel like looking down on others from a high place, but he is actually not qualified for this.

But facing this matter, he really wanted to say that this person is quite ignorant.

The topic returns to reality.

Xu Yun flipped through the invitation a few more times, and his eyes finally stayed on the prompt of the light curtain.

"This reward can only be activated after the Wallfacer completes the next mission. Can the Wallfacer carry an extra person?"

See this situation.

Xu Yun couldn't help touching his chin, and said to himself:

"That is to say, this invitation is not the content of the next dungeon?"

"Both Hawking and Maverick are Professor Lucas of Cambridge University. Could it be that the letter I sent had an impact on Hawking, so this reward came?"

After the next mission, this is the only requirement for the invitation to activate.

So look at it in the short term.

This invitation is estimated to have little possibility of activation?

there is

What about carrying an extra person?

Could it be possible to let him take Lao Su there?

But Lao Su hardly has any substantive understanding of the concept of the universe and black holes, should you take him to eat bread?


The object that can be taken by oneself is actually someone else?

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn't help shaking his head slightly:

"There is still too little information."

Then he looked at the time again and found that ten minutes had passed.

Seeing this, Xu Yun pondered for a moment, carefully put away Hawking's invitation letter and Maverick's letter, turned and walked out of the toilet.

Because of the complete stagnation of time in this space.

When he returned to the edge of Lao Su's grave, Lao Su was still communicating with Su Hua with great interest-why is this sentence so strange?

"The positioning of Su Zu's specific tomb is still in progress, and I don't know when there will be a specific result."

Su Hua was holding a cigarette in his hand at this time, and said with emotion:

"Actually, our clan association, as a descendant of the Su family, has contacted Zhenjiang's new Bureau of Culture, Radio and Television many times."

"I hope they can send more people to search the mausoleum as soon as possible and on a large scale."

"But guess what they said?"

Old Su glanced at him and asked:

"What did they say?"

Su Hua picked up the cigarette holder and took two deep puffs, exhaled a puff of smoke, shook his head and said:

"They said that the social attention to Su Zu's mausoleum is limited, and there are only so many resources that can be invested at present, and the bureau has nothing to do."

"After all, there are not many archaeological projects being carried out at the same time in the country, but there are actually quite a few."

"If Su Zu's fame can rival Su Shi and Su Qin's, then the search criteria for the mausoleum will be several times higher than it is now. I am afraid that the coffin and inner coffin have already been unearthed successfully."

"It's a pity."

As he spoke, Su Hua's face became more serious.

Clan associations are common social organizations that do not belong to the official system, and have no career establishment and related income.

Therefore, I want to be the chairman of the clan association.

In addition to being qualified for fame and seniority, the need for self-awareness is also extremely high.

most of the time.

The chairman of the clan association not only has no extra income, but also has to invest a lot of energy and even financial resources.

It can be said like this.

In today's increasingly indifferent clan system, the chairman of the board is often one of the group of people who have the highest degree of identification with blood.

And Su Hua is this kind of person.

Su Hua, who is now in his fifties, runs a trading company with a net income of about three to five million a year.

This kind of income may not be top-notch in a big place, but in the business circle of a place like Zhenjiang, he can be regarded as a man of the hour.

Su Hua lived with his grandfather in the countryside when he was a child, and he knew and admired Lao Su very much since he was a child.

Later, when he became successful in his career, several elders from the same clan approached him and expressed their hope that he would be the chairman of the clan association.

Su Hua hardly hesitated, and agreed on the spot.

After taking office, Su Hua can be said to be dedicated to his responsibilities. On the one hand, he contacted the same clan in Zhenjiang, and on the other hand, he has always maintained a close relationship with the main branch of Tong'an.

years ago.

Driven by Su Hua.

The Zhenjiang New Bureau of Culture, Radio and Television has just restarted the survey of Lao Su's tomb, and has achieved a series of results mentioned earlier.

But on the other hand.

At this point, it is no longer the social relationship that determines the exploration progress, but the social attention of the exploration target.

This kind of thing is not too bureaucratic, but it still has the taste of watching people play dishes.

The same is the exploration of the mausoleum.

A is more famous than B, and the media and public opinion that he pays attention to are high, so the resources will naturally be inclined to A.

Although Su Hua popularized the achievements of Lao Su to the Bureau of Culture, Radio and Television for countless times, all he got was one sentence:

"Chairman Su, we know it's useless, we need to let the public know."

Ever since.

The exploration work of Lao Su's mausoleum experienced a serious delay after the project was implemented.

Exploration must be going on, but the equipment and manpower are far from enough, and it is as slow as ants.

This is very painful.

At the same time as the descendants of Lao Su.

Su Hua couldn't stand on the grave and scold his ancestor for not being famous, otherwise wouldn't he be an unworthy descendant?

Therefore, Su Hua has always been under a lot of pressure.

Think here.

Su Hua couldn't help sighing again, and patted Old Su on the shoulder as if he had come here, and said:

"Little Su, although Su Zu's reputation is not high now, as his descendants, we all know what kind of person Su Zu is."

"So if there is a chance, we still have to try our best to help Su Zu rectify his name and let more people know about Su Zu's contribution, right?"

After Lao Su nodded, he continued:

"I'm a businessman, with little education, and I'm not too young. I don't think I'll make any noise in this life for a radius of two hundred miles."

"But you are different. You are still young, and you are a high-achieving student who graduated from the University of Science and Technology. Your name is still the same as Su Zu."

"So even though you and I met by chance, uncle still asks you to say something, Xiao Su, you have to be worthy of your name."

"You don't have to think about reviving the Su family. It's not popular these days. What you have to do is to make some contributions so that when others think of you, they can also think of our ancestor."

After speaking, Su Hua shook the cigarette butt, kicked away a small stone, and continued:

"Of course, this is just a suggestion. This is not your mission. If you can't do it, no one will blame you."

"There are quite a few people named Su Song in the world. We can't let them all become scientists, right?"

"Take the above words as the complaints of an elder, let me tell you, just listen, don't take it too seriously, is it okay?"

Old Su glanced at him, was silent for a moment, nodded and said:

"no problem."

"It's fine if there's no problem, it's fine if there's no problem."

Only then did Su Hua laugh, and patted Old Su on the shoulder again.

Then something suddenly occurred to me:

"By the way, I have a niece who just graduated from Fudan University this year. She is quite beautiful."

"Well, do you want to introduce the two of you to each other?"

The corner of Lao Su's mouth twitched:


Looking at Su Hua with the expression "I want to be Yue Lao", Lao Su quickly waved his hands:

"No, no, I have no plans to find a girlfriend yet."

Su Hua didn't seem to want to give up yet, so he took out his mobile phone as a gesture:

"That girl is really virtuous, let me show you the photos, she is also a descendant of our Su family, but don't worry, she must have had five clothes with you."

Hearing this, Old Su moved his hands faster, as if Jax had launched a counterattack storm.

Later, under the firm opposition of Lao Su, Su Hua just gave up the idea of ​​matching.

Of course.

Fortunately, it didn't work out.

half an hour later.

The ancestor worship ceremony is completed.

Everyone cleaned up the scene briefly, and Su Hua came to Xu Yun and the two and asked:

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Su, let's go down the mountain together?"

Seeing that Xu Yun exchanged glances with Lao Su, he immediately nodded and said:


The reason Xu Yun and Lao Su found before was that Lao Su's parents knew his own parents, and the two were playmates when they were young.

Now that they arrived in Yongcheng and happened to be free, they came to Zhenjiang together to pay homage to an elder of the old Su ancestor.

At that time, Xu Yun and Lin Zhenhua agreed that the round trip time was two days, which was not enough after deducting the driving time.

Now the worship is over.

Naturally, they had to hurry back to the Hanhua factory.

After making a decision.

Xu Yun and the two of them took the initiative to help with some salutes, and everyone marched in the direction of Su Song Temple.

Su Hua and the others had about a dozen packages, large and small, containing unburned paper money and some video equipment, which was not light.

According to Xu Yun's judgment.

They should have to manually carry their luggage down the mountain, so they are specially prepared to be coolies.

As a result, when they arrived at the gate of Su Song Temple.

Suddenly, I saw a person pulling a cart and staying in place.


That's right.

A donkey, looks a bit like brother donkey?

Su Hua called everyone to put their luggage on the cart, and at the same time explained to Xu Yun:

"Although the height of Wuzhou Mountain is only more than 300 meters, it still consumes more energy to carry things."

"So since a few years ago, we have found a donkey to pull the cart, and we just need to control the donkey when going down the mountain."

"After all, the mountain road of Wuzhou Mountain is a winding mountain road, which is not a straight road. Don't worry that the donkey cart will get out of control and fall to the bottom of the mountain."


Xu Yun turned his head and glanced at the donkey, his gaze stayed on the luggage behind it for a while, and asked:

"Chairman Su, with so much luggage, can this donkey pull it?"

Su Hua suddenly laughed, and it seemed that many people had asked this question.

He pointed to the donkey and said:

"Xiao Xu, I'm afraid you don't know something."

"Although this is a female donkey, it is a genuine local species, and now it is almost impossible to find it in the whole country!"

"This kind of donkey is more powerful than a meat donkey when pulling goods, so there is no need to worry about losing strength."

"We have used it to worship our ancestors for several years, and there has never been an accident. It is very stable!"

Xu Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then his eyes were as big as twenty Li Ronghao's:

"Native donkey? Or female?"

Su Hua didn't notice Xu Yun's expression, and thought he was just a little surprised when he heard the donkey species, so he explained:

"That's right, native donkey."

"It is rumored that when Su Gong was an official in Bianjing, he once raised a donkey, but before returning to Jingkou, he was killed by Su Gong's six sons and made donkey meat and burned."

"After returning to Jingkou, in order to take care of Mr. Su's daily life, Mr. Xie raised another donkey to pull the mill."

"Later Su Gong passed away due to illness, Mr. Xie Duguan and some descendants of the Su family took root here, and the donkey stayed here."

"At the same time, due to the remoteness of this place, Sujia Village doesn't have much contact with the outside world, so the donkey's blood has been passed down."

"Later, Sujia Village was demolished, and this donkey came into the hands of our clan association."

Saying that, Su Hua sighed, shook his head and said:

"However, this female donkey is an only child. Now there is only one local donkey in Zhenjiang. I am worried about how to breed her."

I heard this.

In Xu Yun's mind, a poem suddenly appeared:

Gou Li is wrong, wrong, there is nowhere to look after breaking through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

To know.

Not long ago he just got a piece of news from Qiu Sheng:

These days, the business of Dongyuan Canteen is booming, and brother donkey's daily working hours have come to 14 hours.

It can be said that apart from sleeping and eating, brother donkey spends the rest of his time grinding.

Other than that.

There are also some problems with the hair supply of donkey brother.

After all, although black sesame and minoxidil have some effect on hair growth in theory, the required period is still very long.

At least it is impossible to pop up in a few days.

But the cultivation process of Yi'an Bacteria has reached a very critical point, so Brother Donkey's back is almost bald now.

Therefore, whether it is from the perspective of sharing work or breeding, finding another local donkey is already a top priority.

But it was introduced before.

Due to the introduction of a large number of Pakistani donkeys around 2000, the native donkeys in the country are basically extinct.

So the whole link fell into a deadlock, and even Xu Yun didn't know how to break it.

But who would have thought.

When I came out to accompany Lao Su to the grave, I saw a local donkey?

More critically.

The other party is still a mother!

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