Into Unscientific

Chapter 223 The Truth Comes Out

half an hour later.

William Thomson returned to the carriage with the washed potatoes.

At this time, Will had already prepared the pot and firewood, took Xu Yun to cut the potatoes into the pot, and started to make dinner.

clap clap -

The dry and hard firewood made a crisp cracking sound in the fire, which was extremely clear in the open forest.

Will, who was on the side, was humming a song while smearing lard on the bread.

That's right.


In the impression of many people.

Westerners don't seem to like pork very much, and the common meat dishes on their menus are often poultry meat such as beef, sheep and chicken.

how to say

This is also a stereotype.

For example, the Spaniards like to eat ham very much, and Iberian ham is even a very famous specialty in Europe.

Germans like to eat pig feet.

How much do they like pig's feet? McDonald's in Germany sells pig's feet, and pig's feet can also be bought in football stadiums in Bundesliga matches.

So when you watch the Bundesliga broadcast, you can often see the audience with a pig's foot in one hand and a beer in the other.

In Germany, pig's feet are basically a national dish like Shaxian noodles.

There are also Romanians who like to eat pork pine meat, which is the part of the meat on both sides of the pig's neck, which is the so-called "golden six taels".

At present, a considerable part of domestic garlic is exported to Romania, where it is used for cooking pine meat.

As for the UK?

There is a dish in England called black pudding - this thing is a meat dish, made of pig's blood and cow's blood with oats, it is a very typical breakfast in the north of England.

Hence the same.

Lard was also a common bread ingredient in 19th-century Europe.

Its name is Youli, and it was not replaced by butter until later.


Under the high temperature of the fire, the solid oil gradually turned into a viscous liquid, which soaked the cracked bread.

A unique smell of lard also rushed over, reminding Xu Yun of the lard bibimbap that he liked to eat when he was a child.

after awhile.

Thomson stirred the bottom of the pot with a spoon, and felt that the heat was almost ready, so he filled a bowl of potato soup for Will and Xu Yun:

"Will, Luo Feng, take it."

Will and Xu Yun each took the wooden bowl:


After Xu Yun thanked him and was about to drink the soup, he suddenly found that there was obviously more salty bacon in his bowl than Will's.

Did you take it wrong?

See this situation.

He couldn't help looking at Thomson, hesitantly said:

"Mr. Thomson, this."

Thomson guessed what he was thinking, still with a calm expression, said:

"Your coma is mostly caused by lack of nutrition, and your arm was injured again. You should eat more meat."

"Since I brought you with me, I will be responsible for you. These things are not worth much, just don't make other things happen."

When Xu Yun heard this, he couldn't help but glanced at him unexpectedly.

In the relevant literature of later generations, Thomson has always been a serious, very cold image, and he doesn't have many friends.

For example, at his funeral, the total number of guests was only 15, and four tables of mahjong could not be combined.

The result was unexpected.

The father of thermodynamics, who looks very cold, has a surprisingly kind heart.

But what's the matter with this two-dimensional blonde arrogance?

Then Thomson filled himself another bowl of potato soup, broke open a small piece of bread with his slender fingers, and dipped in the soup while it was hot.

This slow chewing action, combined with the crunching of the campfire, has a vaguely dark-toned elegance.

A true gentleman.

As for Will beside him, he was not so refined.

I saw this country boy gulping down a big mouthful of soup, and wiping the corners of his mouth with his cuff without hesitation:

"It's delicious!"

Seeing this, Thomson couldn't help but glanced at Will, and said:

"Will, you need to get rid of this habit. When you arrive in London, this kind of behavior is very rude at the dinner table."

Will laughed a few times, like a student who was called by the teacher in class:

"Yes, Mr. Thomson."

Thomson just nodded, then he thought of something, and said to Xu Yun:

"By the way, Luo Feng, Will and I only brought a tent when we went out this time, and it couldn't fit three people into it."

"So you're going to sleep in the carriage tonight, no problem?"

The carriage that Thomson and Will rode in was a two-wheeled carriage, which looked ordinary and had no special features.

Among them, two people can be seated in the car, and two people can be seated in the front room outside the car—that is, where the groom sits, for a total of four people.

After deducting all kinds of packages, there is not much space in the compartment, it is absolutely impossible, and it is estimated that you have to sit and sleep to fall asleep.

Fortunately, Xu Yun had quite a lot of experience in business trips in his previous life. He had seen the Green Leather Car Youth Brigade a few times, so he barely passed the test in terms of adaptability.

So he quickly accepted the reality of sleeping in the carriage, and replied:

"No problem, Mr. Thomson. I'd be grateful to have a place to stay."

Thomson nodded slightly, then picked up the package beside him and put it on his lap, rummaging through it while saying:

"There are no lights outside the car at night, and there are many dead branches and stones around. If you have to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, it may be a little troublesome to move."

"So I'll lend you something first, you can use it for lighting, just remember to return it to me tomorrow."

Xu Yun nodded subconsciously.

In this day and age, the things that can be used to illuminate the toilet gap are definitely not oil lamps or torches, because they are too troublesome to manipulate.

So no surprises.

Should it be a match or something?

Yet to his surprise.

After a while.

Thomson took out a black, thick and hard object from the bag on his crotch, held it and handed it to Xu Yun:

"found it."

Seeing that Xu Yun was a little confused, Will couldn't help explaining:

"Mr. Luo Feng, the method of using this thing is very simple, just hold it and press it up and down."

"Well, that's it."

Saying that Will took the thing, held down a button, and pushed it a little.

next second.

A strong light shot out from it immediately, and hit the tree stump directly opposite.


Will flipped the switch again, and the light faded.

He tossed the thing lightly in the air, smiled at Xu Yun and said:

"This thing is called a flashlight, and it's expensive, and most people can't see it in their homes."

This moment.

Looking at the triumphant Will, Xu Yun really wanted to say a word to this country boy:

Of course I know it's a flashlight

but the problem is

Why does it appear at this point in time? ? ? ?

To know.

Judging from the previous situation, the current time point should be around 1850.

At most, it fluctuates up and down for one year, that is, between 1849-1851.

And in later generations, there is a knowledge that all elementary school students know:

In 1879, Edison invented the electric light that can be used for a long time.

But at this time, Edison was only three years old.

Not to mention that the flashlight was not invented by Conrad Hubert until 1938, after the light bulb appeared.

In other words.

The invention of electric light in this dungeon is nearly a hundred years earlier than the original history!

But according to what Xu Yun did in the 1665 dungeon, theoretically, such consequences should not happen.

Either binomial simplification or the elasticity formula snatched from Hooke.

They are basically not related to flashlights, but are related to other fields.

For example, it is possible to have refracting telescopes, spring dynamometers, and inflatable dolls in this era.

The flashlight requires one is electrical knowledge, and the other is the production of dry batteries, that is, the problem of electrode plates.

This has nothing to do with the Mavericks.

As the saying goes.

Joking is not nonsense, and adaptation is not random making up.

The deduction must also abide by the basic logic.

Fifteen minutes later.

Everyone finished eating.

Thomson went to the river to wash dishes, while Xu Yun and Will stayed on site to set up tents.

Taking advantage of Thomson's disappearance, Xu Yun couldn't help looking at Will, and asked:

"Mr. Will, do you know who invented the flashlight?"

"Inventor of the flashlight?"

Will was taken aback for a moment, and immediately replied:

"His name is Greenwood McTominay, an Englishman."

Xu Yun was silent for a moment, then asked again:

"And what about the lights?"

"Dylan Wilson, a French scientist."

Greenwood McTominay, Dylan Wilson.

These two are characters that Xu Yun has never heard of in the local area.

Seeing Xu Yun's pensive expression, Will added another sentence:

"Actually, whether it's a flashlight or an electric lamp, most of the real credit should be attributed to Lord Newton."

Xu Yun blinked and asked hastily:

"how do I say this?"

Will first propped up the tent's feet, took a small awl and knocked a few nails on the ground, and then explained:

"When Lord Newton was almost thirty years old, he once encountered several problems that caused him some headaches, and at one point might even lead to the collapse of the theoretical system he had established."

"So he wrote a letter to his good friend 'Fat Fish'—that is, the person I asked your Fenglingyue Shadow Sect, hoping to get help."

"In that reply letter, Fat Fish not only answered Sir Newton's doubts, but also pointed out a certain train of thought and handed it to me."

After taking Xu Yun's support, Will said again:

"Based on this, Lord Newton obtained a special light spot through experiments, which is now called 'Newton's light spot'."

"Affected by the light spots, Lord Newton put a lot of energy into optical experiments, and optical experiments naturally have requirements for light sources."

"Later, Lord Newton put forward many theories about light, among which there is a prediction that light energy will appear when metal heats up."

"Following that, Mr. Faraday invented the disc dynamo, Dylan Wilson invented the electric light 31 years ago, and Greenwood McTominay invented the flashlight 17 years ago."

After hearing Will's words, Xu Yun stood on the spot in a daze, his heart beating non-stop.

I see

No wonder he felt a strange sense of disobedience in his heart since he came to this world.

For example, Will's costumes, carriage decorations, pots, food, etc., are somewhat different from what he knew in 1850.

At the same time, he also recalled another thing:

When he just crawled out of the 'grave' and took the package from Will, he once felt the gold in the package with his fingers.

In the process of touching the gold, he also naturally touched some other objects.

One of the objects has a very hard texture. Now that I think about it, isn't that the flashlight I brought?

Follow the shielding rules of the halo.

Anything that appears later than the dungeon will be left in the real world and cannot be brought into the dungeon.

In other words.

I should have realized at the time that there are flashlights in this era

all in all.

Now hearing Will's explanation, everything became clear.

Why do flashlights exist, why do I have a sense of disobedience, that is because.

The timeline of this world is not the timeline deduced after the 1665 copy.

Instead, it is based on the 1665 copy, and it is also a world influenced by the letter I wrote back to Mavericks earlier!

Think about it.

Follow normal historical development.

To 1808.

Marius discovered the polarization of light.

Then in 1818, the Poisson bright spot was officially discovered.

Poisson bright spots can basically be regarded as the cognitive limit of classical physics in optics-at most, a mathematical definition of Faraday and Maxwell will be added later, and then the photoelectric effect 80 years later.

Now Mavericks has advanced the discovery of Poisson's bright spots by a full 140 years.

Although Thomas Young's interference experiment was separated in the middle.

But with the wisdom of Mavericks, there are probably other ideas that can make up for this cognitive vacancy.

To study light, one needs a light source.

Therefore, in the long-term research, Mavericks discovered that metals will glow when heated, which is almost an inevitable result.


The focus of Mavericks' research is not in this area, it can only be regarded as a side door.

However, some of the theories or ideas he left behind can make it easy for future generations to invent flashlights - it's nothing more than who is the lucky one.

In other words.

This is a world where the rate of development of the world has been disturbed twice, a copy of the history of science that has undergone tremendous changes.

For example, the inventor of the light bulb is neither Edison nor David, but Dylan Wilson.

The inventor of the flashlight was no longer Conrad Hubert, but Greenwood McTominay.

Just an electrical appliance is the case.

What about the theoretical world?

What about the world pattern?

Even though Xiao Niu is just a physicist, with the wisdom of Xiao Niu and the hints given by Xu Yun, his influence can never be limited to the field of physics.

After all, before the emergence of microphysics, macrophysics and real life were almost closely related and inseparable.

Now that the Mavericks whose future has been reversed twice, what kind of changes can they bring to the world?

Xu Yun really couldn't judge.

at the same time.

He suddenly thought of another thing:

Would Adam Hopkins still exist if the context of the copy had changed so much?

After all, this is a purely theoretical expert.

Should be. Right?

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