Into Unscientific

Chapter 403 Something Big Has Happened

"this figure"

"This leg."

"This tail curve"


in the breeding center.

Academician Zhou Shan stared at the six female donkeys in front of him with bright eyes, and his mouth was about to flow down.

As a well-known contemporary expert in animal molecular genetics and breeding.

Zhou Shan has an extraordinary love and enthusiasm for the native donkey, a precious species that is almost extinct.

After all, for a biologist.

The thing that worries him the most is not the little toe knocking against the corner of the wardrobe, but seeing a species go extinct without being able to do anything about it.

After Zhou Shan was imprisoned.

The local donkeys he bred were taken away for euthanasia, which once made the biologist think that he had ruined the local donkeys, a unique species of donkey in China.

But with the appearance of donkey brothers and sisters, and the arrival of these six native female donkeys

without any exaggeration.

Zhou Shan felt redeemed.

After a while.

A woman in her early thirties with a single ponytail came to Zhou Shan quickly, and handed Zhou Shan a stack of documents:

"Old, well, Director Zhou, this is the breeding report we made on six native female donkeys, please have a look."

Zhou Shan took the report and thanked him:

"Thank you, Xiao Zhou."

Xiao Zhou replied bluntly, smiled politely at Xu Yun and Zheng Zu, then turned and left the scene.

"Xiao Zhou was a student I used to lead in Huanong. She was very capable. When I was dismissed, she had just entered the first year of research."

Looking at the figure of the other party going away, Zhou Shan sighed with emotion:

"Affected by me, Xiao Zhou was later assigned to another research group, and his postgraduate career was very unsatisfactory. After graduation, he was even assigned to a research institute in a remote area."

"However, when I contacted her a while ago, she still chose to join my team, but now she can't call me a teacher."

Xu Yun and Zheng Zu were silent when they heard the words.

In addition to being an academician, Zhou Shan was also the director of the State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology at Huanong University.

All kinds of halos are added to him, and those who can enter his research group are basically future stars with strong talents and abilities.

It may be a bit of an exaggeration to say that they can reach the heights of the academician Nobel Prize, but before the age of forty or even thirty-five, there is basically no pressure to get a high-ranking professional title.

But later he was imprisoned with Zhou Shan.

The 20 and 30 people were basically swept into research groups with no prospects, and most of them were rejected in the group.

Among the students led by Zhou Shan at the beginning.

There are 17 people who chose to graduate directly after completing the third year of postgraduate study, four of them dropped out of school, and only three of them went on to study for doctoral students.

Xu Yun even heard that some people couldn't find a suitable job after graduation because of Zhou Shan's past, so they could only do insurance telemarketing.

what a pity

"Forget it, don't talk about it."

Then soon.

Zhou Shan then waved his hand to dispel the dullness:

"It's all in the past, let's look at the present."

As he spoke, he shook the document twice, adjusted his glasses, and read it seriously.

"The average number of white blood cells is 7.7Χ10∧9/L, the low value is 6.5Χ10∧9/L, and the peak value is 9.3Χ10∧9/L"

"The mean value of the backlog of red blood cells is 0.37"

"Mean platelet volume 11fl"

"Average red blood cell hemoglobin content 14.3Pg"

"Basophils 1.3%"

After a few minutes.

Zhou Shan closed the document again, pondered for a moment, and said to Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, it seems that the soy milk in Dongyuan of the University of Science and Technology may not be able to use a stone mill in the short term."

Xu Yun blinked when he heard this, and asked tentatively:

"Academician Zhou, what do you mean?"

Zhou Shan hummed, raised the report in his hand, and affirmed:

"That's right, according to the test report, the physical conditions of the six native donkeys are all healthy and very suitable for giving birth."

"At the same time, due to the long-term absence of male donkeys to mate, the amount of estrogen in their bodies has accumulated a lot, so..."

"Then we can ask the donkey brother to stop pulling the mill and transport it to the breeding center to be sprayed with soy milk."

Xu Yun immediately nodded heavily:

"no problem."

As long as the six female donkeys can successfully conceive.

Counting the one conceived by the donkey girl, seven or more cubs will be born next.

In this way.

There is no need to worry about the supply of donkey hair for the time being.

Then looking at the six local female donkeys grazing, Xu Yun suddenly thought of something, and said to Zhou Shan:

"By the way, Academician Zhou, I have a question - is there a way to correct or optimize the disadvantages of donkey inbreeding?"

The inbreeding Xu Yunkou refers to does not refer to the hybrid behavior of mules born from horses and donkeys, but an academic definition:

Refers to the mating behavior of two animals with a common ancestor within three generations.

Most wild animals in nature avoid inbreeding, so most of the inbreeding of animals today occurs in the environment of artificial intervention.

in academic research.

This is the main means for humans to obtain a high degree of consistency in the traits of a certain animal.

simply put.

It is the selective breeding of purebred animals by humans.

One of the most representative is the breeding of pigeons.

For example, in the breeding of racing pigeons, people will select two pigeons that are very good at flying and have a strong memory of the route for breeding.

Among the offspring they breed, two optimal offspring are selected for inbreeding.

This will greatly increase the chances of producing high-quality racing pigeons, and the offspring of inbreeding are also called purebred pigeons.

Except pigeons.

The breeding method of inbreeding is also applied to other domesticated animals such as rabbits, horses, cats, dogs, etc.

In addition, there is also the concept of backcrossing, which can be understood literally.

But on the other hand.

Although the inbreeding of animals can produce animals with certain characteristics, their genes will have great defects.

Take donkeys for example.

Most of the donkeys produced by inbreeding are thin and small, and they generally suffer from congenital organ failure and are extremely prone to premature death.

Although inbreeding through artificial intervention, there is an opportunity to screen out native donkey individuals with strong hair.

But from the perspective of life, this is actually not friendly.

Xu Yun is not the kind of person who has the heart of a virgin, but he is not a pure businessman either.

At least for him to breed a bunch of local donkeys that died in one or two years for the sake of hair, this kind of thing is really not authentic.

Right now, he only has one donkey brother and seven native female donkeys. Regardless of the sex of the offspring, inbreeding is basically an inevitable result.

So if there is a chance, he still hopes to find a suitable balance point - at least he must be worthy of his donkey brother who came back from the Northern Song Dynasty dungeon, right?

Anyway, it's a shared adversity.

Facing Xu Yun's question, Zhou Shan soon had a smile on his face:

"Xiao Xu, you asked a very good question."

"Our native donkey sample currently has only one jackass, so inbreeding is predictably a high probability - unless another native jackass is found."

"But now, even Chairman Zheng's contacts can only find these six female donkeys, so the possibility of the existence of local male donkeys is not too high."

"So I think that in the next research, we can focus on how to neutralize the disadvantages of inbreeding of native donkeys, that is, functional gene recombination."

"Is functional gene recombination"

Xu Yun stroked his chin, and humbly asked:

"Academician Zhou, I don't know much about this direction. Can you tell me about the success rate of functional gene recombination in animals?"

Zhou Shan shook his head lightly, his face was not serious, but he was not very relaxed either:

"To be honest, the success rate is not very high."

"The current functional gene recombination technology for animal inbreeding is relatively limited. The most widely used is to do some fixed-point processing on the Cas9 segment, but organ failure will still occur."

"Actually, this can be seen from the news—if the technology is mature, many animals such as ligers will have a new future, and related news will definitely be very hot."

Saying that, Zhou Shan paused, and before Xu Yun could speak, he continued:

"But the good news is that there have been some signs of a breakthrough in this area not long ago - although it is not obvious, it is indeed promising."

"There is an article called "Inherent mosaicism and extensive mutation of human placentas" in nature, which states that many genetic abnormalities in the human body will be 'incorporated' by the placenta, leaving the normal ones to move on."

"Donkeys also have a placenta, so from this perspective, I think there may be a chance to make some breakthroughs."

"Anyway, there is still about a year before the donkey is born, and it will take more than half a year for the donkey to reach sexual maturity. We still have plenty of time."

Xu Yun nodded in agreement.

As Zhou Shan said.

Compared with other situations, the time limit of functional gene recombination is not so tight.


Speaking of genetic recombination, Zhou Shan slapped his forehead again, remembering something:

"Xiao Xu, I almost forgot one thing - the hair-increasing agent we developed for local donkeys is almost ready, and it just happens to be tested with these six female donkeys."

"Hair increaser?"

Xu Yun was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the words, and then his eyes widened:

"Academician Zhou, is what you said true?"

Zhou Shan nodded, gestured to the female donkeys a few times, and explained:

"Well, we analyzed native donkey hair and found that its follicles are very sensitive to oleanolic acid extracted from the water swerve."

"Average 1.0mg/ml oleanolic acid can speed up hair growth by 17.6% in simulated state."

"In addition, according to our research, DHT also has a high damage effect on donkey hair follicles."

"So we tried RU58841 as an AR binder to prevent DHT from invading hair follicle cells—this part of the experiment was mainly on hybrid donkeys and Pakistani donkeys, but the effect was equally promising."

"So after the donkey brother brings it over this time, I plan to let it try these two hair-increasing agents first, and if it is effective, it will be spread to all local donkeys."

"Very good!"

Hearing this, Xu Yun clasped his palms together, and a trace of joy appeared on his face:

"If the hair increaser is effective, with the addition of the six newly arrived local donkeys, the pace of many of our projects can be larger."

"Academician Zhou, I'm afraid you don't know that many people outside are waiting for our toothpaste to be launched."

I heard this.

Zheng Zu on the side also nodded in sympathy.

not long ago.

With the reversal of public opinion and word-of-mouth, not only the sales of "One Mantis Mie" products have increased,

The 100 sticks of Qingliu Yi'an bacteria toothpaste that Xu Yun and others tried to sell were also sold out one after another.

Now the first batch of users have given feedback. Although the total number of comments is not many, the content of the comments almost praises Qingzhao brand toothpaste to the sky.

After all, the effect of this thing is almost immediate.

At the same time, compared with the fifth-generation imidacloprid, the toothpaste market is not only five times or ten times larger in magnitude?

However, due to the limitation of donkey hair, the speed of toothpaste production is basically the same as squeezing toothpaste.

So if there is an unlimited supply of donkey hair.

This means that Yian Bacteria can be expanded in large quantities, and the picture will not be too beautiful at that time.

After that, Xu Yun continued to chat with Zheng Zu and Zhou Shan, molested the six donkey girls, and left the breeding center refreshed with his trouser belt tied.

After leaving the breeding center.

Xu Yun met Tian Liangwei at the parking lot, and the two returned to HKUST together.

Apart from welcoming Lu Xiao today, Xu Yun has one more thing to do.

That is.

The long-term storage research of orphan particles has reached the most critical node.

As the project leader and technical 'main attacker', of course Xu Yun had to be present in person.

When he rushed to the laboratory.

Including Lu Chaoyang, all members of the project team have already arrived at the scene first.

Well, Lu Chaoyang's team is also here.

Although Lu Chaoyang and Xu Yun have been divided into two research groups after completing the ground state treatment of isolated point particles on the first day.

But at this critical point and when there is a shortage of manpower, everyone will more or less come over and obligate to help.

Of course.

The premise is to have a good relationship between the two research groups.

In reality, there are some project teams that are at odds with each other. If you rush to ask the other party for help, you will "accidentally" make mistakes in some links.

"Hello, Dr. Tang."

"Morning, Miss Zhang."

"Have Xuemei Ye eaten?"

Afterwards, Xu Yun greeted everyone and walked quickly to the operating table.

Mentioned earlier.

When Xu Yun and his colleagues did the ground state experiments, the beam tube channel they used was a circular tube buried underground with a circumference of more than 400 meters.

But in reality, the gravity gradiometer has to go to the sky.

Therefore, if they want to use the lone point particles on the gravity gradiometer, Xu Yun and the others must complete another thing:

Long-term storage of isolated point particles that become entities.

However, after the ground state processing, the isolated point particles possess entities for only fifteen seconds.

The steady-state duration required for the application stage of the gravity gradiometer is at least a few hours, so a breakthrough must be made in this regard.

Now after more than a month of research, Xu Yun finally thought of a new plan.

After Xu Yun settled down.

Tang Fei, who has been in charge of equipment management, adjusted his glasses and said:

"Dr. Xu, we have adjusted the equipment according to your requirements, and we can start the experiment at any time."

Xu Yun nodded to him in greeting:

"Very well, thank you for your hard work."

After speaking, he whispered a few words to Lu Chaoyang, coughed lightly, and said to the audience:

"Okay, fellow juniors, seniors and seniors, now please give us a final report on the business status you are in charge of!"

After more than ten seconds.

Responses came from various locations in the laboratory:

"The medium resistance power supply is normal!"

"Time-dependent evolution wave function algorithm is normal!"

"The AMO value of the second-generation light source is normal!"

"The strong magnetic fields on both sides are normal!"

"The relative accuracy of the MATBG device is normal, the minimum value is 0.00003 degrees! The spatial resolution is four moiré periods"

"The takeaway has been ordered, today I will eat boiled fish!"

Seeing this, Xu Yun took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes:

"Since that's the case. Start the experiment in five minutes!"

Looking at the people who were gradually getting busy, Xu Yun felt a little nervous, which is rare.

This tension has nothing to do with mentality, but because

This is a 'measurement' of his self-ability:

In this experiment, he didn't use any thinking card plug-ins, and only relied on his existing ability to customize a specific plan throughout the whole process.

Before using wheat thinking card.

His upper limit of ability is probably the professor of general majors in 985 colleges and universities, that is, high-level professors, and popular majors may be above the sub-high level and below the high-level.

But after using the Wheat Thinking Card.

Xu Yun's ability has been greatly improved even if it is only a short hour for this kind of master possessed, which ranks among the top in the history of human science.

Not to mention that in the process of deriving Mersenne prime numbers, a large number of quotations and exquisite problem-solving skills are cited. This broadening of horizons is not just as simple as "gaining knowledge".

Therefore, Xu Yun is eager to know what kind of height his ability has reached.

So this time the experimental plan, he did not seek help from anyone or cheats, and completed the whole process independently.

The results of this experiment cannot affect the selection of professional titles, but it can be fed back to the published journal level.

And his entry point is

Let the isolated particle without any electricity be converted into a metastable electronic state for storage.

As for the negatively charged particles that 'denature' the isolated point particles, it is.


Mentioned earlier.

After the isolated point particle has an entity, some of its properties become somewhat similar to atoms.

Such as having a flat outer nuclear orbit.

After the project team detected the Fermi energy, it was found that the twist angle θ of this extranuclear orbit is very large, which is somewhat similar to the ecliptic inclination of Pluto.

In other words.

This is a track that can be "pripped".

so what.

Xu Yun intends to allow π mesons to enter this electronic extranuclear orbit. Since the spin of π mesons is 0, a hyperfine interaction will occur with the lone point particles.

You read that right, there is an interaction.

So who is the object of the "interaction"?

That's right.

Students with good memory should remember it.

At the beginning, the 4685Λ hyperon was handed over to the isolated point particle, it was a π meson (hehehe, I didn’t expect it)

This interaction will make the lone point particle have a superfluid-like property, and then irradiate it with a near-infrared light with a high resonance, it will have the appearance of a superfluid.

Conditions for activating the about-fee trap.

Yue Fei Well is a term that was only defined in 2019. It is so unpopular that you may not be able to find what it is.

But it doesn't matter if you can't find it, because even if you find it, you still can't understand cough cough

all in all.

This is an advanced version of the principle of a magneto-optical trap similar to a Penning trap. After success, it may 'extend' the life of particles with nanosecond lifetimes by more than 1,000 times.

The current lifespan of the solitary point particle is fifteen seconds, and if the lifespan is extended a thousand times, it will be fifteen thousand seconds.

It's just over four hours.

Although for the gravity gradiometer, this time may still not be enough.

But the discussion at that stage already belongs to the category of battery life, which is so much simpler than the current part of leaving the laboratory that I don’t know where it is going.

five minutes later.

After everything is debugged, the experiment officially begins.

Xu Yun and the others are still using the same set of light sources today, and the process of the first half has basically remained the same.

It is still emitting a mixed beam.

Then the collimator determines the coupling parameters through photons that do not participate in the reaction, and a ceramic plate with water-added borax falls from above the channel

4685Λ hyperon deceleration.

Then it hits another P-type semiconductor, and the baryon number loses its conservation.

In as little as 10-^15 seconds.

Tens of thousands of π mesons appear around the P-type semiconductor.

Lone particles are attracted by them, and instantly 'teleport' back.

After merging with a meson, briefly gained physicality.

The lifetime of this entity state is

15 seconds.

Follow normal conditions.

At this time, the temperature should be lowered and cooled, and then the magnetic optical trap should be used to capture the isolated particles.

But today, Xu Yun and others did not follow this step.

Watch the gradually decreasing numbers on the display.

Zhang Han, who was in charge of operating the laser equipment, immediately pressed another button.


A soft x-ray of 4.96×10^16 Hz is emitted, and the corresponding energy level can be calculated through the energy conversion publicity.

202 electron volts.

at the same time.

A stable quadrupole magnetic field with an inclination angle of 14.563 degrees appears around the isolated particle.

In conjunction with soft x-rays, an anomalous Nernst effect appears.

Two seconds later.

Another research team member pressed a yellow button.

0.001 seconds passed.

A large number of negative hydrogen ions combined by protons and 2 electrons are ejected, and the principle of weak equivalence is expanded.


After 5.77 seconds.

A small crack appeared in the already tilted extranuclear orbit of a single point particle

call out--

A π-meson is like a Wu sign attached to the body, and when it sees the needle, it quickly rushes into the extranuclear orbit of the lone point particle.

at the same time.

The computer background that detected the change in the π-meson cyclotron frequency ratio again manipulated the laser port to emit a ray of light, and the unit is .

183760 GHz.

after 35 nanoseconds.

A mutation occurred:

(n, l)=(17, 16)→(17, 15)

Then under the 'rubbing' of the previous negative hydrogen ions.

A large number of isolated particles gather together to form a microscopic field of


And to this point.

The next thing is very simple.

Children's boots who have studied high school physics should have heard the teacher say the same sentence:

Uncharged particles are not deflected in a magnetic field.

When I meet some indifferent teachers, I will promote this sentence to "uncharged particles will not be affected by magnetic fields".

But in the field of quantum chromodynamics, this knowledge is not the same.

Almost any particle can be affected by an external magnetic field, even if it is not charged - the effect here is not deflection, but something else.

This involves a concept of electromagnetically coupled modes and multipole moment expansion.

Known from quantum mechanics.

Particles are dispersed in space and have a certain charge distribution, so particles can have non-zero multipole moments.

Generally speaking.

The particle whose spin is J can have 2J+1 electromagnetic multipole moments.

One particle is an electron, which has a spin of 1/2.

So it has 1 electric zero pole moment (charge) and one magnetic dipole moment (magnetic moment).

The most common multipole moments of a microscopic particle are charge, magnetic moment and electric quadrupole moment.

For example, if you put a neutron in a magnetic field, it will also have spin and magnetic field coupling.

This belongs to the category of electromagnetic interaction—by the way, electromagnetic interaction not only involves magnetic fields, but also elastic force and the force between proteins are all electromagnetic interactions.

The only particles that are known to not interact electromagnetically are neutrinos.

Other than that.

Even photons can do the same thing - if your head is not afraid of dizziness, you can look up what virtual photons are.

all in all.

Particles are all affected by electromagnetic interactions, and the same is true of the specially processed solitary particle 'dough'.

When the lifespan of the lonely point particle is only 4 seconds.

A well-prepared Yuefei trap fell instantly, tightly hooping the 'dough' together.

See this situation.

Everyone on the console couldn't help but slow down their breathing at the same time.

If the 'dough' is still there after four seconds.

This means that their experiment is not to say completely successful, at least they have made a breakthrough.

But if the 'dough' disappears, it means

that's all.

Under everyone's gaze, time slowly began to pass.

4 seconds.

3 seconds.

2 seconds.

1 second.

When the clock hits the fifth second, 'dough'.

Still did not disappear.

See this situation.

Li Ruo'an, who was in charge of radio frequency field debugging, suddenly thought of something, and quickly tapped the keyboard.

After more than ten seconds.

He raised his head abruptly, and looked at Xu Yun with bright eyes:

"Dr. Xu, the decay of ground-state isolated point particles has slowed down!"

"According to the observation of the perturbation wave function, the decay period of these isolated point particles in the Jofer trap is."

"About 4.6 hours!"

I heard this.

The scene fell silent.

After a while.

A burst of cheers suddenly resounded throughout the laboratory:



Xu Yun on the console also swung his fist vigorously, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

This is a technological breakthrough achieved by his own efforts, which is extraordinary in significance.

Also in terms of results.

This is a result that is several times more difficult than ground state processing.

If the ground state treatment can only be shortlisted for ordinary papers in the first area, then this "life extension" technological breakthrough is undoubtedly

CNS-level results——the kind of the main journal.

At present, the annual publication volume of the main journal of CNS is about 4,000 articles, and the number of Chinese authors is about 200 articles a year. (The new platform of web of science can be retrieved)

It is obviously a proud achievement for a 25-year-old young man to publish CNS as a work.

Of course.


There are many great people in the world. Although the case of developing CNS at the age of 25 is not common, it is not an isolated case.

For example, Cao Yuan Cao Shen, who also came from the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China.

At the age of 22, he published two papers in "Nature" as the first author and co-corresponding author.

Up to now.

Cao Yuan, who is 28 years old this year, has published 8 Nature papers + 1 Science paper, and even managed to publish 4 papers a year.

As for the global scope, it is even more outrageous.

For example, the youngest publisher of "cell" is Danielle Bassett, who just passed her 17th birthday three days before publishing "cell".

The youngest work of "Nature" in the world is called Konstantin Batygin, who is a member of the Pluto killer Mike Brown's team.

He was only 18 years old when the first work was released.

Compared with these geniuses, Xu Yun still has a long way to go.

Think here.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down.

Then he took out his cell phone and made a call.

After a while.

Academician Pan's voice came from the opposite side:

"Hello, Xiao Xu?"

Do not know why.

When hearing Academician Pan's voice, Xu Yun always felt that something was wrong with his tone.

But this was just a hunch he had no basis for, so he quickly dispelled the thought and talked about the business:

"...Teacher, this is almost the case. Now it seems that the isolated particle should be out of the laboratory."

Academician Pan, who was on the other end of the phone, quietly listened to Xu Yun's introduction. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said:

"Xiao Xu, you said that you applied a Jofer trap to the ground-state isolated point particles, right? That's the case."

"Have you and Xiao Lu done research on the electromagnetic interaction force of the lone point particles that have not yet formed a ground state?"


Xu Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, and subconsciously said:

"I haven't done it. Isn't this the project that you and Academician Zhao are in charge of, teacher?"

There was another silence on the opposite side.

Just when Xu Yun thought that there was a problem with the signal, Academician Pan's voice sounded faintly again, even with a hint of...


"You and Xiao Lu hurry up and make an observation now, and you will understand what's going on then."

Then Academician Pan paused, and added:

"Prepare quick-acting heart-rescuing pills when you see the results, something serious has happened."

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