Into Unscientific

Chapter 404 A day recorded in the history of human science (Part 1) (Thanks to Vera for the leader!!


After hanging up the phone.

beep beep——

Listen to the busy tone coming from the microphone.

Xu Yun couldn't help turning his head to look at Lu Chaoyang who was at the side.

The loudspeaker was turned on during the call between him and Academician Pan, so Lu Chaoyang could clearly hear what Academician Pan said.

After meeting eyes.

Both Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang saw a trace of astonishment in each other's eyes at the same time.

Dumb faces.jpg.

after awhile.

Xu Yun took the initiative to speak. After all, he is a little bit younger than Lu Chaoyang:

"Professor Lu, what do you think?"


Lu Chaoyang was silent for a moment, and a sentence came out of his mouth:

"Why don't we eat takeaway first?"

Xu Yun: "?"

Of course.

Lu Chaoyang's words were obviously a joke to enliven the atmosphere, and soon he coughed lightly, his face becoming more serious:

"Xiao Xu, you also know the teacher's personality. Although he occasionally jokes with everyone on weekdays, his mentality has always been stable."

"For a person like him who can make such a mountain collapse in front of him without changing his face, the point is obviously unlikely to be purely some experimental values, if my guess is correct."

"That should be a phenomenon related to electromagnetic interaction, a phenomenon that may have a severe impact on the existing physical building."

Xu Yun nodded in agreement.

When it comes to mentality, Academician Pan ranks firmly among the top few people he knows.

well known.

Over the years, Opposite the Sea has been focusing on the starry sky above our heads, and projects such as Starlink have emerged in an endless stream.

From the launch of the first batch of Starlink satellites on May 24, 2019 to now, SpaceX has successfully launched 44 batches of Starlink satellites.

For each launch, 57-60 satellites can be put into low earth orbit.

As of now.

The number of orbiting satellites planned by Starlink has reached 2,248.

In 2021.

Starlink satellites have approached the Huaxia Space Station twice. For safety reasons, the Chinese Space Station complex has implemented two emergency collision avoidances.

Their purpose is to occupy all satellite orbits with Starlink satellites, which directly threatens the space security of our country.

In this context, the national quantum satellite program came into being.

Academician Pan is in charge of this project.

The total funding of the country's entire credit plan is as high as 100 billion, and the amount that has already been placed exceeds 10 billion. Mozi is one of the results of the project.

Such a huge amount of funds, coupled with the fact that the current quantum encryption communication technology is far from mature.

Therefore, Academician Pan has been questioned a lot.

Among them are normal worries.

There are also condemnations for not recognizing quantum mechanics.

There is also a personal attack on Academician Pan, such as saying that he is a big fool-in fact, if you think about it, you know, how can a project that can make the country invest hundreds of billions of funds, how can it be possible to fool it with just one mouth?

There were no less than a hundred academicians who participated in the discussions before and after the whole project, and Academician Pan was just the person in charge jointly elected.

Fortunately, with the birth of Mozi and Zu Chongzhi's computer, and Anton Zeilinger winning the Nobel Prize, these voices have become much quieter recently.

all in all.

As a person who has been on the cusp of the storm all year round, Academician Pan's mentality has long been tempered to be as firm as a rock.

That's why his voice trembled.

Take a real example.

This is equivalent to the kind of job that should be done one day. Big-eyed Tianrui said Fu Banana and they changed 30,000 a day at the same time, and it lasted for a week.

Think here.

Xu Yun's scalp was slightly numb.

Then he took a deep breath, looked at Lu Chaoyang, and said:

"Professor Lu, since that's the case, let's prepare and see the result as the teacher said?"

Lu Chaoyang nodded, expressing his agreement:

"no problem."

Afterwards, the two briefly talked about the situation with everyone in the project team, and they naturally had no objections.

This is a common situation in the laboratory, not to mention temporary overtime, sometimes it is normal to lay the floor in the laboratory.

Besides, as relevant people, they were also very curious about what made Academician Pan lose his composure.

Since this is an experiment decided on ad hoc basis, there is no customized pre-plan.

So the first thing Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang have to do is to determine the specific operation process and various values.

"Electromagnetic interactions of lone particles in the raw state."

The side of the operating table.

Lu Chaoyang thought for a while, and quickly wrote down a few words on the paper.

Then draw a circle around them with a pen:

"Xiao Xu, what do you think of the idea of ​​resonance amplification?"

Xu Yun thought for a moment, then nodded:

"I think it's doable."

well known.

In the universe we live in, there are four basic interactions, that is, the four fundamental forces.

they are, respectively:

strong interaction,

weak interaction,

gravitational interaction,

and electromagnetic interactions.

Use force to describe.

These are the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, and gravity.

Among them, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force only work on the scale of atoms and subatoms, that is, neutrons, protons to quarks.

So in the macroscopic world, you will not perceive these two forces.

The so-called strong nuclear force refers to the binding (sticking) of quarks together by gluons like glue to form neutrons and protons.

The weak nuclear force is the push that affects radioactive decay, causing a neutron to decay into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino.

Students who have engaged in mushroom bombs or been bombed by mushroom bombs should know it.

Nuclear fission is a process of radioactive decay in which heavier nuclei split into lighter nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy,

So nuclear weapons are mainly related to the weak nuclear force.

The so-called small universe in "Saint Seiya" also essentially refers to the weak nuclear force.

So the phrase "burn my small universe" can also be called "decay, my weak nuclear force".

In addition, the Light Speed ​​Fist of the Golden Saint Seiya is essentially a photon exchange ahem, so it won't destroy childhood.

The strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force are also called short-range forces because of their short-term effects.

The gravitational force and electromagnetic force can be reflected in the macroscopic, so they are called long-range force.

mentioned earlier.

The concept of electromagnetic interaction involves a very wide range. Elasticity, friction, and forces in all biological systems are all macroscopic manifestations of electromagnetic force.

At present, the only particle that does not interact electromagnetically is the neutrino, which is an isolated case.


It is not easy to detect electromagnetic interactions between particles.

Especially after the object is replaced with a special particle called a solitary point particle, the difficulty becomes countless times higher.

After all, what Academician Pan is talking about is the isolated point particle that has not been processed in the ground state. In layman's terms, it means that there is no 'entity'.

So if you want to detect the electromagnetic interaction of isolated particles, you must use some other foreign objects.

For example.

The resonance amplification mentioned by Lu Chaoyang.

The core idea of ​​resonance amplification is actually almost the same as the Cavendish torsion balance.

That is to amplify a phenomenon with a small magnitude into an observable state through some medium—it’s just that the Cavendish torsion balance is for the naked eye, while the former is for equipment.

After getting Xu Yun's unanimous opinion, Lu Chaoyang scratched his head again:

"The idea is settled, but how to enlarge this thing. How about we make a single chip with source quality?"

Xu Yun pondered for a few seconds, and when he glanced at the channel of the second-generation light source from the corner of his eye, his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Professor Lu, how about we start with spinning?"

Then he stretched out the index fingers of both hands and made a parallel gesture:

"Look, the spins of electrons are either parallel or antiparallel, right?"

"Then let's create a parallel and antiparallel alternating beam of electrons and let them hit the lead particles."

"At that time, they will have a high probability of annihilation and become photons, and the photons will regenerate into a pair of positive and negative quarks."

"However, due to the existence of quark confinement, quarks will not be directly detected in the end, but will undergo hadronization and become a bunch of hadrons ejected along the direction of the original quarks."

"And the 4685Λ hyperon is a kind of hadron, so in the final experiment, we must be able to see a group of particles appearing in two opposite directions."

"The magnitude of the annihilation is enough to amplify the subtle reaction, and then it is enough to compare the trajectory of the jet in the opposite direction."

Lu Chaoyang quietly listened to Xu Yun's thoughts, but he did not completely relax his frown:

"This is indeed a way to amplify, but Xiao Xu, how can we find the 4685Λ superson and so on!"

The words are not finished.

Lu Chaoyang suddenly realized something, and turned to look at Xu Yun:

"The track?"

Xu Yun nodded vigorously:

"That's right."

These days, the orbits of all the particles can only be deduced through the cloud chamber, except for the 4685Λ hyperon hyperon.


It has a known probability orbit!

That is the orbit that Xu Yun calculated at the beginning, where the isolated particle was discovered by Zhao Zhengguo and Academician Pan, and which triggered the love story of the particle!

In other words.

As long as Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang preprocess according to the wave function of the orbit, they will be able to measure the electromagnetic interaction of isolated particles. .

Because from the birth to the death, the lone particle is all associated with the 4685Λ hyperon.

Think here.

The next thing is very simple.

Academician Pan was able to tell Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang to start experimenting now. Apart from having confidence in them, there was another hidden meaning:

That is the current level of equipment in the laboratory, which can fully afford the accuracy required by related experiments.

So soon.

Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang set the relevant values ​​on the spot.

"Parallel and antiparallel alternating 100 times a second should be enough?"

"There is no problem in mathematics, but let's be a little safer and increase it to 200 times."

"Okay, what about the scattering probability of the 4685Λ hyperon?"

"Wait a minute, I'm calculating about 3 out of 5000."

"3/5000, that is, 30 sets of data may be produced in about four minutes. So how about setting the time to 80 minutes?"

"walk slowly."

"What about the coupling area? How much should it be?"

"1mm should be enough."

"Abaa baa baa baa."

that's all.

half an hour later.

Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang quickly finalized the experimental plan.

Then Tang Fei, Zhang Han and other tool workers came forward to enter the correlation coefficient setting into the computer program.

Another ten minutes passed.

A reply came from the scheduling center of the Tongfu Lab of HKUST:

The second-generation light source, electron beam and lead particle beam used in the experiment have all been prepared, and the experiment time allocated to Xu Yun's team is two hours.

Since the whole process takes place inside the beam pipe, there is no room for any operation outside except pressing the start button.

So after the device boots.

Xu Yun and others went

We ate takeaway.

In fact, according to the normal situation.

In the case of successfully breaking through the lifetime of orphan particles, the atmosphere of this meal should be very active:

Everyone will discuss the publication date of the paper and imagine the scene where their signature appears on the published article.

He might even coax Xu Yun to treat him or give him a big sword.

But as the experiment arranged by Academician Pan proceeded, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little dull.

Everyone is wondering about one thing:

What was that phenomenon that made Academician Pan tremble and even panic?

half an hour later.

Everyone hastily finished the takeaway and returned to the laboratory.

Then Xu Yun came to Liang Haoran who had been sitting on the main control device, and asked him:

"Brother, how is the situation?"

Liang Haoran was frowning slightly at this time, pointing to the screen on the console and saying:

"Dr. Xu, look at this."

Hearing this, Xu Yun put his head in front of the screen.

It can be seen through monitoring equipment.

At this time, the collision in the circular pipe is still going on normally, and the current distribution radius of the scattered particles is still within the preset range.

But soon.

Xu Yun let out a sigh and found a problem:

"Huh? The screw field is only left-handed?"

Liang Haoran nodded, and opened a more detailed page:

"That's right, according to the reality of our observations, lone point particles have the characteristics of self-coupling, that is, non-Abelian groups."

"But I did a vector analysis in the isospin space, and after adding the electron's left-hand field—that is, the left-hand field vector of the parallel electron beam we emitted, an EY group appeared."

"There is something special about this EY group, that is, it has an eigenstate with a mass of 0."

Xu Yun frowned suddenly.

The left-handed field and the right-handed field do not refer to whether you use your left hand or your right hand. This is a concept belonging to the fermion spinor field.

This concept does not need to be deeply understood. In short, after the EY group formed by such a phase transformation is formed, the mass eigenstates of all particles are non-zero.

Of all the known particles, only the neutrino ever had a value of zero—it did, because after the discovery of neutrino oscillations, it also had a value other than zero.

Think here.

Ye Zhi, who was in charge of ordering food, blinked and asked curiously:

"Senior Xu, is this the result Academician Pan wants us to see?"

Hearing this, Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang looked at each other, then shook their heads slightly:

"The possibility is very low. Didn't Professor Lu just say that something that can make the teacher lose his temper cannot be just a numerical value."

"Let's wait a little longer."

Everyone has no opinion.

Afterwards, everyone returned to their positions one by one. Taking advantage of the gap between the collision, they either swiped their phones, or closed their eyes to rest their minds.

Xu Yun and Tian Liangwei just ran back and forth to the airport in the morning. The hundreds of kilometers of travel consumed a lot of energy, and he was really tired.

So he pulled the unoccupied stool in front of him, took a blanket, and rested with his feet up.

I do not know how long it has been.

Lu Zhaoyang's voice suddenly sounded beside the drowsy Xu Yun:

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu, wake up!"

Subconsciously, Xu Yun was always concerned about the results of the experiment. Hearing this, he immediately opened his eyes and looked at Lu Chaoyang quickly:

"Professor Lu, is there a result?"

Lu Chaoyang nodded heavily, and raised a report in his hand.

Xu Yun could clearly see that Lu Chaoyang's fingers were trembling slightly.

After a while.

Lu Chaoyang took a deep breath, and slowly said:

"Xiao Xu, according to our measurement results, the lone point particle"

"Except for gravitational interactions with other particles, the remaining strong interactions, weak interactions, and electromagnetic interactions are not involved."

When Xu Yun heard this, he immediately stood there in a daze.


The content of this paragraph is eaten with the title of Chapter 358-359, and the taste is better~

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